11 resultados para k(L)a
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Intra-and inter-population genetic variability and the demographic history of Heliothis virescens (F.) populations were evaluated by using mtDNA markers (coxI, coxII and nad6) with samples from the major cotton-and soybean-producing regions in Brazil in the growing seasons 2007/08, 2008/09 and 2009/10. AMOVA indicated low and non-significant genetic structure, regardless of geographical scale, growing season or crop, with most of genetic variation occurring within populations. Clustering analyzes also indicated low genetic differentiation. The haplotype network obtained with combined datasets resulted in 35 haplotypes, with 28 exclusive occurrences, four of them sampled only from soybean fields. The minimum spanning network showed star-shaped structures typical of populations that underwent a recent demographic expansion. The recent expansion was supported by other demographic analyzes, such as the Bayesian skyline plot, the unimodal distribution of paired differences among mitochondrial sequences, and negative and significant values of neutrality tests for the Tajima's D and Fu's F-S parameters. In addition, high values of haplotype diversity ((H) over cap) and low values of nucleotide diversity (pi), combined with a high number of low frequency haplotypes and values of theta(pi)<theta(W), suggested a recent demographic expansion of H. virescens populations in Brazil. This demographic event could be responsible for the low genetic structure currently found; however, haplotypes present uniquely at the same geographic regions and from one specific host plant suggest an initial differentiation among H. virescens populations within Brazil.
Knowledge of the He-3(He-3,2p)He-4 reaction is important for understanding stellar burning and solar neutrino production. Previous measurements have found a surprisingly large rise in the cross section at low energies that could be due to a low-energy resonance in the He-3 + He-3 (Be-6) system or electron screening. In the Be-6 nucleus, however, no excited states have been observed above the first 2(+) state at E (x) = 1.67 MeV up to 23 MeV, even though several are expected. The H-2(Be-7,H-3)Be-6 reaction has been studied for the first time to search for resonances in the Be-6 nucleus that may affect our understanding of the He-3(He-3,2p)He-4 reaction. A 100-MeV radioactive Be-7 beam from the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) was used to bombard CD2 targets, and tritons were detected by using the silicon detector array (SIDAR). A combination of reaction mechanisms appears to be necessary to explain the observed triton energy spectrum.
Let k and l be positive integers. With a graph G, we associate the quantity c(k,l)(G), the number of k-colourings of the edge set of G with no monochromatic matching of size l. Consider the function c(k,l) : N --> N given by c(k,l)(n) = max {c(k,l)(G): vertical bar V(G)vertical bar = n}, the maximum of c(k,l)(G) over all graphs G on n vertices. In this paper, we determine c(k,l)(n) and the corresponding extremal graphs for all large n and all fixed values of k and l.
This paper presents an extension of the Enestrom-Kakeya theorem concerning the roots of a polynomial that arises from the analysis of the stability of Brown (K, L) methods. The generalization relates to relaxing one of the inequalities on the coefficients of the polynomial. Two results concerning the zeros of polynomials will be proved, one of them providing a partial answer to a conjecture by Meneguette (1994)[6]. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
For fixed positive integers r, k and E with 1 <= l < r and an r-uniform hypergraph H, let kappa(H, k, l) denote the number of k-colorings of the set of hyperedges of H for which any two hyperedges in the same color class intersect in at least l elements. Consider the function KC(n, r, k, l) = max(H epsilon Hn) kappa(H, k, l), where the maximum runs over the family H-n of all r-uniform hypergraphs on n vertices. In this paper, we determine the asymptotic behavior of the function KC(n, r, k, l) for every fixed r, k and l and describe the extremal hypergraphs. This variant of a problem of Erdos and Rothschild, who considered edge colorings of graphs without a monochromatic triangle, is related to the Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem (Erdos et al., 1961 [8]) on intersecting systems of sets. