6 resultados para Emergencies.
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
This study compared acid-base and biochemical changes and quality of recovery in male cats with experimentally induced urethral obstruction and anesthetized with either propofol or a combination of ketamine and diazepam for urethral catheterization. Ten male cats with urethral obstruction were enrolled for urethral catheterization and anesthetized with either ketamine-diazepam (KD) or propofol (P). Lactated Ringer's solution was administered by intravenous (IV) beginning 15 min before and continuing for 48 h after relief of urethral obstruction. Quality of recovery and time to standing were evaluated. The urethral catheter was maintained to measure urinary output. Hematocrit (Hct), total plasma protein (TPP), albumin, total protein (TP), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, pH, bicarbonate (HCO3-), chloride, base excess, anion gap, sodium, potassium, and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mixed venous blood (pvCO(2)) were measured before urethral obstruction, at start of fluid therapy (0 h), and at subsequent intervals. The quality of recovery and time to standing were respectively 4 and 75 min in the KD group and 5 and 16 min in the P group. The blood urea nitrogen values were increased at 0, 2, and 8 h in both groups. Serum creatinine increased at 0 and 2 h in cats administered KD and at 0, 2, and 8 h in cats receiving P, although the values were above the reference range in both groups until 8 h. Acidosis occurred for up to 2 h in both groups. Acid-base and biochemical stabilization were similar in cats anesthetized with propofol or with ketamine-diazepam. Cats that received propofol recovered much faster, but the ketamine-diazepam combination was shown to be more advantageous when treating uncooperative cats as it can be administered by intramuscular (IM) injection.
Objetivo: Identificar e analisar, à luz de referencial ético, as escolhas e justificativas de profissionais de saúde pública em situações hipotéticas de priorização de pacientes em casos de limitações de recursos no atendimento de emergências médicas. Métodos: Pesquisa qualiquantitativa, mediante entrevistas com 80 profissionais de saúde pública, pós-graduandos (mestrado e doutorado) em Saúde Pública, aos quais foram apresentadas situações hipotéticas, envolvendo os critérios de sexo, idade e responsabilidade, sendo requeridos que escolhessem entre alternativas que se referiam à existência de pessoas, correndo risco igual de vida, que necessitam de atendimento em um serviço de emergência. Resultados: As escolhas priorizaram crianças, jovens, mulheres e casadas, com a tomada de decisão invocando os princípios éticos de vulnerabilidade, utilidade social e equidade. Conclusão: A pesquisa mostra clara tendência de justificativas das escolhas feitas, orientadas pela ética utilitarista.
The concept of epidemiological intelligence, as a construction of information societies, goes beyond monitoring a list of diseases and the ability to elicit rapid responses. The concept should consider the complexity of the definition of epidemiology in the identification of this object of study without being limited to a set of actions in a single government sector. The activities of epidemiological intelligence include risk assessment, strategies for prevention and protection, subsystems of information, crisis management rooms, geographical analysis, etc. This concept contributes to the understanding of policies in health, in multisectorial and geopolitical dimensions, as regards the organization of services around public health emergencies, primary healthcare, as well as disasters. The activities of epidemiological intelligence should not be restricted to scientific research, but the researchers must beware of threats to public health. Lalonde's model enabled consideration of epidemiological intelligence as a way to restructure policies and share resources by creating communities of intelligence, whose purpose is primarily to deal with public health emergencies and disasters.
Two cases of swallowing of foreign material related to dental implants during dental practice are described. A conservative approach by clinical-radiographic follow-up was performed in both cases; however, one of the patients required colonoscopy under general anesthesia for the removal of the impacted foreign body from the intestinal region. These complications not only have associated economic cost but also carry the risk of malpractice litigation against the professional; thus, the surgeon was responsible for all the costs of hospital and surgery management of this case. Details of the clinical signs, radiographic examinations, type of treatment, and follow-up are presented.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as formas de tratamento empregadas e os principais aspectos relacionados à morbidade e à mortalidade dos ferimentos cardíacos.. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 102 doentes com lesão cardíaca, atendidos nos dois prontos socorros de Manaus (Pronto Socorro Municipal 28 de Agosto e Hospital Pronto Socorro Dr. João Lúcio P. Machado) no período de janeiro de 1998 a junho de 2006. RESULTADOS: Dos 102 doentes, 95,1% eram homens; a média de idade foi 27 anos; ferimentos por arma branca representaram 81,4% dos casos, contra 18,6% por arma de fogo; cardiorrafia foi realizada em 98,1% dos casos. As câmaras cardíacas atingidas foram: VD: 43,9% (36,2% isoladamente e 7,7% associada a outras câmaras); VE: 37,2%; AD: 8,5% e AE: 10,4%, com mortalidades específicas de 21%, 23%, 22% e 45%, respectivamente. Lesões de duas câmaras associadas alcançaram mortalidade de 37,5%, sendo 20% para VD+AD, 100% para VD+VE e zero para VD+AE. O pulmão correspondeu a 33,7% de 89 lesões associadas. Os tempos médios de cirurgia e de internação foram de 121 minutos e 8,2 dias, respectivamente. Cerca de 22,5% complicaram representando 41 complicações. A mortalidade foi 28,4%. Lesões grau IV e V corresponderam a 55% e 41% dos casos, com mortalidade específica de 26% e 15%, respectivamente. Todos os doentes com lesão grau VI morreram. CONCLUSÃO: O ferimentos cardíacos por arma branca estiveram associados a menor mortalidade, as lesões cardíacas grau IV estiveram associadas à maior mortalidade e um menor tempo operatório esteve associado à maior gravidade e mortalidade.
AIM: To analyze the search for Emergency Care (EC) in the Western Health District of Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo), in order to identify the reasons why users turn to these services in situations that are not characterized as urgencies and emergencies. METHODS: A qualitative and descriptive study was undertaken. A guiding script was applied to 23 EC users, addressing questions related to health service accessibility and welcoming, problem solving, reason to visit the EC and care comprehensiveness. RESULTS: The subjects reported that, at the Primary Health Care services, receiving care and scheduling consultations took a long time and that the opening hours of these services coincide with their work hours. At the EC service, access to technologies and medicines was easier. CONCLUSION: Primary health care services have been unable to turn into the entry door to the health system, being replaced by emergency services, putting a significant strain on these services' capacity.