em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The influence of the 1992-1993 El Nino events on the reproductive behavior of the Scomber japonicus peruanus (Chub mackerel) was studied from samples collected monthly, along the Peruvian coast (3 degrees 23`S-14 degrees 00`S), from January 1990 to December 1993. The monthly variation of the gonadosomatic index and the frequency of the periods of gonad maturation evidenced that the spawning of the species occurred all year long, being more intense in summer. The values of the gonadosomatic index were higher during the occurrence of the 1992-1993 El Nino, while the body weight and gonad weight decreased. Regarding the condition factor, its values decreased in females over 35 cm in fork length.


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The growth parameters and the mortality rates of the Scomber japonicus peruanus (Chub mackerel) were studied based on monthly data of frequency of fork length classes obtained from commercial landings off the Peruvian coast from 1996 to 1998. The asymptotic body length and growth rate values obtained by the ELEFAN I (Electronic Length Frequency Analysis) ranged from 40.20 cm to 42.20 cm and from 0.38 to 0.39, respectively. The oscillation amplitude was 0.60; the Winter point values varied from 0.50 to 0.60 and the performance index from 2.79 to 2.84. The total mortality rate of the Chub mackerel obtained by the linearized catch curve oscillated between 1.68 and 3.35. The rate of fishing mortality varied from 1.16 to 2.78 and the exploitation rate from 0.68 to 0.84. The annual rate of natural mortality estimated by the Pauly`s method ranged from 0.52 to 0.53. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the longevity of the Chub mackerel was slightly over seven years.


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This article documents the addition of 473 microsatellite marker loci and 71 pairs of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Barteria fistulosa, Bombus morio, Galaxias platei, Hematodinium perezi, Macrocentrus cingulum Brischke (a.k.a. M.abdominalis Fab., M.grandii Goidanich or M.gifuensis Ashmead), Micropogonias furnieri, Nerita melanotragus, Nilaparvata lugens Stal, Sciaenops ocellatus, Scomber scombrus, Spodoptera frugiperda and Turdus lherminieri. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Barteria dewevrei, Barteria nigritana, Barteria solida, Cynoscion acoupa, Cynoscion jamaicensis, Cynoscion leiarchus, Cynoscion nebulosus, Cynoscion striatus, Cynoscion virescens, Macrodon ancylodon, Menticirrhus americanus, Nilaparvata muiri and Umbrina canosai. This article also documents the addition of 116 sequencing primer pairs for Dicentrarchus labrax.


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Aspergillus phoenicis biofilms on polyethylene as inert support were used to produce fructooligosaccharides (FOS) in media containing 25% (m/V) of sucrose as a carbon source. The maximum production of total FOS (122 mg/mL), with 68% of 1-kestose and 32% of nystose, was obtained in Khanna medium maintained at 30 degrees C for 48 h under orbital agitation (100 rpm). At high concentrations of sucrose (30%, m/V), the recovery of FOS was higher than that observed at a low concentration (5%, m/V). High levels of FOS (242 mg/mL) were also recovered when using the biofilm in sodium acetate buffer with high sucrose concentration (50%, m/V) for 10 h. When the dried biofilm was reused in a fresh culture medium, there was a recovery of approx. 13.7% of total FOS after 72 h of cultivation at 30 C, and 10% corresponded to 1-kestose. The biofilm morphology, analyzed by scanning electron microscope, revealed a noncompact mycelium structure, with unfilled spaces and channels present among the hyphae. The results obtained in this study show that A. phoenicis biofilms may find application for FOS production in a single-step fermentation process, which is cost-effective in terms of reusability, downstream processing and efficiency.


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The Diptera collection of the Natural History Museum Berlin holds one of the most important collections of Neriidae. In this paper, the type specimens (holotypes, lectotypes, paratypes, paralectotypes, syntypes) of this historical collection are listed. 28 species-group taxa are dealt with. A lectotype designation is made for the species Brachantichir purpusianus Enderlein, 1922 in order to fix the identity of the name. Holotypes are recognized by monotypy of the species Chaetomeristes bullatus Enderlein, 1922; Chaetomeristes peruanus Enderlein, 1922; Derocephalus angusticollis Enderlein, 1922; Glyphidops limbatus Enderlein, 1922; Longina abdominalis Wiedemann, 1830; Loxozus clavicornis Enderlein, 1922; Oncopsia mexicana Enderlein, 1922; Paranerius fibulatus Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus dahli Enderlein, 1922; Telostylus latibrachium Enderlein, 1922; and Telostylinus luridus Enderlein, 1922. Syntypes are labelled and listed for Brachantichir robusta Enderlein, 1922; Nerius terebratus Enderlein, 1922; Odontoloxozus punctulatus Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus apicalis Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus obscuratus Enderlein, 1922; and Telostylinus ornatipennis Enderlein, 1922. The account concludes with geographic and taxonomic summaries; an appendix listing the abbreviations, localities, and collectors cited in the text; and a bibliography. ((c) 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


