25 resultados para Pessoa de cabelo preto
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Injuries are an important cause of morbidity during adolescence, but can be avoided through learning about some of their characteristics. This study aimed to identify the most frequent injuries among adolescents attended at an emergency service. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective descriptive study on adolescents attended at the emergency service of the Teaching Health Center, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto (FMRP), between January 1, 2009, and September 30, 2009. METHODS: Age, sex, type of injury, site, day and time of occurrence, part of body involved, care received, whether the adolescent was accompanied at the time of injury and whether any type of counseling regarding injury prevention had been given were analyzed. RESULTS: Among 180 adolescents attended, 106 (58.8%) were boys and 74 (41.1%) were girls. Their ages were: 10 to 12 (66/36.6%), 12 to 14 (60/33.3%) and 14 to 16 years (54/30%). The injuries had occurred in public places (47.7%) and at home (21.1%). The main types were bruises (45.1%) and falls (39.2%), involving upper limbs (46.1%), lower limbs (31%) and head/neck (13.1%). The injuries occurred in the afternoon (44.4%) and morning (30%), on Mondays (17.7%) and Thursdays (16.6%). Radiological examinations were performed on 53.8%. At the time of injury, 76.1% of the adolescents were accompanied. Some type of counseling about injury prevention had been received by 39.4%. CONCLUSIONS: Although the injuries were of low severity, preventive attitudes need to be incorporated in order to reduce the risks and provide greater safety for adolescents.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and correlates in an adult population. METHODS: Cross-sectional population-based epidemiological study including a weighted sample of 2,471 adults of both sexes and with age 30 years or older residing in Ribeirao Preto, Southeastern Brazil, in 2007. The Rose Questionnaire was administered, and IHD prevalence was calculated with point estimates and 95% confidence intervals. To identify correlates (sociodemographic, cardiovascular risk factors, and those related to access to health services and to physical activity level), crude and adjusted prevalence ratios were estimated using Poisson regression. RESULTS: IHD prevalence was higher in females than males at all age strata. In the final model, the following variables were independently associated with IHD: work status (PR = 0.54 [0.37; 0.78]); family history of IHD (PR = 1.55 [1.12;2.13]); hypertension (PR = 1.70 [1.18;2.46]); self-reported health status (PR=2.15 [1.40;3.31]); smoking duration (third tertile) (PR=1.73 [1.08;2.76]); adjusted waist circumference (PR=1.79 [1.21;2.65]) and hypertriglyceridemia (PR=1.48 [1.05;2.10]). Linear trend test of PR across self-reported health status categories was statistically significant (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of IHD was found, and the factors associated with the outcome are almost all modifiable and potentially influenced by public policy interventions.
The scope of this paper is to analyze delays in locating health services for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in Ribeirao Preto in 2009. An epidemiological and cross-sectional study was conducted with 94 TB patients undergoing treatment. A structured questionnaire, based on the Primary Care Assessment Tool adapted for TB care was used. A median (15 days or more) was established to characterize delay in health attendance. Using the Prevalence Ratio, the variables associated with longer delay were identified. The first healthcare services sought were the Emergency Services (ES) (57.5%). The longest period between seeking assistance occurred among males, aged between 50 and 59, who earned less than five minimum wages, had pulmonary TB, were new cases, were not co-infected with TB/HIV, did not consume alcohol, had satisfactory knowledge about TB before diagnosis (with a statistically significant association with delay) and who did not seek healthcare close to home before developing TB. There is a perceived need for training healthcare professionals about the signs and symptoms of the disease, reducing barriers of access to timely diagnosis of TB and widely disseminating it to the community in general.
The present paper presents the social and obstetric profile of women undergoing cesarean childbirth at a public maternity hospital in the interior of Sao Paulo state. This is a quantitative, retrospective, descriptive study performed using documental research. The collected data refer to the period between July and December 2005, and between January and June 2006. A total of 670 records were reviewed. A 23% rate of cesarean births was identified at the institution studied during the aforementioned period. The studied population was characterized as having a low level of education, living in a common-law relationship, and not having a paid occupation. The main indications for cesarean sections were iterativity and acute fetal distress. The findings revealed an emphasis on obstetric nursing in the low-risk normal childbirth scenario, considering the non-interventionist character inherent to their education and training.
