9 resultados para Pine Lawn Valley (N.M.)
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Angiosperm and gymnosperm plants evolved from a common ancestor about 300 million years ago. Apart from morphological and structural differences in embryogenesis and seed origin, a set of embryogenesis-regulating genes and the molecular mechanisms involved in embryo development seem to have been conserved alike in both taxa. Few studies have covered molecular aspects of embryogenesis in the Brazilian pine, the only economically important native conifer in Brazil. Thus eight embryogenesis-regulating genes, viz.,ARGONAUTE 1, CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON 1, WUSCHEL-related WOX, S-LOCUS LECTIN PROTEIN KINASE, SCARECROW-like, VICILIN 7S, LEAFY COTYLEDON 1, and REVERSIBLE GLYCOSYLATED POLYPEPTIDE 1, were analyzed through semi-quantitative RT-PCR during embryo development and germination. All the eight were found to be differentially expressed in the various developmental stages of zygotic embryos, seeds and seedling tissues. To our knowledge, this is the first report on embryogenesis-regulating gene expression in members of the Araucariaceae family, as well as in plants with recalcitrant seeds.
The goal of this article was to evaluate the surface characteristics of the pine fibres and its impact on the performance of fibre-cement composites. Lower polar contribution of the surface energy indicates that unbleached fibres have less hydrophilic nature than the bleached fibres. Bleaching the pulp makes the fibres less stronger, more fibrillated and permeable to liquids due to removal the amorphous lignin and its extraction from the fibre surface. Atomic force microscopy reveals these changes occurring on the fibre surface and contributes to understanding the mechanism of adhesion of the resulting fibre to cement interface. Scanning electron microscopy shows that pulp bleaching increased fibre/cement interfacial bonding, whilst unbleached fibres were less susceptible to cement precipitation into the fibre cavities (lumens) in the prepared composites. Consequently, bleached fibre-reinforced composites had lower ductility due to the high interfacial adhesion between the fibre and the cement and elevated rates of fibre mineralization.
Araucaria angustifolia, a unique species of this genus that occurs naturally in Brazil, has a high socio-economic and environmental value and is critically endangered of extinction, since it has been submitted to intense predatory exploitation during the last century. Root-associated bacteria from A. angustifolia were isolated, selected and characterized for their biotechnological potential of growth promotion and biocontrol of plant pathogenic fungi. Ninety-seven strains were isolated and subjected to chemical tests. All isolates presented at least one positive feature, characterizing them as potential PGPR. Eighteen isolates produced indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 27 were able to solubilize inorganic phosphate, 21 isolates were presumable diazotrophs, with pellicle formation in nitrogen-free culture medium, 83 were phosphatases producers, 37 were positive for siderophores and 45 endospore-forming isolates were antagonistic to Fusarium oxysporum, a pathogen of conifers. We also observed the presence of bacterial strains with multiple beneficial mechanisms of action. Analyzing the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene of these isolates, it was possible to characterize the most effective isolates as belonging to Bacillaceae (9 isolates), Enterobacteriaceae (11) and Pseudomonadaceae (1). As far as we know, this is the first study to include the species Ewingella americana as a PGPR. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Peat palynomorphs from Eugenio de Melo, middle valley of Paraiba do Sul River, Sao Paulo, Brazil. This paper presents palynomorphs identified in the peats of the Eugenio de Melo region, the middle valley of the Paraiba do Sul River, Sao Paulo State. The samples were collected at intervals of 10 cm from a core with 3.90 m deep, aged between 11400-11220 and 490-290 cal. years B.P. Three types of algae were identified and presented, and ten spores, two gymnosperm pollen grains and thirty-nine angiosperms were described, with their own ecological information.
Rift Valley Fever (RVF) virus (Family Bunyaviridae) is an arthropod-borne RNA virus that infects primarily domestic ruminants and occasionally humans. RVF epizootics are characterized by numerous abortions and mortality among young animals. In humans, the illness is usually characterized by a mild self-limited febrile illness, which could progress to more serious complications. RVF virus is widespread and endemic in many regions of Africa. In Western Africa, several outbreaks have been reported since 1987 when the first major one occurred at the frontier of Senegal and Mauritania. Aiming to evaluate the spreading and molecular epidemiology in these countries, RVFV isolates from 1944 to 2008 obtained from 18 localities in Senegal and Mauritania and 15 other countries were investigated. Our results suggest that a more intense viral activity possibly took place during the last century compared to the recent past and that at least 5 introductions of RVFV took place in Senegal and Mauritania from distant African regions. Moreover, Barkedji in Senegal was possibly a hub associated with the three distinct entries of RVFV in West Africa.
