10 resultados para Digestive organs.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The tropical fat snook Centropomus parallelus is a species of recognized ecological importance and with a high economical potential for fisheries and aquaculture. The investigations of digestive tube morphology in association with their feeding abilities are fundamental to improve techniques for aquaculture feeding procedures. Sudan black staining and Perl`s method were used to evaluate their absorption capacity of fat and protein respectively. The Sudan black stain was performed 12 h after the ingestion of lipids. The lipids are intensely absorbed in the ceca epithelium and less intensely in the intestine and rectum. The Perl`s method was performed 12 h after the ingestion of ferritin. The proteins are absorbed only in the rectum. This is the first description of fat and protein absorption ability by the digestive tube of fat snook. These data enhance the possibility of the addition of macromolecules in rations that can show a diversity of physiological effects. The histological implications of each segment of the digestive tube in association with fish biology are further discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Proteases from the midgut gland of the Farfantepenaeus paulensis juveniles were assessed. Enzyme activity was determined using protease substrates and inhibitors. The effect of pH, temperature and calcium on proteolytic activity was assayed. Caseinolytic activity was analysed in substrate-sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Trypsin, chymotrypsin and leucine aminopeptidase activity was detected. Proteolytic activity was strongly inhibited by the specific trypsin inhibitors. Tosyl-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone inhibited 59.3% of chymotrypsin activity. The greatest trypsin-like activity occurred at pH 8.0 and 45 degrees C. Chymotrypsin-like activity reached maximal values at alkaline pH (7.2-9.0) and 55 degrees C. CaCl(2) did not increase trypsin-like activity, but rather inhibited it at concentrations of 30 (20%), 50 (30%) and 100 mM (50%). The substrate-SDS-PAGE zymogram revealed eight proteinase bands. Two possibly thermal-resistant (85 degrees C, 30 min) chymotrypsin isoforms were found, which were inhibited by phenyl-methyl-sulphonyl-fluoride. Aminopeptidase activity of enzyme extracts (Arg, Leu, Lys, Phe and Val) and the recommended concentrations of these essential amino acids in penaeid shrimp diets were positively correlated (P < 0.05). Beause protein digestion involves the combined action of different enzymes, adequate knowledge of shrimp digestion and enzyme characteristics is required for the assessment of the digestive potential of different feed sources and development of in vitro digestibility protocols.


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Cathepsin L-like proteinases (CAL) are major digestive proteinases in the beetle Tenebrio molitor. Procathepsin Ls 2 (pCAL2) and 3 (pCAL3) were expressed as recombinant proteins in Escherichia coil, purified and activated under acidic conditions. Immunoblot analyses of different T. molitor larval tissues demonstrated that a polyclonal antibody to pCAL3 recognized pCAL3 and cathepsin L 3 (CAD) only in the anterior two-thirds of midgut tissue and midgut luminal contents of T. molitor larvae. Furthermore, immunocytolocalization data indicated that pCAL3 occurs in secretory vesicles and microvilli in anterior midgut Therefore CAL3, like cathepsin L 2 (CAL2), is a digestive enzyme secreted by T. molitor anterior midgut CAD hydrolyses Z-FR-MCA and Z-RR-MCA (typical cathepsin substrates), whereas CAL2 hydrolyses only Z-FR-MCA. Active site mutants (pCAL2C25S and pCAL3C265) were constructed by replacing the catalytic cysteine with serine to prevent autocatalytic processing. Recombinant pCAL2 and pCAL3 mutants (pCAL2C25S and pCAL3C26S) were prepared, crystallized and their 3D structures determined at 1.85 and 2.1 angstrom, respectively. While the overall structure of these enzymes is similar to other members of the papain superfamily, structural differences in the S2 subsite explain their substrate specificities. The data also supported models for CAL trafficking to lysosomes and to secretory vesicles to be discharged into midgut contents. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although the occurrence of glandular trichomes is frequently reported for aerial vegetative organs, many questions still remain opened about the presence of such trichomes in underground systems. Here, we present, for the first time, a comparative study concerning the structure, ultrastructure and chemical aspects of both, the aerial and underground glandular trichomes of two different Chrysolaena species, C obovata and C platensis. Glandular trichomes (GTs) were examined using LM, SEM, and TEM and also analyzed by GC-MS and HPLC coupled to UV/DAD and HR-ESI-MS (HPLC-UV-MS). In both aerial (leaf and bud) and underground (rhizophore) organs, the GTs are multicellular, biseriate and formed by five pairs of cells: a pair of support cells, a pair of basal cells, and three pairs of secreting cells. These secreting cells have, at the beginning of secretory process, abundance of smooth ER. The same classes of secondary metabolites are biosynthesized and stored in both aerial and underground GTs of C platensis and C obovata. These GTs from aerial and underground organs have similar cellular and sub-cellular anatomy, however the belowground trichomes show a higher diversity of compounds when compared to those from the leaves. We also demonstrate by means of HPLC-UV-DAD that the sesquiterpene lactones are located inside the trichomes and that hirsutinolides are not artifacts. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The role of innate immune response in protection against leptospirosis is poorly understood. We examined the expression of the chemokine CXCL2/MIP-2 and the cytokine TNF-alpha. in experimental resistant and susceptible mice models, C3H/HeJ, C3H/HePas and BALB/c strains, using a virulent strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni. Animals were infected intraperitoneally with 107 cells and the development of the disease was followed. Mortality of C3H/HeJ mice was observed whereas C3H/HePas presented jaundice and BALB/c mice remained asymptomatic. The infection was confirmed by the presence of leptospiral DNA in the organs of the animals, demonstrated by PCR. Sections of the organs were analyzed, after H&E stain. The relative expression of mRNA of chemokine CXCL2/MIP-2 and cytokine TNF-alpha was measured in lung, kidney and liver of the mice by qPCR. The concentrations of these proteins were measured in extracts of tissues and in serum of the animals, by ELISA. Increasing levels of transcripts and protein CXCL2/MIP-2 were detected since the first day of infection. The highest expression was observed at third day of infection in kidney, liver and lung of BALB/c mice. In C3H/HeJ the expression of CXCL2/MIP-2 was delayed, showing highest protein concentration in lung and kidney at the 5th day. Increasing in TNF-alpha transcripts were detected after infection, in kidney and liver of animals from the three mice strains. The expression of TNF-alpha protein in C3H/HeJ was also delayed, being detected in kidney and lung. Our data demonstrated that Leptospira infection stimulates early expression of CXCL2/MIP-2 and TNF-alpha in the resistant strain of mice. Histological analysis suggests that the expression of those molecules may be related to the influx of distinct immune cells and plays a role in the naturally acquired protective immunity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Musca domestica larvae present two different digestive chymotryptic activities found in the posterior midgut (PMG): one major soluble activity in the lumen and another minor present in cell membrane fractions. Both soluble and membrane-bound chymotryptic activities have different half lives of thermal inactivation (46 degrees C) in the presence and absence of 10 mM Triton X-100, indicating that they are two different molecular species. Purified soluble chymotryptic activity has pH optimum 7.4 and a molecular mass of 28 kDa in SDS-PAGE. It does not cleave short substrates, such as Suc-F-MCA, preferring longer substrates, such as Suc-AAPF-MCA, with a primary specificity (kcat/Km) for Phe rather than Tyr and Leu residues. In-gel activity revealed a unique band against S-AAPF-MCA with the same migration as purified chymotrypsin. One chymotrypsinogen-like sequence (MdChy1) was sequenced, cloned and recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli (DE3) Star. MdChy1 is expressed in the proximal posterior midgut (PMG1), as seen by RT-PCR. Expression analysis of other chymotrypsin genes revealed genes expressed at the anterior midgut (AMG) and PMG. Western blot of M. domestica midgut tissues using anti-MdChy1 antiserum showed a single band in samples from AMG and PMG, co-migrating with recombinant and purified enzymes. Immunogold labeling corresponding to Mdchy1 was found in small vesicles (thus indicating exocytosis) and in the lumen of AMG and PMG, corroborating the existence of two similar groups of chymotrypsins. Transcriptomes of M. domestica AMG and whole midgut prepared by pyrosequencing disclosed 41 unique sequences of chymotrypsin-like enzymes (19 probably functional), from which MdChy1 is highly expressed. Phylogenetic reconstruction of Drosophila melanogaster and M. domestica chymotrypsin-like sequences revealed that the chymotrypsin genes expanded before the evolutionary separation of Musca and Drosophila. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recently, molecular analysis caused the South American Viguiera Kunth species to be transferred to Aldama La Llave. However, the circumscription has not been established for certain of the South American species, including Aldama filifolia (Sch. Bip. ex Baker) E. E. Schill. & Panero, A. linearifolia (Chodat) E. E. Schill. & Panero and A. trichophylla (Dusen) Magenta (comb. nov.), which had previously been treated as synonyms because of their high similarity. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the anatomy of the aerial organs, and the yield and chemical composition of the essential oils from these three species, to determine the differences among them and thereby assist in species distinction. The anatomical analysis identified characteristics unique to each species, which are primarily related to the position and occurrence of secretory structures. Histochemical analysis demonstrated that the glandular trichomes and the canals secrete lipophilic substances, which are characterised by the presence of essential oils. The analysis of these essential oils identified monoterpenes as their major constituent and allowed for the recognition of chemical markers for each species. The anatomical and chemical characteristics identified by the present study confirmed that the studied samples belong to three distinct taxa.


