15 resultados para Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS)

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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In the optimization or parametric analyses of risers, several configurations must be analyzed. It is laborious to perform time domain solutions for the dynamic analysis, since they are time-consuming tasks. So, frequency domain solutions appear to be a possible alternative, mainly in the early stages of a riser design. However, frequency domain analysis is linear and requires that nonlinear effects are treated. The aim of this paper is to present a possible way to treat some of these nonlinearities, using an iterative process together with an analytical correction, and compare the results of a frequency domain analysis with the those of a full nonlinear analysis. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4006149]


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The interaction of the cationic meso-tetrakis 4-N-methylpyridyl porphyrin (TMPyP) with large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) was investigated in the present study. LUVs were formed by mixtures of the zwitterionic 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and anionic 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (DPPG) phospholipids, at different DPPG molar percentages. All investigations were carried out above (50 degrees C) and below (25 degrees C) the main phase transition temperature of the LUVs (similar to 41 degrees C). The binding constant values, K-b, estimated from the time-resolved fluorescence study, showed a significant increase of the porphyrin affinity at higher mol% DPPG. This affinity is markedly increased when the LUVs are in the liquid crystalline state. For both situations, the increase of the K-b value was also followed by a higher porphyrin fraction bound to the LUVs. The displacement of the vesicle-bound porphyrins toward the aqueous medium, upon titration with the salt potassium chloride (KCl), was also studied. Altogether, our steady-state and frequency-domain fluorescence quenching data results indicate that the TMPyP is preferentially located at the LUVs Stern layer. This is supported by the zeta potential studies, where a partial neutralization of the LUVs surface charge, upon porphyrin titration, was observed. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) results showed that, for some phospholipid systems, this partial neutralization leads to the LUVs flocculation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The ionic liquid butyltrimethylammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [C4C1C1C1N][Tf2N], is a glass-forming liquid that exhibits partial crystallization depending on the cooling rate. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) indicates crystallization at T-c = 227 K, melting at T-m = 258 K, glass transition at T-g similar to 191 K, and also cold crystallization at T-cc similar to 219 K. Raman spectroscopy shows that the crystalline structure obtained by slow cooling is formed with [Tf2N](-) in cisoid conformation, whereas [Tf2N](-) in transoid conformation results from fast cooling. No preferred conformation of the butyl chain of the [C4C1C1C1N](+) cation is favored by slow or fast cooling of [C4C1C1C1N][Tf2N]. Low-frequency Raman spectroscopy shows that crystalline domains developing in the supercooled liquid result in a glacial state made of a mixture of crystallites and amorphous phase. However, these crystalline structures obtained by slow cooling or cold crystallization are not the same because anion-cation interactions promote local structures with distinct conformations of the [Tf2N](-) anion.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a reprodutibilidade de parâmetros no domínio da frequência do sinal eletromiográfico (EMG) utilizados na caracterização da fadiga muscular localizada. Quinze sujeitos do sexo masculino foram submetidos a um teste de fadiga baseado na extensão isométrica de joelho, sendo realizados em três momentos distintos com intervalos de sete dias. Para avaliar a reprodutibilidade dos dados entres os testes calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) para a frequência mediana (Fmed) no tempo total de exercício (FmedT), para a Fmed obtida a cada 10% do tempo de exercício (Fmed10%) e para as potências das bandas de frequência, obtidas da divisão do espectro de potência a cada 20 Hz. Os resultados demonstraram: (1) boa reprodutibilidade para a FmedT; (2) boa reprodutibilidade para a Fmed10%; e (3) maior variação no sinal EMG nas bandas de 20 a 120 Hz, no qual se destacam as bandas de 20-40 Hz e de 40-60 Hz, demonstrando maior sensibilidade ao processo de fadiga muscular. Conclui-se que a Fmed é uma variável que apresenta boa reprodutibilidade e que a análise fragmentada do espectro de potência, por meio das bandas de frequência, demonstrou-se sensível as variações que ocorrem no sinal EMG durante a instalação do processo de fadiga, tendo potencial para se tornar um novo método para a caracterização da fadiga muscular localizada.


