13 resultados para Pedra Bela

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Major and trace-element microanalyses of the main minerals from the 610 Ma Pedra Branca Syenite, southeast Brazil, allow inferences on intensive parameters of magmatic crystallization and on the partition of trace-elements among these minerals, with important implications for the petrogenetic evolution of the pluton. Two main syenite types make up the pluton, a quartz-free syenite with tabular alkali feldspar (laminated silica-saturated syenite, LSS, with Na-rich augite + phlogopite + hematite + magnetite + titanite + apatite) and a quartz-bearing syenite (laminated silica-oversaturated syenite, LSO, with scarce corroded plagioclase plus diopside + biotite +/- hornblende + ilmenite magnetite +/- titanite + apatite). Both types share a remarkable enrichment in incompatible elements as K, Ba, Sr, P and LREE. Apatite saturation temperatures of similar to 1060-1090 degrees C are the best estimates of liquidus, whereas the pressure of emplacement, based on Al-in-hornblende barometry, is estimated as 3.3 to 4.8 khan Although both units crystallized under oxidizing conditions, oxygen fugacity was probably higher in LSS, as shown by higher mg# of the mafic minerals and higher hematite contents in Hem-Ilm(ss). In contrast with the Ca-bearing alkali-feldspar from LSO, which hosts most of the whole-rock Sr and Pb, virtually Ca-free alkali-feldspar from LSS hosts similar to 50% of whole-rock Sr and similar to 80% of Pb, the remainder of these elements being shared by apatite, pyroxene and titanite. This contrast reflects a strong crystal-chemical control, whereby a higher proportion of an element with similar ratio and charge (Ca2+) enhances the residence of Sr and Pb in the M-site of alkali feldspar. The more alkaline character of the LSS magma is inferred to have inhibited zircon saturation; Zr + Hf remained in solution until late in the crystallization, and were mostly accommodated in the structure of Ca-Na pyroxene and titanite, which are one order of magnitude richer in these elements compared to the same minerals in LSO, where most of Zr and Hf are inferred to reside in zircon. The REE, Th and U reside mostly in titanite and apatite; D(REE)Tit/Ap raises steadily from 1 to 6 from La to Tb then remains constant up to Lu in the LSO sample; these values are about half as much in the LSS sample, where lower contents of incompatible elements in titanite are attributed to its greater modal abundance and earlier crystallization. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background The effect of intensified platelet inhibition for patients with unstable angina or myocardial infarction without ST-segment elevation who do not undergo revascularization has not been delineated. Methods In this double-blind, randomized trial, in a primary analysis involving 7243 patients under the age of 75 years receiving aspirin, we evaluated up to 30 months of treatment with prasugrel (10 mg daily) versus clopidogrel (75 mg daily). In a secondary analysis involving 2083 patients 75 years of age or older, we evaluated 5 mg of prasugrel versus 75 mg of clopidogrel. Results At a median follow-up of 17 months, the primary end point of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke among patients under the age of 75 years occurred in 13.9% of the prasugrel group and 16.0% of the clopidogrel group (hazard ratio in the prasugrel group, 0.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.79 to 1.05; P = 0.21). Similar results were observed in the overall population. The prespecified analysis of multiple recurrent ischemic events (all components of the primary end point) suggested a lower risk for prasugrel among patients under the age of 75 years (hazard ratio, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.72 to 1.00; P = 0.04). Rates of severe and intracranial bleeding were similar in the two groups in all age groups. There was no significant between-group difference in the frequency of nonhemorrhagic serious adverse events, except for a higher frequency of heart failure in the clopidogrel group. Conclusions Among patients with unstable angina or myocardial infarction without ST- segment elevation, prasugrel did not significantly reduce the frequency of the primary end point, as compared with clopidogrel, and similar risks of bleeding were observed. (Funded by Eli Lilly and Daiichi Sankyo; TRILOGY ACS ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00699998.)


