108 resultados para Belisario, Flavio
Evaluation of facial esthetics in rehabilitated adults with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate
Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the facial esthetics of White-Brazilian adults with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) rehabilitated at a single center. Design. 30 patients (13 females; 17 males; mean age of 24.0 years), rehabilitated at a single center, were photographed and evaluated by 25 examiners, 5 orthodontists, and 5 plastic surgeons dealing with oral clefts, 5 orthodontists and 5 plastic surgeons with no experience in the cleft treatment, and 5 laymen. Their facial profiles were classified into esthetically unpleasant, esthetically acceptable, and esthetically pleasant. Results. Orthodontists dealing with oral clefts classified the majority of the sample as esthetically pleasant. Plastic surgeons dealing with oral cleft, orthodontists, and plastic surgeons without experience with oral clefts classified most of the sample as esthetically acceptable. Laymen evaluation also considered the majority of the sample as esthetically acceptable. Conclusions. The facial profiles of rehabilitated adults with UCLP were classified mostly as esthetically acceptable, with variations among the categories of examiners. The examiners dealing with oral clefts gave higher scores to the facial esthetics when compared to professionals without experience in oral clefts and laypersons, probably due to their knowledge of the limitations involved in the rehabilitation process
Primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus is an uncommon tumor, with approximately 300 cases having been reported thus far. The purpose of this study was to describe a case of a 60 year-old man with a 10 month history of progressive dysphagia and thoracic pain, the investigations of which led to a diagnosis of primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus. The patient underwent a transhiatal esophagectomy with subcarinal lymphadenectomy, and isoperistaltic gastric tube replacement of the esophagus. Nine months after surgery, he developed ischemic colitis, and metastasis in the mesentery was diagnosed. His disease progressed and he died one year after the esophagectomy. A review of the literature was performed.
CONTEXT: About 9% of the Brazilian population has gallstones and the incidence increases significantly with aging. The choledocholithiasis is found around 15% of these patients, and a third to half of these cases presented as asymptomatic. Once the lithiasis in the common bile duct is characterized through intraoperative cholangiography, the laparoscopic surgical exploration can be done through the transcystic way or directly through choledochotomy. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results and outcomes of the laparoscopic treatment of common bile duct lithiasis. METHODS: Seventy consecutive patients were evaluated. They prospectively underwent the treatment of the lithiasis in the common bile duct and the exploration ways were compared according to the following parameters: criteria on their indication, success in the clearance, surgical complications. It was verified that about ½ of the choledocholithiasis carriers did not show any expression of predictive factors (clinical antecedents of jaundice and/or acute pancreatitis, compatible sonographic data and the pertaining lab tests). The laparoscopic exploration through the transcystic way is favored when there are no criteria for the practice of primary choledochotomy, which are: lithiasis in the proximal bile duct, large (over 8 mm) or numerous calculi (multiple calculosis). RESULTS: The transcystic way was employed in about 50% of the casuistic and the choledochotomy in about 30%. A high success rate (around 80%) was achieved in the clearance of the common bile duct stones through laparoscopic exploration. The transcystic way, performed without fluoroscopy or choledochoscopy, attained a low rate of success (around 45%), being 10% of those by transpapilar pushing of calculi less than 3 mm. The exploration through choledochotomy, either primary or secondary, if the latter was performed after the transcystic route failure, showed high success rate (around 95%). When the indication to choledochotomy was primary, the necessity for choledochoscopy through choledochotomy to help in the removal of the calculi was 55%. However, when choledochotomy was performed secondarily, in situations where the common bile duct diameter was larger than 6 mm, the use of choledochoscopy with the same purpose involved about 20% of the cases. There was no mortality in this series. CONCLUSION: The laparoscopic exploration of the common bile duct was related to a low rate of morbidity. Therefore, the use of laparoscopy for the treatment of the lithiasis in the common bile duct depends on the criteria for the choice of the best access, making it a safe procedure with very good results.
