47 resultados para Hipocampo ventral

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Chemosensitive neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) regulate breathing in response to CO2/H+ changes. Their activity is also sensitive to neuromodulatory inputs from multiple respiratory centers, and thus they serve as a key nexus of respiratory control. However, molecular mechanisms that control their activity and susceptibility to neuromodulation are unknown. Here, we show in vitro and in vivo that KCNQ channels are critical determinants of RTN neural activity. In particular, we find that pharmacological block of KCNQ channels (XE991, 10 mu M) increased basal activity and CO2 responsiveness of RTN neurons in rat brain slices, whereas KCNQ channel activation (retigabine, 2-40 mu M) silenced these neurons. Interestingly, we also find that KCNQ and apamin-sensitive SK channels act synergistically to regulate firing rate of RTN chemoreceptors; simultaneous blockade of both channels led to a increase in CO2 responsiveness. Furthermore, we also show that KCNQ channels but not SK channels are downstream effectors of serotonin modulation of RTN activity in vitro. In contrast, inhibition of KCNQ channel did not prevent modulation of RTN activity by Substance P or thyrotropin-releasing hormone, previously identified neuromodulators of RTN chemoreception. Importantly, we also show that KCNQ channels are critical for RTN activity in vivo. Inhibition of KCNQ channels lowered the CO2 threshold for phrenic nerve discharge in anesthetized rats and decreased the ventilatory response to serotonin in awake and anesthetized animals. Given that serotonergic dysfunction may contribute to respiratory failure, our findings suggest KCNQ channels as a new therapeutic avenue for respiratory complications associated with multiple neurological disorders.


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Central chemoreception is the mechanism by which the brain regulates breathing in response to changes in tissue CO2/H+. Abrainstemregion called the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) contains a population of CO2/H+-sensitive neurons that appears to function as an important chemoreceptor. Evidence also indicates that CO2-evoked ATP release from RTN astrocytes modulates activity of CO2/H+-sensitive neurons; however, the extent to which purinergic signalling contributes to chemoreception by RTN neurons is not clear and the mechanism(s) underlying CO2/H+-evoked ATP release is not fully elucidated. The goals of this study are to determine the extent to which ATP contributes to RTN chemoreception both in vivo and in vitro, andwhether purinergic drive to chemoreceptors relies on extracellularCa(2+) or gap junction hemichannels. We also examine the possible contribution of P2Y1 receptors expressed in theRTNto the purinergic drive to breathe. We showthat purinergic signalling contributes, in part, to the CO2/H+ sensitivity of RTN neurons. In vivo, phrenic nerve recordings of respiratory activity in adult rats show that bilateral injections of pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonate (PPADS, a P2 receptor blocker) decreased the ventilatory response to CO2 by 30%. In vitro, loose-patch recordings from RTN neurons show that P2 receptor blockers decreased responsiveness to both 10% and 15% CO2 also by 30%. In the slice, the contribution of purinergic signalling to RTN chemoreception did not increase with temperature (22-35 degrees C) and was retained in low extracellular Ca2+ medium. Conversely, the gap junction blockers carbenoxolone and cobalt decreased neuronal CO2/H+ sensitivity by an amount similar to P2 receptor antagonists. Inhibition of the P2Y1 receptor in the RTN had no effect on CO2 responsivness in vitro or in vivo; thus, the identity of P2 receptors underlying the purinergic component of RTN chemoreception remains unknown. These results support the possibility that CO2/H+-evoked ATP release is mediated by a mechanism involving gap junction hemichannels.