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We present the results of airborne measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) and aerosol particle number concentration (CN) made during the Balan double dagger o Atmosf,rico Regional de Carbono na Amazonia (BARCA) program. The primary goal of BARCA is to address the question of basin-scale sources and sinks of CO2 and other atmospheric carbon species, a central issue of the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (LBA) program. The experiment consisted of two aircraft campaigns during November-December 2008 (BARCA-A) and May-June 2009 (BARCA-B), which covered the altitude range from the surface up to about 4500 m, and spanned most of the Amazon Basin. Based on meteorological analysis and measurements of the tracer, SF6, we found that airmasses over the Amazon Basin during the late dry season (BARCA-A, November 2008) originated predominantly from the Southern Hemisphere, while during the late wet season (BARCA-B, May 2009) low-level airmasses were dominated by northern-hemispheric inflow and mid-tropospheric airmasses were of mixed origin. In BARCA-A we found strong influence of biomass burning emissions on the composition of the atmosphere over much of the Amazon Basin, with CO enhancements up to 300 ppb and CN concentrations approaching 10 000 cm(-3); the highest values were in the southern part of the Basin at altitudes of 1-3 km. The Delta CN/Delta CO ratios were diagnostic for biomass burning emissions, and were lower in aged than in fresh smoke. Fresh emissions indicated CO/CO2 and CN/CO emission ratios in good agreement with previous work, but our results also highlight the need to consider the residual smoldering combustion that takes place after the active flaming phase of deforestation fires. During the late wet season, in contrast, there was little evidence for a significant presence of biomass smoke. Low CN concentrations (300-500 cm(-3)) prevailed basinwide, and CO mixing ratios were enhanced by only similar to 10 ppb above the mixing line between Northern and Southern Hemisphere air. There was no detectable trend in CO with distance from the coast, but there was a small enhancement of CO in the boundary layer suggesting diffuse biogenic sources from photochemical degradation of biogenic volatile organic compounds or direct biological emission. Simulations of CO distributions during BARCA-A using a range of models yielded general agreement in spatial distribution and confirm the important contribution from biomass burning emissions, but the models evidence some systematic quantitative differences compared to observed CO concentrations. These mismatches appear to be related to problems with the accuracy of the global background fields, the role of vertical transport and biomass smoke injection height, the choice of model resolution, and reliability and temporal resolution of the emissions data base.


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We study the thermodynamic properties of a certain type of space-inhomogeneous Fermi and quantum spin systems on lattices. We are particularly interested in the case where the space scale of the inhomogeneities stays macroscopic, but very small as compared to the side-length of the box containing fermions or spins. The present study is however not restricted to "macroscopic inhomogeneities" and also includes the (periodic) microscopic and mesoscopic cases. We prove that - as in the homogeneous case - the pressure is, up to a minus sign, the conservative value of a two-person zero-sum game, named here thermodynamic game. Because of the absence of space symmetries in such inhomogeneous systems, it is not clear from the beginning what kind of object equilibrium states should be in the thermodynamic limit. However, we give rigorous statements on correlations functions for large boxes. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4763465]


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Triatoma baratai Carcavallo & Jurberg, 2000, a species similar to Triatoma williami Galvao, Souza & Lima, 1967 and belonging to the T. matogrossensis subcomplex, was described based on a male specimen collected in a sylvatic environment, near a cave, in Bonito county, Bodoquena mountain range, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In the present work we describe the female of T. baratai, captured in a chicken house, in Nioaque county, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Furthermore, we recorded the occurrence of T. baratai in domiciles and peridomestic environment in another four municipalities (Bodoquena, Bela Vista, Corumba, and Miranda), extending its geographical distribution. Finally, we present a key to the species of the Triatoma matogrossensis subcomplex.