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Self-assembly of poly(4-vynil-N-alkyl)pyridinium bromide with alkyl side chains of 2, 5, 7, 10, or 16 carbons from ethanolic solutions onto flat silica surfaces was studied by means of ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurements, and sum-frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy in the CH3 and CH2 stretch region. Ab initio quantum-chemical calculations on the N-alkylpyridinium side-group with restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) method and 6-311G (d,p) basis set were C one to estimate the charge distribution along the pyridinium ring and the alkyl side-chain. SFG results showed that longer side chains promote the disorientation of the alkyl groups at the surface, corroborating with the contact angle values. AFM images revealed film homogeneity, regardless the alkyl side group. However, after 24 h contact with water, ringlike structures appeared on the film surfaces, when the polycation alkyl side chain had 7 or less carbons, and as the alkyl chain increased to 10 or 16 carbons, the films dewetted because the hydrophobic interactions prevailed over the electrostatic interactions between the pyridinium charged groups and the negatively charged SiO2 surface. Under acid conditions (HCl 0.1 mol.L-1), the film mean thickness values decreased up to 50% of original values when the alkyl side chains were ethyl or pentyl groups due to ion-pair disruption, but for longer groups they remained unchanged. Quantum-chemical optimization and Mulliken electron population showed that (i) from C2 to C15 the positive charge at the headgroup (HG) decreased 0.025, while the charge at combined HG + alpha-CH2 increased 0.037; and (ii) for C6 or longer, the alkyl side group presents a tilt in the geometry, moving away from the plane. Such effects summed up over the whole polymer chain give support to suggest that when the side chains are longer than 7 carbons, the hydrophobic interaction decreases film stability and increases acid resistance.


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Understanding how magnetic materials respond to rapidly varying magnetic fields, as in dynamic hysteresis loops, constitutes a complex and physically interesting problem. But in order to accomplish a thorough investigation, one must necessarily consider the effects of thermal fluctuations. Albeit being present in all real systems, these are seldom included in numerical studies. The notable exceptions are the Ising systems, which have been extensively studied in the past, but describe only one of the many mechanisms of magnetization reversal known to occur. In this paper we employ the Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz formalism to study high-frequency hysteresis loops of single-domain particles with uniaxial anisotropy at an arbitrary temperature. We show that in certain conditions the magnetic response may become predominantly out-of-phase and the loops may undergo a dynamic symmetry loss. This is found to be a direct consequence of the competing responses due to the thermal fluctuations and the gyroscopic motion of the magnetization. We have also found the magnetic behavior to be exceedingly sensitive to temperature variations, not only within the superparamagnetic-ferromagnetic transition range usually considered, but specially at even lower temperatures, where the bulk of interesting phenomena is seen to take place. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article reports on the influence of the magnetization damping on dynamic hysteresis loops in single-domain particles with uniaxial anisotropy. The approach is based on the Neel-Brown theory and the hierarchy of differential recurrence relations, which follow from averaging over the realizations of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation. A new method of solution is proposed, where the resulting system of differential equations is solved directly using optimized algorithms to explore its sparsity. All parameters involved in uniaxial systems are treated in detail, with particular attention given to the frequency dependence. It is shown that in the ferromagnetic resonance region, novel phenomena are observed for even moderately low values of the damping. The hysteresis loops assume remarkably unusual shapes, which are also followed by a pronounced reduction of their heights. Also demonstrated is that these features remain for randomly oriented ensembles and, moreover, are approximately independent of temperature and particle size. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3684629]


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Septins form a conserved family of filament forming GTP binding proteins found in a wide range of eukaryotic cells. They share a common structural architecture consisting of an N-terminal domain, a central GTP binding domain and a C-terminal domain, which is often predicted to adopt a coiled-coil conformation, at least in part. The crystal structure of the human SEPT2/SEPT6/SEPT7 heterocomplex has revealed the importance of the GTP binding domain in filament formation, but surprisingly no electron density was observed for the C-terminal domains and their function remains obscure. The dearth of structural information concerning the C-terminal region has motivated the present study in which the putative C-terminal domains of human SEPT2, SEPT6 and SEPT7 were expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity. The thermal stability and secondary structure content of the domains were studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy, and homo- and hetero-interactions were investigated by size exclusion chromatography, chemical cross-linking, analytical ultracentrifugation and surface plasmon resonance. Our results show that SEPT6-C and SEPT7-C are able to form both homo- and heterodimers with a high alpha-helical content in solution. The heterodimer is elongated and considerably more stable than the homodimers, with a K (D) of 15.8 nM. On the other hand, the homodimer SEPT2-C has a much lower affinity, with a K (D) of 4 mu M, and a moderate alpha-helical content. Our findings present the first direct experimental evidence toward better understanding the biophysical properties and coiled-coil pairings of such domains and their potential role in filament assembly and stability.


