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em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Femtosecond lasers have been widely used in laser surgery as an instrument for contact-free tissue removal of hard dental, restorative materials, and osseous tissues, complementing conventional drilling or cutting tools. In order to obtain a laser system that provides an ablation efficiency comparable to mechanical instruments, the laser pulse rate must be maximal without causing thermal damage. The aim of this study was to compare the different morphological characteristics of the hard tissue after exposure to lasers operating in the femtosecond pulse regime. Two different kinds of samples were irradiated: dentin from human extracted teeth and bovine femur samples. Different procedures were applied, while paying special care to preserving the structures. The incubation factor S was calculated to be 0.788 +/- 0.004 for the bovine femur bone. These results indicate that the incubation effect is still substantial during the femtosecond laser ablation of hard tissues. The plasma-induced ablation has reduced side effects, i.e., we observe less thermal and mechanical damage when using a superficial femtosecond laser irradiation close to the threshold conditions. In the femtosecond regime, the morphology characteristics of the cavity were strongly influenced by the change of the effective number of pulses. (C) 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.4.048001]


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Este trabalho teve como objetivos isolar bacteriófagos de amostras de leite, soro e queijo de Coalho e avaliar a resistência de cepas de Lactobacillus paracasei, pertencentes à Coleção de Micro-organismos de Interesse para a Agroindústria Tropical da Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, aos fagos isolados. Posteriormente, a resistência destas cepas a fagos específicos para L. paracasei, da Coleção do Instituto de Lactología Industrial - INLAIN (Santa Fe, Argentina), também foi avaliada. As amostras para isolamento dos fagos foram obtidas em quatro unidades de processamento de queijo de Coalho, sendo duas artesanais e duas industriais, localizadas no Estado do Ceará. Para o isolamento dos bacteriófagos, foi empregado o teste de lise celular (spot), enquanto que a resistência das culturas aos fagos foi avaliada pelos testes de capacidade de produção de ácido e avaliação da turbidez. As cepas avaliadas foram resistentes aos bacteriófagos provenientes das unidades de processamento de queijo de Coalho e aos bacteriófagos da Coleção do INLAIN. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as culturas láticas testadas, resistentes aos bacteriófagos, podem ser utilizadas na composição de fermento lático destinado à elaboração de queijo de Coalho, a partir de leite pasteurizado.


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The intention of this paper is to present some Aristotelian arguments regarding the motion on local terrestrial region. Because it is a highly sophisticated and complex explanation dealt with, briefly, the principles and causes that based theoretic sciences in general and in particular physics. Subdivided into eight topics this article in order to facilitate the understanding of these concepts for the reader not familiar with the Aristotelian texts. With intent to avoid an innocent view, anachronistic and linear the citations are of primary sources or commentators of Aristotle's works.


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O fluxo de materiais granulares é pouco discutido nos livros de física básica, apesar de que sistemas de grãos estão muito presentes na vida cotidiana. Este trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de um sistema experimental relativamente simples para estudar a vazão de grãos de arroz e de açúcar. O aparelho é constituído por um silo cilíndrico com uma abertura circular no fundo e uma balança. A balança é conectada a um computador para monitorar a massa como função do tempo dos grãos que saem do silo. Foram realizadas medidas para diferentes diâmetros da abertura de saída do silo e diferentes alturas iniciais da coluna de grãos. Para fins didáticos, o mesmo sistema foi usado para medir a vazão de água. Os resultados claramente ilustram as diferenças entre os dois tipos de fluidos e podem ser facilmente reproduzidos em sala de aulas.


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Scientific education and divulgation not only amplify people's vocabulary and repertory of scientific concepts but, at the same time, promote the diffusion of certain conceptual and cognitive metaphors. Here we describe this process and propose a classification in terms of visible, invisible, basic and derived metaphors. We focus our attention on physical metaphors applied to psychological and socio-economical phenomena, by studying two exemplar cases through an exhaustive exam of the online content of large Brazilian journalistic portals. Finally, we present implications and suggestions from Lakiff and Johnson's cognitive metaphor theory for the scientific education and divulgation process.


