15 resultados para Intrenching tools

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Wild bearded capuchins, Cebus libidinosus, in Fazenda Boa Vista, Brazil crack tough palm nuts using hammer stones. We analysed the contribution of intrinsic factors (body weight, behaviour), size of the nuts and the anvil surface (flat or pit) to the efficiency of cracking. We provided capuchins with local palm nuts and a single hammer stone at an anvil. From video we scored the capuchins` position and actions with the nut prior to each strike, and outcomes of each strike. The most efficient capuchin opened 15 nuts per 100 strikes (6.6 strikes per nut). The least efficient capuchin that succeeded in opening a nut opened 1.32 nuts per 100 strikes (more than 75 strikes per nut). Body weight and diameter of the nut best predicted whether a capuchin would crack a nut on a given strike. All the capuchins consistently placed nuts into pits. To provide an independent analysis of the effect of placing the nut into a pit, we filmed an adult human cracking nuts on the same anvil using the same stone. The human displaced the nut on proportionally fewer strikes when he placed it into a pit rather than on a flat surface. Thus the capuchins placed the nut in a more effective location on the anvil to crack it. Nut cracking as practised by bearded capuchins is a striking example of a plastic behaviour where costs and benefits vary enormously across individuals, and where efficiency requires years to attain. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of stones to crack open encapsulated fruit is widespread among wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) inhabiting savanna-like environments. Some populations in Serra da Capivara National Park (Piaui, Brazil), though, exhibit a seemingly broader toolkit, using wooden sticks as probes, and employing stone tools for a variety of purposes. Over the course of 701.5 hr of visual contact of two wild capuchin groups we recorded 677 tool use episodes. Five hundred and seventeen of these involved the use of stones, and 160 involved the use of sticks (or other plant parts) as probes to access water, arthropods, or the contents of insects` nests. Stones were mostly used as ""hammers""-not only to open fruit or seeds, or smash other food items, but also to break dead wood, conglomerate rock, or cement in search of arthropods, to dislodge bigger stones, and to pulverize embedded quartz pebbles (licking, sniffing, or rubbing the body with the powder produced). Stones also were used in a ""hammer-like"" fashion to loosen the soil for digging out roots and arthropods, and sometimes as ""hoes"" to pull the loosened soil. In a few cases, we observed the re-utilization of stone tools for different purposes (N = 3), or the combined use of two tools-stones and sticks (N = 4) or two stones (N = 5), as sequential or associative tools. On three occasions, the monkeys used smaller stones to loosen bigger quartz pebbles embedded in conglomerate rock, which were subsequently used as tools. These could be considered the first reports of secondary tool use by wild capuchin monkeys. Am. J. Primatol. 71:242-251, 2009. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Appreciation of objects` affordances and planning is a hallmark of human technology. Archeological evidence suggests that Pliocene hominins selected raw material for tool making [1, 2]. Stone pounding has been considered a precursor to tool making [3, 4], and tool use by living primates provides insight into the origins of material selection by human ancestors. No study has experimentally investigated selectivity of stone tools in wild animals, although chimpanzees appear to select stones according to properties of different nut species [5, 6]. We recently discovered that wild capuchins with terrestrial habits [7] use hammers to crack open nuts on anvils [8-10]. As for chimpanzees, examination of anvil sites suggests stone selectivity [11], but indirect evidence cannot prove it. Here, we demonstrate that capuchins, which last shared a common ancestor with humans 35 million years ago, faced with stones differing in functional features (friability and weight) choose, transport, and use the effective stone to crack nuts. Moreover, when weight cannot be judged by visual attributes, capuchins act to gain information to guide their selection. Thus, planning actions and intentional selection of tools is within the ken of monkeys and similar to the tool activities of hominins and apes.


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In this paper we use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods in order to estimate and compare GARCH models from a Bayesian perspective. We allow for possibly heavy tailed and asymmetric distributions in the error term. We use a general method proposed in the literature to introduce skewness into a continuous unimodal and symmetric distribution. For each model we compute an approximation to the marginal likelihood, based on the MCMC output. From these approximations we compute Bayes factors and posterior model probabilities. (C) 2012 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) is the most incident histotype of thyroid cancer. A certain fraction of PTC cases (5%) are irresponsive to conventional treatment, and refractory to radioiodine therapy. The current prognostic factors for aggressiveness are mainly based on tumor size, the presence of lymph node metastasis, extrathyroidal invasion and, more recently, the presence of the BRAFT(1799A) mutation. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been described as promising molecular markers for cancer as their deregulation is observed in a wide range of tumors. Recent studies indicate that the over-expression of miR-146b-5p is associated with aggressiveness and BRAFT(1799A) mutation. Furthermore, down-regulation of let-7f is observed in several types of tumors, including PTC. In this study, we evaluated the miR146b-5p and let-7f status in a young male patient with aggressive, BRAFT(1799A)-positive papillary thyroid carcinoma, with extensive lymph node metastases and short-time recurrence. The analysis of miR-146b-5p and let-7f expression revealed a distinct pattern from a cohort of PTC patients, suggesting caution in evaluating miRNA expression data as molecular markers of PTC diagnosis and prognosis. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):552-7


