7 resultados para Ampulla ductus deferentis

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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We describe the male reproductive apparatus of the giant hermit crab Petrochirus diogenes, with morphological and biometric analyses of the spermatophore, the gonopore and the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa. Specimens were collected from the southern coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Morphological analyses were done using stereoscopic, light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The reproductive system of this hermit crab is composed of elongate and lobular testes followed by vasa deferentia that connect to the exterior via gonopores. The gonopores are ovoid and surrounded by setae, and each gonopore is composed of a membranous operculum that forms a depression constituting the gonopore opening. The gonopore constitutes a unique structure among the Diogenidae due to its number of setae. The spermatophores are tripartite, composed of a sperm-containing ampulla, a peduncle and a proximal foot. The spermatozoon has 3 main regions (acrosomal vesicle, nucleus and cytoplasm). The structure of the spermatophore indicates that this species can be considered an exception within Diogenidae with regard to spermatophore morphology and can therefore be used for phylogenetic inferences.


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Objectives: To determine the correlation between ph at birth and venous Doppler parameters in pregnancies with placental dysfunction. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study of 58 pregnancies with the diagnosis of placental dysfunction between 26 and 34 weeks of gestation. Inclusion criteria were singleton pregnancies, abnormal umbilical artery (UA) Doppler, fetal growth restriction diagnosed by estimated fetal weight <10th centile for gestational age, intact membranes, and absence of fetal congenital abnormalities. The Doppler measurements were the following: UA pulsatility index (PI), ductus venosus (DV) pulsatility index for veins (PIV), intra-abdominal umbilical vein (UV) time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMxV) and blood flow and left portal vein (LPV) time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMxV) and blood flow. All Doppler parameters were transformed into z-scores (SD values from the mean) according to normative references. Results: The UA pH at birth showed a negative significant correlation with the DV-PIV (p = 0.004) and the DV-PIV z-score (p = 0.004), while LPV TAMxV (p = 0.004), LPV TAMxV z-score (p = 0.002), LPV blood flow (p = 0.01), LPV blood flow normalized (p = 0.04) and UV blood flow (p = 0.04) positively correlated with pH at birth. Multiple regression analysis was performed and the DV-PIV z-score was the variable that independently correlated with pH at birth (p = 0.002). Conclusions: the present results suggest that changes in fetal venous blood flow, mainly DV and LPV are useful in the management of cases with early onset placental insufficiency and that venous Doppler parameters correlate with pH at birth.


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We have conducted a morphological study of the ampullae of Lorenzini on two shark species from Squatina Genus. In both species, S. guggenheim and S. occulta, the ampullae were observed like small pores scattered in the head region similar to other species of the Chondrichthyes Class. However, differently of the other species a greatest density of ampullae of Lorenzini was observed along of the body surface. After fixation using 10% formaldehyde, the ampullae were removed and processed for light and scanning electron microscopy. Macroscopically, the two shark species differed by the presence of dorsal spines that appeared from the head to the first dorsal fin in S. guggenheim and were absent in S. occulta. Microscopically, there were no differences between the ampullae of Lorenzini channels in these two species. The wall of the ampulla was formed by a simple squamous epithelium. Bands of connective tissue, hyaline cartilage and collagen fibers were found between the ampulla and the skeletal striated muscle layer. Nerve branches responsible for conducting signal pulses to the central nervous system were visible between the muscle and connective tissue layers. Using scanning electron microscopy and histological analysis, we found that the channels were twisted and positioned parallel to the skin. The inside of the channels contained a large amount of a gelatinous secretion composed by polysaccharides. Therefore, we conclude that the morphological combination of extended distribution of the ampullae of Lorenzini and the body shape may represent an adaptation of these species to their way of life. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:12131217, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Male capacity for spreading genes to a great number of descendents and to determine population dynamics depend directly on the genital organs. Morphological studies in pinnipeds are scarce and the functional meaning of some characteristics has never been discussed. We hypothesized that Arctocephalus australis (A. australis) shows morphophysiological adaptations in order to guarantee the perpetuation of the species in the unique annual mating season. Seven males, dead from natural causes, had their genital organs collected and fixed for morphological description. Some features differ from other described mammalian males and are closely related to the biology and reproductive cycle of this species, as the scrotal epidermis, absence of glandular portion in the ductus deferens and spermatogenic epithelium suggest a recrudescent testis period. The corona glandis exhibits a singular arrangement: its erectile border looks like a formation of petals and its association with the os penis gives a "lily-flower" form to this region. We propose the name margo petaliformis to this particular erectile border of the corona glandis because of its similarity to a flower corola. The male genital organs of A. australis show morphological features compatible with adaptation to environment requirements and reproductive efficiency.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos comparando os métodos percutâneo e cirúrgico no tratamento da persistência do canal arterial (PCA) são raros na literatura. Nosso objetivo foi realizar análise comparativa entre os dois métodos de tratamento da PCA, enfatizando os aspectos de eficácia e morbidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional com 2 coortes de crianças e adolescentes > 5 kg e < 14 anos, portadores de PCA, tratados durante um projeto de avaliação de incorporação de novas tecnologias ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), realizado em um hospital cardiológico de excelência, em parceria com o Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. Foi feita análise prospectiva no grupo percutâneo entre 2009 e 2011 e retrospectiva no grupo cirúrgico entre 2006 e 2011. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 80 pacientes no grupo percutâneo (60% do sexo feminino) e 39 no grupo cirúrgico (51% do sexo feminino; P = 0,37). A mediana de idade e de peso dos grupos percutâneo e cirúrgico foi de 39,4 meses vs. 25,5 meses (P = 0,04) e de 14 kg vs. 11,1 kg (P = 0,052), respectivamente. No grupo percutâneo, 78 pacientes (92%) tinham PCA do tipo A e o diâmetro mínimo do canal à angiografia foi de 2,5 ± 1,2 mm. As próteses mais utilizadas foram Amplatzer®, molas de Gianturco e CeraTM. A técnica cirúrgica mais utilizada foi a clipagem. A taxa de sucesso dos procedimentos foi de 100% nos dois grupos. O grupo cirúrgico apresentou maiores taxas de complicação, incluindo quilotórax, infecções, necessidade de hemoderivados, hipertensão arterial sistêmica e uso de opioides, como também maior necessidade de terapia intensiva. A mediana do tempo de internação foi de 1,3 dia no grupo percutâneo e de 7,9 dias no grupo cirúrgico (P < 0,01). À alta hospitalar, as taxas de oclusão foram semelhantes nos dois grupos (91% no grupo percutâneo e 87% no grupo cirúrgico; P = 0,71). CONCLUSÕES: Em decorrência da menor morbidade, do menor tempo de internação e da igual eficácia, o tratamento percutâneo da PCA deve ser considerado a modalidade terapêutica de escolha para pacientes selecionados.


