12 resultados para Fluidos não-Newtonianos
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Amniotic fluid (AF) was described as a potential source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for biomedicine purposes. Therefore, evaluation of alternative cryoprotectants and freezing protocols capable to maintain the viability and stemness of these cells after cooling is still needed. AF stem cells (AFSCs) were tested for different freezing methods and cryoprotectants. Cell viability, gene expression, surface markers, and plasticity were evaluated after thawing. AFSCs expressed undifferentiated genes Oct4 and Nanog; presented typical markers (CD29, CD44, CD90, and CD105) and were able to differentiate into mesenchymal lineages. All tested cryoprotectants preserved the features of AFSCs however, variations in cell viability were observed. In this concern, dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) showed the best results. The freezing protocols tested did not promote significant changes in the AFSCs viability. Time programmed and nonprogrammed freezing methods could be used for successful AFSCs cryopreservation for 6 months. Although tested cryoprotectants maintained undifferentiated gene expression, typical markers, and plasticity of AFSCs, only Me2SO and glycerol presented workable viability ratios.
O fluxo de materiais granulares é pouco discutido nos livros de física básica, apesar de que sistemas de grãos estão muito presentes na vida cotidiana. Este trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de um sistema experimental relativamente simples para estudar a vazão de grãos de arroz e de açúcar. O aparelho é constituído por um silo cilíndrico com uma abertura circular no fundo e uma balança. A balança é conectada a um computador para monitorar a massa como função do tempo dos grãos que saem do silo. Foram realizadas medidas para diferentes diâmetros da abertura de saída do silo e diferentes alturas iniciais da coluna de grãos. Para fins didáticos, o mesmo sistema foi usado para medir a vazão de água. Os resultados claramente ilustram as diferenças entre os dois tipos de fluidos e podem ser facilmente reproduzidos em sala de aulas.
The free-carrier absorption cross-section sigma of a magnetic colloid composed of magnetite nanoparticles dispersed in oil is obtained by using the Z-scan technique in different experimental conditions of the laser beam. We show that it is possible to obtain sigma with picosecond pulsed and millisecond chopped beams with pulse frequencies smaller than about 30 Hz. For higher pulse frequencies, the heating of the colloidal system triggers the appearance of the Soret effect. This effect artificially increases the value of sigma calculated from the experimental results. The limits of the different experimental setups are discussed. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
Interfacial concentrations of chloride and bromide ions, with Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, trimethylammonium (TMA(+)), Ca2+, and Mg2+ as counterions, were determined by chemical trapping in micelles formed by two zwitterionic surfactants, namely N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS) and hexadecylphosphorylcholine (HDPC) micelles. Appropriate standard curves for the chemical trapping method were obtained by measuring the product yields of chloride and bromide salts with 2,4,6-trimethyl-benzenediazonium (BF4) in the presence of low molecular analogs (N,N,N-trimethyl-propane sulfonate and methyl-phosphorylcholine) of the employed surfactants. The experimentally determined values for the local Br- (Cl-) concentrations were modeled by fully integrated non-linear Poisson Boltzmann equations. The best fits to all experimental data were obtained by considering that ions at the interface are not fixed at an adsorption site but are free to move in the interfacial plane. In addition, the calculation of ion distribution allowed the estimation of the degree of ion coverage by using standard chemical potential differences accounting for ion specificity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The rate of solvolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP) dianion in DMSO/water strongly decreases by increasing water concentration. Addition of linear alcohols (methanol, propanol, butanol, pentanol, and hexanol) at constant DMSO/water molar ratio produced an even sharper rate decrease. Alkyl phosphate formation, resulting from PNPP solvolysis in ternary DMSO/water/alcohol mixtures, increased with alcohol concentration and was essentially temperature independent. Methanol and hexanol were the poorest nucleophiles under all conditions. Activation energies and enthalpies for solvolysis in ternary mixtures were similar and entropies varied with alcohol concentration. Taken together these results can be best interpreted in terms of a dissociative mechanism with the intervention of metaphosphate. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this paper we investigate the solubility of a hard-sphere gas in a solvent modeled as an associating lattice gas. The solution phase diagram for solute at 5% is compared with the phase diagram of the original solute free model. Model properties are investigated both through Monte Carlo simulations and a cluster approximation. The model solubility is computed via simulations and is shown to exhibit a minimum as a function of temperature. The line of minimum solubility (TmS) coincides with the line of maximum density (TMD) for different solvent chemical potentials, in accordance with the literature on continuous realistic models and on the "cavity" picture. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4743635]
The photophysics of the 1-nitronaphthalene molecular system, after the absorption transition to the first singlet excited state, is theoretically studied for investigating the ultrafast multiplicity change to the triplet manifold. The consecutive transient absorption spectra experimentally observed in this molecular system are also studied. To identify the electronic states involved in the nonradiative decay, the minimum energy path of the first singlet excited state is obtained using the complete active space self-consistent field//configurational second-order perturbation approach. A near degeneracy region was found between the first singlet and the second triplet excited states with large spin-orbit coupling between them. The intersystem crossing rate was also evaluated. To support the proposed deactivation model the transient absorption spectra observed in the experiments were also considered. For this, computer simulations using sequential quantum mechanic-molecular mechanic methodology was used to consider the solvent effect in the ground and excited states for proper comparison with the experimental results. The absorption transitions from the second triplet excited state in the relaxed geometry permit to describe the transient absorption band experimentally observed around 200 fs after the absorption transition. This indicates that the T-2 electronic state is populated through the intersystem crossing presented here. The two transient absorption bands experimentally observed between 2 and 45 ps after the absorption transition are described here as the T-1 -> T-3 and T-1 -> T-5 transitions, supporting that the intermediate triplet state (T-2) decays by internal conversion to T-1. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4738757]