Introduction: The purpose of this ecological study was to evaluate the urban spatial and temporal distribution of tuberculosis (TB) in Ribeirao Preto, State of Sao Paulo, southeast Brazil, between 2006 and 2009 and to evaluate its relationship with factors of social vulnerability such as income and education level. Methods: We evaluated data from TBWeb, an electronic notification system for TB cases. Measures of social vulnerability were obtained from the SEADE Foundation, and information about the number of inhabitants, education and income of the households were obtained from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Statistical analyses were conducted by a Bayesian regression model assuming a Poisson distribution for the observed new cases of TB in each area. A conditional autoregressive structure was used for the spatial covariance structure. Results: The Bayesian model confirmed the spatial heterogeneity of TB distribution in Ribeirao Preto, identifying areas with elevated risk and the effects of social vulnerability on the disease. We demonstrated that the rate of TB was correlated with the measures of income, education and social vulnerability. However, we observed areas with low vulnerability and high education and income, but with high estimated TB rates. Conclusions: The study identified areas with different risks for TB, given that the public health system deals with the characteristics of each region individually and prioritizes those that present a higher propensity to risk of TB. Complex relationships may exist between TB incidence and a wide range of environmental and intrinsic factors, which need to be studied in future research.
OBJETIVO: determinar a prevalência de quedas em idosos e sua relação com a capacidade funcional. MÉTODO: trata-se de estudo epidemiológico transversal de base populacional, com uma amostra por conglomerado de duplo estágio de 240 sujeitos, com idade acima de 60 anos, de ambos os sexos, residentes em Ribeirão Preto, SP. Os dados foram coletados entre novembro de 2010 e fevereiro de 2011 e utilizaram-se os questionários: perfil social, avaliação de quedas, Medida de Independência Funcional e Escala de Lawton e Brody. Foi adotado o nível de significância de 0,05. Para a identificação da ocorrência das quedas e sua relação com a capacidade funcional, foram utilizadas razão de prevalência e de chances de prevalência e regressão logística múltipla. RESULTADOS: a média de idade foi de 73,5 anos (±8,4), 25% com 80 anos ou mais, predomínio do sexo feminino; 48,8% estudaram de 1 a 4 anos. Média de 1,33 quedas (±0,472); com maior prevalência em mulheres e idosos mais jovens; o local mais frequente foi o quintal e o banheiro. Houve forte correlação entre o nível de independência funcional e as atividades instrumentais com a idade, e não houve relação entre os idosos que sofreram queda e as variáveis sexo e idade. CONCLUSÃO: houve predomínio de mulheres que sofreram quedas relacionadas à independência funcional, podendo-se prevenir com estratégias de promoção à saúde ao idoso, política essa para oferecer condição de vida à pessoa no processo de envelhecer.
While human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 chemokine co-receptors 5 tropism and the GWGR motif in the envelope third variable region (V3 loop) have been associated with a slower disease progression, their influence on antiretroviral response remains unclear. The impact of baseline V3 characteristics on treatment response was evaluated in a randomised, double blind, prospective cohort study with patients initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy with lopinavir or efavirenz plus azithothymidine/3TC (1:1) over 48 weeks. Similar virological and immunological responses were observed for both treatment regimens. The 43 individuals had a mean baseline CD4 T cell count of 119 cells/mm(3) [standard deviation (SD) = 99] and a mean viral load of 5.09 log(10) copies/mL (SD = 0.49). The GWGR motif was not associated with a CD4 T cell response, but predicted R5 tropism by the geno2pheno([clinical20%]) algorithm correlated with higher CD4 T cell levels at all monitoring points (p < 0.05). Moreover, higher false-positive rates (FPR) values from this analysis revealed a strong correlation with CD4 T cell recovery (p < 0.0001). Transmitted drug resistance mutations, documented in 3/41 (7.3%) cases, were unrelated to the assigned antiretroviral regimen and had no impact on patient outcomes. In conclusion, naive HIV-1 R5 infected patients exhibited higher CD4 T cell counts at baseline; this difference was sustained throughout therapy. The geno2pheno[clinical] option FPR positively correlated with CD4 T cell gain and may be useful in predicting CD4 T cell recovery.