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Estudamos em 40 caprinos adultos da raça Bhuj Brasileira os aspectos histológicos do funículo espermático. Observamos que este se acha envolvido por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo fibroelástico denso, de espessura variável, pregueada em alguns pontos, e revestida por mesotélio que circunda todo o conjunto vásculo-nervoso, e projeta-se para formar o mesoducto deferente. Em posição subcapsular, verifica- se uma camada de tecido conjuntivo fibroelástico frouxo, de espessura variável, que circunda parcialmente o funículo espermático, isolando nas regiões deferencial e abdeferencial, conjuntos vásculo-nervosos, responsáveis pela nutrição do epidídimo. Na região do mesoducto deferente, o tecido subcapsular acompanhado de tecido adiposo constitui a camada interna deste meso, formando a sua adventícia e abrigando vasos e nervos deferenciais. Na região abdeferencial, pequenos acúmulos de tecido adiposo são vistos de permeio aos vasos e nervos desta região. Entre as artérias, veias e nervos testiculares, bem como entre os vasos das regiões deferencial e abdeferencial, observa-se o tecido conjuntivo denso, intervascular, rico em fibras elásticas, que constitui as adventícias contínuas destes vasos. O arranjo vascular mostra que o segmento da artéria testicular, contido no funículo espermático, apresenta trajeto sinuoso. Estando envolvido pelo plexo venoso pampiniforme, formado por veias testiculares desprovidas de válvulas de calibres variados, apresentando amplas comunicações entre si. As veias responsáveis pela drenagem do epidídimo e ducto deferente estão localizadas em posição subcapsular deferencial e abdeferencial e mostram-se providas de válvulas. O trato das artérias testiculares no funículo espermático apresenta como média e desvio padrão 134,6±38,1cm à direita, e 137,0±33,9cm à esquerda, não existindo diferenças estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 5%, quando comparamos a média do segmento da artéria testicular contida no funículo espermático direito em relação ao esquerdo.


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The aims of this study were to test (i) the effect of time of tissue and RNA extracts storage on ice and (ii) the effect of repeated freeze–thaw cycles on RNA integrity and gene expression of bovine reproductive tissues. Fragments of endometrium (ENDO), corpus luteum (CL) and ampulla (AMP) were subdivided and incubated for 0, 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 h on ice. RNA extracts were incubated on ice for 0, 3, 12 or 24 h, or exposed to 1, 2, 4 or 6 freeze–thaw cycles. RNA integrity number (RIN) was estimated. Expression of progesterone receptor (PGR) and cyclophilin genes from RNA extracts stored on ice for 0 or 24 h, and 1 or 6 freeze–thaw cycles was measured by qPCR. Tissue and RNA extract incubation on ice, and repeated freeze–thaw cycles did not affect RIN values of RNA from ENDO, CL or AMP. Storage on ice or exposure to freeze–thaw cycles did not affect Cq values for PGR or cyclophilin genes. In conclusion, neither generalized RNA degradation nor specific RNA degradation was affected by storage of tissue or RNA extracts on ice for up to 24 h, or by up to 6 freeze–thaw cycles of RNA extracts obtained from bovine ENDO, CL and AMP.