Sixty-three pottery fragments from four archaeological sites, numbered RST110, RST101, RST114 and RST114, in the Taquari Valley, vicinity of the city of Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil, have been dated by the thermoluminescence method. Some of them from RST110 and RST101 are as old as 1400-1200 years, whereas those from RST114 and RST107 are younger than 800 years. This result indicates that RST101 and RST110 were peopled earlier than RST114 and RST107. The recent dates found are 302, 295 and 146 years and they are possible, since the first German immigrants who arrived in this region encountered Tupi-Guarani Indians still living there. One interesting result refers to the glow curves of quartz grains RST110, RST101 and RST114 that differ from the glow curves of RST107 quartz grains.
Brazilian pine (Araucaria angustifolia (Bert) O. Ktze) is the only native conifer species with economic importance in Brazil. Recently, due to intensive exploitation Brazilian pine was included in the official list of endangered Brazilian plants, under the "vulnerable" category. Biotechnology tools like somatic embryogenesis (SE) are potentially useful for mass clonal propagation and ex situ conservation strategies of commercial and endangered plant species. In spite of that, numerous obstacles still hamper the full application of SE technology for a wider range of species, including Brazilian pine. To enhance somatic embryogenesis in Brazilian pine and to gain a better understanding of the molecular events associated with somatic embryo development, we analyzed the steady-state transcript levels of genes known to regulate somatic embryogenesis using semiquantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (sqRT-PCR). These genes included Argonaute (AaAGO), Cup-shaped cotyledon1 (AaCUC), wushel-related WOX (AaWOX), a S-locus lectin protein kinase (AaLecK), Scarecrow- like (AaSCR), Vicilin 7S (AaVIC), Leafy Cotyledon 1 (AaLEC), and a Reversible glycosylated polypeptide (AaRGP). Expression patterns of these selected genes were investigated in embryogenic cultures undergoing different stages of embryogenesis, and all the way to maturation. Up-regulation of AaAGO, AaCUC, AaWOX, AaLecK, and AaVIC was observed during transition of somatic embryos from stage I to stage II. During the maintenance phase of somatic embryogenesis, expression of AaAGO and AaSCR, but not AaRPG and AaLEC genes was influenced by presence/ absence of plant growth regulators, both auxins and cytokinins. The results presented here provide new insights on the molecular mechanisms responsible for somatic embryo formation, and how selected genes may be used as molecular markers for Brazilian pine embryogenesis.
AIM: The main goal of this research was to investigate the influence of the hydrological pulses on the space-temporal dynamics of physical and chemical variables in a wetland adjacent to Jacupiranguinha River (São Paulo, Brazil); METHODS: Eleven sampling points were distributed among the wetland, a tributary by its left side and the adjacent river. Four samplings were carried out, covering the rainy and the dry periods. Measures of pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and redox potential were taken in regular intervals of the water column using a multiparametric probe. Water samples were collected for the nitrogen and total phosphorus analysis, as well as their dissolved fractions (dissolved inorganic phosphorus, total dissolved phosphorus, ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate). Total alkalinity and suspended solids were also quantified; RESULTS: The Multivariate Analysis of Variance showed the influence of the seasonality on the variability of the investigated variables, while the Principal Component Analysis gave rise in two statistical significant axes, which delimited two groups representative of the rainy and dry periods. Hydrological pulses from Jacupiranguinha River, besides contributing to the inputs of nutrients and sediments during the period of connectivity, accounted for the decrease in spatial gradients in the wetland. This "homogenization effect" was evidenced by the Cluster Analysis. The research also showed an industrial raw effluent as the main point source of phosphorus to the Jacupiranguinha River and, indirectly, to the wetland; CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, considering the scarcity of information about the wetlands in the study area, this research, besides contributing to the understanding of the influence of hydrological pulses on the investigated environmental variables, showed the need for adoption of conservation policies of these ecosystems face the increase anthropic pressures that they have been submitted, which may result in lack of their ecological, social and economic functions.
O artigo analisa o processo de produção de moradia do imigrante japonês no Vale do Ribeira, na região sul do estado de São Paulo, ocorrido no início do século XX. Partindo do contexto histórico do início da colonização da região e as condicionantes que possibilitaram a criação da colônia, o trabalho busca verificar como foram construídas as casas que, baseados na autoconstrução e tendo a terra e madeira formaram o repertório de quase 500 casas. Põe foco em dois exemplares onde são analisadas a técnica do tsuchikabe e as sambladuras; verificando que mesmo diante das adversidades encontradas na natureza distinta de sua origem construíram casas de elevada qualidade. Os saberes trazidos do extremo oriente foram aplicados e se mesclaram às influências, cabocla, quilombola e europeia que hoje, após um século, representam uma categoria expressiva e variada sob os aspectos construtivo, tipológico e programático.