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In this study, we evaluated the effects of obesity and insulin resistance induced by a high-fat diet on prostate morphophysiology, focusing on cell proliferation, expression of androgen (AR) and estrogen receptors (ER) and proteins of the insulin signaling pathway. Adult male Wistar rats were fed a high-fat diet (20% fat) for 15 weeks, whereas control animals received a balanced diet (4% fat). Both groups were then divided and treated for 2 weeks with 1 mg/kg body weight/day of the aromatase inhibitor letrozole or vehicle only. The ventral prostate was analyzed with immunohistochemical, histopathological, stereological, and Western blotting methods. Obese rats showed insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and reduced plasma testosterone levels. The incidence of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) was 2.7 times higher in obese rats and affected 0.4% of the gland compared with 0.1% PIN areas found in control rats. Obesity doubled cell proliferation in both prostate epithelium and stroma. AR content decreased in the prostate of obese rats and estrogen receptor beta (ER beta) increased in this group. Protein levels of insulin receptor substrate 1 and protein kinase B diminished in the obese group, whereas phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) increased significantly. Most structural changes observed in the prostate of obese rats normalized after letrozole treatment, except for increased stromal cell proliferation and ER beta expression, which might be associated with insulin resistance. This experimental model of obesity and insulin resistance induced by a high-fat diet increases cell proliferation in rat prostate. Such alterations are associated with decreased levels of AR and increased ER beta and PI3K proteins. This change can facilitate the establishment of proliferative lesions in rat prostate.


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The mesopontine rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg) is a mostly ?-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic structure believed to be a node for signaling aversive events to dopamine (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The RMTg receives glutamatergic inputs from the lateral habenula (LHb) and sends substantial GABAergic projections to the VTA, which also receives direct projections from the LHb. To further specify the topography of LHb projections to the RMTg and VTA, small focal injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin were aimed at different subdivisions of the LHb. The subnuclear origin of LHb inputs to the VTA and RMTg was then confirmed by injections of the retrograde tracer cholera toxin subunit b into the VTA or RMTg. Furthermore, we compared the topographic position of retrogradely labeled neurons in the RMTg resulting from VTA injections with that of anterogradely labeled axons emerging from the LHb. As revealed by anterograde and retrograde tracing, LHb projections were organized in a strikingly topographic manner, with inputs to the RMTg mostly arising from the lateral division of the LHb (LHbL), whereas inputs to the VTA mainly emerged from the medial division of the LHb (LHbM). In the RMTg, profusely branched LHb axons were found in close register with VTA projecting neurons and were frequently apposed to the latter. Overall, our findings demonstrate that LHb inputs to the RMTg and VTA arise from different divisions of the LHb and provide direct evidence for a disynaptic pathway that links the LHbL to the VTA via the RMTg. J. Comp. Neurol. 520:12781300, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Cyclosporin A (CsA) is an immunosuppressive drug widely used in medicine to reduce the immune system activity and, therefore, the risk of organ rejection after transplantation. However, many side effects can be related to its use, such as, reduction in serum testosterone levels due to damage of the testis structure and, consequently, male infertility. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of chronic CsA administration on the ventral prostate tissue ( 1 5 mg/kg per d, for 56 days). Stereological, morphometrical, morphological and ultrastructural observations were employed. The plasmatic testosterone and glucose levels were measured. An androgen receptor (AR) immunohistochemical method was applied on ventral prostate sections. Apoptosis was detected with the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling technique. CsA treatment caused reduction in plasmatic testosterone levels and an increase in glycemia. The volume of all ventral prostate tissue components (lumen, epithelium and muscular and nonmuscular stroma) and ventral prostate weight were reduced in the CsA-treated group. Light and transmission electron microscopy confirmed epithelium atrophy of treated animals. There was no alteration of AR expression or apoptotic index. CsA chronic treatment in the therapeutic doses caused damage to prostate tissue of adult Wistar rats, probably due to increase in the glucose levels and reduction in the plasmatic testosterone levels.


