12 resultados para Tesi Biografia Aristides de Sousa Mendes
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Background-It remains uncertain whether acetylcysteine prevents contrast-induced acute kidney injury. Methods and Results-We randomly assigned 2308 patients undergoing an intravascular angiographic procedure with at least 1 risk factor for contrast-induced acute kidney injury (age >70 years, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, or hypotension) to acetylcysteine 1200 mg or placebo. The study drugs were administered orally twice daily for 2 doses before and 2 doses after the procedure. The allocation was concealed (central Web-based randomization). All analysis followed the intention-to-treat principle. The incidence of contrast-induced acute kidney injury (primary end point) was 12.7% in the acetylcysteine group and 12.7% in the control group (relative risk, 1.00; 95% confidence interval, 0.81 to 1.25; P = 0.97). A combined end point of mortality or need for dialysis at 30 days was also similar in both groups (2.2% and 2.3%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.97; 95% confidence interval, 0.56 to 1.69; P = 0.92). Consistent effects were observed in all subgroups analyzed, including those with renal impairment. Conclusions-In this large randomized trial, we found that acetylcysteine does not reduce the risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury or other clinically relevant outcomes in at-risk patients undergoing coronary and peripheral vascular angiography.
Manipulation of follicle development to ensure optimal oocyte quality and conception rates in cattle
Over the last several decades, a number of therapies have been developed that manipulate ovarian follicle growth to improve oocyte quality and conception rates in cattle. Various strategies have been proposed to improve the responses to reproductive biotechnologies following timed artificial insemination (TAI), superovulation (SOV) or ovum pickup (OPU) programmes. During TAI protocols, final follicular growth and size of the ovulatory follicle are key factors that may significantly influence oocyte quality, ovulation, the uterine environment and consequently pregnancy outcomes. Progesterone concentrations during SOV protocols influence follicular growth, oocyte quality and embryo quality; therefore, several adjustments to SOV protocols have been proposed depending on the animal category and breed. In addition, the success of in vitro embryo production is directly related to the number and quality of cumulus oocyte complexes harvested by OPU. Control of follicle development has a significant impact on the OPU outcome. This article discusses a number of key points related to the manipulation of ovarian follicular growth to maximize oocyte quality and improve conception rates following TAI and embryo transfer of in vivo-and in vitro-derived embryos in cattle.
In order to assess the epidemiological potential of the Culicidae species in remaining areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, specimens of this family were collected in wild and anthropic environments. A total of 9,403 adult mosquitoes was collected from May, 2009 to June, 2010. The most prevalent among species collected in the wild environment were Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii, the Melanoconion section of Culex (Melanoconion), and Aedes serratus, while the most common in the anthropic site were Coquillettidia chrysonotum/albifera, Culex (Culex) Coronator group, and An. (Ker.) cruzii. Mosquito richness was similar between environments, although the abundance of individuals from different species varied. When comparing diversity patterns between environments, anthropic sites exhibited higher richness and evenness, suggesting that environmental stress increased the number of favorable niches for culicids, promoting diversity. Increased abundance of opportunistic species in the anthropic environment enhances contact with culicids that transmit vector-borne diseases.
Introduction: Passive fit has been considered an important requirement for the longevity of implant-supported prostheses. Among the different steps of prostheses construction, casting is a feature that can influence the precision of fit and consequently the uniformity of possible deformation among abutments upon the framework connection. Purpose: This study aimed at evaluating the deformation of abutments after the connection of frameworks either cast in one piece or after soldering. Materials and Methods: A master model was used to simulate a human mandible with 5 implants. Ten frameworks were fabricated on cast models and divided into 2 groups. Strain gauges were attached to the mesial and distal sides of the abutments to capture their deformation after the framework’s screw retentions were tightened to the abutments. Results: The mean values of deformation were submitted to a 3-way analysis of variance that revealed significant differences between procedures and the abutment side. The results showed that none of the frameworks presented a complete passive fit. Conclusion: The soldering procedure led to a better although uneven distribution of compression strains on the abutments.
Knowledge has been used as a resource for intelligent and effective action planning in organizations. Interest in research on knowledge management processes has intensified in different areas. A systematic literature review was accomplished, based on the question: what are the contributions of Brazilian and international journal publications on knowledge management in health? The sample totaled 32 items that complied with the inclusion criteria. The results showed that 78% of journals that published on the theme are international, 77% of researchers work in higher education and 65% have a Ph.D. The texts gave rise to five thematic categories, mainly: development of knowledge management systems in health (37.5%), discussion of knowledge management application in health (28.1%) and nurses' function in knowledge management (18.7%).
Ensino do Direito internacional nas arcadas – José Mendes foi professor ordinário da disciplina (1911-1918) – sua obra Direito internacional público – preleções (1913) completa cem anos de publicação.
Partindo-se do pressuposto de que o desenho é instrumento de diálogo entre o arquiteto e ele mesmo ou com terceiros e que este tipo de representação vem perdendo espaço para tecnologias digitais, este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar e analisar desenhos de projetos selecionados do arquiteto Paulo Mendes da Rocha, como contribuição para a discussão sobre o papel do desenho analógico no processo projetivo atual. O estudo acerca de quatro projetos (Ginásio do Clube Paulistano, Residência Butantã, Residência Millan e MuBE) se deu através de marcações realizadas pela pesquisadora sobre desenhos originais do arquiteto, com o objetivo de detectar intenções projetuais, conceitos e características dos projetos. Para tanto, foram feitas marcações gráficas sobre os desenhos originais, de maneira a evidenciar uma leitura particular da pesquisadora, permitindo assim uma melhor compreensão dos projetos escolhidos para o estudo. O desenho sobre o desenho marca os pontos que o julgamento considera importantes, tratando-se de uma leitura particular e permitindo melhor compreensão dos projetos para quem o pratica, uma vez que o ato de desenhar está estreitamente relacionado ao de pensar. Optou-se por apresentar as imagens relacionadas a citações diretas de autores
Há anos vem-se questionando o papel da representação gráfica na arquitetura, diante das novas tecnologias gráficas computacionais e novos processos projetivos delas decorrentes. Entretanto, o desenho à mão livre ainda se mostra atuante no processo projetivo, marcado por um olhar atento, uma percepção individual e um tempo de execução que permite imersão, entrega e reflexão. Este artigo apresenta uma análise a partir de um olhar mais atento ao desenho de projetos do arquiteto Paulo Mendes da Rocha, como contribuição para a discussão sobre o papel do desenho analógico no processo projetivo. Foram selecionados alguns projetos do arquiteto: Projeto para o Concurso de remodelação do centro urbano de Santiago (Chile); Estádio Serra Dourada; Edifício Jaraguá, Caetano de Campos; Ginásio do Clube Atlético Paulistano (1958); Residência no Butantã (1964); residência Fernando Millan (1970) e Museu Brasileiro da Escultura (1986). Este artigo apresenta estudos de leitura sobre os desenhos originais do arquiteto com o objetivo de detectar as intenções projetuais, conceitos e características do projeto. Foram feitas marcações gráficas sobre os desenhos originais, evidenciando uma leitura particular do pesquisador que permitiu uma melhor compreensão dos projetos.