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission is dedicated to measuring temporal variations of the Earth's gravity field. In this study, the Stokes coefficients made available by Groupe de Recherche en Géodésie Spatiale (GRGS) at a 10-day interval were converted into equivalent water height (EWH) for a ~4-year period in the Amazon basin (from July-2002 to May-2006). The seasonal amplitudes of EWH signal are the largest on the surface of Earth and reach ~ 1250mm at that basin's center. Error budget represents ~130 mm of EWH, including formal errors on Stokes coefficient, leakage errors (12 ~ 21 mm) and spectrum truncation (10 ~ 15 mm). Comparison between in situ river level time series measured at 233 ground-based hydrometric stations (HS) in the Amazon basin and vertically-integrated EWH derived from GRACE is carried out in this paper. Although EWH and HS measure different water bodies, in most of the cases a high correlation (up to ~80%) is detected between the HS series and EWH series at the same site. This correlation allows adjusting linear relationships between in situ and GRACE-based series for the major tributaries of the Amazon river. The regression coefficients decrease from up to down stream along the rivers reaching the theoretical value 1 at the Amazon's mouth in the Atlantic Ocean. The variation of the regression coefficients versus the distance from estuary is analysed for the largest rivers in the basin. In a second step, a classification of the proportionality between in situ and GRACE time-series is proposed.
Our objective was to evaluate the diagnosis of swine cysticercosis by examining "ante mortem" (inspection of the tongue), "post mortem" (inspection and detailed necropsy) and ELISA for research in serum of antibodies (Ab-ELISA) and antigens (Ag-ELISA). Seven (7) pigs were experimentally infected orally with eggs of Taenia solium and another 10 were naturally infected. In the pigs experimentally infected, inspection of the tongue was negative in all animals, in the routine inspection detailed necropsy and cysticercis were identified in all of them. In pigs with heavy natural infection, inspection of the tongue identified cysticerci in two (20%), while at inspection with necropsy the parasites were identified in large quantities in all animals. In ELISA for antibody search (Ab-ELISA) TS-14 recombinant protein was used, and in search for antigen (Ag-ELISA) a monoclonal antibody against this protein. In animals experimentally infected, blood was collected weekly for 140 days. The Ab-ELISA identified an increase in titers of antibody to cysticerci 21 days after infection, and at the end of the experimental period six animals (86%) were positive to the test. The search for circulating antigens (Ag-ELISA) was positive in two pigs 28 to 91 days after infection. All naturally infected pigs were positive for Ag-ELISA and Ab-ELISA. The search for antibodies and antigens by ELISA in serum from 30 pigs of a local farm and without history of cysticercosis was negative. Thus, the use of TS-14 antigen in ELISA test (Ab-ELISA) can be useful for the diagnosis of cysticercosis in pigs with low infection.
INTRODUÇÃO: A mais comum indicação de correção cirúrgica de átrio esquerdo gigante está associada à insuficiência da valva mitral, com ou sem fibrilação atrial. Diversas técnicas para este fim já estão descritas com resultados variáveis. OBJETIVO: Apresentar a experiência inicial com a técnica da ressecção triangular tangencial (Pomerantzeff). MÉTODOS: De 2002 a 2010, quatro pacientes foram submetidos a operação da valva mitral com redução do volume do átrio esquerdo pela técnica da ressecção triangular tangencial em nosso serviço. Três pacientes eram do sexo feminino. A idade variou de 21 a 51 anos. Os quatro pacientes encontravam-se com fibrilação atrial. A fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo no pré-operatório variava de 38% a 62%. O diâmetro do átrio esquerdo variou de 78 a 140 mm. Após o tratamento da disfunção mitral, o átrio esquerdo foi reduzido por meio de ressecção triangular tangencial da sua parede posterior, entre as veias pulmonares, para evitar distorções anatômicas do anel mitral ou veias pulmonares, reduzindo a tensão na linha de sutura. RESULTADOS: Tempo médio de internação hospitalar foi de 21,5 ± 6,5 dias. O tempo de circulação extracorpórea médio foi de 130 ± 30 minutos. Não houve sangramento cirúrgico ou mortalidade no período pós-operatório. Todos os pacientes tiveram o ritmo sinusal restabelecido na saída de circulação extracorpórea, mantendo esse ritmo no pós-operatório. O diâmetro médio do átrio esquerdo foi reduzido em 50,5 ± 19,5%. A fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo melhorou em todas as pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados iniciais com essa técnica têm demonstrado redução efetiva do átrio esquerdo.
