em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Purpose: Few reports have evaluated cumulative survival rates of extraoral rehabilitation and peri-implant soft tissue reaction at long-term follow-up. The objective of this study was to evaluate implant and prosthesis survival rates and the soft tissue reactions around the extraoral implants used to support craniofacial prostheses. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was performed of patients who received implants for craniofacial rehabilitation from 2003 to 2010. Two outcome variables were considered: implant and prosthetic success. The following predictor variables were recorded: gender, age, implant placement location, number and size of implants, irradiation status in the treated field, date of prosthesis delivery, soft tissue response, and date of last follow-up. A statistical model was used to estimate survival rates and associated confidence intervals. We randomly selected 1 implant per patient for analysis. Data were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank test to compare survival curves. Results: A total of 150 titanium implants were placed in 56 patients. The 2-year overall implant survival rates were 94.1% for auricular implants, 90.9% for nasal implants, 100% for orbital implants, and 100% for complex midfacial implants (P = .585). The implant survival rates were 100% for implants placed in irradiated patients and 94.4% for those placed in nonirradiated patients (P = .324). The 2-year overall prosthesis survival rates were 100% for auricular implants, 90.0% for nasal implants, 92.3% for orbital implants, and 100% for complex midfacial implants (P = .363). The evaluation of the peri-implant soft tissue response showed that 15 patients (26.7%) had a grade 0 soft tissue reaction, 30 (53.5%) had grade 1, 6 (10.7%) had grade 2, and 5 (8.9%) had grade 3. Conclusions: From this study, it was concluded that craniofacial rehabilitation with extraoral implants is a safe, reliable, and predictable method to restore the patient's normal appearance. (C) 2012 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 70:1551-1557, 2012
The aim of this article is to present the pediatric dentistry and orthodontic treatment protocol of rehabilitation of cleft lip and palate patients performed at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies - University of So Paulo (HRAC-USP). Pediatric dentistry provides oral health information and should be able to follow the child with cleft lip and palate since the first months of life until establishment of the mixed dentition, craniofacial growth and dentition development. Orthodontic intervention starts in the mixed dentition, at 8-9 years of age, for preparing the maxillary arch for secondary bone graft procedure (SBGP). At this stage, rapid maxillary expansion is performed and a fixed palatal retainer is delivered before SBGP. When the permanent dentition is completed, comprehensive orthodontic treatment is initiated aiming tooth alignment and space closure. Maxillary permanent canines are commonly moved mesially in order to substitute absent maxillary lateral incisors. Patients with complete cleft lip and palate and poor midface growth will require orthognatic surgery for reaching adequate anteroposterior interarch relationship and good facial esthetics.
This paper presents the treatment protocol of maxillofacial surgery in the rehabilitation process of cleft lip and palate patients adopted at HRAC-USP. Maxillofacial surgeons are responsible for the accomplishment of two main procedures, alveolar bone graft surgery and orthognathic surgery. The primary objective of alveolar bone graft is to provide bone tissue for the cleft site and then allow orthodontic movements for the establishment of an an adequate occlusion. When performed before the eruption of the maxillary permanent canine, it presents high rates of success. Orthognathic surgery aims at correcting maxillomandibular discrepancies, especially anteroposterior maxillary deficiencies, commonly observed in cleft lip and palate patients, for the achievement of a functional occlusion combined with a balanced face.
C left lip and palate is the most common among craniofacial malformations and causes several esthetic and functional implications that require rehabilitation. This paper aims to generally describe the several aspects related to this complex pathology and the treatment protocol used by the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of So Paulo (HRAC-USP) along 40 years of experience in the treatment of individuals with cleft lip and palate.
Masticatory efficiency may be impaired in individuals with dentofacial deformities. The objective of the present study was to determine the condition of masticatory efficiency in individuals with dentofacial deformities. 30 patients with class II (DG-II) and 35 patients with class III (DG-III) dentofacial deformity participated in the study, all had an indication for orthognathic surgery. 30 volunteers (CG) with no alterations of facial morphology or dental occlusion and with no signs or symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction also participated. Masticatory efficiency was analysed using a bead system (colorimetric method). Each individual chewed 4 beads, one at a time, over 20 s measured with a chronometer. The groups were compared in term's of masticatory efficiency using analysis of variance (ANOVA), with the level of significance set at P < 0.05. Masticatory efficiency was significantly greater in CG (P < 0.05) than in DG-II and DG-III in all chewing tasks tested, with no significant difference between DG-II and DG-III (P > 0.05). It was observed that the presence of class II and class III dentofacial deformity affected masticatory efficiency compared to CG, although there was no difference between DG-II and DG-III.
