20 resultados para Plumage Colors
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
The species Sporophila bouvreuil comprises four subspecies: S. b. bouvreuil, S. b. pileata, S. b. saturata and S. b. crypta. The males of each subspecies differ in plumage whereas the females and juveniles are very similar and difficult to identify to subspecies. Here we use external morphological characters, mostly plumage, to examine the validity of the subspecies. A total of 209 specimens was examined (131 S. b. bouvreuil, 29 S. b. crypta, 43 S. b. pileata and 6 S. b. saturata). Although morphological measurements did not separate any taxa, plumage patterns support recognition of two taxonomic units, one of birds having reddish brown male plumage and the other of birds with grayish to white male plumage. Discrete diagnostic characters and sympatry in SE Brazil allow separation of Sporophila pileata (Sclater 1864) from S. bouvreuil (Muller 1776). On the other hand, S. b. saturata Hellmayr 1904 and S. b. crypta Sick 1968 should be considered synonyms of S. bouvreuil.
Solar infrared colors provide powerful constraints on the stellar effective temperature scale, but they must be measured with both accuracy and precision in order to do so. We fulfill this requirement by using line-depth ratios to derive in a model-independent way the infrared colors of the Sun, and we use the latter to test the zero point of the Casagrande et al. effective temperature scale, confirming its accuracy. Solar colors in the widely used Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) JHK(s) and WISE W1-4 systems are provided: (V - J)(circle dot) = 1.198, (V - H)(circle dot) = 1.484, (V - K-s)(circle dot) = 1.560, (J - H)(circle dot) = 0.286, (J - K-s)(circle dot) = 0.362, (H - K-s)(circle dot) = 0.076, (V - W1)(circle dot) = 1.608, (V - W2)(circle dot) = 1.563, (V - W3)(circle dot) = 1.552, and (V - W4)(circle dot) = 1.604. A cross-check of the effective temperatures derived implementing 2MASS or WISE magnitudes in the infrared flux method confirms that the absolute calibration of the two systems agrees within the errors, possibly suggesting a 1% offset between the two, thus validating extant near-and mid-infrared absolute calibrations. While 2MASS magnitudes are usually well suited to derive T-eff, we find that a number of bright, solar-like stars exhibit anomalous WISE colors. In most cases, this effect is spurious and can be attributed to lower-quality measurements, although for a couple of objects (3%+/- 2% of the total sample) it might be real, and may hint at the presence of warm/hot debris disks.
Photometric data in the UBV(RI)(C) system have been acquired for 80 solar analog stars for which we have previously derived highly precise atmospheric parameters T-eff, log g, and [Fe/H] using high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra. UBV and (RI)(C) data for 46 and 76 of these stars, respectively, are published for the first time. Combining our data with those from the literature, colors in the UBV(RI) C system, with similar or equal to 0.01 mag precision, are now available for 112 solar analogs. Multiple linear regression is used to derive the solar colors from these photometric data and the spectroscopically derived T-eff, log g, and [Fe/H] values. To minimize the impact of systematic errors in the model-dependent atmospheric parameters, we use only the data for the 10 stars that most closely resemble our Sun, i.e., the solar twins, and derive the following solar colors: (B - V)(circle dot) = 0.653 +/- 0.005, (U - B)(circle dot) = 0.166 +/- 0.022, (V - R)(circle dot) = 0.352 +/- 0.007, and (V - I)(circle dot) = 0.702 +/- 0.010. These colors are consistent, within the 1 sigma errors, with those derived using the entire sample of 112 solar analogs. We also derive the solar colors using the relation between spectral-line-depth ratios and observed stellar colors, i.e., with a completely model-independent approach, and without restricting the analysis to solar twins. We find (B - V)(circle dot) = 0.653 +/- 0.003, (U - B)(circle dot) = 0.158 +/- 0.009, (V - R)(circle dot) = 0.356 +/- 0.003, and (V - I)(circle dot) = 0.701 +/- 0.003, in excellent agreement with the model-dependent analysis.
We describe the juvenile plumages of the Cinereous Mourner (Laniocera hypopyrra) and the Brazilian Laniisoma (Laniisoma elegans). Both L. hypopyrra and L. elegans possess a dramatically conspicuous plumage as juveniles in contrast to the generally cryptic plumage pattern exhibited by most juvenile birds. They are predominantly covered by cinnamon-orange feathers with black terminal spots, contrasting with the nest and the predominant colors of their environment. This colorful plumage presumably makes them more at risk from predation by visually oriented animals (e.g., raptors and primates), during one of the most vulnerable phases of their life, and strongly suggests these plumages function as a true, or false (mimicry), signal of 'unprofitability'. Previous knowledge concerning the phylogenetic relationships between these two genera, and the juvenile plumage patterns of other species placed in the Tityridae indicate this shared character in L. hypopyrra and L. elegans represents a synapomorphy within this clade, thereby providing additional evidence of their relationship. Received 13 December 2011. Accepted 1 May 2012.
