42 resultados para Escore TIMI

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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A doença cardiovascular representa a principal causa de mortalidade no mundo. A capacidade de identificar, dentre os indivíduos assintomáticos, o subgrupo que apresenta maior risco de desenvolver eventos cardiovasculares no futuro representa uma etapa fundamental em qualquer estratégia voltada para a diminuição da taxas de eventos cardiovasculares. O primeiro passo na estratificação do risco cardiovascular é a utilização dos "escores de risco global", dentre os quais o mais frequentemente utilizado é o escore de Framingham. Entretanto, estudos prévios demonstraram que embora muito úteis, os escores clínicos, quando utilizados isoladamente, apresentam capacidade limitada de estratificação do risco cardiovascular em uma parcela significativa da população. É nesse contexto que o escore de cálcio (EC) coronariano e a angiotomografia das artérias coronárias podem desempenhar papel importante como ferramentas complementares na estratificação de risco dos pacientes assintomáticos. O EC coronariano proporciona importantes informações prognósticas que são incrementais aos escores clínicos baseados nos fatores de risco tradicionais e a outras modalidades diagnósticas, como a dosagem da proteína C reativa, por exemplo. Além disso, o EC também tem o potencial de alterar a conduta e auxiliar no manejo clínico dos pacientes. Já a angiotomografia coronariana proporciona avaliação detalhada da anatomia das artérias coronárias, permitindo visualizar não apenas o lúmen, mas também as paredes arteriais coronarianas. Comparada à coronariografia invasiva convencional, a angiotomografia apresenta excelente acurácia para identificar e, principalmente, excluir a presença de lesões obstrutivas significativas. Adicionalmente, demonstrou-se capaz de proporcionar informações prognósticas incrementais aos fatores de risco tradicionais e ao EC coronariano.


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O tabagismo é considerado a maior causa evitável de morbidade e mortalidade. O manuseio farmacológico da síndrome de abstinência de nicotina possibilita melhores taxas de cessação. Desenvolvemos um sistema de coleta de dados em nosso programa de assistência ao fumante, que inclui dois instrumentos novos: um escore para dependência de nicotina em fumantes de < 10 cigarros/dia e uma escala de conforto do paciente durante o tratamento do tabagismo. Descrevemos aqui os dois instrumentos, que estão em processo de validação.


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Introdução. A maioria das crianças com pleocitose tem meningite viral, não bacteriana. O Escore de Meningite Bacteriana (EMB) é uma ferramenta clínica para identificar crianças com pleocitose de muito baixo risco para meningite bacteriana (MB). Crianças são consideradas de muito baixo risco para MB se, de acordo com o EMB, não tiverem nenhum dos cinco parâmetros - presença de convulsões à admissão, neutrófilos no liquor > 1000/mm3, neutrófilos no sangue >10000/mm3, coloração de Gram demonstrando bactérias e proteínas no LCR > 80 mg/dL. Objetivo. Avaliar a performance do EMB para distinguir meningite viral de bacteriana em crianças com pleocitose. Métodos. Foi realizado um estudo de coorte retrospectivo em um departamento de emergência de hospital secundário de ensino. Foram identificadas crianças entre 1 mês e 15 anos incompletos entre 2001 e 2011 com pleocitose (mais de 10 células/mm3 no liquor). Foram calculados sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos positivo e negativo do EMB. Resultados. Foram identificados 497 crianças com meningite, sendo 43 (8,6%; intervalo de confiança [IC] 95% 7-13%) com MB e 454 (91,4%; IC 95% 87-93%) com meningite asséptica. Das 208 crianças de muito baixo risco para MB de acordo com o EMB, nenhuma tinha MB (sensibilidade 100%, IC 95% 92-100%; especificidade 62%, IC 95% 57- 67%; valor preditivo negativo 100%; IC 95% 98-100%). Conclusões. O EMB identificou com acurácia elevada crianças de muito baixo risco para MB. Este modelo pode ser utilizado para ajuda na diferenciação entre MB e meningite viral, principalmente em regiões com cobertura incompleta vacinal para meningococo e pneumococo.


