19 resultados para Peak periods.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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This paper provides additional validation to the problem of estimating wave spectra based on the first-order motions of a moored vessel. Prior investigations conducted by the authors have attested that even a large-volume ship, such as an FPSO unit, could be adopted for on-board estimation of the wave field. The obvious limitation of the methodology concerns filtering of high-frequency wave components, for which the vessel has no significant response. As a result, the estimation range is directly dependent on the characteristics of the vessel response. In order to extend this analysis, further small-scale tests were performed with a model of a pipe-laying crane-barge. When compared to the FPSO case, the results attest that a broader range of typical sea states can be accurately estimated, including crossed-sea states with low peak periods. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We studied the population dynamics and the reproductive biology of Penilia avirostris during three consecutive years on the inner shelf off Ubatuba, Brazil. Penilia avirostris individuals and its eggs and embryos were counted, measured, and classified into stages. The species occurred throughout the studied period, in a wide temperature range (14.8-28.2A degrees C). Cladoceran densities were usually higher (> 2,000 ind m(-3)) in warm seasons, when the water column was stratified as a consequence of bottom intrusions of the cold- and nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water. Juveniles, non-reproducing females, and parthenogenic females were the dominant developmental stages. Males and gamogenic females were rare and only occurred when females reached peak abundances. This suggests that in tropical and subtropical coastal seas gamogenesis in P. avirostris is not as common as in temperate seas, but may play a significant role in the density-dependent control of the population preceding unfavourable periods.


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The morphology and the deposition periods of egg capsules by the bruised nassa Nassarius vibex were investigated on two beaches located on the southeast coast of Brazil. The nassariids were associated with the charru mussel Mytella charruana, which forms beds on soft mud-bottoms. A total of 1558 capsules were collected, only from the fronds of the green alga Ulva lactuca, 859 for Camaroeiro Beach and 699 for Cidade Beach. The mean sizes of the egg capsules and numbers of eggs or larvae per capsule were similar on the two beaches, as were the periods of capsule deposition. At Camaroeiro Beach, capsules first appeared in May 2006, reached a peak in August 2006, and disappeared in December 2006. At Cidade Beach, the first capsules were recorded in July 2006, with a peak in August 2006. A second peak was also observed at this beach between January 2007 and April 2007. The two periods of deposition recorded at the latter beach may indicate two periods of recruitment in the same year for N. vibex. Regarding the influence of intertidal level on capsule deposition, there was a significant difference in the number of capsules between the levels at Camaroeiro Beach (F= 7.445, p<0.05), and for the second capsule-deposition peak at Cidade Beach (F= 6.382, p<0.05). This study revealed a selective pattern of capsule deposition, with individuals of N. vibex using only fronds of U. lactuca. This process was influenced by the morphodynamics of the two beaches, with the nassariids maximizing the survival of embryos by depositing more capsules and more eggs per capsule in better-protected parts of the mytilid beds.