Introduction: This study analyzed the occurrence and the contamination of triatomines by trypanosomatids in Orbignya speciosa (babassu) specimens in the State of Rondonia, Brazil, in two different environments (pasture and woods). Methods: Capture of triatomines on babassus and microscopic search for trypanosomatids in their digestive tube were carried out. Results: Four hundred ninety-four (494) specimens were captured (Rhodnius prolixus and R.robustus), of which 35.6% of the triatomines were positive for trypanosomatids. Conclusions: The high index of natural infection along with the abundance of triatomines points out to the necessity to create an epidemiological surveillance system to monitor vector-borne transmission and deepen the studies on the ecology of such vectors in the Amazon.
The study was designed to investigate the impact of air pollution on monthly inhalation/nebulization procedures in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from 2004 to 2010. To assess the relationship between the procedures and particulate matter (PM10) a Bayesian Poisson regression model was used, including a random factor that captured extra-Poisson variability between counts. Particulate matter was associated with the monthly number of inhalation/nebulization procedures, but the inclusion of covariates (temperature, precipitation, and season of the year) suggests a possible confounding effect. Although other studies have linked particulate matter to an increasing number of visits due to respiratory morbidity, the results of this study suggest that such associations should be interpreted with caution.
OBJETIVO: Identificar a prevalência da doença isquêmica do coração em adultos e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico transversal de base populacional, conduzido em amostra ponderada de 2.471 adultos de ambos os sexos e com 30 anos ou mais residentes em Ribeirão Preto, SP, em 2007. A prevalência da doença foi estimada por pontos e por intervalos com 95% de confiança (IC95%), após a aplicação do Questionário Rose. Para a identificação de fatores associados (fatores sociodemográficos, de riscos cardiovasculares e relacionados ao acesso a serviços e ao padrão de atividade física), razões de prevalências brutas e ajustadas foram estimadas por meio da regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de doença isquêmica do coração foi maior no sexo feminino que no masculino, em todas as faixas etárias. No modelo final permaneceram independentemente associadas ao desfecho as seguintes variáveis: ter trabalho (RP = 0,54 [0,37;0,78]); antecedentes familiares de doença isquêmica do coração (RP = 1,55 [1,12;2,13]); hipertensão arterial (RP = 1,70 [1,18;2,46]); saúde autorreferida (RP = 2,15 [1,40;3,31]); duração do hábito de fumar (3° terço) (RP = 1,73 [1,08;2,76]); circunferência da cintura alterada (RP = 1,79 [1,21;2,65]) e hipertrigliceridemia (RP = 1,48 [1,05;2,10]). Teste de tendência linear para as RP nas categorias da variável saúde autorreferida apresentou significância estatística (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: Além da elevada prevalência de doença isquêmica do coração, os fatores associados ao desfecho são quase todos modificáveis e passíveis de intervenção por meio de políticas públicas.
INTRODUCTION: This study analyzed the occurrence and the contamination of triatomines by trypanosomatids in Orbignya speciosa (babassu) specimens in the State of Rondônia, Brazil, in two different environments (pasture and woods). METHODS: Capture of triatomines on babassus and microscopic search for trypanosomatids in their digestive tube were carried out. RESULTS: Four hundred ninety-four (494) specimens were captured (Rhodnius prolixus and R.robustus), of which 35.6% of the triatomines were positive for trypanosomatids. CONCLUSIONS: The high index of natural infection along with the abundance of triatomines points out to the necessity to create an epidemiological surveillance system to monitor vector-borne transmission and deepen the studies on the ecology of such vectors in the Amazon.
