13 resultados para Treatment adherence

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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This cross-sectional and quantitative study aimed to analyze the relationship among social support, adherence to non-pharmacological (diet and physical exercise) and pharmacological treatments (insulin and/or oral anti-diabetic medication) and clinical and metabolic control of 162 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Data were collected through instruments validated for Brazil. Social support was directly correlated with treatment adherence. Adherence to non-pharmacological treatment was inversely correlated with body mass index, and medication adherence was inversely correlated with diastolic blood pressure. There were no associations between social support and clinical and metabolic control variables. Findings indicate that social support can be useful to achieve treatment adherence. Studies with other designs should be developed to broaden the analysis of relations between social support and other variables.


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Background: Non-adherence to treatment has been identified as the main cause of uncontrolled blood pressure (BP), and may represent a greater risk in older individuals. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the rate of adherence to hypertension treatment using different methods, to estimate the BP control rate, and to observe if there is an association between BP control and adherence. Methods: Treatment adherence was evaluated in older patients with hypertension, followed by the public primary health care, through four methods, including the Morisky-Green test (reference), the Attitude regarding the Medication Intake questionnaire (AMI), an evaluation of adherence by the nurse in the office (Nurse Adherence Evaluation - NAE), and at home (Home Adherence Evaluation - HAE). Salt intake was estimated by 24-hour sodium urinary excretion. BP control was assessed by the awake ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Results: Concordance between the Morisky-Green test and AMI (Kappa=0.27) or NAE (Kappa=0.05) was poor. There was a moderate concordance between the Morisky-Green test and HAE. Eighty percent had controlled BP, including 42% with white-coat effect. The group with lower salt excretion informed to avoid salt intake more times (p<0.001) and had better medication adherence (p<0.001) than the higher salt excretion group. Conclusion: The evaluated tests did not show a good concordance to the Morisky-Green test. Adherence to hypertension treatment was low; however, there was a high rate of BP control when subjects with the white-coat effect were included in the analysis. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(1):636-641)


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OBJECTIVE: Despite the high prevalence of substance abuse and mood disorders among victimized children and adolescents, few studies have investigated the association of these disorders with treatment adherence, represented by numbers of visits per month and treatment duration. We aimed to investigate the effects of substance abuse and mood disorders on treatment adherence and duration in a special programfor victimized children in Sao Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 351 participants were evaluated for psychiatric disorders and classified into one of five groups: mood disorders alone; substance abuse disorders alone; mood and substance abuse disorders; other psychiatric disorders; no psychiatric disorders. The associations between diagnostic classification and adherence to treatment and the duration of program participation were tested with logistic regression and survival analysis, respectively. RESULTS: Children with mood disorders alone had the highest rate of adherence (79.5%); those with substance abuse disorders alone had the lowest (40%); and those with both disorders had an intermediate rate of adherence (50%). Those with other psychiatric disorders and no psychiatric disorders also had high rates of adherence (75.6% and 72.9%, respectively). Living with family significantly increased adherence for children with substance abuse disorders but decreased adherence for those with no psychiatric disorders. The diagnostic correlates of duration of participation were similar to those for adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Mood and substance abuse disorders were strong predictive factors for treatment adherence and duration, albeit in opposite directions. Living with family seems to have a positive effect on treatment adherence for patients with substance abuse disorders. More effective treatment is needed for victimized substance-abusing youth.


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OBJECTIVE: Despite the high prevalence of substance abuse and mood disorders among victimized children and adolescents, few studies have investigated the association of these disorders with treatment adherence, represented by numbers of visits per month and treatment duration. We aimed to investigate the effects of substance abuse and mood disorders on treatment adherence and duration in a special program for victimized children in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 351 participants were evaluated for psychiatric disorders and classified into one of five groups: mood disorders alone; substance abuse disorders alone; mood and substance abuse disorders; other psychiatric disorders; no psychiatric disorders. The associations between diagnostic classification and adherence to treatment and the duration of program participation were tested with logistic regression and survival analysis, respectively. RESULTS: Children with mood disorders alone had the highest rate of adherence (79.5%); those with substance abuse disorders alone had the lowest (40%); and those with both disorders had an intermediate rate of adherence (50%). Those with other psychiatric disorders and no psychiatric disorders also had high rates of adherence (75.6% and 72.9%, respectively). Living with family significantly increased adherence for children with substance abuse disorders but decreased adherence for those with no psychiatric disorders. The diagnostic correlates of duration of participation were similar to those for adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Mood and substance abuse disorders were strong predictive factors for treatment adherence and duration, albeit in opposite directions. Living with family seems to have a positive effect on treatment adherence for patients with substance abuse disorders. More effective treatment is needed for victimized substance-abusing youth


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This study aimed to evaluate adherence to anti-retroviral treatment (ART) among HIV + adults, assess its association with HIV viral load (VL) and identify factors associated to adherence. A survey involving a random sample of adults followed at a HIV/AIDS reference center in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, from 2007 to 2009 was done. A questionnaire was applied and data were retrieved from the pharmacy and medical records. The study involved 292 subjects: 70.2% men; median age: 43 years; median duration of ART: 8 years. 89.3% self-reported taken all prescribed pills in the last 3 days but only 39.3% picked up >= 95% of the prescribed ART from the pharmacy in the last 12 months. At the multivariate analysis having symptoms prior to ART, taking fewer ART pills, and not missing medical appointments were independently associated to higher adherence. Adherence was strongly associated with undetectable HIV VL. Rates of undetectable HIV VL did not differ from 80 to >= 95% of adherence.


