em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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We study the effects of Ohmic, super-Ohmic, and sub-Ohmic dissipation on the zero-temperature quantum phase transition in the random transverse-field Ising chain by means of an (asymptotically exact) analytical strong-disorder renormalization-group approach. We find that Ohmic damping destabilizes the infinite-randomness critical point and the associated quantum Griffiths singularities of the dissipationless system. The quantum dynamics of large magnetic clusters freezes completely, which destroys the sharp phase transition by smearing. The effects of sub-Ohmic dissipation are similar and also lead to a smeared transition. In contrast, super-Ohmic damping is an irrelevant perturbation; the critical behavior is thus identical to that of the dissipationless system. We discuss the resulting phase diagrams, the behavior of various observables, and the implications to higher dimensions and experiments.


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We analyse the phase diagram of a quantum mean spherical model in terms of the temperature T, a quantum parameter g, and the ratio p = -J(2)/J(1) where J(1) > 0 refers to ferromagnetic interactions between first-neighbour sites along the d directions of a hypercubic lattice, and J(2) < 0 is associated with competing anti ferromagnetic interactions between second neighbours along m <= d directions. We regain a number of known results for the classical version of this model, including the topology of the critical line in the g = 0 space, with a Lifshitz point at p = 1/4, for d > 2, and closed-form expressions for the decay of the pair correlations in one dimension. In the T = 0 phase diagram, there is a critical border, g(c) = g(c) (p) for d >= 2, with a singularity at the Lifshitz point if d < (m + 4)/2. We also establish upper and lower critical dimensions, and analyse the quantum critical behavior in the neighborhood of p = 1/4. 2012 (C) Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spin systems in the presence of disorder are described by two sets of degrees of freedom, associated with orientational (spin) and disorder variables, which may be characterized by two distinct relaxation times. Disordered spin models have been mostly investigated in the quenched regime, which is the usual situation in solid state physics, and in which the relaxation time of the disorder variables is much larger than the typical measurement times. In this quenched regime, disorder variables are fixed, and only the orientational variables are duly thermalized. Recent studies in the context of lattice statistical models for the phase diagrams of nematic liquid-crystalline systems have stimulated the interest of going beyond the quenched regime. The phase diagrams predicted by these calculations for a simple Maier-Saupe model turn out to be qualitative different from the quenched case if the two sets of degrees of freedom are allowed to reach thermal equilibrium during the experimental time, which is known as the fully annealed regime. In this work, we develop a transfer matrix formalism to investigate annealed disordered Ising models on two hierarchical structures, the diamond hierarchical lattice (DHL) and the Apollonian network (AN). The calculations follow the same steps used for the analysis of simple uniform systems, which amounts to deriving proper recurrence maps for the thermodynamic and magnetic variables in terms of the generations of the construction of the hierarchical structures. In this context, we may consider different kinds of disorder, and different types of ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic interactions. In the present work, we analyze the effects of dilution, which are produced by the removal of some magnetic ions. The system is treated in a “grand canonical" ensemble. The introduction of two extra fields, related to the concentration of two different types of particles, leads to higher-rank transfer matrices as compared with the formalism for the usual uniform models. Preliminary calculations on a DHL indicate that there is a phase transition for a wide range of dilution concentrations. Ising spin systems on the AN are known to be ferromagnetically ordered at all temperatures; in the presence of dilution, however, there are indications of a disordered (paramagnetic) phase at low concentrations of magnetic ions.


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The preparation, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a new oxalate-containing copper(II) chain of formula {[(CH3)(4)N](2)]Cu(C2O4)(2)] center dot H2O}(n) (1) [(CH3)(4)N+ = tetramethylammonium cation] are reported. The structure of 1 consists of anionic oxalate-bridged copper(II) chains, tetramethylammoniun cations and crystallization water molecules. Each copper(II) ion in 1 is surrounded by three oxalate ligands, one being bidentate and the other two exhibiting bis-bidenate coordination modes. Although all the tris-chelated copper(H) units from a given chain exhibit the same helicity, adjacent chains have opposite helicities and then an achiral structure results. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements of 1 show the occurrence of a weak ferromagnetic interaction through the oxalate bridge [J = +1.14(1)cm(-1), the Hamiltonian being defined as H = -J Sigma nm S-i . S-j]. This value is analyzed and discussed in the light of available magnetostructural data for oxalate-bridged copper(H) complexes with the same out-of-plane exchange pathway. (C) 2012 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been applied to detect M. leprae in different clinical samples and urine seems to be attractive for this purpose. PCR was used to improve the sensitivity for diagnosing leprosy by amplifying a 151-bp PCR fragment of the M. leprae pra gene (PCR-Pra) in urine samples. Seventy-three leprosy patients (39 males and 34 females, 14 to 78 years old) were selected for leprosy diagnosis at a reference laboratory in Maringa, PR, Brazil. Of these, 36 were under anti-leprosy multidrug therapy with dapsone and rifampicin for tuberculoid (TT) and dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine for borderline (BB) and lepromatous (LL) forms. The control group contained 50 healthy individuals without any clinical history of leprosy. DNA isolated from leprosy patients' urine samples was successfully amplified by PCR-Pra in 46.6% (34/73) of the cases. The positivity of PCR-Pra for patients with the TT form was 75% for both patients under treatment and non-treated patients (P = 0.1306). In patients with the LL form, PCR-Pra positivity was 52 and 30% for patients under treatment and non-treated patients, respectively (P = 0.2386). PCR-Pra showed a statistically significant difference in detecting M. leprae between the TT and LL forms of leprosy in patients under treatment (P = 0.0033). Although the current study showed that the proposed PCR-Pra has some limitations in the detection of M. leprae, this method has the potential to be a useful tool for leprosy diagnosis mainly in TT leprosy where the AFB slit-skin smear is always negative.