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The basement rock of the Pampean flat-slab (Sierras Pampeanas) in the Central Andes was uplifted and rotated in the Cenozoic era. The Western Sierras Pampeanas are characterised by meta-igneous rocks of Grenvillian Mesoproterozoic age and metasedimentary units metamorphosed in the Ordovician period. These rocks, known as the northern Cuyania composite terrane, were derived from Laurentia and accreted toward Western Gondwana during the Early Paleozoic. The Sierra de Umango is the westernmost range of the Western Sierras Pampeanas.This range is bounded by the Devonian sedimentary rocks of the Precordillera on the western side and Tertiary rocks from the Sierra de Maz and Sierra del Espinal on the eastern side and contains igneous and sedimentary rocks outcroppings from the Famatina System on the far eastern side. The Sierra de Umango evolved during a period of polyphase tectonic activity, including an Ordovician collisional event, a Devonian compressional deformation, Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic extensional faulting and sedimentation (Paganzo and Ischigualasto basins) and compressional deformation of the Andean foreland during the Cenozoic. A Nappe System and an important shear zone, La Puntilla-La Falda Shear Zone (PFSZ), characterise the Ordovician collisional event, which was related to the accretion of Cuyania Terrane to the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana. Three continuous deformational phases are recognised for this event: the D1 phase is distinguished by relics of 51 preserved as internal foliation within interkinematic staurolite por-phyroblasts and likely represents the progressive metamorphic stage; the D2 phase exhibits P-T conditions close to the metamorphic peak that were recorded in an 52 transposition or a mylonitic foliation and determine the main structure of Umango; and the D3 phase is described as a set of tight to recumbent folds with S3 axial plane foliation, often related to thrust faults, indicating the retrogressive metamorphic stage. The Nappe System shows a top-to-the S/SW sense direction of movement, and the PFSZ served as a right lateral ramp in the exhumation process. This structural pattern is indicative of an oblique collision, with the Cuyania Terrane subducting under the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana in the NE direction. This continental subduction and exhumation lasted at least 30 million years, nearly the entire Ordovician period, and produced metamorphic conditions of upper amphibolite-to-granulite facies in medium- to high-pressure regimes. At least two later events deformed the earlier structures: D4 and D5 deformational phases. The D4 deformational phase corresponds to upright folding, with wavelengths of approximately 10 km and a general N-S orientation. These folds modified the S2 surface in an approximately cylindrical manner and are associated with exposed, discrete shear zones in the Silurian Guandacolinos Granite. The cylindrical pattern and subhorizontal axis of the D4 folds indicates that the S2 surface was originally flat-lying. The D4 folds are responsible for preserving the basement unit Juchi Orthogneiss synformal klippen. This deformation corresponds to the Chanica Tectonic during the interval between the Devonian and Carboniferous periods. The D5 deformational phase comprehends cuspate-lobate shaped open plunging folds with E W high-angle axes (D5 folds) and sub-vertical spaced cleavage. The D5 folds and related spaced cleavage deformed the previous structures and could be associated with uplifting during the Andean Cycle. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to determine the size and composition of atmospheric aerosols in the downtown area of the city of So Paulo, Brazil, for a polluted and an unpolluted period. Aerosols were sampled with a portable air sampler (PAS), Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI), and Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer. At the study site, air quality is poor, especially during the winter, high concentrations of pollutants being emitted primarily by the light- and heavy-duty vehicle fleet. We analyzed mass, black carbon (BC), Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, Sn, Zr, and Pb. During the polluted period, diurnal PM(10) was higher than nocturnal PM(10), whereas the inverse was true during the unpolluted period. The FPM was rich in BC, S, and Pb, whereas CPM was rich in Al, Si, Ca, Ti, and Fe. Mass balance was performed by category: ammonium sulfate, sodium chloride, crustal material, BC, and other. The PAS-determined FPM was mainly BC. The MOUDI-determined FPM crustal material explained more mass than did ammonium sulfate and BC during the polluted period, whereas ammonium sulfate had the largest mass during the unpolluted period. Crustal material was the major CPM component, followed by ammonium sulfate and BC. During the unpolluted period, FPM concentrations were lower, whereas those of ammonium sulfate were relatively higher, especially at night, and particle number was inversely proportional to particle size. Aerosol growth was more intense during the polluted period.


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Oral Diseases (2012) 18, 648654 Aim: Infective agents may affect pregnancy outcomes by deregulating homeostasis. Objectives: The effects of Porphyromonas gingivalis infection before and at different gestation periods were evaluated. Materials and Methods: Wistar rats infected via subcutaneous with P. gingivalis W83, one week before mating (BM), days 1 (PR1) and 11 of gestation (PR11), and controls were evaluated, and samples were obtained at the end of gestation. P. gingivalis was detected by PCR. Cytokine was determined by ELISA. Results: Infected rats had lower maternal gain of weight. Implantation was not observed in 2/12 BM rats. PR11 presented more fetal-placental resorptions and lower placenta/fetus weight than controls. P. gingivalis was detected in placenta and fetus. IL-6 and TNF-a levels were higher in placenta and serum of infected groups, except for TNF-a in placenta of PR1. IL-1 beta levels were higher in placenta of PR11, but lower in serum and placenta of PR1. There were no differences in IL-10 and PGE2 concentrations among the groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The experimental infection by P. gingivalis resulted in alterations in the gestational pattern and in fetal development. The consequences of infection at mid-gestation were more severe than at the beginning, possibly due to the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the fetal compartment.