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O desenvolvimento científico nos permite trabalhar hoje com gases em temperaturas muito inferiores aos 10-6 K. Estes gases, uma vez obtidos por técnicas de resfriamento óptico, precisam ser caracterizados com relaçãao às suas propriedades termodinâmicas. a a medida da temperatura. Dentre tais propriedades está a medida da temperatura. Neste trabalho mostramos de forma tutorial como são medidas tais baixas temperaturas, através de técnicas de tempo de voo. Tais técnicas combinam conhecimento básico de mecânica, termodinâmica dentre outros tópicos convencionalmente estudados nos cursos básicos de física.


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The use of nonstandardized and inadequately validated outcome measures in atopic eczema trials is a major obstacle to practising evidence-based dermatology. The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative is an international multiprofessional group dedicated to atopic eczema outcomes research. In June 2011, the HOME initiative conducted a consensus study involving 43 individuals from 10 countries, representing different stakeholders (patients, clinicians, methodologists, pharmaceutical industry) to determine core outcome domains for atopic eczema trials, to define quality criteria for atopic eczema outcome measures and to prioritize topics for atopic eczema outcomes research. Delegates were given evidence-based information, followed by structured group discussion and anonymous consensus voting. Consensus was achieved to include clinical signs, symptoms, long-term control of flares and quality of life into the core set of outcome domains for atopic eczema trials. The HOME initiative strongly recommends including and reporting these core outcome domains as primary or secondary endpoints in all future atopic eczema trials. Measures of these core outcome domains need to be valid, sensitive to change and feasible. Prioritized topics of the HOME initiative are the identification/development of the most appropriate instruments for the four core outcome domains. HOME is open to anyone with an interest in atopic eczema outcomes research.


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Evidence points to a role of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway as a regulator of adiposity, yet its involvement as a mediator of the positive actions of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma agonism on lipemia, fat accretion, lipid uptake, and its major determinant lipoprotein lipase (LPL) remains to be elucidated. Herein we evaluated the plasma lipid profile, triacylglycerol (TAG) secretion rates, and adipose tissue LPL-dependent lipid uptake, LPL expression/activity, and expression profile of other lipid metabolism genes in rats treated with the PPAR gamma agonist rosiglitazone (15 mg/kg/day) in combination or not with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin (2 mg/kg/day) for 15 days. Rosiglitazone stimulated adipose tissue mTOR complex 1 and AMPK and induced TAG-derived lipid uptake (136%), LPL mRNA/activity (2- to 6-fold), and fat accretion in subcutaneous (but not visceral) white adipose tissue (WAT; 50%) and in brown adipose tissue (BAT; 266%). Chronic mTOR inhibition attenuated the upregulation of lipid uptake, LPL expression/activity, and fat accretion induced by PPAR gamma activation in both subcutaneous WAT and BAT, which resulted in hyperlipidemia. In contrast, rapamycin did not affect most of the other WAT lipogenic genes upregulated by rosiglitazone. Together these findings demonstrate that mTOR is a major regulator of adipose tissue LPL-mediated lipid uptake and a critical mediator of the hypolipidemic and lipogenic actions of PPAR gamma activation.-Blanchard, P-G., W. T. Festuccia, V. P. Houde, P. St-Pierre, S. Brule, V. Turcotte, M. Cote, K. Bellmann, A. Marette, and Y. Deshaies. Major involvement of mTOR in the PPAR gamma-induced stimulation of adipose tissue lipid uptake and fat accretion. J. Lipid Res. 2012. 53: 1117-1125.


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In this work we present the idea of how generalized ensembles can be used to simplify the operational study of non-additive physical systems. As alternative of the usual methods of direct integration or mean-field theory, we show how the solution of the Ising model with infinite-range interactions is obtained by using a generalized canonical ensemble. We describe how the thermodynamical properties of this model in the presence of an external magnetic field are founded by simple parametric equations. Without impairing the usual interpretation, we obtain an identical critical behaviour as observed in traditional approaches.