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Plasmodium chabaudi infection induces a rapid and intense splenic CD4(+) T cell response that contributes to both disease pathogenesis and the control of acute parasitemia. The subsequent development of clinical immunity to disease occurs concomitantly with the persistence of low levels of chronic parasitemia. The suppressive activity of regulatory T (T-reg) cells has been implicated in both development of clinical immunity and parasite persistence. To evaluate whether IL-2 is required to induce and to sustain the suppressive activity of T-reg cells in malaria, we examined in detail the effects of anti-IL-2 treatment with JES6-1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) on the splenic CD4(+) T cell response during acute and chronic P. chabaudi AS infection in C57BL/6 mice. JES6-1 treatment on days 0, 2 and 4 of infection partially inhibits the expansion of the CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) cell population during acute malaria. Despite the concomitant secretion of IL-2 and expression of high affinity IL-2 receptor by large CD4(+) T cells, JES6-1 treatment does not impair effector CD4+ T cell activation and IFN-gamma production. However, at the chronic phase of the disease, an enhancement of cellular and humoral responses occurs in JES6-1-treated mice, with increased production of TNF-alpha and parasite-specific IgG2a antibodies. Furthermore, JES6-1 mAb completely blocked the in vitro proliferation of CD4(+) T cells from non-treated chronic mice, while it further increased the response of CD4(+) T cells from JES6-1-treated chronic mice. We conclude that JES6-1 treatment impairs the expansion of T-reg cell population during early P. chabaudi malaria and enhances the Th1 cell response in the late phase of the disease.


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Propolis is a polyphenol-rich resinous substance extensively used to improve health and prevent diseases. The effects of polyphenols from different sources of propolis on atherosclerotic lesions and inflammatory and angiogenic factors were investigated in LDL receptor gene (LDLr-/-) knockout mice. The animals received a cholesterol-enriched diet to induce the initial atherosclerotic lesions (IALs) or advanced atherosclerotic lesions (AALs). The IAL or AAL animals were divided into three groups, each receiving polyphenols from either the green, red or brown propolis (250 mg/kg per day) by gavage. After 4 weeks of polyphenol treatment, the animals were sacrificed and their blood was collected for lipid profile analysis. The atheromatous lesions at the aortic root were also analyzed for gene expression of inflammatory and angiogenic factors by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. All three polyphenol extracts improved the lipid profile and decreased the atherosclerotic lesion area in IAL animals. However, only polyphenols from the red propolis induced favorable changes in the lipid profiles and reduced the lesion areas in AAL mice. In IAL groups. VCAM, MCP-1, FGF, PDGF, VEGF, PECAM and MMP-9 gene expression was down-regulated, while the metalloproteinase inhibitor TIMP-1 gene was up-regulated by all polyphenol extracts. In contrast, for advanced lesions, only the polyphenols from red propolis induced the down-regulation of CD36 and the up-regulation of HO-1 and TIMP-1 when compared to polyphenols from the other two types of propolis. In conclusion, polyphenols from propolis, particularly red propolis, are able to reduce atherosclerotic lesions through mechanisms including the modulation of inflammatory and angiogenic factors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background The thymus is a central lymphoid organ, in which bone marrow-derived T cell precursors undergo a complex process of maturation. Developing thymocytes interact with thymic microenvironment in a defined spatial order. A component of thymic microenvironment, the thymic epithelial cells, is crucial for the maturation of T-lymphocytes through cell-cell contact, cell matrix interactions and secretory of cytokines/chemokines. There is evidence that extracellular matrix molecules play a fundamental role in guiding differentiating thymocytes in both cortical and medullary regions of the thymic lobules. The interaction between the integrin α5β1 (CD49e/CD29; VLA-5) and fibronectin is relevant for thymocyte adhesion and migration within the thymic tissue. Our previous results have shown that adhesion of thymocytes to cultured TEC line is enhanced in the presence of fibronectin, and can be blocked with anti-VLA-5 antibody. Results Herein, we studied the role of CD49e expressed by the human thymic epithelium. For this purpose we knocked down the CD49e by means of RNA interference. This procedure resulted in the modulation of more than 100 genes, some of them coding for other proteins also involved in adhesion of thymocytes; others related to signaling pathways triggered after integrin activation, or even involved in the control of F-actin stress fiber formation. Functionally, we demonstrated that disruption of VLA-5 in human TEC by CD49e-siRNA-induced gene knockdown decreased the ability of TEC to promote thymocyte adhesion. Such a decrease comprised all CD4/CD8-defined thymocyte subsets. Conclusion Conceptually, our findings unravel the complexity of gene regulation, as regards key genes involved in the heterocellular cell adhesion between developing thymocytes and the major component of the thymic microenvironment, an interaction that is a mandatory event for proper intrathymic T cell differentiation.