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Background In the last 20 years, there has been an increase in the incidence of allergic respiratory diseases worldwide and exposure to air pollution has been discussed as one of the factors associated with this increase. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of air pollution on peak expiratory flow (PEF) and FEV1 in children with and without allergic sensitization. Methods Ninety-six children were followed from April to July, 2004 with spirometry measurements. They were tested for allergic sensitization (IgE, skin prick test, eosinophilia) and asked about allergic symptoms. Air pollution, temperature, and relative humidity data were available. Results Decrements in PEF were observed with previous 24-hr average exposure to air pollution, as well as with 310-day average exposure and were associated mainly with PM10, NO2, and O3 in all three categories of allergic sensitization. Even though allergic sensitized children tended to present larger decrements in the PEF measurements they were not statistically different from the non-allergic sensitized. Decrements in FEV1 were observed mainly with previous 24-hr average exposure and 3-day moving average. Conclusions Decrements in PEF associated with air pollution were observed in children independent from their allergic sensitization status. Their daily exposure to air pollution can be responsible for a chronic inflammatory process that might impair their lung growth and later their lung function in adulthood. Am. J. Ind. Med. 55:10871098, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The research objective was to determine the effects of spacing and seeding density of common bean to the period prior to weed interference (PPI) and weed period prior to economic loss (WEEPPEL). The treatments consisted of periods of coexistence between culture and the weeds, with 0 to 10, 0 to 20, 0 to 30, 0 to 40, 0 to 50, 0 to 60, 0 to 70, and 0 to 80 days and a control maintained without weeds. In addition to the periods of coexistence, there were still studies with an inter-row of 0.45 and 0.60 m, 10 and 15 plants m(-1). The experimental delineation used was randomized blocks with four repetitions per treatment. The grain productivity of the culture had a reduction of 63, 50, 42 and 57% when the coexistence with the weed plants was during the entire cycle of the culture for a row spacing of 0.45 m and a seeding density of 10 and 15 plants per meter; and a row spacing of 0.60m and a seeding density of 10 and 15 plants per meter, respectively. The PPI occurred in 23, 27, 13, and 19 days after crop emergence and WEEPPEL in 10, 9, 8, and 8 days, respectively.


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FALCAI MJ, LOUZADA MJQ, DE PAULA FJA, OKUBO R, VOLPON JB. A modified technique of rat tail suspension for longer periods of observation. Aviat Space Environ Med 2012; 83:1176-80. Background: Rat tail suspension is an accepted method to create experimental osteopenia. However, suspension periods longer than 3 wk may cause tail skin sloughing or rat slippage. The hypothesis was that a traction system with skeletal anchorage through one tail vertebra would prolong the suspension time without significant complications. Methods: There were 80 young adult female Wistar rats that were submitted to one of the following interventions: skeletal tail suspension (N = 20), skin tail suspension (N = 20), no intervention (N = 20), and a baseline control (N = 20). All animals were followed up either for 3 (N = 10) or 6 (N = 10) wk. Animals were assessed for clinical signs of stress and tolerance to suspension. The femur evaluation was in terms of mineral density content, mechanical resistance, and histomorphometry. Results/Discussion: All animals reached the 3-wk end point. However, for the 6-wk period, seven animals suspended by the skin traction method were discarded (70%) because of signs of stress and skin sloughing. In contrast, there was one loss in the skeletal suspension group (10%). All suspended animals developed similar osteopenia at 3 wk characterized by decreased bone mineral content, weakened bone resistance, and loss of femoral mass. At 6 wk, all suspended animals had similar osteopenic parameters, but they were not statistically different from those of the rats in the 3-wk groups. Therefore, suspension longer than 3 wk did not increase the bone deterioration in the femur.