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Frequency-dependent electroluminescence and electric current response spectroscopy were applied to polymeric light-emitting electrochemical cells in order to obtain information about the operation mechanism regimes of such devices. Three clearly distinct frequency regimes could be identified: a dielectric regime at high frequencies; an ionic transport regime, characterized by ionic drift and electronic diffusion; and an electrolytic regime, characterized by electronic injection from the electrodes and electrochemical doping of the conjugated polymer. From the analysis of the results, it was possible to evaluate parameters like the diffusion speed of electronic charge carriers in the active layer and the voltage drop necessary for operation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4752438]


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The use of a low-cost benchtop time-domain NMR (TD-NMR) spectrometer to monitor copper electrodeposition in situ is presented. The measurements are based on the strong linear correlation between the concentration of paramagnetic ions and the transverse relaxation rates (R-2) of the solvent protons Two electrochemical NMR (EC-NMR) cells were constructed and applied to monitor the Cu2+ concentration during the electrodeposition reaction. The results show that TD-NMR relaxometry using the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence can be a very fast, simple, and efficient technique to monitor, in real time, the variation in the Cu2+ concentration during an electrodeposition reaction. This methodology can also be applied to monitor the electrodeposition of other paramagnetic ions, such as Ni2+ and Cr3+, which are commonly used in electroplating.


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Objective: To characterize optic nerve head (ONH) anatomy related to the clinical optic disc margin with spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Design: Cross-sectional study. Participants: Patients with open-angle glaucoma with focal, diffuse, and sclerotic optic disc damage, and age-matched normal controls. Methods: High-resolution radial SD-OCT B-scans centered on the ONH were analyzed at each clock hour. For each scan, the border tissue of Elschnig was classified for obliqueness (internally oblique, externally oblique, or nonoblique) and the presence of Bruch's membrane overhanging the border tissue. Optic disc stereophotographs were co-localized to SD-OCT data with customized software. The frequency with which the disc margin identified in stereophotographs coincided with (1) Bruch's membrane opening (BMO), defined as the innermost edge of Bruch's membrane; (2) Bruch's membrane/border tissue, defined as any aspect of either outside BMO or border tissue; or (3) border tissue, defined as any aspect of border tissue alone, in the B-scans was computed at each clock hour. Main Outcome Measures: The SD-OCT structures coinciding with the disc margin in stereophotographs. Results: There were 30 patients (10 with each type of disc damage) and 10 controls, with a median (range) age of 68.1 (42-86) years and 63.5 (42-77) years, respectively. Although 28 patients (93%) had 2 or more border tissue configurations, the most predominant one was internally oblique, primarily superiorly and nasally, frequently with Bruch's membrane overhang. Externally oblique border tissue was less frequent, observed mostly inferiorly and temporally. In controls, there was predominantly internally oblique configuration around the disc. Although the configurations were not statistically different between patients and controls, they were among the 3 glaucoma groups. At most locations, the SD-OCT structure most frequently identified as the disc margin was some aspect of Bruch's membrane and border tissue external to BMO. Bruch's membrane overhang was regionally present in the majority of patients with glaucoma and controls; however, in most cases it was not visible as the disc margin. Conclusions: The clinically perceived disc margin is most likely not the innermost edge of Bruch's membrane detected by SD-OCT. These findings have important implications for the automated detection of the disc margin and estimates of the neuroretinal rim. Financial Disclosure(s): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references. Ophthalmology 2012;119:738-747 (C) 2012 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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We present results for longitudinal dynamic hysteresis in single domain particles with uniaxial anisotropy. The combined influence of temperature, field-sweeping frequency, and field amplitude is discussed in detail. A novel and efficient numerical method is proposed, based on the direct solution of the infinite hierarchy of differential recurrence relations obtained from averaging over the stochastic realizations of the magnetic Langevin equation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3676416]