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The purposes of the study were to get to know conceptions on tuberculosis and health needs and to describe the care provided to people with tuberculosis, according to health professionals' perspective. Qualitative study developed at family health units in Capao Redondo, Sao Paulo. The data were collected through open interviews in January 2010 and submitted to discourse analysis, resulting in three categories: meanings attributed to tuberculosis and health needs and care characteristics. The conceptions regarding the disease are supported by the multi-causal theory of the health-disease process. The care is characterized by interventions that go beyond the biological dimension. The precarious living conditions define the needs of most people with tuberculosis, and can be more important to the ill than the very diagnosis of the disease, influencing treatment adherence, and should gain relevance in care.


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Objetivou-se analisar potencialidades e limites da estratégia do tratamento supervisionado (DOTS) para a tuberculose, sob a percepção de usuários em tratamento e de trabalhadores de saúde de uma supervisão técnica de saúde do município de São Paulo. Entrevistaram-se 4 usuários e 17 profissionais de saúde de nove unidades básicas de saúde, entre abril e junho de 2006, após consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os depoimentos foram decodificados segundo a técnica de análise de discurso. Adotou-se a teoria da determinação social do processo saúde/doença como referencial teórico. Foram potencialidades: criação de vínculo entre profissional/usuário e incentivos ao tratamento, o que favorece a adesão. Foram limites: restrito envolvimento dos profissionais no DOTS e conciliar horário de trabalho do usuário com a supervisão. Reitera-se que a adesão ao tratamento transcende o âmbito biológico, sendo fundamental que os trabalhadores de saúde reconheçam os usuários como portadores de necessidades, não se restringindo apenas à supervisão da tomada de medicamentos.


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FUNDAMENTO: A não adesão ao tratamento tem sido identificada como a causa principal da Pressão Arterial (PA) não controlada, e pode representar um risco maior em idosos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e comparar a taxa de adesão ao tratamento da hipertensão arterial por diferentes métodos, para estimar a taxa de controle da PA, e observar se há uma associação entre controle da pressão arterial e adesão. MÉTODOS: A adesão ao tratamento foi avaliada em pacientes idosos com hipertensão, acompanhados pelo serviço público de saúde, por meio de quatro métodos, incluindo o teste de Morisky-Green (referência), o questionário sobre atitudes referentes à ingestão de medicação (AMI), uma avaliação da adesão por parte do enfermeiro em consultório (AEC), e avaliação domiciliar da adesão (ADA). A ingestão de sal foi estimada pela excreção urinária de sódio de 24 horas. O controle da pressão arterial foi avaliado pelo monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial na vigília. RESULTADOS: A concordância entre o teste de Morisky-Green e o AMI (Kappa = 0,27) ou a AEC (Kappa = 0,05) foi pobre. Houve uma concordância moderada entre o teste de Morisky-Green e a ADA. Oitenta por cento tinham a PA controlada, incluindo 42% com efeito do jaleco branco. O grupo com menor excreção de sal relatou evitar o consumo de sal mais vezes (p < 0,001) e também teve maior adesão ao medicamento (p < 0,001) do que o grupo com maior de excreção de sal. CONCLUSÃO: Os testes avaliados não apresentaram boa concordância com o teste de Morisky-Green. A adesão ao tratamento da hipertensão foi baixa; no entanto, houve uma elevada taxa de controle da pressão arterial, quando os sujeitos com o efeito do jaleco branco foram incluídos na análise.


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This study aimed to investigate the frequency of symptoms of depression in patients with cancer of the head and neck undergoing radiotherapy treatment, in the initial, middle and final stages of the treatment. This is a prospective exploratory quantitative study of 41 patients with head and neck cancer, undergoing radiotherapy treatment in the Oncology Outpatient Clinic of the Beneficencia Portuguese Hospital of Ribeirao Preto. Data were collected through the Beck Depression Inventory instrument, and analyzed quantitatively by means of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Symptoms of dysphoria were found to increase throughout the treatment, as well as the number of patients with depression. The results show the importance for the healthcare professionals to detect the prevalence and the levels of the symptoms of depression, since these symptoms tend to increase and may lead to consequences such as a lack of adherence to treatment and a decrease in the quality of life of these patients.