PURPOSE: To present a review about a comparative study of bile duct ligation versus carbon tetrachloride Injection for inducing experimental liver cirrhosis. METHODS: This research was made through Medline/PubMed and SciELO web sites looking for papers on the content "induction of liver cirrhosis in rats". We have found 107 articles but only 30 were selected from 2004 to 2011. RESULTS: The most common methods used for inducing liver cirrhosis in the rat were administration of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and bile duct ligation (BDL). CCl4 has induced cirrhosis from 36 hours to 18 weeks after injection and BDL from seven days to four weeks after surgery. CONCLUSION: For a safer inducing cirrhosis method BDL is better than CCl4 because of the absence of toxicity for researches and shorter time for achieving it.
The purpose of this article is to present a method which consists in the development of unit cell numerical models for smart composite materials with piezoelectric fibers made of PZT embedded in a non-piezoelectric matrix (epoxy resin). This method evaluates a globally homogeneous medium equivalent to the original composite, using a representative volume element (RVE). The suitable boundary conditions allow the simulation of all modes of the overall deformation arising from any arbitrary combination of mechanical and electrical loading. In the first instance, the unit cell is applied to predict the effective material coefficients of the transversely isotropic piezoelectric composite with circular cross section fibers. The numerical results are compared to other methods reported in the literature and also to results previously published, in order to evaluate the method proposal. In the second step, the method is applied to calculate the equivalent properties for smart composite materials with square cross section fibers. Results of comparison between different combinations of circular and square fiber geometries, observing the influence of the boundary conditions and arrangements are presented.
Olhares distintos sobre a noção de estabilidade e mudança no desempenho da coordenação motora grossa
Estudos sobre coordenação motora grossa (CMG) de crianças focam na descrição dos valores normativos em razão da idade e sexo. Poucos analisam a dinâmica da mudança do desempenho de cada criança em relação ao seu grupo ao longo do tempo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a estabilidade das diferenças interindividuais na mudança intraindividual da CMG ao longo de 18 meses. Participaram do estudo 120 escolares de sete anos de idade da cidade de Muzambinho - MG. Foram realizadas quatro coletas com intervalos de seis meses. A CMG foi avaliada pelas provas do KTK. Os valores médios apresentaram incrementos em todas as provas, diferindo entre gênero apenas para o equilíbrio à retaguarda. Os resultados da correlação entre o desempenho inicial e a mudança ao longo do tempo indicaram uma forte heterogeneidade. Os resultados da estabilidade se mostraram fracos, os quais foram discutidos em relação a diferentes trajetórias do desenvolvimento da CMG.
Considerando a indisponibilidade de equipamentos avançados de aquisição de imagens nos centros cirúrgicos da maioria dos centros hospitalares e a importância fundamental que têm para o cirurgião uma visualização imediata do implante coclear logo após sua inserção, uma boa opção é a utilização da radiografia convencional. OBJETIVO: Descrever um método radiográfico rápido prático e de baixo custo, que permita avaliar não só a posição, mas também a integridade dos eletrodos, na instalação do implante coclear. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisadas radiografias de 262 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de implante coclear entre Março/2005 e Outubro/2008, com radiografia transoperatória, logo após a inserção dos eletrodos. As radiografias foram analisadas pelo cirurgião no transoperatório e, posteriormente, pelo médico radiologista. RESULTADOS: Foram analisadas 524 radiografias das quais, 95,61% apresentavam técnica adequada, com posicionamento do paciente dentro da técnica descrita neste estudo e boa visualização dos eletrodos, sendo consideradas satisfatórias e 4,39% apresentavam técnica inadequada e/ou visualização insatisfatória dos eletrodos, sendo consideradas insatisfatórias. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar dos aparelhos de Raios X portáteis possuírem limitações, utilizando técnicas e acessórios adequados, é possível conseguir radiografias com resultados satisfatórios para visualização dos implantes cocleares.