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Known as the "king of spices", black pepper (Piper nigrum), a perennial crop of the tropics, is economically the most important and the most widely used spice crop in the world. To understand its suitable bioclimatic distribution, maximum entropy based on ecological niche modeling was used to model the bioclimatic niches of the species in its Asian range. Based on known occurrences, bioclimatic areas with higher probabilities are mainly located in the eastern and western coasts of the Indian Peninsula, the east of Sumatra Island, some areas in the Malay Archipelago, and the southeast coastal areas of China. Some undocumented places were also predicted as suitable areas. According to the jackknife procedure, the minimum temperature of the coldest month, the mean monthly temperature range, and the precipitation of the wettest month were identified as highly effective factors in the distribution of black pepper and could possibly account for the crop's distribution pattern. Such climatic requirements inhibited this species from dispersing and gaining a larger geographical range.


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The installation of induction distributed generators should be preceded by a careful study in order to determine if the point of common coupling is suitable for transmission of the generated power, keeping acceptable power quality and system stability. In this sense, this paper presents a simple analytical formulation that allows a fast and comprehensive evaluation of the maximum power delivered by the induction generator, without losing voltage stability. Moreover, this formulation can be used to identify voltage stability issues that limit the generator output power. All the formulation is developed by using the equivalent circuit of squirrel-cage induction machine. Simulation results are used to validate the method, which enables the approach to be used as a guide to reduce the simulation efforts necessary to assess the maximum output power and voltage stability of induction generators. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We tested the short-term effects of a nonrigid tool, identified as an "anchor system" (e.g., ropes attached to varying weights resting on the floor), on the postural stabilization of blindfolded adults with and without intellectual disabilities (ID). Participants held a pair of anchors one in each hand, under three weight conditions (250 g, 500 g and 1,000 g), while they performed a restricted balance task (standing for 30 s on a balance beam placed on top of a force platform). These conditions were called anchor practice trials. Before and after the practice trials, a condition without anchors was tested. Control practice groups, who practiced blocks of trials without anchors, included individuals with and without ID. The anchor system improved subjects' balance during the standing task, for both groups. For the control groups, the performance of successive trials in the condition without the anchor system showed no improvement in postural stability. The individuals with intellectual disability, as well as their peers without ID, used the haptic cues of nonrigid tools (i.e., the anchor system) to stabilize their posture, and the short-term stabilizing effects appeared to result from their previous use of the anchor system.


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Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease estimated to cause about 230 million infections worldwide every year, of which 25,000 are fatal. Global incidence has risen rapidly in recent decades with some 3.6 billion people, over half of the world's population, now at risk, mainly in urban centres of the tropics and subtropics. Demographic and societal changes, in particular urbanization, globalization, and increased international travel, are major contributors to the rise in incidence and geographic expansion of dengue infections. Major research gaps continue to hamper the control of dengue. The European Commission launched a call under the 7th Framework Programme with the title of 'Comprehensive control of Dengue fever under changing climatic conditions'. Fourteen partners from several countries in Europe, Asia, and South America formed a consortium named 'DengueTools' to respond to the call to achieve better diagnosis, surveillance, prevention, and predictive models and improve our understanding of the spread of dengue to previously uninfected regions (including Europe) in the context of globalization and climate change. The consortium comprises 12 work packages to address a set of research questions in three areas: Research area 1: Develop a comprehensive early warning and surveillance system that has predictive capability for epidemic dengue and benefits from novel tools for laboratory diagnosis and vector monitoring. Research area 2: Develop novel strategies to prevent dengue in children. Research area 3: Understand and predict the risk of global spread of dengue, in particular the risk of introduction and establishment in Europe, within the context of parameters of vectorial capacity, global mobility, and climate change. In this paper, we report on the rationale and specific study objectives of 'DengueTools'. DengueTools is funded under the Health theme of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community, Grant Agreement Number: 282589 Dengue Tools.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyse the use of digital tools for image enhancement of mandibular radiolucent lesions and the effects of this manipulation on the percentage of correct radiographic diagnoses. Methods: 24 panoramic radiographs exhibiting radiolucent lesions were selected, digitized and evaluated by non-experts (undergraduate and newly graduated practitioners) and by professional experts in oral diagnosis. The percentages of correct and incorrect diagnoses, according to the use of brightness/contrast, sharpness, inversion, highlight and zoom tools, were compared. All dental professionals made their evaluations without (T-1) and with (T-2) a list of radiographic diagnostic parameters. Results: Digital tools were used with low frequency mainly in T-2. The most preferred tool was sharpness (45.2%). In the expert group, the percentage of correct diagnoses did not change when any of the digital tools were used. For the non-expert group, there was an increase in the frequency of correct diagnoses when brightness/contrast was used in T-2 (p = 0.008) and when brightness/contrast and sharpness were not used in T-1 (p = 0.027). The use or non-use of brightness/contrast, zoom and sharpness showed moderate agreement in the group of experts [kappa agreement coefficient (kappa) = 0.514, 0.425 and 0.335, respectively]. For the non-expert group there was slight agreement for all the tools used (kappa <= 0.237). Conclusions: Consulting the list of radiographic parameters before image manipulation reduced the frequency of tool use in both groups of examiners. Consulting the radiographic parameters with the use of some digital tools was important for improving correct diagnosis only in the group of non-expert examiners. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 203-210. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/78567773