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Patient discharge from post-anesthetic recovery (PAR) depends, among other factors, on normothermia and the patient's score on the Aldrete-Kroulik index. The objective of this study was to verify the relationship between the Aldrete-Kroulik index and body temperature in patients. This study was performed at the University of Sao Paulo University Hospital. Convenience sampling was used, and the sample consisted of 60 patients of ages between 18 and 60 years who underwent general anesthesia. The patients' body temperature was obtained by tympanic measurement, and the Aldrete-Kroulik index was measured on admission and at discharge from post-anesthetic recovery. The data were processed using SPSS, considering a significance level of 5%, and the Spearman and Wilcoxon tests were applied. In conclusion, no significant correlation was found between the two parameters for discharge.


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The objective of this study was to assess the cardiovascular risk factors among health professionals, particularly hypertension, and stratify them according to the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). The participants were 154 professionals working in pre-hospital care in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and on the Br-116 highway. Values were considered significant for p<0.05. The prevalence of hypertension was 33%, 20.1% were smokers, 47% consumed alcoholic beverages, 64% were sedentary, 66% were obese/overweight and 70% had an altered abdominal circumference. In terms of laboratory values: glucose >= 110mg/dL11%, total cholesterol >= 200mg/dL-36%, LDL-c >= 130mg/dL-33%, HDL-c<60mg/dL89%, triglycerides >= 150mg/dL-30% and C reactive protein >= 0.5mg/dL-16%. The FRS was average in 10.3% and high in 1.3%. In logistic regression analysis, it was verified that hypertension was associated with: HDL-c (odds ratio: 0.257,) and FRS (odds ratio: 23.159). There was strong correlation between hypertension and FRS. Data are noteworthy, as this is a relatively young sample of health professionals.


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CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Brazil is undergoing a period of epidemiological transition associated with demographic and nutritional changes. The prevalence of obesity is also increasing in children and is causing numerous health problems that are becoming public health issues. The aim here was to evaluate the prevalence of overweight among children of two and three years of age. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study in municipal day care centers in Taubate, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Weight and height measurements were made on 447 preschool children forming a probabilistic randomized sample. Their body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Their nutritional status was classified using the World Health Organization reference cutoff points (2006). Their mean weight, height and BMI were compared according to their age and sex. RESULTS: The mean values for the final sample (n = 447) were as follows: mean age: 38.6 months (+/- 3.5) and Z scores for: weight/height (W/H): 0.50 (+/- 1.22); height/age: -0.03 (+/- 1.07); weight/age (W/A): 0.51 (+/- 1.23); and BMI: 0.51(+/- 1.23). The prevalence of overweight children (BMI > 1 z) was 28.86%, while the prevalence of underweight children (BMI < -2 z) was 0.89%. There were no differences in mean BMI among the two and three-year age groups (P = 0.66). CONCLUSION: A high prevalence of overweight was observed in the sample of two and three-year-old children, with practically no malnutrition, thus showing that a significant nutritional transition may already be occurring, even in medium-sized cities of developing countries.


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Objective: To assess the evolution of motor function in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) treated with steroids (prednisolone or deflazacort) through the Motor Function Measure (MFM), which evaluates three dimensions of motor performance (D1, D2, D3). Methods: Thirty-three patients with DMD (22 ambulant, 6 non-ambulant and 5 who lost the capacity to walk during the period of the study) were assessed using the MFM scale six times over a period of 18 months. Results: All the motor functions remained stable for 14 months in all patients, except D1 for those who lost their walking ability. In ambulant patients, D2 (axial and proximal motor capacities) motor functions improved during six months; an improvement in D3 (distal motor capacity) was noted during the total follow-up. D1 (standing posture and transfers) and total score were useful to predict the loss of the ability to walk. Conclusions: The use of the MFM in DMD patients confirms the benefits of the steroid treatment for slowing the progression of the disease.