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Dynamical Elastic Moduli of the Ti-13Nb-13Zr biomaterial alloy were obtained using the mechanical spectroscopy technique. The sample with heat treatment at 1170K for 30 minutes and water quenched with subsequent aging treatment at 670 K for 3 hours (TNZ + WQ + 670 K/3 h), was characterized through decay of free oscillations of the sample in the flexural vibration mode. The spectra of anelastic relaxation (internal friction and frequency) in the temperature range from 300 K to 625 K not revealed the presence of relaxation process. As shown in the literature, the hcp structure usually does not exhibit any relaxation due to the symmetry of the sites in the crystalline lattice, but if there is some relaxation, this only occurs in special cases such as low concentration of zirconium or saturation of the stoichiometric ratio of oxygen for zirconium. Dynamical elastic modulus obtained for TNZ + WQ + 670 K/3 h alloy was 87 GPa at room temperature, which is higher than the value for Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy (64 GPa) of the literature. This increment may be related to the change of the proportion of α and β phases. Besides that, the presence of precipitates in the alloy after aging treatment hardens the material and reduces its ductility.


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Although electrochemical oxidation of simple organic molecules on metal catalysts is the basic ingredient of fuel cells, which have great technological potential as a renewable source of electrical energy, the detailed reaction mechanisms are in most cases not completely understood. Here, we investigate the ethanol-platinum interface in acidic aqueous solution using infrared-visible sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and theoretical calculations of vibrational spectra in order to identify the intermediates present during the electro-oxidation of ethanol. The complex vibrational spectrum in the fingerprint region imply on the coexistence of several adsorbates. Based on spectra in ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) and electrochemical environment from the literature and our density functional theory (DFT) calculations of vibrational spectra, new adsorbed intermediates, never before observed with conventional infrared (IR) spectroscopy, are proposed here: g2-acetaldehyde, g2-acetyl, ethylidyne, monodentate acetate, methoxy, tertiary methanol derivative, COH residue, g2-formaldehyde, mono and bidentate formate, CH3 and CH2 residues. In addition, we present new evidences for an ethoxy intermediate, a secondary ethanol derivative and an acetyl species, and we confirm the presence of previously observed adsorbates: a tertiary ethanol derivative, bidentate acetate, and COad. These results indicate that the platinum surface is much more reactive, and the reaction mechanism for ethanol electro-oxidation is considerably more complex than previously considered. This might be also true for many other molecule-catalyst systems.


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The intermetallic compounds ScPdZn and ScPtZn were prepared from the elements by high-frequency melting in sealed tantalum ampoules. Both structures were refined from single crystal X-ray diffractometer data: YAlGe type, Cmcm, a = 429.53(8), b = 907.7(1), c = 527.86(1) pm, wR2 = 0.0375, 231 F2 values, for ScPdZn and a = 425.3(1), b = 918.4(2), c = 523.3(1) pm, wR2 = 0.0399, 213 F2 values for ScPtZn with 14 variables per refinement. The structures are orthorhombically distorted variants of the AlB2 type. The scandium and palladium (platinum atoms) build up ordered networks Sc3Pd3 and Sc3Pt3 (boron networks) which are slightly shifted with respect to each other. These networks are penetrated by chains of zinc atoms (262 pm in ScPtZn) which correspond to the aluminum positions, i.e. Zn(ScPd) and Zn(ScPt). The corresponding group-subgroup scheme and the differences in chemical bonding with respect to other AlB2-derived REPdZn and REPtZn compounds are discussed. 45Sc solid state NMR spectra confirm the single crystallographic scandium sites. From electronic band structure calculations the two compounds are found metallic with free electron like behavior at the Fermi level. A larger cohesive energy for ScPtZn suggests a more strongly bonded intermetallic than ScPdZn. Electron localization and overlap population analyses identify the largest bonding for scandium with the transition metal (Pd, Pt).