6 resultados para FREQUENCY-DEPENDENCE

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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This article reports on the influence of the magnetization damping on dynamic hysteresis loops in single-domain particles with uniaxial anisotropy. The approach is based on the Neel-Brown theory and the hierarchy of differential recurrence relations, which follow from averaging over the realizations of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation. A new method of solution is proposed, where the resulting system of differential equations is solved directly using optimized algorithms to explore its sparsity. All parameters involved in uniaxial systems are treated in detail, with particular attention given to the frequency dependence. It is shown that in the ferromagnetic resonance region, novel phenomena are observed for even moderately low values of the damping. The hysteresis loops assume remarkably unusual shapes, which are also followed by a pronounced reduction of their heights. Also demonstrated is that these features remain for randomly oriented ensembles and, moreover, are approximately independent of temperature and particle size. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3684629]


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We studied the energy and frequency dependence of the Fourier time lags and intrinsic coherence of the kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in the neutron-star lowmass X-ray binaries 4U 1608−52 and 4U 1636−53, using a large data set obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We confirmed that, in both sources, the time lags of the lower kHz QPO are soft and their magnitude increases with energy. We also found that: (i) In 4U 1636−53, the soft lags of the lower kHz QPO remain constant at∼30 μs in the QPO frequency range 500–850 Hz, and decrease to ∼10 μs when the QPO frequency increases further. In 4U 1608−52, the soft lags of the lower kHz QPO remain constant at 40 μs up to 800 Hz, the highest frequency reached by this QPO in our data. (ii) In both sources, the time lags of the upper kHz QPO are hard, independent of energy or frequency and inconsistent with the soft lags of the lower kHz QPO. (iii) In both sources the intrinsic coherence of the lower kHz QPO remains constant at ∼0.6 between 5 and 12 keV, and drops to zero above that energy. The intrinsic coherence of the upper kHz QPO is consistent with being zero across the full energy range. (iv) In 4U 1636−53, the intrinsic coherence of the lower kHz QPO increases from ∼0 at ∼600 Hz to ∼1, and it decreases to ∼0.5 at 920 Hz; in 4U 1608−52, the intrinsic coherence is consistent with the same trend. (v) In both sources the intrinsic coherence of the upper kHz QPO is consistent with zero over the full frequency range of the QPO, except in 4U 1636−53 between 700 and 900 Hz where the intrinsic coherence marginally increases. We discuss our results in the context of scenarios in which the soft lags are either due to reflection off the accretion disc or up-/down-scattering in a hot medium close to the neutron star. We finally explore the connection between, on one hand the time lags and the intrinsic coherence of the kHz QPOs, and on the other the QPOs’ amplitude and quality factor in these two sources.


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High pressure NMR spectroscopy has developed into an important tool for studying conformational equilibria of proteins in solution. We have studied the amide proton and nitrogen chemical shifts of the 20 canonical amino acids X in the random-coil model peptide Ac-Gly-Gly-X-Ala-NH2, in a pressure range from 0.1 to 200 MPa, at a proton resonance frequency of 800 MHz. The obtained data allowed the determination of first and second order pressure coefficients with high accuracy at 283 K and pH 6.7. The mean first and second order pressure coefficients <B-1(15N)> and <B-2(15N)> for nitrogen are 2.91 ppm/GPa and -2.32 ppm/GPa(2), respectively. The corresponding values <B-1(1H)> and <B-2(1H)> for the amide protons are 0.52 ppm/GPa and -0.41 ppm/GPa(2). Residual dependent (1)J(1H15N)-coupling constants are shown.


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The class of electrochemical oscillators characterized by a partially hidden negative differential resistance in an N-shaped current potential curve encompasses a myriad of experimental examples. We present a comprehensive methodological analysis of the oscillation frequency of this class of systems and discuss its dependence on electrical and kinetic parameters. The analysis is developed from a skeleton ordinary differential equation model, and an equation for the oscillation frequency is obtained. Simulations are carried out for a model system, namely, the nickel electrodissolution, and the numerical results are confirmed by experimental data on this system. In addition, the treatment is further applied to the electro-oxidation of ethylene glycol where unusually large oscillation frequencies have been reported. Despite the distinct chemistry underlying the oscillatory dynamics of these systems, a very good agreement between experiments and theoretical predictions is observed. The application of the developed theory is suggested as an important step for primary kinetic characterization.


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A model for computing the generation-recombination noise due to traps within the semiconductor film of fully depleted silicon-on-insulator MOSFET transistors is presented. Dependence of the corner frequency of the Lorentzian spectra on the gate voltage is addressed in this paper, which is different to the constant behavior expected for bulk transistors. The shift in the corner frequency makes the characterization process easier. It helps to identify the energy position, capture cross sections, and densities of the traps. This characterization task is carried out considering noise measurements of two different candidate structures for single-transistor dynamic random access memory devices.


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We have completed a high-contrast direct imaging survey for giant planets around 57 debris disk stars as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. We achieved median H-band contrasts of 12.4 mag at 0.''5 and 14.1 mag at 1'' separation. Follow-up observations of the 66 candidates with projected separation <500 AU show that all of them are background objects. To establish statistical constraints on the underlying giant planet population based on our imaging data, we have developed a new Bayesian formalism that incorporates (1) non-detections, (2) single-epoch candidates, (3) astrometric and (4) photometric information, and (5) the possibility of multiple planets per star to constrain the planet population. Our formalism allows us to include in our analysis the previously known β Pictoris and the HR 8799 planets. Our results show at 95% confidence that <13% of debris disk stars have a ≥5 M Jup planet beyond 80 AU, and <21% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet outside of 40 AU, based on hot-start evolutionary models. We model the population of directly imaged planets as d 2 N/dMdavpropm α a β, where m is planet mass and a is orbital semi-major axis (with a maximum value of a max). We find that β < –0.8 and/or α > 1.7. Likewise, we find that β < –0.8 and/or a max < 200 AU. For the case where the planet frequency rises sharply with mass (α > 1.7), this occurs because all the planets detected to date have masses above 5 M Jup, but planets of lower mass could easily have been detected by our search. If we ignore the β Pic and HR 8799 planets (should they belong to a rare and distinct group), we find that <20% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet beyond 10 AU, and β < –0.8 and/or α < –1.5. Likewise, β < –0.8 and/or a max < 125 AU. Our Bayesian constraints are not strong enough to reveal any dependence of the planet frequency on stellar host mass. Studies of transition disks have suggested that about 20% of stars are undergoing planet formation; our non-detections at large separations show that planets with orbital separation >40 AU and planet masses >3 M Jup do not carve the central holes in these disks.