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this ecological study was to evaluate the urban spatial and temporal distribution of tuberculosis (TB) in Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, southeast Brazil, between 2006 and 2009 and to evaluate its relationship with factors of social vulnerability such as income and education level. METHODS: We evaluated data from TBWeb, an electronic notification system for TB cases. Measures of social vulnerability were obtained from the SEADE Foundation, and information about the number of inhabitants, education and income of the households were obtained from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Statistical analyses were conducted by a Bayesian regression model assuming a Poisson distribution for the observed new cases of TB in each area. A conditional autoregressive structure was used for the spatial covariance structure. RESULTS: The Bayesian model confirmed the spatial heterogeneity of TB distribution in Ribeirão Preto, identifying areas with elevated risk and the effects of social vulnerability on the disease. We demonstrated that the rate of TB was correlated with the measures of income, education and social vulnerability. However, we observed areas with low vulnerability and high education and income, but with high estimated TB rates. CONCLUSIONS: The study identified areas with different risks for TB, given that the public health system deals with the characteristics of each region individually and prioritizes those that present a higher propensity to risk of TB. Complex relationships may exist between TB incidence and a wide range of environmental and intrinsic factors, which need to be studied in future research.
While human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 chemokine co-receptors 5 tropism and the GWGR motif in the envelope third variable region (V3 loop) have been associated with a slower disease progression, their influence on antiretroviral response remains unclear. The impact of baseline V3 characteristics on treatment response was evaluated in a randomised, double blind, prospective cohort study with patients initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy with lopinavir or efavirenz plus azithothymidine/3TC (1:1) over 48 weeks. Similar virological and immunological responses were observed for both treatment regimens. The 43 individuals had a mean baseline CD4 T cell count of 119 cells/mm³ [standard deviation (SD) = 99] and a mean viral load of 5.09 log10 copies/mL (SD = 0.49). The GWGR motif was not associated with a CD4 T cell response, but predicted R5 tropism by the geno2pheno[clinical20%] algorithm correlated with higher CD4 T cell levels at all monitoring points (p < 0.05). Moreover, higher false-positive rates (FPR) values from this analysis revealed a strong correlation with CD4 T cell recovery (p < 0.0001). Transmitted drug resistance mutations, documented in 3/41 (7.3%) cases, were unrelated to the assigned antiretroviral regimen and had no impact on patient outcomes. In conclusion, naÏve HIV-1 R5 infected patients exhibited higher CD4 T cell counts at baseline; this difference was sustained throughout therapy. The geno2pheno[clinical] option FPR positively correlated with CD4 T cell gain and may be useful in predicting CD4 T cell recovery.
The study was designed to investigate the impact of air pollution on monthly inhalation/nebulization procedures in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, from 2004 to 2010. To assess the relationship between the procedures and particulate matter (PM10) a Bayesian Poisson regression model was used, including a random factor that captured extra-Poisson variability between counts. Particulate matter was associated with the monthly number of inhalation/nebulization procedures, but the inclusion of covariates (temperature, precipitation, and season of the year) suggests a possible confounding effect. Although other studies have linked particulate matter to an increasing number of visits due to respiratory morbidity, the results of this study suggest that such associations should be interpreted with caution.
Este estudo teve como objetivo averiguar, antes e após o uso do implante coclear, a dimensão afetiva em pacientes adultos com surdez adquirida, no que diz respeito às modalidades dos sentimentos egoicos, sentimentos em relação ao próximo, sentimentos de temporalidade e estados de ânimo. Participaram 44 adultos que realizaram o implante coclear no Centro de Pesquisas Audiológicas do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo de Bauru. Concluiu-se que, na vivência da surdez, houve predomínio de sentimentos negativos e de um clima afetivo de tensão e depressão, que levava o sujeito a uma vinculação negativa, de assintonia com o mundo. Entretanto, na vivência com o implante coclear, houve predomínio de sentimentos positivos e de um clima afetivo de tranquilidade e contentamento, observando-se uma vinculação positiva do sujeito e sintonia com o mundo.