Background: Giant cell tumors of bone (GCTs) are common in the long bones, but rare in the craniofacial region, with only 1% of cases occurring in the latter. Clinical, radiological, and anatomical diagnosis of this locally aggressive disease, which occurs in response to trauma or neoplastic transformation, poses a major challenge in clinical practice. Methods: The present study describes a series of 4 cases and highlights the main features of the differential diagnosis and treatment of these lesions: GCT, giant cell reparative granuloma (GCRG), and the brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism. Results: GCT presents as a benign neoplasm, most typically affecting the knees, and rarely in the temporal and sphenoid bones. It is radiologically indistinguishable from GCRG due to its lytic, poorly defined appearance. The distinction can only be made microscopically, as the presence of multinucleated giant cells scattered throughout the stroma and the absence of a history of trauma favor a diagnosis of GCT. The brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism occurs with rapid, localized osteoclast activity secondary to the effects of increased parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels; parathyroid examination is indispensable. Conclusion: The diagnosis and treatment of these lesions poses a major challenge due to their similar clinical presentation and radiological appearance. Accurate diagnosis is essential for definition of appropriate management, as complete resection is the goal in GCT and GCRG to avoid recurrence, whereas the brown tumor often yields to treatment of the underlying hyperparathyroidism.
Objective: To correlate sleep apnea with craniofacial characteristics and facial patterns according to gender. Methods: In this prospective survey we studied 77 male and female children (3-12 years old) with an upper airway obstruction due to tonsil and adenoid enlargement. Children with lung problems, neurological disorders and syndromes, obstructive septal deviation, previous orthodontic treatment, orthodontic surgeries or oral surgeries, or obesity were excluded. Patients were subjected to physical examinations, nasal fiberoptic endoscopy, teleradiography for cephalometric analysis, and polysomnography. Methods: Cephalometric analysis included the following skeletal craniofacial measurements: facial axis (FA), facial depth (FD), mandibular plane angle (MP), lower facial height (LFH), mandibular arch (MA), and vertical growth coefficient (VERT) index. Results: The prevalence of sleep apnea was 46.75% with no statistical difference between genders. Among children with obstructive sleep apnea (Apneia Hypopnea Index - AHI >= 1) boys had higher AHI values than girls. A predominance of the dolichofacial pattern (81.9%) was observed. The following skeletal craniofacial measurements correlated with AHI in boys: FD (r(s) = -0.336/p = 0.020), MP (r(s) = 0.486/p = 0.00), and VERT index (r(s) = -0.337/p = 0.019). No correlations between craniofacial measurements and AHI were identified in girls. Conclusions: Craniofacial morphology may influence the severity of sleep apnea in boys but not in girls. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Treatment of patients with cleft lip and palate is completed with fixed prostheses, removable, total, implants and aims to restore aesthetics, phonetics and function and should be guided by the basic principles of oral rehabilitation, such as physiology, stability, aesthetics, hygiene and the expectations of the patient. In order to obtain longevity of a prosthetic rehabilitation, the periodontal and dental tissue as well as the biomechanics of the prosthesis are to be respected. The purpose of this article is to describe the types of prosthetics treatment, which are performed at HRAC/USP for the rehabilitation of cleft area in adult patients.
Objective: To evaluate the aesthetics of an implant-supported denture at the cleft area, comparing the peri-implant tissues and prosthetic crown with the contralateral tooth. Settings: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, Bauru, São Paolo, Brazil. Patients: A total of 39 individuals of both genders, with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate, who received secondary alveolar bone graft and were rehabilitated with single implant-supported dentures at the area of the missing maxillary lateral incisor after completion of orthodontic treatment. Interventions: The following parameters were analyzed in follow-up sessions: length and width of prosthetic crown and contralateral tooth, characteristics of implants, filling of interproximal space by the papilla, and smile height of the patients. Results: The implant-supported prosthetic crowns were longer than the contralateral tooth (p < .001). Among the 78 papillae analyzed, 29 (37.17%) received a score of 3; 32 (41.02%) papillae had a score of 2; and 17 (21.79%) received a score of 1. Concerning the smile height, among the 39 patients analyzed, 23 (56.41%) had a medium smile, 15 (38.46%) had a high smile, and two (5.12%) presented a low smile. Conclusion: The use of dental implants to rehabilitate the edentulous cleft area is an excellent option. However, adequate evaluation of the bone quantity and quality, positioning and shape of adjacent teeth, smile height, and patient expectations should be considered to achieve success and avoid aesthetic deformities such as elongated teeth and absence of gingival papillae.