Past research has demonstrated emergent conditional relations using a go/no-go procedure with pairs of figures displayed side-by-side on a computer screen. The present Study sought to extend applications Of this procedure. In Experiment, 1, we evaluated whether emergent conditional relations Could be demonstrated when two-component stimuli were displayed in figure-ground relationships-abstract figures displayed on backgrounds of different colors. Five normal)), capable adults participated. During training, each two-component stimulus Was presented successively. Responses emitted in the presence of some Stimulus pairs (A1B1, A2B2, A3B3, B1C1, B2C2 and B3C3) were reinforced, whereas responses emitted in the presence of other pairs (A1B2, A1B3, A2B1, A2B3, A3B1, A3B2, B1C2, B1C3, B2C1, B2C3, B3C1 and B3C2) were not. During tests, new configurations (AC and CA) were presented, thus emulating structurally the matching-to-sample tests employed in typical equivalence Studies. All participants showed emergent relations consistent with stimulus equivalence during testing. In Experiment 2, we systematically replicated the procedures with Stimulus compounds consisting Of four figures (A1, A2, C1 and C2) and two locations (left - B1 and right - 132). A,11 6 normally capable adults exhibited emergent stimulus-stimulus relations. Together, these experiments show that the go/no-go procedure is a potentially useful alternative for Studying emergent. conditional relations when matching-to-sample is procedurally cumbersome or impossible to use.
The type specimen of Malacorhynchus speluncae was described and illustrated as being ""mouse gray with a bluish luster"" on the upperparts and as having a ""lighter color on the lower side of the body"" which ""becomes whitish towards the middle of the throat and breast"". It represents a taxon presently placed in the genus Scytalopus. Since 1907, the name Scytalopus speluncae has been attributed to the predominantly dark-gray species from the southeastern coastal Brazilian mountains. Recently, it was suggested that the name S. speluncae should be applied to a species that is light-gray with whitish belly and extensive barring on the flanks and that occurs predominantly in the Espinhaco Range, Minas Gerais state, to the west of the range of the dark-gray taxon. As a consequence, the dark-gray species, presumably without any available name, was described as a new species, S. notorius. However, on the basis of a critical analysis of the available information on the type specimen of S. speluncae, including the original description and illustration (Menetries 1835), and our examination of large series of museum specimens, we demonstrate that the type of S. speluncae falls within the known plumage variation of the dark-gray species and that it does not show the diagnostic characters of the light-gray form. Thus, we propose that the name S. speluncae be applied only to the dark-gray species. Consequently, S. notorius must be regarded a junior-synonym of S. speluncae. Because of problems related to the exact collecting sites of Menetries, and taking into consideration the distribution of the dark-gray species, we suggest ""Serra dos Orgaos"", in Rio de Janeiro state, as the type-locality of S. speluncae.
We investigate the effects of quenched disorder on first-order quantum phase transitions on the example of the N-color quantum Ashkin-Teller model. By means of a strong-disorder renormalization group, we demonstrate that quenched disorder rounds the first-order quantum phase transition to a continuous one for both weak and strong coupling between the colors. In the strong-coupling case, we find a distinct type of infinite-randomness critical point characterized by additional internal degrees of freedom. We investigate its critical properties in detail and find stronger thermodynamic singularities than in the random transverse field Ising chain. We also discuss the implications for higher spatial dimensions as well as unusual aspects of our renormalization-group scheme. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.214204
The concept of Education for Sustainable Development, ESD, has been introduced in a period where chemistry education is undergoing a major change, both in emphasis and methods of teaching. Studying an everyday problem, with an important socio-economic impact in the laboratory is a part of this approach. Presently, the students in many countries go to school in vehicles that run, at least partially, on biofuels; it is high time to let them test these fuels. The use of renewable fuels is not new: since 1931 the gasoline sold in Brazil contains 20 to 25 vol-% of bioethanol; this composition is being continually monitored. With ESD in mind, we have employed a constructivist approach in an undergraduate course, where UV-vis spectroscopy has been employed for the determination of the composition of two fuel blends, namely, bioethanol/water, and bioethanol/gasoline. The activities started by giving a three-part quiz. The first and second ones introduced the students to historical and practical aspects of the theme (biofuels). In the third part, we asked them to develop a UV-vis experiment for the determination of the composition of fuel blends. They have tested two approaches: (i) use of a solvatochromic dye, followed by determination of fuel composition from plots of the empirical fuel polarity versus its composition; (ii) use of an ethanol-soluble dye, followed by determination of the blend composition from a Beer's law plot; the former proved to be much more convenient. Their evaluation of the experiment was highly positive, because of the relevance of the problem; the (constructivist) approach employed, and the bright colors that the solvatochromic dye acquire in these fuel blends. Thus ESD can be fruitfully employed in order to motivate the students; make the laboratory "fun", and teach them theory (solvation). The experiments reported here can also be given to undergraduate students whose major is not chemistry (engineering, pharmacy, biology, etc.). They are low-cost and safe to be introduced at high-school level.