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Rodrigues M.N., Oliveira G.B., Silva R.S.S, Tivane C.T., Albuquerque J.F.G., Miglino M.A. & Oliveira M.F. 2012. [Gross morphology and topography of the digestive apparatus in rheas (Rhea americana americana).] Macroscopia e topografia do aparelho digestorio de emas (Rhea americana americana). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(7):681-686. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Cidade Universitaria, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508270, Brazil. E-mail: marcio_medvet@hotmail.com Rheas are birds belonging to the ratites group and, among ostriches and emus, are the largest birds currently alive. In this work we studied the macroscopic aspects of rheas' digestive tract in order to provide important information to a better understanding of these birds' eating habits as well their anatomy. Twenty young animals aging between two and six months from the Centre for Wild Animals Multiplication (Cemas, scientific breeding license form Ibama no.1478912) were used. After dissection it was observed that their tongue was small and presented a rhomboid form, being disposed on the oral cavity floor, and inserted in its base by a frenulum. The esophagus was a rectilinear tube with elastic aspect and longitudinal elastic fibers, without dilation, which gives it an absence of crop. The proventriculus presented a fusiform form and the gastric ventricle showed and slightly oval form when filled, and was internally coated with a thick gastric cuticle. The small intestine was composed of three distinct regions: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The duodenum had a light gray color and showed a "U" curved shaped. The jejunum was dark green, long and composed of several short loops arranged above each other. The ileum had a gray color and was connected with the jejunum. In ventral line to the rectum and cloaca, the ileum extended cranially, dorsally to the ascending duodenum. The large intestine was composed of two caeca, one right and one left, and colon-rectum and ileum were continuous with the cloaca. The structures of the rhea digestive tract resemble those described in the literature regarding to its shape and topography, even though rhea's caeca are well developed and relatively long.


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This study investigated the in vivo genotoxicity of piquia pulp (Caryocar villosum) and its potential antigenotoxicity on doxorubicin (DXR)-induced DNA damage by comet assay and micronucleus test. In addition, the phytochemicals present in piquia pulp were determined. Piquia fruit pulp (75, 150 or 300 mg/kg b.w.) was administered by gavage to Wistar rats for 14 days, and the animals received an injection of saline or DXR (15 mg/kg b.w., i.p.) 24 h before they were euthanized. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of carotenoids; phenolic compounds, including flavonoids; tannins and alpha-tocopherol in piquia pulp. No statistically significant differences were observed in the evaluated parameters, demonstrating the absence of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of piquia pulp at all tested doses. In liver, kidney, cardiac and bone marrow cells, piquia significantly reduced the DNA damage induced by DXR. Our results showed that the lowest piquia dose caused the largest decrease in DNA damage and the highest dose caused the smallest decrease, demonstrating an inverse dose-response of piquia pulp. Furthermore, we observed a difference in the potential antigenotoxic effects in several tissues. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that piquia pulp was not genotoxic and inhibited the genotoxicity induced by DXR, but some of the protective effects that were observed depended on the doses and experimental conditions. Therefore, further investigations are needed to clarify how piquia pulp positively affects human health.


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FAPESP (Center for Cell-based Therapy Research), Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia- Redoxoma and UICC-Yamagiwa Yoshida Grant.