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BACKGROUND: Cellulose and hemicellulose are quantitatively the most important structural carbohydrates present in ruminant diets. Rumen micro-organisms produce enzymes that catalyse their hydrolysis, but the complex network formed by structural carbohydrates and lignin reduces their digestibility and restricts efficient utilisation of feeds by ruminants. This study aimed to produce two enzymatic extracts, apply them in ruminant diets to determine the best levels for ruminal digestibility and evaluate their effects on in vitro digestibility. RESULTS: In experiment 1 a two-stage in vitro technique was used to examine the effects of different enzymatic levels of Aspergillus japonicus and Aspergillus terricola on tropical forages. Enzyme addition had minor effects on corn silage at the highest enzymatic level. In experiment 2 an in vitro gas production (GP) technique was applied to determine apparent in vitro organic matter digestibility and metabolisable energy. The addition of enzymes in GP showed interesting results. Good data were obtained using sugar cane and Tifton-85 hay supplemented with extracts of A. japonicus and A. terricola respectively. CONCLUSION: Overall, the study suggests that addition of crude extracts containing exogenous fibrolytic enzymes to ruminant diets enhances the effective utilisation of ruminant feedstuffs such as forages. Copyright (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry


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Taeniotes farinosus (Linnaeus, 1758) is a species that has been confused with other species during the past two centuries. In this work we demonstrate that Taeniotes farinosus sensu auctorum is not the species described by Linnaeus and designate a lectotype to establish its identity. Taeniotes pulverulentus (Olivier, 1790), currently synonymous with T. farinosus, is revalidated. Taeniotes guttullaris Schwarzer, 1929 and T parafarinosus Breuning, 1971 are junior synonyms of T. pulverulentus; Lamia subocellata Olivier, 1792 (= Taeniotes subocellatus) is a junior synonym of Cerambyx farinosus (= T farinosus). Additionally we monnei, a new species from Brazil and Argentina, is described and figured. Taeniotes peruanus provide annotated bibliographic references to T. farinosus and T pulverulentus. Taeniotes Breuning 1971 is figured for the first time.


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We present a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Syntermitinae, including representatives of all genera of the subfamily, along with all 12 species assigned formerly to the genus Armitermes Wasmann (Termitidae, Syntermitinae), and 4 new species described herein. Syntermitinae was recovered as a natural group and the hypothesis that the frontal tube indicates convergence between Syntermitinae and Nasutitermitinae was corroborated. Also, several diagnostic characters proposed in the original description of Syntermitinae are discussed. Alongside the phylogenetic study, a taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Armitermes was carried out, resulting in division of the genus into four genera. Taxonomic novelties are: Armitermes now includes A. armiger (Motschulsky), A. bidentatus Rocha & Cancello sp.n. and A. spininotus Rocha & Cancello sp.n.; Silvestritermes Rocha & Cancello gen.n. includes S. euamignathus (Silvestri) comb.n., S. lanei (Canter) comb.n., S. gnomus (Constantino) comb.n., S. duende Rocha & Cancello sp.n., S. minutus (Emerson) comb.n., S. almirsateri Rocha & Cancello sp.n. and S. holmgreni (Snyder) comb.n.; Uncitermes Rocha & Cancello gen.n. includes U. teevani (Emerson) comb.n.; Mapinguaritermes Rocha & Cancello gen.n. includes M. peruanus (Holmgren) comb.n. and M. grandidens (Emerson) comb.n. A new synonymy is proposed for A. cerradoensis Mathews under S. euamignathus. All soldiers are described and illustrated, as are the mandibles and digestive tract of the worker and the imago caste, when available. We provide a dichotomous key, based on soldiers, for all genera of Syntermitinae, and distribution maps and dichotomous keys, based on soldiers, for the species of Armitermes and all the new genera described herein.