PURPOSE: To verify whether the number of chewing strokes and the chewing time are influenced by dentofacial deformities in habitual free mastication. METHODS: Participants were 15 patients with diagnosis of class II dentofacial deformity (GII), 15 with class III (GIII), and 15 healthy control individuals with no deformity (CG). Free habitual mastication of a cornstarch cookie was analyzed, considering the number of chewing strokes and the time needed to complete two mastications. Strokes were counted by considering the opening and closing movements of the mandible. The time needed to consume each bite was determined using a digital chronometer, started after the placement of the food in the oral cavity and stopped when each portion was swallowed. RESULTS: There were no differences between groups regarding both the number of strokes and the chewing time. However, with regards to the number of strokes, CG and GII presented a significant concordance between the first and the second chewing situation, which was not observed in GIII. The analysis of time showed significant concordance between the first and second chewing situation in CG, reasonable concordance in GII, and discordance in GIII. CONCLUSION: Dentofacial deformities do not influence the number of chewing strokes or the chewing time. However, class III individuals do not show uniformity regarding these aspects.
The purpose of this prospective study was to verify the changes in the preoperative and postoperative complete blood counts of patients with surgically treated facial fractures. Fifty consecutive patients with a mean age of 34 years who presented facial fractures and underwent surgical treatment were included. A complete blood count was performed, comprising the red and white blood cell count (cells/mu L), hemoglobin (g/dL), and hematocrit (%) levels. These data were obtained preoperatively and postoperatively during a 6-week period. Statistical analyses were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests to identify the possible differences among the groups and among the periods of observation using the Friedman and Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks tests. The most common location of the fractures was the mandible (42.3%), followed by the zygomatic-orbital (36.5%) and associated locations (21.2%). Leukocytosis was associated with neutrophilia in the immediate postoperative period in all of the groups. There were no values below the reference limits of the values of hemoglobin, hematocrit, and erythrocytes, and no values above the reference limits for the remaining white blood cells, although significant differences among periods were observed in most cells, depending on the type of fracture. The primary findings were leukocytosis associated with neutrophilia, verified in the immediate postoperative period in all of the groups, and the influence of the type of fracture on the significant alterations observed among studied periods on the values of hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocytes, leukocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes.
Mucoceles are the most common lesions of the minor salivary glands and typically appear as a fluctuant, bluish, nontender, submucosal swelling with a normal overlying mucosa. Mucoceles of the glands of Blandin-Nuhn (in the anterior portion of the ventral surface of the tongue) have been considered to be uncommon. This article reports an unusual case of a large extravasation mucocele involving the ventral surface of the tongue, which appeared after a lingual frenectomy.
Introduction: The progress in technology, associated to the high survival rate in premature newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units, causes an increase in morbidity. Individuals with CP present complex motor alterations, with primary deficits of abnormal muscle tone affecting posture and voluntary movement, alteration of balance and coordination, decrease of force, and loss of selective motor control with secondary problems of contractures and bone deformities. Objective: The aim of this work is to describe the spontaneous movement and strategies that lead infants with cerebral palsy to move. Methods: Seven infants used to receive assistance at the Essential Stimulation Center of CIAM (Israeli Center for Multidisciplinary Support - Philanthropic Institution), with ages ranging between six and 18 months with diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) were assessed. Results: The results show the difficulty presented by the infants with respect to the spontaneous motor functions and the necessity of help from the caregiver in order to perform the functional activity (mobility). Prematurity prevails as the major risk factor among the complications. Conclusion: The child development can be understood as a product of the dynamic interactions involving the infant, the family, and the context. Thus, the social interactions and family environment in which the infant live may encourage or limit both the acquisition of skills and the functional independence.
This study analyzed the effects of unilateral detachment of the temporal muscle and coronoidotomy on facial growth in young rats. Thirty one-month-old Wistar rats were distributed into three groups: detachment, coronoidotomy and sham-operated. Under general anesthesia, unilateral detachment of the temporal muscle was performed for the detachment group, unilateral coronoidotomy was performed for the coronoidotomy group, and only surgical access was performed for the sham-operated group. The animals were sacrificed at three months of age. Their soft tissues were removed, and the mandible was disarticulated. Radiographic projections-axial views of the skulls and lateral views of hemimandibles-were taken. Cephalometric evaluations were performed, and the values obtained were submitted to statistical analyses. There was a significant homolateral difference in the length of the premaxilla, height of the mandibular ramus and body, and the length of the mandible in all three groups. However, comparisons among the groups revealed no significant differences between the detachment and coronoidotomy groups for most measurements. It was concluded that both experimental detachment of the temporal muscle and coronoidotomy during the growth period in rats induced asymmetry of the mandible and affected the premaxilla.