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Although a large amount of data have been published in past years on the taxonomic status of the Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) species complex, there is still a need to know how many species this complex comprises, the distribution of each one, and their distinguishing features. In this study, we assessed the morphometric variability of 32 populations from the A. fraterculus complex, located in major biogeographical areas from the Neotropics. Multivariate techniques for analysis were applied to the measurements of 21 variables referring to the mesonotum, aculeus, and wing. For the first time, our results identified the presence of seven distinct morphotypes within this species complex. According to the biogeographical areas, populations occurring in the Mesoamerican dominion (Mexico, Guatemala, and Panama) were clustered within a single natural entity labeled as the "Mexican" morphotype; whereas in the northwestern South American dominion, samples fell into three distinct groups: the "Venezuelan" morphotype with a single population from the Caribbean lowlands of Venezuela, the "Andean" morphotype from the highlands of Venezuela and Colombia, and the third group or "Peruvian" morphotype comprised the samples from the Pacific coastal lowlands of Ecuador and Peru. Three additional groups were identified from the Chacoan and Paranaense sub-regions: the morphotype "Brazilian-1" was recognized as including the Argentinean samples with most pertaining to Brazil, and widely distributed in these biogeographical areas; the morphotype "Brazilian-2" was recognized as including two samples from the state of Sao Paulo (Ilha-Bela and Sao Sebastiao); whereas the morphotype "Brazilian-3" included a single population from Botucatu (state of Sao Paulo). Based on data published by previous authors showing genetic and karyotypic differentiation, as well as reproductive isolation, we have concluded that such morphotypes indeed represent natural groups and distinct taxonomic entities.


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As várias opções para a realização de tratamentos estéticos conservadores permitem ao profissional a escolha de materiais e técnicas apropriados, que melhor se enquadrem nas características individuais de cada paciente e na realidade de seu consultório. No caso clínico apresentado, a técnica de clareamento dental em consultório com peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (Total Blanc Office, DFL), ativado com luz híbrida LED/LASER e a microabrasão de esmalte com pasta de acido fosfórico a 37% e pedra pomes, foram associados. Os resultados com o clareamento em consultório são imediatos, de forma que o profissional dispõe de total controle sobre aplicação do gel clareador em áreas e dentes específicos. A microabrasão do esmalte é um tratamento simples e custo relativamente baixo, remove as manchas superficiais do esmalte com preservação de estrutura dental. No caso apresentado, a associação das duas técnicas proporcionou a obtenção de excelente resultado estético em apenas uma sessão de atendimento.


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We report a technique to palliate hypoplastic left heart syndrome, with no PDA stenting, but with double polytetrafluoroethylene shunt from pulmonary artery to ascending and descending aorta by combined thoracotomies. A 30-day-old female was operated with this technique. Five months after first operation, the child was submitted to Norwood/Glenn operation. Good hemodinamic recovery and initial clinical evolution was observed. The child was extubated in 8th post operatory day and reentubated in the next day due to pulmonary infection. Despite antibiotic treatment, the child died after systemic infectious complications.


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O artigo apresenta a caraterização e a análise dos ladrilhos utilizados em construções do século XVIII, na cidade de Paranaguá, no Estado do Paraná, avaliando principalmente sua composição química. Através da análise de microscópio eletrônico de varredura foi possível coletar informações que permitiram interpretações sobre a composição dessas peças. Em Paranaguá, grande parte das edificações setecentistas possui paredes em alvenaria de pedra enquanto a utilização desses ladrilhos esteve restrita às estruturas dos quadros de portas e janelas, como alternativa às vergas e umbrais de cantaria ou madeira usados em construções até a primeira metade do século XIX. Algumas ruínas existentes no centro histórico revelam fortes indícios dos materiais empregados, modo de assentamento e dimensões desses ladrilhos. Essas peças são mais delgadas do que os tijolos, ressaltando que estes elementos foram bastante empregados a partir da segunda metade do século XIX. Observando os ladrilhos a olho nu, é possível verificar a variedade de agregados que compõem as argilas. Sendo assim, este trabalho é uma contribuição para a história dos materiais e das técnicas construtivas da cidade de Paranaguá e sua relação de influências com a metrópole portuguesa, ao mesmo tempo em que permitiu apropriações e adaptações locais.