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Background: Ventral root avulsion is an experimental model of proximal axonal injury at the central/peripheral nervous system interface that results in paralysis and poor clinical outcome after restorative surgery. Root reimplantation may decrease neuronal degeneration in such cases. We describe the use of a snake venom-derived fibrin sealant during surgical reconnection of avulsed roots at the spinal cord surface. The present work investigates the effects of this fibrin sealant on functional recovery, neuronal survival, synaptic plasticity, and glial reaction in the spinal motoneuron microenvironment after ventral root reimplantation. Methodology/Principal Findings: Female Lewis rats (7 weeks old) were subjected to VRA and root replantation. The animals were divided into two groups: 1) avulsion only and 2) replanted roots with fibrin sealant derived from snake venom. Post-surgical motor performance was evaluated using the CatWalk system twice a week for 12 weeks. The rats were sacrificed 12 weeks after surgery, and their lumbar intumescences were processed for motoneuron counting and immunohistochemistry (GFAP, Iba-1 and synaptophysin antisera). Array based qRT-PCR was used to evaluate gene regulation of several neurotrophic factors and receptors as well as inflammatory related molecules. The results indicated that the root reimplantation with fibrin sealant enhanced motor recovery, preserved the synaptic covering of the motoneurons and improved neuronal survival. The replanted group did not show significant changes in microglial response compared to VRA-only. However, the astroglial reaction was significantly reduced in this group. Conclusions/Significance: In conclusion, the present data suggest that the repair of avulsed roots with snake venom fibrin glue at the exact point of detachment results in neuroprotection and preservation of the synaptic network at the microenvironment of the lesioned motoneurons. Also such procedure reduced the astroglial reaction and increased mRNA levels to neurotrophins and anti-inflammatory cytokines that may in turn, contribute to improving recovery of motor function.


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Maternal aggression is under the control of a wide variety of factors that prime the females for aggression or trigger the aggressive event. Maternal attacks are triggered by the perception of sensory cues from the intruder, and here we have identified a site in the hypothalamus of lactating rats that is highly responsive to the male intruder—the ventral premammillary nucleus (PMv). The PMv is heavily targeted by the medial amygdalar nucleus, and we used lesion and immediate-early gene studies to test our working hypothesis that the PMv signals the presence of a male intruder and transfers this information to the network organizing maternal aggression. PMv-lesioned dams exhibit significantly reduced maternal aggression, without affecting maternal care. The Fos analysis revealed that PMv influences the activation of hypothalamic and septal sites shown to be mobilized during maternal aggression, including the medial preoptic nucleus (likely to represent an important locus to integrate priming stimuli critical for maternal aggression), the caudal two-thirds of the hypothalamic attack area (comprising the ventrolateral part of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and the adjacent tuberal region of the lateral hypothalamic area, critical for the expression of maternal aggression), and the ventral part of the anterior bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (presently discussed as being involved in controlling neuroendocrine and autonomic responses accompanying maternal aggression). These findings reveal an important role for the PMv in detecting the male intruder and how this nucleus modulates the network controlling maternal aggression.


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Extant Doras are newly diagnosed among Doradidae by the unique combination of maxillary barbels long and fimbriate; mesethmoid with anterior lateral margins converging towards narrow tip; single anterior cranial fontanel contained largely within frontals and anteriorly by mesethmoid (posterior cranial fontanel occluded); anterior nuchal plate wide, pentaganol or roughly hexagonal, sharing distinct lateral suture with epioccipital and isolating supraoccipital from middle nuchal plate; nuchal foramina absent; coracoid process short, posterior tip falling well short of that of postcleithral process; dentary with acicular teeth; and skin immediately ventral to postcleithral process perforated with conspicuous pores. One fossil species, dagger D. dioneae, and two nominal extant species, D. carinatus and D. micropoeus, are recognized as valid and the latter two redescribed. Three additional extant species, D. phlyzakion, D. higuchii and D. zuanoni, are newly described from the middle Amazon and tributaries, lower Amazon tributaries and rio Araguaia (Tocantins drainage), respectively. Doras phlyzakion and D. zuanoni form a monophyletic group that is found in lowland, lentic habitats, and is characterized by multiple conspicuous pores in skin on breast and abdomen, a trait unique among doradids and rare if not unique among all catfishes. The remaining extant species, D. carinatus, D. higuchii and D. micropoeus, with uncertain relationships, are found in upland, lotic habitats. The occurrence of D. carinatus in the Orinoco basin suggests a historical link between right-bank tributaries of the lower Orinoco (e.g., Caroni) draining the western Guiana Shield and more eastern rivers (e.g., Cuyuni-Essequibo) that drain the Shield directly into the Atlantic Ocean. A key to extant species is provided, a neotype is designated for Silurtis carinatus Linnaeus 1766, and Mormyropsis Miranda Ribeiro, 1911, is placed in the synonymy of Doras Lacepede, 1803.


