6 resultados para Cdna Sequence

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Background: RNA interference (RNAi) is a post-transcriptional gene silencing process in which double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) directs the degradation of a specific corresponding target mRNA. The mediators of this process are small dsRNAs of approximately 21 to 23 bp in length, called small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), which can be prepared in vitro and used to direct the degradation of specific mRNAs inside cells. Hence, siRNAs represent a powerful tool to study and control gene and cell function. Rapid progress has been made in the use of siRNA as a means to attenuate the expression of any protein for which the cDNA sequence is known. Individual siRNAs can be chemically synthesized, in vitro-transcribed, or expressed in cells from siRNA expression vectors. However, screening for the most efficient siRNAs for post-transcriptional gene silencing in cells in culture is a laborious and expensive process. In this study, the effectiveness of two siRNA production strategies for the attenuation of abundant proteins for DNA repair were compared in human cells: (a) the in vitro production of siRNA mixtures by the Dicer enzyme (Diced siRNAs); and (b) the chemical synthesis of very specific and unique siRNA sequences (Stealth RNai (TM)). Materials, Methods & Results: For in vitro-produced siRNAs, two segments of the human Ku70 (167 bp in exon 5; and 249 bp in exon 13; NM001469) and Xrcc4 (172 bp in exon 2; and 108 bp in exon 6; NM003401) genes were chosen to generate dsRNA for subsequent "Dicing" to create mixtures of siRNAs. The Diced fragments of siRNA for each gene sequence were pooled and stored at -80 degrees C. Alternatively, chemically synthesized Stealth siRNAs were designed and generated to match two very specific gene sequence regions for each target gene of interest (Ku70 and Xrcc4). HCT116 cells were plated at 30% confluence in 24- or 6-well culture plates. The next day, cells were transfected by lipofection with either Diced or Stealth siRNAs for Ku70 or Xrcc4, in duplicate, at various doses, with blank and sham transfections used as controls. Cells were harvested at 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post-transfection for protein determination. The knockdown of specific targeted gene products was quantified by Western blot using GAPDH as control. Transfection of gene-specific siRNA to either Ku70 or Xrcc4 with both Diced and Stealth siRNAs resulted in a down regulation of the targeted proteins to approximately 10 to 20% of control levels 48 h after transfection, with recovery to pre-treatment levels by 96 h. Discussion: By transfecting cells with Diced or chemically synthesized Stealth siRNAs, Ku70 and Xrcc4, two highly expressed proteins in cells, were effectively attenuated, demonstrating the great potential for the use of both siRNA production strategies as tools to perform loss of function experiments in mammalian cells. In fact, down-regulation of Ku70 and Xrcc4 has been shown to reduce the activity of the non-homologous end joining DNA pathway, a very desirable approach for the use of homologous recombination technology for gene targeting or knockout studies. Stealth RNAi (TM) was developed to achieve high specificity and greater stability when compared with mixtures of enzymatically-produced (Diced) siRNA fragments. In this study, both siRNA approaches inhibited the expression of Ku70 and Xrcc4 gene products, with no detectable toxic effects to the cells in culture. However, similar knockdown effects using Diced siRNAs were only attained at concentrations 10-fold higher than with Stealth siRNAs. The application of RNAi technology will expand and continue to provide new insights into gene regulation and as potential applications for new therapies, transgenic animal production and basic research.


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Background: Peroxiredoxins have diverse functions in cellular defense-signaling pathways. 2-Cys-peroxiredoxins (2-Cys-Prx) reduce H2O2 and alkyl-hydroperoxide. This study describes the purification and characterization of a genuine 2-Cys-Prx from Vigna unguiculata (Vu-2-Cys-Prx). Methods: Vu-2-Cys-Prx was purified from leaves by ammonium sulfate fractionation, chitin affinity and ion exchange chromatography. Results: Vu-2-Cys-Prx reduces H2O2 using NADPH and DTT. Vu-2-Cys-Prx is a 44 kDa (SDS-PAGE)/46 kDa (exclusion chromatography) protein that appears as a 22 kDa molecule under reducing conditions, indicating that it is a homodimer linked intermolecularly by disulfide bonds and has a pI range of 4.56-4.72; its NH2-terminal sequence was similar to 2-Cys-Prx from Phaseolus vulgaris (96%) and Populus tricocarpa (96%). Analysis by ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS showed a molecular mass/pI of 28.622 kDa/5.18. Vu-2-Cys-Prx has 8% alpha-helix, 39% beta-sheet, 22% of turns and 31% of unordered forms. Vu-2-Cys-Prx was heat stable, has optimal activity at pH 7.0, and prevented plasmid DNA degradation. Atomic force microscopy shows that Vu-2-Cys-Prx oligomerized in decamers which might be associated with its molecular chaperone activity that prevented denaturation of insulin and citrate synthase. Its cDNA analysis showed that the redox-active Cys(52) residue and the amino acids Pro(45), Thr(49) and Arg(128) are conserved as in other 2-Cys-Prx. General significance: The biochemical and molecular features of Vu-2-Cys-Prx are similar to other members of 2-Cys-Prx family. To date, only one publication reported on the purification of native 2-Cys-Prx from leaves and the subsequent analysis by N-terminal Edman sequencing, which is crucial for construction of stromal recombinant 2-Cys-Prx proteins. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A total of 3,631 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were established from two size-selected cDNA libraries made from the tetrasporophytic phase of the agarophytic red alga Gracilaria tenuistipitata. The average sizes of the inserts in the two libraries were 1,600 bp and 600 bp, with an average length of the edited sequences of 850 bp. Clustering gave 2,387 assembled sequences with a redundancy of 53%. Of the ESTs, 65% had significant matches to sequences deposited in public databases, 11% to proteins without known function, and 35% were novel. The most represented ESTs were a Na/K-transporting ATPase, a hedgehog-like protein, a glycine dehydrogenase and an actin. Most of the identified genes were involved in primary metabolism and housekeeping. The largest functional group was thus genes involved in metabolism with 14% of the ESTs; other large functional categories included energy, transcription, and protein synthesis and destination. The codon usage was examined using a subset of the data, and the codon bias was found to be limited with all codon combinations used.