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Neste artigo repensamos a metáfora do "poeta-engenheiro", ou "poeta-arquiteto", que geralmente caracteriza o processo criativo de João Cabral de Melo Neto, à luz de uma leitura genética de manuscritos de A educação pela pedra. Veremos que o "arquiteto" da metáfora provém da teoria de Le Corbusier, na qual o desenho (a concepção) determina o canteiro (a execução). No entanto, a análise de transformações de estruturas por meio de reformulações textuais nos manuscritos do poeta mostra que, por vezes, o projeto, ou intenção, se transforma nos trabalhos da página-canteiro.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos comparando os métodos percutâneo e cirúrgico no tratamento da persistência do canal arterial (PCA) são raros na literatura. Nosso objetivo foi realizar análise comparativa entre os dois métodos de tratamento da PCA, enfatizando os aspectos de eficácia e morbidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional com 2 coortes de crianças e adolescentes > 5 kg e < 14 anos, portadores de PCA, tratados durante um projeto de avaliação de incorporação de novas tecnologias ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), realizado em um hospital cardiológico de excelência, em parceria com o Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. Foi feita análise prospectiva no grupo percutâneo entre 2009 e 2011 e retrospectiva no grupo cirúrgico entre 2006 e 2011. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 80 pacientes no grupo percutâneo (60% do sexo feminino) e 39 no grupo cirúrgico (51% do sexo feminino; P = 0,37). A mediana de idade e de peso dos grupos percutâneo e cirúrgico foi de 39,4 meses vs. 25,5 meses (P = 0,04) e de 14 kg vs. 11,1 kg (P = 0,052), respectivamente. No grupo percutâneo, 78 pacientes (92%) tinham PCA do tipo A e o diâmetro mínimo do canal à angiografia foi de 2,5 ± 1,2 mm. As próteses mais utilizadas foram Amplatzer®, molas de Gianturco e CeraTM. A técnica cirúrgica mais utilizada foi a clipagem. A taxa de sucesso dos procedimentos foi de 100% nos dois grupos. O grupo cirúrgico apresentou maiores taxas de complicação, incluindo quilotórax, infecções, necessidade de hemoderivados, hipertensão arterial sistêmica e uso de opioides, como também maior necessidade de terapia intensiva. A mediana do tempo de internação foi de 1,3 dia no grupo percutâneo e de 7,9 dias no grupo cirúrgico (P < 0,01). À alta hospitalar, as taxas de oclusão foram semelhantes nos dois grupos (91% no grupo percutâneo e 87% no grupo cirúrgico; P = 0,71). CONCLUSÕES: Em decorrência da menor morbidade, do menor tempo de internação e da igual eficácia, o tratamento percutâneo da PCA deve ser considerado a modalidade terapêutica de escolha para pacientes selecionados.


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This study aimed to map phytophysiognomies of an area of Ombrophilous Dense Forest at Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar and characterize their floristic composition. Photointerpretation of aerial photographs in scale of 1:35,000 was realized in association with field work. Thirteen physiognomies were mapped and they were classified as Montane Ombrophilous Dense Forest, Alluvial Ombrophilous Dense Forest or Secondary System. Three physiognomies identified at Casa de Pedra streamlet's basin were studied with more details. Riparian forest (RF), valley forest (VF), and hill forest (HF) presented some floristic distinction, as confirmed by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) conducted here. Anthropic or natural disturbances and heterogeneity of environmental conditions may be the causes of physiognomic variation in the vegetation of the region. The results presented here may be useful to decisions related to management and conservation of Núcleo Santa Virgínia forests, in general.


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Diante da relevância mundial do desafio no enfrentamento do tema concernente ao uso de drogas, o presente artigo tem por escopo principal abordar alguns aspectos sobre a cocaína em suas diversas formas de consumo, isto é, como chá, em pó (inalada), como injeção (diluída) e fumo – neste caso denominado crack (“pedra”) ou merla (“pasta”). Nesse contexto, no primeiro tópico, explana-se um breve histórico sobre as drogas, com enfoque nas espécies do tipo estimulantes, no qual se ressalta os efeitos tóxicos que causam ao organismo dos usuários. A seguir, há relevo sobre os problemas sociais e psicológicos acarretados pelo uso da cocaína em qualquer de suas formas, bem como expõe apontamentos sobre métodos de tratamento