8 resultados para Neck Disability Index
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
The use of patient-orientated questionnaires is of utmost importance in assessing the outcome of spine surgery. Standardisation, using a common set of outcome measures, is essential to aid comparisons across studies/in registries. The Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI) is a short, multidimensional outcome instrument validated for patients with spinal disorders. This study aimed to produce a Brazilian-Portuguese version of the COMI. A cross-cultural adaptation of the COMI into Brazilian-Portuguese was carried out using established guidelines. 104 outpatients with chronic LBP (> 3 months) were recruited from a Public Health Spine Medical Care Centre. They completed a questionnaire booklet containing the newly translated COMI, and other validated symptom-specific questionnaires: Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Roland Morris disability scale (RM), and a pain visual analogue scale. All patients completed a second questionnaire within 7-10 days to assess reproducibility. The COMI summary score displayed minimal floor and ceiling effects. On re-test, the responses for each individual domain of the COMI were within 1 category in 98% patients for the domain 'function', 96% for 'symptom-specific well-being', 97% for 'general quality of life', 99% for 'social disability' and 100% for 'work disability'. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC2,1) for COMI pain and COMI summary scores were 0.91-0.96, which compared favourably with the corresponding values for the RM (ICC, 0.99) and ODI (ICC, 0.98). The standard error of measurement for the COMI was 0.6, giving a "minimum detectable change" (MDC95%) of approximately 1.7 points i.e., the minimum change to be considered "real change" beyond measurement error. The COMI scores correlated as hypothesised (Rho, 0.4-0.8) with the other symptom-specific questionnaires. The reproducibility of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the COMI was comparable to that of other language versions. The COMI scores correlated in the expected manner with existing but longer symptom-specific questionnaires suggesting good convergent validity for the COMI. The Brazilian-Portuguese COMI represents a valuable tool for Brazilian study-centres in future multicentre clinical studies and surgical registries.
Objective. To determine the influence of socioeconomic factors on disease activity in a Latin American (LA) early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) multinational inception cohort at baseline. Methods. Clinical evaluation, ethnicity, socioeconomic status (SES), 4-variable Disease Activity Score in 28 joints using the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-ESR), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) disability index (DI), and erosions were recorded in 1,093 patients with early RA (<1 year from onset). Multivariate analyses evaluated influences of sex, age, marital status, education, medical coverage, SES, and ethnicity on HAQ DI, DAS28-ESR, and presence of erosions. Results. Ethnicities included 43% Mestizo, 31% Caucasian, 19% African LA, 4% Amerindian, and 3% other. Fifty-eight percent were of low/low-middle SES, 42% had <8 years of education, 21% had no medical coverage, median disease duration was 6 months (25th, 75th percentiles 4, 9 months), median HAQ DI score was 1.25 (25th, 75th percentiles 0.63, 2.00), median DAS28-ESR score was 6.2 (25th, 75th percentiles 4.9, 7.2), and 25% had erosions. Women and Mestizos, African LA, and Amerindians had earlier onset than men or Caucasians (P < 0.01). When adjusted by country, the analysis of covariance model showed that low/low-middle SES, female sex, partial coverage, and older age were associated with worse HAQ DI scores; only low/low-middle SES was associated with higher DAS28 scores. Statistically significant differences were found in HAQ DI and DAS28 scores between countries. When excluding country, low/low-middle SES, female sex, and no coverage were associated with worse HAQ DI and DAS28 scores, whereas separated/divorced/widowed status was associated with worse HAQ DI scores and age was associated with worse DAS28 scores. Logistic regression showed that older age, no coverage, and the Amerindian and other ethnic groups were associated with erosions. Conclusion. We compared early RA patients from the main LA ethnic groups. Our findings suggest that low/low-middle SES is important in determining disease activity. A more genetic-related background for erosions is possible.
This is a clinical trial which aims to evaluate the efficiency of massage in the reduction of occupational low back pain, and its influence on the performance of work and life activities for the nursing team. The sample consisted of 18 employees who received seven to eight sessions after their work period. From the Numerical Pain Rating Scale, significant improvements were found between the 3rd and 1st evaluations (p=0.000) and between the 3rd and 2nd (p=0.004), using the Wilcoxon test. Regarding the Oswestry Disability Index, the paired t test showed a statistical difference (p=0.02) between the baseline, with a mean of 21.33% and the second evaluation (18.78%), which was also seen between the second and third evaluation (16.67%). The score for the Handling and Transfer Risk Evaluation Scale was 18 points (medium risk). It is concluded that massage was effective in reducing occupational low back pain, and provided improvement in activities of work and life. Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT01315197.
A incapacidade relacionada à dor lombar crônica (DLC) é um fenômeno complexo e multifatorial. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à incapacidade em pacientes com dor lombar crônica. Estudo transversal com amostra composta por 177 pacientes com DLC, de três serviços de saúde; que responderam ao formulário com dados demográficos, ao Inventário de Depressão de Beck, às Escalas Oswestry Disability Index, de autoeficácia para dor crônica, Tampa de Cinesiofobia e de Fadiga de Piper. A prevalência de incapacidade foi de 65% (IC95%: 57,5 - 72,0) e era de moderada a grave em 80,7% dos pacientes. O modelo de regressão múltipla identificou três fatores independentemente associados à incapacidade: ausência de trabalho remunerado, autoeficácia baixa e depressão. Os fatores associados à incapacidade identificados são modificáveis. Intervenções como recolocação no trabalho, tratamento para a depressão e reconceitualização da crença de autoeficácia podem ter um impacto importante na prevenção e redução de incapacidade.