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Mucoceles are the most common lesions of the minor salivary glands and typically appear as a fluctuant, bluish, nontender, submucosal swelling with a normal overlying mucosa. Mucoceles of the glands of Blandin-Nuhn (in the anterior portion of the ventral surface of the tongue) have been considered to be uncommon. This article reports an unusual case of a large extravasation mucocele involving the ventral surface of the tongue, which appeared after a lingual frenectomy.


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Male secondary sexual characters in Lepidoptera may be present or absent in species that otherwise appear to be closely related, an observation that has led to differences of opinion over the taxonomic usefulness of these structures above the species level. An evolutionary issue raised by this debate is whether male secondary sexual characters (1) can be regained after being lost evolutionarily, (2) are not lost after being evolved, or (3) are 'switched on and off' by genes that regulate development. A second evolutionary issue is the conditions under which male secondary sexual characters might be lost or gained evolutionarily. Because these structures are thought to promote species recognition, theory predicts evolutionary losses to be most likely in allopatry; evolutionary gains to be most likely during the process of secondarily establishing sympatry or during sympatric speciation. We updated the species-level taxonomy of the brilliant emerald winged Neotropical lycaenid butterfly genus Arcas and performed an analysis of phylogenetic relations among species to assess these evolutionary issues. We morphologically detail a scent pouch on the ventral hindwing of Areas and report that six species possess the pouch with androconia, one possesses the pouch without androconia, and the remaining two species have neither pouch nor androconia. In addition, eight Areas species have a morphologically species-specific male forewing scent pad, and one lacks a scent pad. This variation appears to be the result of three evolutionary losses and no gains of male secondary sexual organs. The four Areas species lacking a scent pouch or a scent pad are allopatric with their closest phylogenetic relatives while four of five with both of these structures are sympatric. Although Arcas is a small genus, these results are significantly more extreme than predicted by chance. For taxonomy, this study provides a rationale for the evolutionary loss of male secondary sexual structures and suggests that their absence, but itself, does not indicate a lack of relationship above the species level.


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We describe an additional saurischian specimen from the Caturrita Formation (Norian) of the Parana Basin, southern Brazil. This material was collected in the 1950s and remained unstudied due to its fragmentary condition. Detailed comparisons with other saurischians worldwide reveal that some characters of the ilium, including the low ventral projection of the medial wall of the acetabulum and its concave ventral margin, together with the short triangular shape of the pre-acetabular process and its mound-like dorsocaudal edge, resemble those of sauropodomorphs such as Plateosaurus and Riojasaurus. This set of traits suggests that MN 1326-V has affinities with basal Sauropodomorpha, probably closer to plateosaurians than to Saturnalia-like taxa. Previous records of this clade in the Caturrita Formation include Unaysaurus, which has been related to Plateosaurus within Plateosauridae. Alternative schemes suggest that plateosaurids include Plateosaurus plus the Argentinean 'prosauropods' Coloradisaurus and Riojasaurus. Both hypotheses raise biogeographic questions, as a close relationship between faunas from South America and Europe excluding Africa and North America is not supported by geological and biostratigraphical evidence. Additionally, the absence of plateosaurids in other continents suggests that the geographical distribution of this taxon is inconsistent with the geological history of western Pangaea, and this demands further investigations of the phylogeny of sauropodomorphs or improved sampling.


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Cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) agonists usually induce dose-dependent biphasic effects on anxiety-related responses. Low doses induce anxiolytic-like effects, whereas high doses are ineffective or anxiogenic, probably due to activation of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Type 1 (TRPV1) channels. In this study we have investigated this hypothesis by verifying the effects of the CB1/TRPV1 agonist ACEA injected into the prelimbic medial prefrontal cortex (PL) and the participation of endocannabinoids in the anxiolytic-like responses induced by TRPV1 antagonism, using the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and the Vogel conflict test (VCT). Moreover, we verified the expression of these receptors in the PL by double labeling immunofluorescence. ACEA induced anxiolytic-like effect in the intermediate dose, which was attenuated by previous injection of AM251, a CB1 receptor antagonist. The higher and ineffective ACEA dose caused anxiogenic- and anxiolytic-like effects, when injected after AM251 or the TRPV1 antagonist 6-iodonordihydrocapsaicin (6-I-CPS), respectively. Higher dose of 6-I-CPS induced anxiolytic-like effects both in the EPM and the VCT, which were prevented by previous administration of AM251. In addition, immunofluorescence showed that CB1 and TRPV1 receptors are closely located in the PL These results indicate that the endocannabinoid and endovanilloid systems interact in the PL to control anxiety-like behavior. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three new Brazilian species of the neotropical land planarian genus Choeradoplana (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Continenticola: Geoplaninae) are described, making a total of nine species within the genus. All the new species share unique derived characters typical of the genus. Two of the new species exhibit important features representing morphological variations that were previously unknown for the genus: the dorsal cutaneous longitudinal muscle layer, as well as the ventral one, partially sunken into the parenchyma in one species, and the common ovovitelline duct approaching the copulatory apparatus ventrally in the other. As a consequence of these morphological variations, an emendation of the genus is proposed.