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This study aimed to verify the influence of the transport in open or closed compartments (0 h), followed by two resting periods (1 and 3 h) for the slaughter process on the levels of cortisol as a indicative of stress level. At the slaughterhouse, blood samples were taken from 86 lambs after the transport and before slaughter for plasma cortisol analysis. The method of transport influenced in the cortisol concentration (0 h; P < 0.01). The animals transported in the closed compartment had a lower level (28.97 ng ml(-1)) than the animals transported in the open compartment (35.49 ng ml(-1)). After the resting period in the slaughterhouse. there was a decline in the plasmatic cortisol concentration, with the animals subjected to 3 h of rest presenting the lower average cortisol value (24.14 ng ml(-1); P < 0.05) than animals subjected to 1 h of rest (29.95 ng ml(-1)). It can be inferred that the lambs that remained 3 h in standby before slaughter had more time to recover from the stress of the transportation than those that waited just 1 h. Visual access to the external environment during the transport of the lambs is a stressful factor changing the level of plasmatic cortisol, and the resting period before slaughter was effective in lowering stress, reducing the plasmatic cortisol in the lambs. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The OMEX core CD110 W90, retrieved from the Douro Mud Patch (DMP) off the River Douro in the north of Portugal, records the period since the beginning of Little Ice Age (LIA). The core chronology is based upon the data attributes for Pb-210, Cs-137 and a C-14 dating from a level near the core base. Geochemical, granulometric, microfaunal (benthic foraminifera) and compositional data suggest the occurrence of precipitation changes which may have been, at least partially, influenced by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), that contributes to the regulation of the ocean-atmosphere dynamics in the North Atlantic. Southwesterly Atlantic storm track is associated with the negative phases of the NAO, when the Azores High is anomalously weak, higher oceanographic hydrodynamism, downwelling events and increased rainfall generally occurs. Prevalence of these characteristics during the LIA left a record that corresponds to phases of major floods. During these phases the DMP received a higher contribution of relatively coarse-grained terrigenous sediments, enriched in quartz particles, which diluted the contribution of other minerals, as indicated by reduced concentrations of several lithogenic chemical elements such as: Al, As, Ba, Ce, Co, Cu, Fe, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Rb, Sc, Sn, Th, V and Y. The presence of biogenic carbonate particles also underwent dilution, as revealed by the smaller abundance of foraminifera and correlative lower concentrations of Ca and Sr. During this period, the DMP also received an increased contribution of organic matter, indicated by higher values of lignin remains and a benthic foraminifera high productivity index, or BFHP, which gave rise to early diagenetic changes with pyrite formation. Since the beginning of the 20th century this contribution diminished, probably due to several drier periods and the impact of human activities in the river basins, e.g. construction of dams, or, on the littoral areas, construction of hard-engineering structures and sand extraction activities. During the first half of the 20th century mainly positive phases of the NAO prevailed, caused by the above normal strengthening of the subtropical high pressure centre of the Azores and the deepening of the low pressure centre in Iceland. These phases may have contributed to the reduction in the supply of both terrigenous sediments and organic matter from shallow water to the DMP. During the positive phases of the NAO, sedimentation became finer. The development of mining and industrial activities during the 20th century is marked, in this core, by higher concentrations of Pb. Furthermore, the erosion of heaps resulting from wolfram exploitation leaves its signature as a peak of W concentrations recorded in the sediments of the DMP deposited between the 1960s and the 1990s. Wolfram exploitation was an important activity in the middle part of the 20th century, particularly during the period of the Second World War. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the study was to acoustically compare the performance of children who do and do not stutter on diadochokinesis tasks in terms of syllable duration, syllable periods, and peak intensity. METHODS: In this case-control study, acoustical analyses were performed on 26 children who stutter and 20 aged-matched normally fluent children (both groups stratified into preschoolers and school-aged children) during a diadochokinesis task: the repetition of articulatory segments through a task testing the ability to alternate movements. Speech fluency was assessed using the Fluency Profile and the Stuttering Severity Instrument. RESULTS: The children who stutter and those who do not did not significantly differ in terms of the acoustic patterns they produced in the diadochokinesis tasks. Significant differences were demonstrated between age groups independent of speech fluency. Overall, the preschoolers performed poorer. These results indicate that the observed differences are related to speech-motor age development and not to stuttering itself. CONCLUSIONS: Acoustic studies demonstrate that speech segment durations are most variable, both within and between subjects, during childhood and then gradually decrease to adult levels by the age of eleven to thirteen years. One possible explanation for the results of the present study is that children who stutter presented higher coefficients of variation to exploit the motor equivalence to achieve accurate sound production (i.e., the absence of speech disruptions).