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The xylose conversion to ethanol by Pichia stipitis was studied. In a first step, the necessity of supplementing the fermentation medium with urea. MgSO(4) x 7H(2)O, and/or yeast extract was evaluated through a 2(3) full factorial design. The simultaneous addition of these three nutritional sources to the fermentation medium, in concentrations of 2.3, 1.0, and 3.0 g/l, respectively, showed to be important to improve the ethanol production in detriment of the substrate conversion to cell. In a second stage, fermentation assays performed in a bioreactor under different K(L)a (volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient) conditions made possible understanding the influence of the oxygen transfer on yeast performance, as well as to define the most suitable range of values for an efficient ethanol production. The most promising region to perform this bioconversion process was found to be between 2.3 and 4.9 h(-1), since it promoted the highest ethanol production results with practically exhaustion of the xylose from the medium. These findings contribute for the development of an economical and efficient technology for large scale production of second generation ethanol. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Witzkeite, ideally Na4K4Ca(NO3)(2)(SO4)(4)center dot 2H(2)O, is a new mineral found in the oxidation zone of the guano mining field at Punta de Lobos, Tarapaca region, Chile. It occurs as colorless, tabular crystals up to 140 mu m in length, associated with dittmanite and nitratine. Witzkeite is colorless and transparent, with a white streak and a vitreous luster. It is brittle, with Molts hardness 2 and distinct cleavage on {001}. Measured density is 2.40(2) g/cm(3), calculated density is 2.403 g/cm(3). Witzkeite is biaxial (-) with refractive indexes alpha = 1.470(5), beta = 1.495(5), gamma = 1.510(5), measured 2V = 50-70 degrees. The empirical composition is (electron microprobe, mean of five analyses, H2O, CO2, and N2O5 by gas chromatography; wt%): Na2O 12.83, K2O 22.64, CaO 7.57, FeO 0.44, SO3 39.96, N2O5 12.7, H2O 4.5, total 100.64; CO2 was not detected. The chemical formula, calculated based on 24 O, is: Na3.40K3.95Ca1.11Fe0.05(NO3)(1.93)(SO4)(4.10)(H4.10O1.81). Witzkeite is monoclinic, space group C2/c, with unit-cell parameters: a = 24.902(2), b = 5.3323(4), c = 17.246(1) angstrom, beta = 94.281(7)degrees, V = 2283.6(3) angstrom(3) (Z = 4). The crystal structure was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data and refined to R-1(F) = 0.043. Witzkeite belongs to a new structure type and is noteworthy for the very rare simultaneous presence of sulfate and nitrate groups. The eight strongest X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I in %) (h k l)] are: 12.38 (100) (2 0 0), 4.13 (19) (6 0 0), 3.10 (24) (8 0 0), 2.99 (7) ((8) over bar 02), 2.85 (6) (8 02), 2.69 (9) ((7) over bar 1 3), 2.48 (12) (10 0 0), and 2.07 (54) (12 0 0). The IR spectrum of witzkeite was collected in the range 390-4000 cm(-1). The spectrum shows the typical bands of SO42- ions (1192, 1154, 1116, 1101, 1084, 993, 634, and 617 cm(-1)) and of NO3- ions (1385, 1354, 830, 716, and 2775 cm(-1)). Moreover, a complex pattern of bands related to H2O is visible (bands at 3565, 3419, 3260, 2405, 2110, 1638, and 499 cm(-1)). The IR spectrum is discussed in detail.
Few studies have reported the molecular epidemiological characterization of HIV-1 in the Northern region of Brazil. The present study reports the molecular and epidemiological characterization of 31 HIV-1 isolates from blood donors from the State of Amazonas who donated blood between April 2006 and March 2007. Serum/plasma samples from all donors were screened for HIV antibodies by ELISA and the results confirmed by Western blot analysis. Genomic DNA was extracted from the buffy coat using the Super Quik-Gene-DNA Isolation kit. Nested PCR was performed on the env, gag, and pol regions of HIV-1 using the Gene Amp PCR System 9700. Sequencing reactions were performed using the inner PCR primers and the DYEnamic (TM) ET Dye Terminator Kit, and phylogenetic analysis was performed using the gag, pol, and env gene sequences. We collected samples from 31 blood donors who tested positive for HIV-1 in confirmatory experiments. The male: female ratio of blood donors was 3.4:1, and the mean age was 32.4 years (range: 19 to 61 years). Phylogenetic analysis showed that subtype B is the most prevalent among Northern Brazilian HIV-1-seropositive blood donors. One HIV-1 subtype C and one circulating recombinant form (CRF_BF) of HIV-1 were identified in the State of Amazonas. This is the first study showing the occurrence of a possible "homogenous" subtype C in this region of Brazil. This finding could contribute to a better characterization of the HIV-1 strains that circulate in the country.