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Aim: This study examines if injection of cobalt chloride (CoCl2) or antagonists of muscarinic cholinergic (atropine), mu(1)-opioid (naloxonazine) or 5-HT1 serotonergic (methiothepin) receptors into the dorsal or ventral portions of the anterior pretectal nucleus (APtN) alters the antinociceptive effects of stimulating the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) in rats. Main method: Changes in the nociceptive threshold were evaluated using the tail flick or incision pain tests in rats that were electrically stimulated at the RSC after the injection of saline, CoCl2 (1 mM, 0.10 mu L) or antagonists into the dorsal or ventral APtN. Key findings: The injection of CoCl2, naloxonazine (5 mu g/0.10 mu L) or methiothepin (3 mu g/0.10 mu L) into the dorsal APtN reduced the stimulation-produced antinociception from the RSC in the rat tail flick test. Reduction of incision pain was observed following stimulation of the RSC after the injection of the same substances into the ventral APtN. The injection of atropine (10 ng/0.10 mu L) or ketanserine (5 mu g/0.10 mu L) into the dorsal or ventral APtN was ineffective against the antinociception resulting from RSC stimulation. Significance: mu(1)-opioid- and 5-HT1-expressing neurons and cell processes in dorsal and ventral APtN are both implicated in the mediation of stimulation-produced antinociception from the RSC in the rat tail flick and incision pain tests, respectively. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, we investigated the involvement of beta-adrenoceptors in the medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA) in cardiovascular responses evoked in rats submitted to an acute restraint stress. We first pretreated Wistar rats with the nonselective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol microinjected bilaterally into the MeA (10, 15, and 20 nmol/100 nL) 10 min before exposure to acute restraint. The pretreatment with propranolol did not affect the blood pressure (BP) increase evoked by restraint. However, it increased the tachycardiac response caused by acute restraint when animals were pretreated with a dose of 15 nmol, without a significant effect on the BP response. This result indicates that beta-adrenoceptors in the MeA have an inhibitory influence on restraint-evoked heart rate (HR) changes. Pretreatment with the selective beta(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist ICI 118,551 (10, 15, and 20 nmol/100 nL) significantly increased the restraint-evoked tachycardiac response after doses of 15 and 20 nmol, an effect that was similar to that observed after the pretreatment with propranolol at a dose of 15 nmol, without a significant effect on the BP response. Pretreatment of the MeA with the selective beta(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist CGP 20712 (10, 15, and 20 nmol/100 nL) caused an opposite effect on the HR response, and a significant decrease in the restraint-evoked tachycardia was observed only after the dose of 20 nmol, without a significant effect on the BP response. Because propranolol is an equipotent antagonist of both beta(1) and beta(2)-adrenoceptors, and opposite effects were observed after the treatment with the higher doses of the selective antagonists ICI 118,551 and CGP 20712, the narrow window in the dose-response to propranolol could be explained by a functional antagonism resulting from the simultaneous inhibition of beta(1) and beta(2)-adrenoceptors by the treatment with propranolol. The present results suggest that beta(2)-adrenoceptors have an inhibitory influence on the restraint-evoked tachycardiac response, whereas beta(1)-adrenoceptors have a facilitatory influence on the restraint-evoked tachycardiac response. (c) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.