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Objective: One of the factors associated with low rates of compliance in the treatment for alcoholism seems to be the intensity of craving for alcohol. This study aimed to evaluate the associations between alcohol craving and biopsychosocial addiction model-related variables and to verify whether these variables could predict treatment retention. Methods: The sample consisted of 257 male alcoholics who were enrolled in two different pharmacological trials conducted at the Universidade de Sao Paulo in Brazil. Based on four factors measured at baseline - biological (age, race, and family alcoholism), psychiatric (depression symptoms), social (financial and marital status), and addiction (craving intensity, severity of alcohol dependence, smoking status, drinking history, preferential beverage, daily intake of alcohol before treatment) - direct logistic regression was performed to analyze these factors' influence on treatment retention after controlling for medication groups and AA attendance. Results: Increasing age, participation in Alcoholics Anonymous groups, and beer preference among drinkers were independently associated with higher treatment retention. Conversely, higher scores for depression increased dropout rates. Conclusion: Health services should identify the treatment practices and therapists that improve retention. Information about patients' characteristics linked to dropouts should be studied to render treatment programs more responsive and attractive, combining pharmacological agents with more intensive and diversified psychosocial interventions.


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Background: Advances in information technology have been widely used in teaching health care professionals. The use of multimedia resources may be important for clinical learning and we are not aware of previous reports using such technology in respiratory physical therapy education. Objectives: Our approach was to evaluate a conventional bronchial hygiene techniques (BHTs) course with an interactive online environment, including multimedia resources. Methods: Previous developed audiovisual support material comprised: physiology, physiopathology and BHTs, accessible to students through the Internet in conjunction with BHTs classes. Two groups of students were compared and both attended regular classes: the on-line group (n=8) received access to online resources, while the control group (n=8) received conventional written material. Student's performance was evaluated before and after the course. Results: A preliminary test (score 0 to 10) was applied before the beginning of the course, showing that the initial knowledge of both groups was comparable [online, 6.75 (SD=0.88) vs. control, 6.125 (SD=1.35); p>0.05]. Two weeks after the end of the course, a second test showed that the online group performed significantly better than the control group [respectively, 7.75 (SD=1.28) vs. 5.93 (SD=0.72); p>0.05]. Conclusions: The use of a multimedia online resource had a positive impact on student's learning in respiratory therapy field in which instrumental and manual resources are often used and can be explored using this technology.


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Objective: To estimate the association between antenatal and postnatal depression and to examine the role of socioeconomic conditions in the risk of postnatal depression. Methods: A prospective cohort study, conducted between May 2005 and January 2006, with 831 pregnant women recruited from primary care clinics in the public sector in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The presence of antenatal and postnatal depression was measured with the Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics and obstetric information were obtained through a questionnaire. Crude and adjusted risk ratios (RR), with 95% CI, were calculated using a Poisson regression. Results: The prevalence of postnatal depressive symptoms was 31.2% (95% CI: 27.8-34.8%). Among the 219 mothers who had depressive symptoms, nearly 50% had already shown depressive symptoms during pregnancy. Women who had antenatal depression were 2.4 times more likely to present with postnatal depression than were women who did not have such symptoms during pregnancy. In the multivariate analysis, higher scores for assets (RR: 0.76, 95% CI 0.61-0.96), higher education (RR: 0.75 95% CI 0.59-0.96), daily contact with neighbors (RR: 0.68, 95% CI 0.51-0.90) and antenatal depression (RR: 2.44, 95% CI 1.93-3.08) remained independently associated with postnatal depression. Conclusions: Antenatal and postnatal depression are highly prevalent in the primary care setting.