Nisin is a promising alternative to chemical preservatives for use as a natural biopreservative in foods. This bacteriocin has also potential biomedical applications. Lactic acid bacteria are commonly cultivated in expensive standard complex media. We have evaluated the cell growth and nisin production of Lactococcus lactis in a low-cost natural medium consisting of diluted skimmed milk in a 2-L bioreactor. The assays were performed at 30 degrees C for 56 h, at varying agitation speeds and airflow rates: (1) 200 rpm (no airflow, and airflow at 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 L/min); (2) 100 rpm (no airflow, and airflow at 0.5 L/min). Nisin activity was evaluated using agar diffusion assays. The highest nisin concentration, 49.88 mg/L (3.3 log AU/mL or 1,995.29 AU/mL), was obtained at 16 h of culture, 200 rpm and no airflow (k(L)a = 5.29 x 10(-3)). These results show that a cultivation medium composed of diluted skimmed milk supports cell growth to facilitate nisin biosynthesis.
Few studies have reported the molecular epidemiological characterization of HIV-1 in the Northern region of Brazil. The present study reports the molecular and epidemiological characterization of 31 HIV-1 isolates from blood donors from the State of Amazonas who donated blood between April 2006 and March 2007. Serum/plasma samples from all donors were screened for HIV antibodies by ELISA and the results confirmed by Western blot analysis. Genomic DNA was extracted from the buffy coat using the Super Quik-Gene-DNA Isolation kit. Nested PCR was performed on the env, gag, and pol regions of HIV-1 using the Gene Amp PCR System 9700. Sequencing reactions were performed using the inner PCR primers and the DYEnamic™ ET Dye Terminator Kit, and phylogenetic analysis was performed using the gag, pol, and env gene sequences. We collected samples from 31 blood donors who tested positive for HIV-1 in confirmatory experiments. The male:female ratio of blood donors was 3.4:1, and the mean age was 32.4 years (range: 19 to 61 years). Phylogenetic analysis showed that subtype B is the most prevalent among Northern Brazilian HIV-1-seropositive blood donors. One HIV-1 subtype C and one circulating recombinant form (CRF_BF) of HIV-1 were identified in the State of Amazonas. This is the first study showing the occurrence of a possible "homogenous" subtype C in this region of Brazil. This finding could contribute to a better characterization of the HIV-1 strains that circulate in the country.
We analyze the transport of heat along a chain of particles interacting through anharmonic potentials consisting of quartic terms in addition to harmonic quadratic terms and subject to heat reservoirs at its ends. Each particle is also subject to an impulsive shot noise with exponentially distributed waiting times whose effect is to change the sign of its velocity, thus conserving the energy of the chain. We show that the introduction of this energy conserving stochastic noise leads to Fourier's law. That is for large system size L the heat current J behaves as J ‘approximately’ 1/L, which amounts to say that the conductivity k is constant. The conductivity is related to the current by J = kΔT/L, where ΔT is the difference in the temperatures of the reservoirs. The behavior of heat conductivity k for small intensities¸ of the shot noise and large system sizes L are obtained by assuming a scaling behavior of the type k = ‘L POT a Psi’(L’lambda POT a/b’) where a and b are scaling exponents. For the pure harmonic case a = b = 1, characterizing a ballistic conduction of heat when the shot noise is absent. For the anharmonic case we found values for the exponents a and b smaller then 1 and thus consistent with a superdiffusive conduction of heat without the shot noise. We also show that the heat conductivity is not constant but is an increasing function of temperature.