13 resultados para  Intervertebral Disk - pathology 

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Purpose: To compare 2 methods used to determine the disk position based on sagittal magnetic resonance images. Patients and Methods: A cross-sectional study of patients with the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders was conducted. The patients' ages and gender distributions were collected. The disk position diagnosis from the clinical examination was considered the primary outcome. Three observers evaluated the presence of anterior displacement on magnetic resonance images according to 2 criteria: method 1 (12-o'clock position) and method 2 (location of the intermediate zone). To assess the intraobserver variability of the 2 methods, the examiners evaluated the same magnetic resonance images at the beginning of the study (time 1) and 40 days later (time 2). The intraobserver agreement was assessed using the observed agreement and the kappa statistic. McNemar's test was used to assess the differences between each method and the clinical examination findings (P < .05). The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated by comparing the diagnosis from each method with that from the clinical examination (considered the reference standard). Results: The final sample was composed of 20 subjects with a mean age of 33.0 +/- 33.7 years; 3 were men (15%) and 17 were women (85%). A statistically significant difference between the 2 methods was found. Method 1 yielded a greater percentage of anterior displaced disks (52.5%). The agreement between the clinical diagnosis and method 1 was lower (70.0%) than that between the clinical diagnosis and method 2 (87.5%). No statistically significant difference was found between the clinical diagnosis and method 2. Conclusion: The disk position should be judged according to the intermediate zone criterion. (C) 2012 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 70:1534-1539, 2012


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Be stars possess gaseous circumstellar decretion disks, which are well described using standard alpha-disk theory. The Be star 28 CMa recently underwent a long outburst followed by a long period of quiescence, during which the disk dissipated. Here we present the first time-dependent models of the dissipation of a viscous decretion disk. By modeling the rate of decline of the V-band excess, we determine that the viscosity parameter alpha = 1.0 +/- 0.2, corresponding to a mass injection rate (M) over dot = (3.5 +/- 1.3) x 10(-8) M-circle dot yr(-1). Such a large value of a suggests that the origin of the turbulent viscosity is an instability in the disk whose growth is limited by shock dissipation. The mass injection rate is more than an order of magnitude larger than the wind mass-loss rate inferred from UV observations, implying that the mass injection mechanism most likely is not the stellar wind, but some other mechanism.


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BACKGROUND: Alkaline sulfite/anthraquinone (ASA) cooking of Pinus radiata and Pinus caribaea wood chips followed by disk refining was used as a pretreatment for the production of low lignified and high fibrillated pulps. The pulps produced with different delignification degrees and refined at different energy inputs (250, 750 and 1600 Wh) were saccharified with cellulases and fermented to ethanol with Saccharomyces cerevisiae using separated hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) or semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSSF) processes. RESULTS: Delignification of ASA pulps was between 25% and 50%, with low glucans losses. Pulp yield was from 70 to 78% for pulps of P. radiata and 60% for the pulp of P. caribaea. Pulps obtained after refining were evaluated in assays of enzymatic hydrolysis. Glucans-to-glucose conversion varied from 20 to 70%, depending on the degree of delignification and fibrillation of the pulps. The best ASA pulp of P. radiata was used in SHF and SSSF experiments of ethanol production. Such experiments produced maximum ethanol concentration of 20 g L-1, which represented roughly90% of glucose conversion and an estimated amount of 260 L ethanol ton(-1) wood. P. caribaea pulp also presented good performance in the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation but, due to the low amount of cellulose present, only 140 L ethanol would be obtained from each ton of wood. CONCLUSION: ASA cooking followed by disk refining was shown to be an efficient pretreatment process, which generated a low lignified and high-fibrillated substrate that allowed the production of ethanol from the softwoods with high conversion yields. (C) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry


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Aims. Spectroscopic, polarimetric, and high spectral resolution interferometric data covering the period 1995-2011 are analyzed to document the transition into a new phase of circumstellar disk activity in the classical Be-shell star 48 Lib. The objective is to use this broad data set to additionally test disk oscillations as the basic underlying dynamical process. Methods. The long-term disk evolution is described using the V/R ratio of the violet and red emission components of H alpha and Br gamma, radial velocities and profiles of He I and optical metal shell lines, as well as multi-band BVRI polarimetry. Single-epoch broad-band and high-resolution interferometric visibilities and phases are discussed with respect to a classical disk model and the given baseline orientations. Results. Spectroscopic signatures of disk asymmetries in 48 Lib vanished in the late nineties but recovered some time between 2004 and 2007, as shown by a new large-amplitude and long-duration V/R cycle. Variations in the radial velocity and line profile of conventional shell lines correlate with the V/R behavior. They are shared by narrow absorption cores superimposed on otherwise seemingly photospheric He I lines, which may form in high-density gas at the inner disk close to the photosphere. Large radial velocity variations continued also during the V/R-quiet years, suggesting that V/R may not always be a good indicator of global density waves in the disk. The comparison of the polarization after the recovery of the V/R activity shows a slight increase, while the polarization angle has been constant for more than 20 years, placing tight limits on any 3-D precession or warping of the disk. The broad H-band interferometry gives a disk diameter of (1.72 +/- 0.2) mas (equivalent to 15 stellar radii), position angle of the disk (50 +/- 9)degrees and a relatively low disk flattening of 1.66 +/- 0.3. Within the errors the same disk position angle is derived from polarimetric observations and from photocenter shifts across Br gamma. The high-resolution interferometric visibility and phase profiles show a double or even multiple-component structure. A preliminary estimate based on the size of the Br gamma emitting region indicates a large diameter for the disk (tens of stellar radii). Overall, no serious contradiction between the observations and the disk-oscillation model could be construed.


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Cirrhosis is a moiphologic term that has been used for almost 200 years to denote the end stage of a variety of chronic liver diseases. The term implies a condition with adverse prognosis due to the well-known complications of portal hypertension, hepatocellular carcinoma, and liver failure. However, recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic liver diseases have changed the natural history of cirrhosis significantly. This consensus document by the International Liver Pathology Study Group challenges the usefulness of the word cirrhosis in modern medicine and suggests that this is an appropriate time to consider discontinuing the use of this term. The role of pathologists should evolve to the diagnosis of advanced stage of chronic liver disease, with emphasis on etiology, grade of activity, features suggestive of progression or regression, presence of other diseases, and risk factors for malignancy, within the perspective of an integrated clinicopathologic assessment.


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We sought to evaluate the performance of diagnostic tools to establish an affordable setting for early detection of cervical cancer in developing countries. We compared the performance of different screening tests and their feasibility in a cohort of over 12,000 women: conventional Pap smear, liquid-based cytology, visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), visual inspection with Iodine solution (VILI), cervicography, screening colposcopy, and high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) testing (HR-HPV) collected by physician and by self-sampling. HR-HPV assay collected by the physician has the highest sensitivity (80 %), but high unnecessary referrals to colposcopy (15.1 %). HR-HPV test in self-sampling had a markedly lower (57.1 %) sensitivity. VIA, VILI, and cervicography had a poor sensitivity (47.4, 55, and 28.6 %, respectively). Colposcopy presented with sensitivity of 100 % in detecting CIN2+, but the lowest specificity (66.9 %). Co-testing with VIA and VILI Pap test increased the sensitivity of stand-alone Pap test from 71.6 to 87.1 % and 71.6 to 95 %, respectively, but with high number of unnecessary colposcopies. Co-testing with HR-HPV importantly increased the sensitivity of Pap test (to 86 %), but with high number of unnecessary colposcopies (17.5 %). Molecular tests adjunct to Pap test seems a realistic option to improve the detection of high-grade lesions in population-based screening programs.