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BACKGROUND Thrombin potently activates platelets through the protease-activated receptor PAR-1. Vorapaxar is a novel antiplatelet agent that selectively inhibits the cellular actions of thrombin through antagonism of PAR-1. METHODS We randomly assigned 26,449 patients who had a history of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, or peripheral arterial disease to receive vorapaxar (2.5 mg daily) or matching placebo and followed them for a median of 30 months. The primary efficacy end point was the composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke. After 2 years, the data and safety monitoring board recommended discontinuation of the study treatment in patients with a history of stroke owing to the risk of intracranial hemorrhage. RESULTS At 3 years, the primary end point had occurred in 1028 patients (9.3%) in the vorapaxar group and in 1176 patients (10.5%) in the placebo group (hazard ratio for the vorapaxar group, 0.87; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.80 to 0.94; P<0.001). Cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or recurrent ischemia leading to revascularization occurred in 1259 patients (11.2%) in the vorapaxar group and 1417 patients (12.4%) in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.82 to 0.95; P=0.001). Moderate or severe bleeding occurred in 4.2% of patients who received vorapaxar and 2.5% of those who received placebo (hazard ratio, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.43 to 1.93; P<0.001). There was an increase in the rate of intracranial hemorrhage in the vorapaxar group (1.0%, vs. 0.5% in the placebo group; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS Inhibition of PAR-1 with vorapaxar reduced the risk of cardiovascular death or ischemic events in patients with stable atherosclerosis who were receiving standard therapy. However, it increased the risk of moderate or severe bleeding, including intracranial hemorrhage. (Funded by Merck; TRA 2P-TIMI 50 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00526474.)