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Introduction: Since the emergence of antiretroviral therapy, the survival of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus has increased. Non-adherence to this therapy is directly related to treatment failure, which allows the emergence of resistant viral strains. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of the antiretroviral dispensing records of 229 patients from the Center for Health Care, University Hospital, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil, was conducted between January and December 2009. Results: The study aimed to evaluate patient compliance and determine if there was an association between non-adherence and the therapy. Among these patients, 63.8% were men with an average age of 44.0 +/- 9.9 years. The most used treatment was a combination of 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors with 1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (55.5%) or with 2 protease inhibitors (28.8%). It was found that patients taking lopinavir/ritonavir with zidovudine and lamivudine had a greater frequency of inadequate treatment than those taking atazanavir with zidovudine and lamivudine (85% and 83.3%, respectively). Moreover, when the combination of zidovudine/lamivudine was used, the patients were less compliant (chi(2) = 4.468, 1 degree of freedom, p = 0.035). Conclusions: The majority of patients failed to correctly adhere to their treatment; therefore, it is necessary to implement strategies that lead to improved compliance, thus ensuring therapeutic efficacy and increased patient survival.


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In Brazil, during the XX century, dozens of Spiritist psychiatric hospitals emerged seeking to integrate conventional medical treatment with complementary spiritual therapy. This combined inpatient treatment is largely found in Brazil, where many psychiatric hospitals stem from the Spiritist movement. The present report describes the use of these spiritual practices, their operating structure, health professionals involved, modalities of care, and institutional difficulties in integrating spiritual practices with conventional treatment in six leading Brazilian Spiritist psychiatric hospitals. These hospitals combine conventional psychiatric treatment with voluntary-based spiritual approaches such as laying on of hands ("fluidotherapy"), lectures regarding spiritual and ethical issues, intercessory prayer, spirit release therapy ("disobsession") and "fraternal dialogue". The non-indoctrination and optional nature of these spiritual complementary therapies seem to increase acceptance among patients and their family members. In conclusion, the Spiritist psychiatric hospitals in Brazil have, for more than half a century, provided an integrative approach in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, associating conventional and spiritual treatments, more specifically Spiritist therapy. The lack of standardized treatment protocols and scientific studies remain a barrier to assessing the impact of this integrative approach on patients' mental health, quality of life, adherence, and perceived quality of treatment.


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To assess adherence to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) treatment and associated variables in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Cross-sectional and prospective comprising 240 consecutive adult patients, diagnosed with GERD for whom continuous use of standard or double dose of omeprazole had been prescribed. Patients were ranked as ne-GERD (162: 67.5%) or e-GERD classified according to the Los Angeles classification as A (48:20.0%), B (21:8.6%), C (1:0.5%), D (1:0.5%), and Barrett's esophagus (7:2.9%). The Morisky questionnaire was applied to assess adherence to therapy and a GERD questionnaire to assess symptoms and their impact. Adherence was correlated with demographics, cotherapies, comorbidities, treatment duration, symptoms scores, endoscopic findings, and patient awareness of their disease. 126 patients (52.5%) exhibited high level of adherence and 114 (47.5%) low level. Youngers (P= 0.002) or married (O.R. 2.41, P= 0.03 vs. widowers) patients had lower levels of adherence; symptomatic patients exhibited lower adherence (P= 0.02). All other variables studied had no influence on adherence. Patients with GERD attending a tertiary referral hospital in Sao Paulo exhibited a high rate of low adherence to the prescribed PPI therapy that may play a role in the therapy failure. Age <60 years, marital status and being symptomatic were risk factors for low adherence.


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Introduction and Objectives: With the population ageing, there is a growing number of people who have several comorbidities and make use of a variety of drugs. These factors lead to a greater predisposition to adverse drug events, as well as to medication errors. The clinical pharmacist is the most indicated health professional to target these issues. The aims of this study were to analyze the profile of medication reconciliation and assess the role of the clinical pharmacist regarding medication adherence. Material and Methods: Prospective observational cohort study conducted from Jan-Mar 2013 at the Surgical Clinic of the University Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo. 117 admitted patients - over the age of 18 years, under continuous medication use and with length of hospitalization up to 120h - were included. Discrepancies were classified as intentional/unintentional and according to their risk to cause harm, and interventions were divided into accepted/not accepted. Medication adherence was measured by Morisky questionnaire. Results and Conclusions: Only 30% of hospital prescriptions showed no discrepancies between the medications that the patient was using at home and those which were being prescribed at the hospital and more than one third of those had the potential to cause moderate discomfort or clinical deterioration. One third of total discrepancies were classified as unintentional. About 90% of the interventions were accepted by the medical staff. In addition, about 63% of patients had poor adherence to drug therapy. The study revealed the importance of the medication reconciliation at patient admission, ensuring greater safety and therapeutic efficacy of the treatment during hospitalization, and orienting the patient at discharge, assuring the therapy safety.