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Background: Placental malaria (PM) is one major feature of malaria during pregnancy. A murine model of experimental PM using BALB/c mice infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA was recently established, but there is need for additional PM models with different parasite/host combinations that allow to interrogate the involvement of specific host genetic factors in the placental inflammatory response to Plasmodium infection. Methods: A mid-term infection protocol was used to test PM induction by three P. berghei parasite lines, derived from the K173, NK65 and ANKA strains of P. berghei that fail to induce experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) in the susceptible C57BL/6 mice. Parasitaemia course, pregnancy outcome and placenta pathology induced by the three parasite lines were compared. Results: The three P. berghei lines were able to evoke severe PM pathology and poor pregnancy outcome features. The results indicate that parasite components required to induce PM are distinct from ECM. Nevertheless, infection with parasites of the ANKA Delta pm4 line, which lack expression of plasmepsin 4, displayed milder disease phenotypes associated with a strong innate immune response as compared to infections with NK65 and K173 parasites. Conclusions: Infection of pregnant C57BL/6 females with K173, NK65 and ANKA Delta pm4 P. berghei parasites provide experimental systems to identify host molecular components involved in PM pathogenesis mechanisms.


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Clinical, epidemiological, and pathological aspects of trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma vivax in calves were reported for the first time in northeast Brazil. Clinical and epidemiological data, packed cell volumes (PCV), and parasitemia were assessed in 150 calves in May 2009 (rainy season-survey 1) and in 153 calves in November 2009 (dry season-survey 2) in three farms (A, B, and C). Prevalence of T. vivax in calves examined in the survey 1 was 63.3%, 65.0%, and 80.0% in farms A, B, and C, respectively. Morbidity varied from 63.3% to 80%, mortality from 15% to 30% and lethality from 23% to 37.5%. In survey 1, for all farms, high parasitemia (from 30.3 to 26.2x10(6) parasites/mL), fever (from 39.8 to 40.3 degrees C), low PCV (from 15.7% to 18.1%), and body score (from 2.5 to 3.5) were detected. Calves showed depression, weight loss, pale mucous membranes, enlarged lymph nodes, edema of the dewlap, cough, coryza, and diarrhea. The animals from farms A and B were treated with diminazene aceturate. Six months after, in survey 2, non-treated calves from farm C showed values for prevalence (81.82), morbidity (81.82), mortality (12.73), and lethality (15.55) similar to those in survey 1 (P>0.05). Also in survey 2, four calves aging merely 1-3 days old presented high parasitemia levels (from 32x10(6) to 74x10(6) parasites/mL), suggesting transplacental transmission. In conclusion, trypanosomiasis by T. vivax constitutes high prevalent disease for calves raised in Brazilian semiarid and may have transplacental transmission.


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ABSTRACT: Purpose: To describe a research-based global curriculum in speech-language pathology and audiology that is part of a funded cross-linguistic consortium among 2 U.S. and 2 Brazilian universities. Method: The need for a global curriculum in speechlanguage pathology and audiology is outlined, and different funding sources are identified to support development of a global curriculum. The U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE), in conjunction with the Brazilian Ministry of Education (Fundacao Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior; CAPES), funded the establishment of a shared research curriculum project, “Consortium for Promoting Cross-Linguistic Understanding of Communication Disabilities in Children” for East Tennessee State University and the University of Northern Iowa and 2 Brazilian universities (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria and Universidade de São Paulo-Baurú). Results: The goals and objectives of the research-based global curriculum are summarized, and a description of an Internet-based course, “Different Languages, One World,” is provided Conclusion: Partnerships such as the FIPSE–CAPES consortium provide a foundation for training future generations of globally and research-prepared practitioners in speechlanguage pathology and audiology.


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Pathology studies in epilepsy patients bring useful information for comprehending the physiopathology of various forms of epilepsy, as well as aspects related to response to treatment and long-term prognosis. These studies are usually restricted to surgical specimens obtained from patients with refractory focal epilepsies. Therefore, most of them pertain to temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) and malformations of cortical development (MCD), thus providing information of a selected group of patients and restricted regions of the brain. Postmortem whole brain studies are rarely performed in epilepsy patients, however they may provide extensive information on brain pathology, allowing the analysis of areas beyond the putative epileptogenic zone. In this article, we reviewed pathology studies performed in epilepsy patients with emphasis on neuropathological findings in TLE with MTS and MCD. Furthermore, we reviewed data from postmortem studies and discussed the importance of performing these studies in epilepsy populations.