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The plant pathogen Fusarium solani causes a disease root rot of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) resulting in great losses of yield in irrigated areas of the Southeast and Midwest regions of Brazil. Species of the genus Trichoderma have been used in the biological control of this pathogen as an alternative to chemical control. To gain new insights into the biocontrol mechanism used by Trichoderma harzianum against the phytopathogenic fungus, Fusarium solani, we performed a transcriptome analysis using expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) approaches. A cDNA library from T. harzianum mycelium (isolate ALL42) grown on cell walls of F. solani (CWFS) was constructed and analyzed. A total of 2927 high quality sequences were selected from 3845 and 37.7% were identified as unique genes. The Gene Ontology analysis revealed that the majority of the annotated genes are involved in metabolic processes (80.9%), followed by cellular process (73.7%). We tested twenty genes that encode proteins with potential role in biological control. RT-qPCR analysis showed that none of these genes were expressed when T. harzianum was challenged with itself. These genes showed different patterns of expression during in vitro interaction between T. harzianum and F. solani. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background One of the least common types of alternative splicing is the complete retention of an intron in a mature transcript. Intron retention (IR) is believed to be the result of intron, rather than exon, definition associated with failure of the recognition of weak splice sites flanking short introns. Although studies on individual retained introns have been published, few systematic surveys of large amounts of data have been conducted on the mechanisms that lead to IR. Results TTo understand how sequence features are associated with or control IR, and to produce a generalized model that could reveal previously unknown signals that regulate this type of alternative splicing, we partitioned intron retention events observed in human cDNAs into two groups based on the relative abundance of both isoforms and compared relevant features. We found that a higher frequency of IR in human is associated with individual introns that have weaker splice sites, genes with shorter intron lengths, higher expression levels and lower density of both a set of exon splicing silencers (ESSs) and the intronic splicing enhancer GGG. Both groups of retained introns presented events conserved in mouse, in which the retained introns were also short and presented weaker splice sites. Conclusion Although our results confirmed that weaker splice sites are associated with IR, they showed that this feature alone cannot explain a non-negligible fraction of events. Our analysis suggests that cis-regulatory elements are likely to play a crucial role in regulating IR and also reveals previously unknown features that seem to influence its occurrence. These results highlight the importance of considering the interplay among these features in the regulation of the relative frequency of IR.


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Abstract Background Plasmodium vivax is the most widely distributed human malaria, responsible for 70–80 million clinical cases each year and large socio-economical burdens for countries such as Brazil where it is the most prevalent species. Unfortunately, due to the impossibility of growing this parasite in continuous in vitro culture, research on P. vivax remains largely neglected. Methods A pilot survey of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the asexual blood stages of P. vivax was performed. To do so, 1,184 clones from a cDNA library constructed with parasites obtained from 10 different human patients in the Brazilian Amazon were sequenced. Sequences were automatedly processed to remove contaminants and low quality reads. A total of 806 sequences with an average length of 586 bp met such criteria and their clustering revealed 666 distinct events. The consensus sequence of each cluster and the unique sequences of the singlets were used in similarity searches against different databases that included P. vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium yoelii, Plasmodium knowlesi, Apicomplexa and the GenBank non-redundant database. An E-value of <10-30 was used to define a significant database match. ESTs were manually assigned a gene ontology (GO) terminology Results A total of 769 ESTs could be assigned a putative identity based upon sequence similarity to known proteins in GenBank. Moreover, 292 ESTs were annotated and a GO terminology was assigned to 164 of them. Conclusion These are the first ESTs reported for P. vivax and, as such, they represent a valuable resource to assist in the annotation of the P. vivax genome currently being sequenced. Moreover, since the GC-content of the P. vivax genome is strikingly different from that of P. falciparum, these ESTs will help in the validation of gene predictions for P. vivax and to create a gene index of this malaria parasite.