The present study investigated the early presence of inflammatory response in renal tissue of young offspring from diabetic mothers. The effect of L-arginine (L-arg) supplementation was also investigated. The offspring was divided into four groups: group CO (controls); group DO (diabetic offspring); group CA (CO receiving 2% L-arg solution) and group DA (DO receiving the 2% L-arg solution). Glycemia, arterial pressure and renal function were evaluated; gene and protein expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines were also measured. Blood pressure levels were significantly increased in 2 and 6 month-old DO rats, whereas L-arg administration caused a significant decrease in the DA group, at both ages. DO rats showed a significantly blunted glycemic response to exogenous insulin. In 2 month-old DO animals, renal protein expression of pro-inflammatory molecules was significantly increased. At six months of age, we also observed an increase in gene expression of pro-inflammatory molecules, whereas L-arg supplementation prevented this increase at both ages. Our data suggest that activation of inflammatory pathways is present early in the kidney of DO rats, and that L-arg can attenuate the expression of these markers of tissue inflammation. Our results also reinforce the concept that intrauterine environmental factors are a fundamental determinant in the development of metabolic and vascular diseases later in life. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Com o grande crescimento tecnológico e a necessidade de melhoria, um dos materiais que ganhou uma grande gama na área da engenharia mecânica é a cerâmica, pois possui vantagens físico-químicas e propriedades mecânicas significativas sobre o aço. Entretanto, sua usinagem é um processo difícil e delicado, que requer ainda uma grande atenção em relação ao seu estudo. Assim, o processo de retificação é um dos métodos que tem apresentado bons resultados, porém um grande problema acerca de tal processo é o uso excessivo de fluidos de corte, o que se tornou uma preocupação mundial, já que os fluidos apresentam graves problemas socioambientais, além disso, o fluido de corte é responsável por uma grande parte do custo final do processo, provocando, desse modo, um grande interesse em pesquisas referentes a métodos alternativos de forma a reduzir o consumo e melhorar as características do fluido de corte utilizado. Este trabalho visa comparar duas técnicas de lubri-refrigeração, o método convencional e a Lubrificação Otimizada. O uso do método otimizado é uma alternativa à diminuição do volume de fluido utilizado, já que este tem como princípio a aplicação de uma menor quantidade de fluido de corte com uma alta velocidade, localmente aplicada, ou seja, com essa redução benefícios ambientais e socioeconômicas são obtidos. A análise do trabalho será feita a partir da avaliação das variáveis de saída do processo de retificação plana tais como o comportamento rugosidade e desgaste do rebolo, já que por elas é possível avaliar o processo em relação a qualidade da peça versus custo. Com essas analises, pretende-se avaliar se a técnica otimizada é viável a substituição da refrigeração convencional na retificação plana de cerâmicas.
A principal etapa de preparação das argamassas consiste na mistura dos materiais sólidos com água. A introdução do líquido conduz a uma série de eventos de aglomeração e desaglomeração no sistema, que, por sua vez, irão resultar em esforços durante essa etapa. Estudos previamente realizados demonstraram a capacidade de mensuração desses esforços através de curvas que relacionam o torque com o tempo em equipamentos como os reômetros. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar como o tempo influencia a energia de mistura e as propriedades reológicas de argamassas de revestimento com e sem a utilização de aditivo dispersante. O material foi misturado no reômetro rotacional do tipo planetário por tempos distintos (17, 47, 87 e 297 s) e em seguida foi submetido a três ciclos de cisalhamento consecutivos. Em tempos curtos verificou-se que a energia de mistura é baixa, não sendo capaz de romper os aglomerados e homogeneizar o sistema, resultando em materiais reologicamente instáveis e menos fluidos. Por sua vez, a mistura de 297 s demonstrou ser mais eficiente, produzindo uma argamassa estável e fluida. Nas argamassas com o dispersante, os níveis de energia de mistura envolvidos foram mais baixos, e o sistema tendeu a homogeneizar-se mais rapidamente, além de ter resultado em argamassas mais fluidas.
The boundary layer over concave surfaces can be unstable due to centrifugal forces, giving rise to Goertler vortices. These vortices create two regions in the spanwise direction—the upwash and downwash regions. The downwash region is responsible for compressing the boundary layer toward the wall, increasing the heat transfer rate. The upwash region does the opposite. In the nonlinear development of the Goertler vortices, it can be observed that the upwash region becomes narrow and the spanwise–average heat transfer rate is higher than that for a Blasius boundary layer. This paper analyzes the influence of the spanwise wavelength of the Goertler the heat transfer. The equation is written in vorticity-velocity formulation. The time integration is done via a classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The spatial derivatives are calculated using high-order compact finite difference and spectral methods. Three different wavelengths are analyzed. The results show that steady Goertler flow can increase the heat transfer rates to values close to the values of turbulence, without the existence of a secondary instability. The geometry (and computation domain) are presented
The investigation of vortex-induced vibration on very short cylinders with two degrees of freedom has drawn the attention of a large number of researchers. Some investigations on such a problem are carried out in order to have a better understanding of the physics involved in vortex-induced motions of floating bodies such as offshore platforms. In this paper, experiments were carried out in a recirculating water channel over the range of Reynolds number 6000