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In this paper, a sample of planetary nebulae in the Galaxy's inner-disk and bulge is used to find the galactocentric distance that optimally separates these two populations in terms of their abundances. Statistical distance scales were used to investigate the distribution of abundances across the disk–bulge interface, while a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to find the distance at which the chemical properties of these regions separate optimally. The statistical analysis indicates that, on average, the inner population is characterized by lower abundances than the outer component. Additionally, for the α-element abundances, the inner population does not follow the disk's radial gradient toward the Galactic Center. Based on our results, we suggest a bulge–disk interface at 1.5 kpc, marking the transition between the bulge and the inner disk of the Galaxy as defined by the intermediate-mass population.


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We have completed a high-contrast direct imaging survey for giant planets around 57 debris disk stars as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. We achieved median H-band contrasts of 12.4 mag at 0.''5 and 14.1 mag at 1'' separation. Follow-up observations of the 66 candidates with projected separation <500 AU show that all of them are background objects. To establish statistical constraints on the underlying giant planet population based on our imaging data, we have developed a new Bayesian formalism that incorporates (1) non-detections, (2) single-epoch candidates, (3) astrometric and (4) photometric information, and (5) the possibility of multiple planets per star to constrain the planet population. Our formalism allows us to include in our analysis the previously known β Pictoris and the HR 8799 planets. Our results show at 95% confidence that <13% of debris disk stars have a ≥5 M Jup planet beyond 80 AU, and <21% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet outside of 40 AU, based on hot-start evolutionary models. We model the population of directly imaged planets as d 2 N/dMdavpropm α a β, where m is planet mass and a is orbital semi-major axis (with a maximum value of a max). We find that β < –0.8 and/or α > 1.7. Likewise, we find that β < –0.8 and/or a max < 200 AU. For the case where the planet frequency rises sharply with mass (α > 1.7), this occurs because all the planets detected to date have masses above 5 M Jup, but planets of lower mass could easily have been detected by our search. If we ignore the β Pic and HR 8799 planets (should they belong to a rare and distinct group), we find that <20% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet beyond 10 AU, and β < –0.8 and/or α < –1.5. Likewise, β < –0.8 and/or a max < 125 AU. Our Bayesian constraints are not strong enough to reveal any dependence of the planet frequency on stellar host mass. Studies of transition disks have suggested that about 20% of stars are undergoing planet formation; our non-detections at large separations show that planets with orbital separation >40 AU and planet masses >3 M Jup do not carve the central holes in these disks.


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BACKGROUND: Cellular immunity is the main defense mechanism in paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), the most important systemic mycosis in Latin America. Th1 immunity and IFN-γ activated macrophages are fundamental to immunoprotection that is antagonized by IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine. Both in human and experimental PCM, several evidences indicate that the suppressive effect of IL-10 causes detrimental effects to infected hosts. Because direct studies have not been performed, this study was aimed to characterize the function of IL-10 in pulmonary PCM. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Wild type (WT) and IL-10(-/-) C57BL/6 mice were used to characterize the role of IL-10 in the innate and adaptive immunity against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) infection. We verified that Pb-infected peritoneal macrophages from IL-10(-/-) mice presented higher phagocytic and fungicidal activities than WT macrophages, and these activities were associated with elevated production of IFN-γ, TNF-α, nitric oxide (NO) and MCP-1. For in vivo studies, IL-10(-/-) and WT mice were i.t. infected with 1×10(6) Pb yeasts and studied at several post-infection periods. Compared to WT mice, IL-10(-/-) mice showed increased resistance to P. brasiliensis infection as determined by the progressive control of pulmonary fungal loads and total clearance of fungal cells from dissemination organs. This behavior was accompanied by enhanced delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, precocious humoral immunity and controlled tissue pathology resulting in increased survival times. In addition, IL-10(-/-) mice developed precocious T cell immunity mediated by increased numbers of lung infiltrating effector/memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. The inflammatory reactions and the production of Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines were reduced at late phases of infection, paralleling the regressive infection of IL-10(-/-) mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our work demonstrates for the first time that IL-10 plays a detrimental effect to pulmonary PCM due to its suppressive effect on the innate and adaptive immunity resulting in progressive infection and precocious mortality of infected hosts.