Brazil is one of the main centers of origin of pineapple species presenting the largest genetic variation of the Ananas genus. Embrapa Cassava and Fruits is a Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation and has an ex-situ collection of 678 accessions of the Ananas genus and some other Bromeliaceae. The use of ornamental pineapple has increased in the last years demanding new varieties, mainly for the external market, due to the originality and colors of its tiny fruits. The main aim of the present study was describing accessions from the pineapple gene bank in order to quantify their genetic variation and identify possible progenitors to be used in breeding programs of ornamental pineapples. Eighty-nine accessions of Ananas comosus var. comosus, A. comosus var. bracteatus (Lindl.) Coppens et Leal, A. comosus var. ananassoides (Baker) Coppens et Leal, A. comosus var. erectifolius (L. B. Smith) Coppens et Leal, A. comosus var. parguasensis (Camargo et L. B. Smith) Coppens et Leal and A. macrodontes Morren were evaluated with 25 morphological descriptors. According to the results, the evaluated accessions were separated into the following categories: landscape plants, cut flower, potted plants, minifruits, foliage and hedge. The genetic distance among accessions was determined using the combined qualitative and quantitative data by the Gower algorithm. The pre-selected accessions presented genetic variation and ornamental potential for different uses. The multicategory analysis formed seven clusters through a classification method based on the average Euclidean distance between all accessions using the cut-point of genetic dissimilarity (D dg = 0.35). The genotypes A. comosus var. erectifolius were selected to be used as landscape plants, cut flower, minifruits and potted plants. Accessions of A. comosus var. bracteatus and A. macrodontes were selected as landscape plants and hedge. The highest variation was observed in A. comosus var. ananassoides genotypes, which presented high potential for use as cut flowers.
We report a study of the stellar content of the near-infrared (NIR) cluster [DBS2003] 157 embedded in the extended H ii region GAL 331.31-00.34, which is associated with the IRAS source 16085-5138. JHK photometry was carried out in order to identify potential ionizing candidates, and the follow-up NIR spectroscopy allowed the spectral classification of some sources, including two O-type stars. A combination of NIR photometry and spectroscopy data was used to obtain the distance of these two stars, with the method of spectroscopic parallax: IRS 298 (O6 V, 3.35 +/- 0.61 kpc) and IRS 339 (O9 V, 3.24 +/- 0.56 kpc). Adopting the average distance of 3.29 +/- 0.58 kpc and comparing the Lyman continuum luminosity of these stars with that required to account for the radio continuum flux of the H ii region, we conclude that these two stars are the ionizing sources of GAL 331.31-00.34. Young stellar objects (YSOs) were searched by using our NIR photometry and mid-infrared (MIR) data from the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) survey. The analysis of NIR and MIR colourcolour diagrams resulted in 47 YSO candidates. The GLIMPSE counterpart of IRAS 16085-5138, which presents IRAS colour indices compatible with an ultracompact H ii region, has been identified. The analysis of its spectral energy distribution between 2 and m revealed that this source shows a spectral index a= 3.6 between 2 and m, which is typical of a YSO immersed in a protostellar envelope. Lower limits to the bolometric luminosity and the mass of the embedded protostar have been estimated as L= 7.7 x 10(3) L? and M= 10 M?, respectively, which correspond to a B0B1 V zero-age main sequence star.
VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) is an ESO variability survey that is performing observations in near-infrared bands (ZY JHK(s)) toward the Galactic bulge and part of the disk with the completeness limits at least 3 mag deeper than Two Micron All Sky Survey. In the present work, we searched in the VVV survey data for background galaxies near the Galactic plane using ZY JHK(s) photometry that covers 1.636 deg(2). We identified 204 new galaxy candidates by analyzing colors, sizes, and visual inspection of multi-band (ZY JHK(s)) images. The galaxy candidate colors were also compared with the predicted ones by star count models considering a more realistic extinction model at the same completeness limits observed by VVV. A comparison of the galaxy candidates with the expected one by Millennium simulations is also presented. Our results increase the number density of known galaxies behind the Milky Way by more than one order of magnitude. A catalog with galaxy properties including ellipticity, Petrosian radii, and ZY JHK(s) magnitudes is provided, as well as comparisons of the results with other surveys of galaxies toward the Galactic plane.
Erythrosine (ErB) is a xanthene and an US Food and Drug Administration approved dye used in foods, drugs and cosmetics. Although its utilization is permitted, ErB is described as inhibitor of enzymes and protein-protein interactions and is toxic to pituitary and spermatogenesis processes. However, the genotoxicity and mutagenicity of ErB is inconclusive in the literature. This study aimed to analyze the genotoxicity of this dye using the alkaline comet assay and is the first investigation to evaluate ErB mutagenicity using the cytokinesis block micronucleus cytome (CBMN-Cyt) assay in HepG2 cells. These cells were chosen because they produce phase I and phase II enzymes that can mimic in vivo metabolism. The cells were treated with seven concentrations (0.1-70.0 mu g mL(-1)) of ErB, and the results showed genotoxicity at the two highest concentrations and mutagenicity at six concentrations. Furthermore, as micronuclei result from clastogenic and aneugenic processes, while comet assay is often considered more sensitive and detects DNA single strain breaks, we suggest that an aneugenic is responsible for the observed damage. Although ErB is approved for use in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, it must be used carefully because it damages the DNA structure. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pink peppers, also known as "pimenta-rosa" and "poivre rose", are the fruit of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, a species of pepper cultivated in Brazil, and have great potential for the exploration of uses. In efforts to lengthen the shelf life of this pepper, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different doses of radiation on its physical composition and color. The pink pepper samples were irradiated with doses of 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 kGy, and the moisture, ash and lipid contents, pH and color were analyzed. The moisture content, lipid content and pH analysis indicated effects due to the irradiation (p > 0.05) in which the higher doses resulted in decreases in the attribute. In contrast, there were no significant differences for the ash analysis (p < 0.05) among the studied doses. The color of the pink peppers were affected by the irradiation: the parameters a* and b* were the most affected by the intermediate doses (0.2 and 0.8 kGy), which induced their elevation, enhancing the reddish and yellowish colors. Based on the presented data, irradiation is as an alternative preservation process for pink peppers. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The aim of this work is to derive precise reddenings for 31 Cepheids using multiphase high-resolution spectroscopic observations and literature-derived colors. Each individual reddening value was determined as a difference between the observed (B - V) value and a calculated (B - V) value based on Castelli stellar model atmospheres and atmosphere parameters (effective temperature and gravity) previously determined through high-resolution spectroscopic analysis. This procedure was repeated for all pulsational phases at which spectra were obtained (typically 11 spectra for each star). After that, the mean reddening value for a given Cepheid was obtained. The reddening values derived were compared to values based on the use of distances and multiband photometry, reaching the general conclusion that reddening derived in this manner agrees with those from other methods.
Objective: To identify neuropsychological predictors of treatment response to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and fluoxetine in treatment-naive adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Method: Thirty-eight adult outpatients with OCD underwent neuropsychological assessment, including tasks of intellectual function, executive functioning and visual and verbal memory, before randomization to a 12-week clinical trial of either CBT or fluoxetine. Neuropsychological measures were used to identify predictors of treatment response in OCD. Results: Neuropsychological measures that predicted a better treatment response to either CBT or fluoxetine were higher verbal IQ (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence) (p = 0.008); higher verbal memory on the California Verbal Learning Test (p = 0.710); shorter time to complete part D (Dots) (p<0.001), longer time to complete part W (Words) (p = 0.025) and less errors on part C (Colors) (p<0.001) in the Victoria Stroop Test (VST). Fewer perseverations on the California Verbal Learning Test, a measure of mental flexibility, predicted better response to CBT, but worse response to fluoxetine (p = 0.002). Conclusion: In general, OCD patients with better cognitive and executive abilities at baseline were more prone to respond to either CBT or fluoxetine. Our finding that neuropsychological measures of mental flexibility predicted response to treatment in opposite directions for CBT and fluoxetine suggests that OCD patients with different neuropsychological profiles may respond preferentially to one type of treatment versus the other. Further studies with larger samples of OCD patients are necessary to investigate the heuristic value of such findings in a clinical context. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.