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Maintaining the pH of urine in the ideal range (6.2 - 6.4) is of great importance for health promotion in the lower urinary tract of cats. In the economic and standard feed sector this is a major concern, given that the animal urine tends to be alkaline after food consumption of those commercial segments, which predispose to the formation of struvite urolith. Therefore, this study aimed to study the effects of increasing levels of urinary acidifiers (0.0%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 0.9%, on a dry matter base) in feed with high excess base over the acid-basic balance in the organism, apparent digestibility coefficients of nutrients, urinary pH, hydro-electrolyte balance in cats, as well as the adequacy of equations proposed in the literature to estimate the urinary pH. Twenty-four adult cats, males and females were distributed in a completely randomized design, consisting of six animals per treatment. The dry matter content of urine presented a quadratic behavior (p<0,05; y = 9.5863 + 3.2299x + 0.7871x2 R2 = 99,91%), HCO3-, total CO2 and excess blood base during the period in which the animals were fed were high when including 0.9% acidifier compared to 0.6% (p<0.05). In contrast, the use of the additive did not change the urinary pH, blood electrolyte concentration, nutrient digestibility, fecal score, food and water intake (p>0.05). The equations proposed in the literature, which use excess of base in feed to estimate urinary pH, overestimated the pH values found in this study.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a health promotion program on cardiometabolic risk profile in Japanese-Brazilians. METHODS: A total of 466 subjects from a study on diabetes prevalence conducted in the city of Bauru, southeastern Brazil, in 2000 completed a 1-year intervention program (2005-2006) based on healthy diet counseling and physical activity. Changes in blood pressure and metabolic parameters in the 2005-2006 period were compared with annual changes in these same variables in the 2000-2005 period. RESULTS: During the intervention, there were greater annual reductions in mean (SD) waist circumference [-0.5(3.8) vs. 1.2(1.2) cm per year, p<0.001], systolic blood pressure [-4.6(17.9) vs. 1.8(4.3) mmHg per year, p<0.001], 2-hour plasma glucose [-1.2(2.1) vs. -0.2(0.6) mmol/L per year, p<0.001], LDL-cholesterol [-0.3(0.9) vs. -0.1(0.2) mmol/L per year, p<0.001] and Framingham coronary heart disease risk score [-0.25(3.03) vs. 0.11(0.66) per year, p=0.02] but not in triglycerides [0.2(1.6) vs. 0.1(0.42) mmol/L per year, p<0.001], and fasting insulin level [1.2(5.8) vs. -0.7(2.2) IU/mL per year, p<0.001] compared with the pre-intervention period. Significant reductions in the prevalence of impaired fasting glucose/impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes were seen during the intervention (from 58.4% to 35.4%, p<0.001; and from 30.1% to 21.7%, p= 0.004, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: A one-year community-based health promotion program brings cardiometabolic benefits in a high-risk population of Japanese-Brazilians.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de cortadores de cana-de-açúcar. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal em uma usina sucroalcooleira no Oeste do estado de São Paulo de abril (final da entressafra) a outubro (final da safra) de 2010. Foram avaliados 44 cortadores de cana-de-açúcar tabagistas e não tabagistas em três períodos: ao final da entressafra, no fim do terceiro mês de safra e no final da safra. A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde foi avaliada pelo questionário Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Foram realizados análise de variância para medidas repetidas e teste de Friedman para comparar a qualidade de vida entre os períodos. Utilizou-se o teste de Goodman para identificar a frequência dos trabalhadores cujo escore aumentou nos períodos de safra em comparação com a entressafra (respondedores positivos), considerando-se as variáveis qualitativas dos domínios do SF-36. RESULTADOS: Ao final da entressafra, 23% dos trabalhadores desistiram do trabalho; 27% eram tabagistas. Houve decréscimo significativo no domínio vitalidade no final da safra em comparação com a entressafra. Os desistentes apresentaram maior escore no domínio aspecto social em relação ao grupo que permaneceu no trabalho. Não houve diferença na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde entre tabagistas e não tabagistas. No entanto, observou-se maior percentual de respondedores positivos entre não tabagistas nos domínios aspecto físico, social e emocional nos três meses de safra e nos domínios estado geral de saúde e aspecto social nos seis meses de safra, quando comparados aos tabagistas. CONCLUSÕES: A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em cortadores de cana-de-açúcar mostrou-se diminuída após o período de safra no domínio vitalidade. Os trabalhadores que permaneceram na safra são os que apresentaram piores aspectos sociais, o que mostra a necessidade de promoção de políticas assistencialistas de saúde a essa população específica, principalmente durante a safra canavieira.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a mudança em cinco anos do consumo alimentar e nível de atividade física em escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo com amostra representativa (n = 4.168) de escolares de sete a dez anos de idade de Florianópolis, SC. Medidas do consumo alimentar e atividade física foram realizadas em dois estudos de base escolar em 2002 (n = 2.936; 51% meninos; idade média = 8,5 anos) e 2007 (n = 1.232; 50,7% meninos; idade média = 8,6 anos), utilizando questionários ilustrados. O teste do qui-quadrado foi utilizado para avaliar a mudança no consumo de oito alimentos/grupos de alimentos, no atendimento às recomendações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira e no nível de atividade física (avaliado segundo os terços de distribuição do escore e o tipo de deslocamento para a escola). As análises foram realizadas segundo a rede de ensino. RESULTADOS: Houve redução da proporção de crianças que relatou o consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes, feijão, carnes, guloseimas, pizza, batata frita e refrigerantes. Maior proporção de escolares da rede privada atendeu às recomendações de restrição de consumo de refrigerantes, pizzas e batata frita, e de maior consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes, em ambos os estudos. Por outro lado, maior proporção de escolares da rede pública atendeu às recomendações para o consumo de carnes em 2007. Os valores medianos do escore de atividade física diminuíram em 2007. Em ambos os anos escolares da rede privada foram mais ativos. A proporção de escolares que se deslocou ativamente para a escola reduziu de 49% para 41% (p < 0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Houve redução no consumo de alimentos marcadores de dieta saudável (feijão, carnes/peixes, frutas, legumes e verduras) e de alimentos de alta densidade energética e baixo valor nutricional (refrigerantes, guloseimas e pizza/batatas fritas). Também houve decréscimo da proporção de escolares que relataram deslocamento ativo para a escola.