A instabilidade de tornozelo é definida como a sua tendência para sofrer falseios e entorses de repetição após a ocorrência de entorse lateral. Como a presença de instabilidade é definida por meio das queixas relatadas pelo indivíduo, apresenta caráter subjetivo, sendo importante identificar o melhor instrumento de avaliação para a determinação de sua presença e/ou gravidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar, de forma sistemática, instrumentos de avaliação concebidos para pacientes com instabilidade crônica de tornozelo. Foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas nas bases de dados PubMed, Embase, BVS, LILACS e SciELO para identificar os instrumentos elegíveis. No total, seis estudos foram incluídos e apresentaram cinco instrumentos diferentes - Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI), Ankle Joint Functional Assessment Tool (AJFAT), Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM), Ankle Joint Functional Assessment Tool (AII) e Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT). Foram encontrados instrumentos com qualidade que detectam limitações funcionais em indivíduos com instabilidade crônica de tornozelo, não sendo instrumentos válidos para diagnóstico de instabilidade. O CAIT mostrou-se a ferramenta mais completa, mas não foi validada em uma população específica de indivíduos com condição de instabilidade do tornozelo. Observa-se a necessidade de mais estudos clinimétricamente válidos a fim de atestar a sua validade para se obter uma ferramenta eficaz e completa da instabilidade funcional do tornozelo.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify communities at high risk of transmitting recessive genetic disorders by measuring levels of endogamy and offspring's rate of disabilities. Methods: In a house-to-house population based-survey in the state of Paraiba, 20,462 couples were interviewed regarding kinship relation, number of siblings and offspring affected by mental or physical disabilities. Results: The rate of consanguineous unions in the communities ranged from 6.0% to 41.14%, showing an average value of 20.19% +/- 9.13%. The overall average inbreeding coefficient (F) was 0.00602 +/- 0.00253, ranging from 0.00134 to 0.01182. Communities situated on the backlands had an increased average value of F compared to those closer to the seashore (P = 0.024). The average rate of disabled offspring varied from 2.96% +/- 0.68% for unrelated unions to 10.44% +/- 16.86% for related couples at the level of double first cousins or uncleniece. The Spearman correlation coefficient between the overall rate of disabled offspring from all couples together and F was 0.510 (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Inbreeding increases the risk of disability which is unevenly distributed, varying considerably even in neighboring communities with similar Human Development Index and population density. Higher inbreeding communities are mostly located on the more economically underdeveloped backlands than on the coastal region. The identification of communities at high risk for genetic disorders could serve as basis for the establishment of Community Genetics programs. Am. J. Hum. Biol., 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Determining the groups that are most susceptible to developing disability is essential to establishing effective prevention and rehabilitation strategies. The aim of the present study was to determine gender differences in the incidence of disability regarding activities of daily living (ADL) and determinants among elderly residents of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 2000, 1634 elderly with no difficulties regarding ADL (modified Katz Index) were selected. These activities were reassessed in 2006 and disability was the outcome for the analysis of determinants. The following characteristics were analyzed at baseline: sociodemographic, behavioral, health status, medications, falls, hospitalizations, depressive symptoms, cognition, handgrip, mobility and balance. The incidence density was 42.4/1000 women/year and 17.5/1000 men/year. After adjusting for socioeconomic status and health conditions, women with chronic diseases and social vulnerability continued to have a greater incidence of disability. The following were determinants of the incidence of disability: age and depressive symptoms in both genders; stroke and slowness on the sit-and-stand test among men; and osteoarthritis and sedentary lifestyle among women. Better cognitive performance and handgrip strength were protective factors among men and women, respectively. Adverse clinical and social conditions determine differences between genders regarding the incidence of disability. Decreased mobility and balance and health conditions that affect the central nervous system or lead to impaired cognition disable men more, whereas a sedentary lifestyle, reduction in muscle strength and conditions that affect the osteoarticular system disable women more. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The CUPID (Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability) study was established to explore the hypothesis that common musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and associated disability are importantly influenced by culturally determined health beliefs and expectations. This paper describes the methods of data collection and various characteristics of the study sample. Methods/Principal Findings: A standardised questionnaire covering musculoskeletal symptoms, disability and potential risk factors, was used to collect information from 47 samples of nurses, office workers, and other (mostly manual) workers in 18 countries from six continents. In addition, local investigators provided data on economic aspects of employment for each occupational group. Participation exceeded 80% in 33 of the 47 occupational groups, and after pre-specified exclusions, analysis was based on 12,426 subjects (92 to 1018 per occupational group). As expected, there was high usage of computer keyboards by office workers, while nurses had the highest prevalence of heavy manual lifting in all but one country. There was substantial heterogeneity between occupational groups in economic and psychosocial aspects of work; three-to fivefold variation in awareness of someone outside work with musculoskeletal pain; and more than ten-fold variation in the prevalence of adverse health beliefs about back and arm pain, and in awareness of terms such as "repetitive strain injury" (RSI). Conclusions/Significance: The large differences in psychosocial risk factors (including knowledge and beliefs about MSDs) between occupational groups should allow the study hypothesis to be addressed effectively.