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Rho GTPases are proteins that regulate cell cycle, shape, polarization, invasion, migration, and apoptosis, which are important characteristics of normal and neoplastic cells. Rho GTPases expression has been reported in normal tooth germ and several pathologies; however, it has not been evaluated in ameloblastomas. The aim of this study was to analyze the expression and distribution of RhoA, RhoB, Rac1, and Cdc42 Rho GTPases in solid and unicystic ameloblastomas. Three-micrometer sections from paraffin- embedded specimens were evaluated by using an avidin- biotin immunohistochemical method with antibodies against the proteins mentioned above. RhoA and RhoB staining was observed in a high number of cells (P < 0.05) and greater intensity in non-polarized ones. Rac1 was not observed, andCdc42 didnot showany statistical differences between the number of non-polarized and basal positive cells (P > 0.05). Upon comparing the studied ameloblastomas, a higher number of positive cells in the unicystic variant was observed than that in the solid one (P < 0,05). The results obtained suggest that theseGTPases could play a role in the ameloblastoma neoplastic epithelial cell phenotype determination (polarized or non-polarized), as well as in variant (solid or unicystic) and subtype (follicular or plexiform) determination. Furthermore, they could participate in solid ameloblastoma invasion mechanisms. J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 400-407


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Sao Paulo Research Foundation [FAPESP/05/57710-3]


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Temperature changes caused by laser irradiation can promote damage to the surrounding dental tissues. In this study, we evaluated the temperature changes of recently extracted human mandibular incisors during intracanal irradiation with an 810-nm diode laser at different settings. Fifty mandibular incisors were enlarged up to an apical size of ISO No. 40 file. After the final rinse with 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 0.2% lauryl sodium sulfate biologic detergent, and sterile water, samples were irradiated with circular movements from apex to crown through five different settings of output power (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 W) in continuous mode. The temperature changes were measured on both sides of the apical and middle root thirds using two thermopar devices. A temperature increase of 7 degrees C was considered acceptable as a safe threshold when applying the diode laser. Results: The results showed that only 3.5-W output power increased the outer surface temperature above the critical value. Conclusion: The recommended output power can be stipulated as equal to or less than 3 W to avoid overheating during diode laser irradiation on thin dentin walls. (c) 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.1.015006]


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A análise detalhada de Mapas Conceituais (MCs) pode revelar informações latentes que não são percebidas a partir da mera leitura do seu conjunto de proposições. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor a Análise de Vizinhança (AViz) como uma forma inovadora de avaliar os MCs obtidos em sala de aula. A seleção de um Conceito Obrigatório (CO) permite ao professor verificar como os alunos o relacionam com outros conceitos, os quais são classificados como Conceitos Vizinhos (CVs). As proposições estabelecidas entre o CO e os CVs são suficientes para indicar o nível de compreensão do aluno sobre o tema mapeado. MCs (n = 69) sobre mudanças climáticas formam o primeiro conjunto de dados empíricos que ratifica o potencial da AViz. O CO selecionado foi dispersão, a fim de avaliar se os alunos conseguem relacionar esse fenômeno físico com o caráter global desse problema ambiental. Os padrães identificados a partir da AViz sugerem que, apesar de serem submetidos a uma mesma sequência didática, nem todos os alunos conseguiram utilizar o CO de forma adequada. Isso pode ser explicado a partir da Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Ausubel, que destaca o papel fundamental dos conhecimentos prévios no processo de assimilação de novas informações.


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Dimensional analysis was employed to develop a predictive formula for the terminal velocity for a magnet dropped down a metallic tube. In this particular application, the technique succeeded in generating the same formula theoretically derived and that has been published by others. The analysis thus presented suggests other applications that can be developed for motivating in the use of the technique.


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Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss triploids are regularly produced in fish farms to improve growth because the triploid females do not develop ovaries during the reproductive cycle. In this study, the tissue fatty acid allocations in triploid and diploid females were compared during the reproductive cycle to determine whether the ploidy influences the fatty acid profile of fish produced in aquaculture. The ovaries, liver, and white muscle fatty acid contents of diploid and triploid females were analyzed during the reproductive cycle. Diploid females tend to accumulate more polyunsaturated fatty acids than triploids during some phases of the reproductive cycle, and this profile was compensated by an increase in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in triploid females. Arachidonic acid (C20:4n6) was the main n6 polyunsaturated fatty acid in the ovaries of diploid females during the most advanced phases of the reproductive cycle, and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n3) was the main n3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. In triploid females, the percentage of both of these polyunsaturated fatty acids was lower than in diploid females during the most advanced phases of the reproductive cycle. In general, the lack of ovary development altered the hepatic synthesis of some fatty acids, mainly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreasing the content of the main fatty acids in the white muscle and, consequently, the mobilization of these specific fatty acids to the ovaries.