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Hourly blood samples were collected from 10 mares during 24 h of each of the preluteolytic, luteolytic, and postluteolytic periods. The autocorrelation function of the R program was used to detect pulse rhythmicity, and the intra-assay CV was used to locate and characterize pulses of prolactin (PRL) and a metabolite of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM). Rhythmicity of PRL and PGFM concentrations was detected in 67% and 89% of mares, respectively. Combined for the three periods (no difference among periods), the PRL pulses were 5.2 +/- 0.4 h (mean +/- SEM) at the base, 7.5 +/- 1.5 h between nadirs of adjacent pulses, and 12.3 +/- 1.5 h from peak to peak. The peaks of PRL pulses were greater (P < 0.05) during the luteolytic period (46 +/- 14 ng/mL) and postluteolytic period (52 15 ng/mL) than during the preluteolytic period (17 3 ng/mL). Concentrations of PRL during hours of a PGFM pulse were different (P < 0.003) within the luteolytic period and postluteolytic period and were greatest at the PGFM peak; PRL concentrations during a PGFM pulse were not different during the preluteolytic period. The frequency of the peak of PRL and PGFM pulses occurring at the same hour (synchrony) was greater for the luteolytic period (65%, P < 0.01) and postluteolytic period (50%, P < 0.001) than for the preluteolytic period (17%). This is the first report in mares on characterization and rhythmicity of PRL pulses, synchrony between PRL and PGFM pulses, and greater PRL activity during the luteolytic and postluteolytic periods than during the preluteolytic period. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background The PEEP-ZEEP technique is previously described as a lung inflation through a positive pressure enhancement at the end of expiration (PEEP), followed by rapid lung deflation with an abrupt reduction in the PEEP to 0 cmH2O (ZEEP), associated to a manual bilateral thoracic compression. Aim To analyze PEEP-ZEEP technique's repercussions on the cardio-respiratory system in immediate postoperative artery graft bypass patients. Methods 15 patients submitted to a coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) were enrolled prospectively, before, 10 minutes and 30 minutes after the technique. Patients were curarized, intubated, and mechanically ventilated. To perform PEEP-ZEEP technique, saline solution was instilled into their orotracheal tube than the patient was reconnected to the ventilator. Afterwards, the PEEP was increased to 15 cmH2O throughout 5 ventilatory cycles and than the PEEP was rapidly reduced to 0 cmH2O along with manual bilateral thoracic compression. At the end of the procedure, tracheal suction was accomplished. Results The inspiratory peak and plateau pressures increased during the procedure (p < 0.001) compared with other pressures during the assessment periods; however, they were within lung safe limits. The expiratory flow before the procedure were 33 ± 7.87 L/min, increasing significantly during the procedure to 60 ± 6.54 L/min (p < 0.001), diminishing to 35 ± 8.17 L/min at 10 minutes and to 36 ± 8.48 L/min at 30 minutes. Hemodynamic and oxygenation variables were not altered. Conclusion The PEEP-ZEEP technique seems to be safe, without alterations on hemodynamic variables, produces elevated expiratory flow and seems to be an alternative technique for the removal of bronchial secretions in patients submitted to a CABG.


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Abstract Introduction In this study we aimed to evaluate the peak cough flow (PCF) in healthy Brazilian subjects. Methods We evaluated 484 healthy subjects between 18 and 40 years old. Subjects were seated and oriented were asked to perform a maximal inspiration followed by a quick, short and explosive expiration on the peak flow meter. Three measures were carried out and recorded the average of the three results for each individual. Results The PCF values ranged between 240 and 500 L/min. The PCF values were lower in females than in males. The PCF was inversely proportional to age. Conclusion The values for Brazilian adult healthy subjects regarding PCF were between 240 and 500 L/min.