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This work is supported by Brazilian agencies Fapesp, CAPES and CNPq


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate tools for the fusion of images generated by tomography and structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS: Magnetic resonance and functional magnetic resonance imaging were performed while a volunteer who had previously undergone cranial tomography performed motor and somatosensory tasks in a 3-Tesla scanner. Image data were analyzed with different programs, and the results were compared. RESULTS: We constructed a flow chart of computational processes that allowed measurement of the spatial congruence between the methods. There was no single computational tool that contained the entire set of functions necessary to achieve the goal. CONCLUSION: The fusion of the images from the three methods proved to be feasible with the use of four free-access software programs (OsiriX, Register, MRIcro and FSL). Our results may serve as a basis for building software that will be useful as a virtual tool prior to neurosurgery.


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Abstract Background The study and analysis of gene expression measurements is the primary focus of functional genomics. Once expression data is available, biologists are faced with the task of extracting (new) knowledge associated to the underlying biological phenomenon. Most often, in order to perform this task, biologists execute a number of analysis activities on the available gene expression dataset rather than a single analysis activity. The integration of heteregeneous tools and data sources to create an integrated analysis environment represents a challenging and error-prone task. Semantic integration enables the assignment of unambiguous meanings to data shared among different applications in an integrated environment, allowing the exchange of data in a semantically consistent and meaningful way. This work aims at developing an ontology-based methodology for the semantic integration of gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The proposed methodology relies on software connectors to support not only the access to heterogeneous data sources but also the definition of transformation rules on exchanged data. Results We have studied the different challenges involved in the integration of computer systems and the role software connectors play in this task. We have also studied a number of gene expression technologies, analysis tools and related ontologies in order to devise basic integration scenarios and propose a reference ontology for the gene expression domain. Then, we have defined a number of activities and associated guidelines to prescribe how the development of connectors should be carried out. Finally, we have applied the proposed methodology in the construction of three different integration scenarios involving the use of different tools for the analysis of different types of gene expression data. Conclusions The proposed methodology facilitates the development of connectors capable of semantically integrating different gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The methodology can be used in the development of connectors supporting both simple and nontrivial processing requirements, thus assuring accurate data exchange and information interpretation from exchanged data.


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Cutting tools with higher wear resistance are those manufactured by powder metallurgy process, which combines the development of materials and design properties, features of shape-making technology and sintering. The annual global market of cutting tools consumes about US$ 12 billion; therefore, any research to improve tool designs and machining process techniques adds value or reduces costs. The aim is to describe the Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) of cutting tools in functionally gradient materials, to show this structure design suitability through thermal residual stress model and, lastly, to present two kinds of inserts. For this, three cutting tool materials were used (Al2O3-ZrO2, Al2O3-TiC and WC-Co). The samples were sintered by SPS at 1300 °C and 70 MPa. The results showed that mechanical and thermal displacements may be separated during thermal treatment for analysis. Besides, the absence of cracks indicated coherence between experimental results and the residual stresses predicted.


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Based on some constructs of the Activity Theory (Leontiev, 1978), we point to the need to develop activities that reveal the meaning of representations. We examine use of representations in teaching and propose some suggestions. Shaaron Ainsworth (1999) asserted that, in order to learn from engaging with multiple representations of scientific concepts, students need to be able to (a) understand the codes and signifiers in a representation, (b) understand the links between the representation and the target concept or process, (c) translate key features of the concept across representations and (d) know which features to emphasize in designing their own representations.