Abstract Background Current evidence implicates aberrant microRNA expression patterns in human malignancies; measurement of microRNA expression may have diagnostic and prognostic applications. Roles for microRNAs in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) are largely unknown. HNSCC, a smoking-related cancer, is one of the most common malignancies worldwide but reliable diagnostic and prognostic markers have not been discovered so far. Some studies have evaluated the potential use of microRNA as biomarkers with clinical application in HNSCC. Methods MicroRNA expression profile of oral squamous cell carcinoma samples was determined by means of DNA microarrays. We also performed gain-of-function assays for two differentially expressed microRNA using two squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and normal oral keratinocytes. The effect of the over-expression of these molecules was evaluated by means of global gene expression profiling and cell proliferation assessment. Results Altered microRNA expression was detected for a total of 72 microRNAs. Among these we found well studied molecules, such as the miR-17-92 cluster, comprising potent oncogenic microRNA, and miR-34, recently found to interact with p53. HOX-cluster embedded miR-196a/b and miR-10b were up- and down-regulated, respectively, in tumor samples. Since validated HOX gene targets for these microRNAs are not consistently deregulated in HNSCC, we performed gain-of-function experiments, in an attempt to outline their possible role. Our results suggest that both molecules interfere in cell proliferation through distinct processes, possibly targeting a small set of genes involved in cell cycle progression. Conclusions Functional data on miRNAs in HNSCC is still scarce. Our data corroborate current literature and brings new insights into the role of microRNAs in HNSCC. We also show that miR-196a and miR-10b, not previously associated with HNSCC, may play an oncogenic role in this disease through the deregulation of cell proliferation. The study of microRNA alterations in HNSCC is an essential step to the mechanistic understanding of tumor formation and could lead to the discovery of clinically relevant biomarkers.
Ao disciplinar a reparação de dano do qual resulta incapacidade laboral, o Código Civil Brasileiro de 2002 trouxe, como alternativa à pensão vitalícia, a possibilidade de indenização paga de uma só vez. Diante disso, o primeiro impulso hermenêutico foi apurar tal montante multiplicando o valor da renda mensal do ofendido pela sua expectativa de sobrevida. o presente artigo busca, fundamentalmente, questionar a adequação epistemológica desta fórmula, bem como esquadrinhar as diretrizes processuais aplicáveis ao dispositivo. O fim colimado exigirá, inter alia, perscrutar o significado da expressão “arbitramento”, a extensão do conceito de “reparação integral” e as consequências jurídicas e econômicas do recebimento antecipado. Posteriormente, pretende-se minudenciar a titularidade, a efetiva existência e o momento da opção pelo prejudicado, à luz da cláusula do “devido processo”.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o conhecimento médico sobre as imunodeficiências primárias na cidade de São Paulo (SP). MÉTODOS: Um questionário de 14 questões sobre as imunodeficiências primárias foi aplicado a médicos que trabalhavam em hospitais gerais. Uma das questões apresentava 25 situações clínicas que poderiam ou não estar associadas às imunodeficiências primárias, e a porcentagem de respostas apropriadas gerou um indicador de conhecimento. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 746 médicos, dentre os quais 215 pediatras (28,8%), 244 cirurgiões (32,7%) e 287 clínicos (38,5%). Cerca de 70% dos médicos responderam ter aprendido sobre as imunodeficiências primárias na graduação ou na residência médica. O atendimento a pacientes que usam antibióticos com frequência foi relatado por 75% dos médicos, mas apenas 34,1% já haviam investigado algum paciente e 77,8% não conheciam os dez sinais de alerta para as imunodeficiências primárias. O indicador de conhecimento obtido apresentou uma média de 45,72% (±17,87). Apenas 26,6% dos pediatras e 6,6% tanto dos clínicos quanto dos cirurgiões apresentaram indicador de conhecimento de pelo menos 67% (equivalente à resposta apropriada em dois terços das situações clínicas). CONCLUSÃO: Há uma deficiência no conhecimento médico das imunodeficiências primárias na cidade de São Paulo, mesmo entre os pediatras, a despeito do maior contato com o tema nos últimos anos. A melhora da informação sobre as imunodeficiências primárias entre a comunidade médica é um importante passo para o diagnóstico e o tratamento precoces dessas doenças.
Introduction and Objectives: Vancomycin is indicated to patients who have not responded to treatment with other antibiotics in serious infections caused by organisms susceptible to it and resistant to other antimicrobials. However, over the last five years, many adverse reactions have been reported with this medicine in the University Hospital of the University of Silo Paulo (HU/USP), such as nephrotoxicity and toxicity related to infusion. Some critical patients, for example surgical patients with sepsis and severe trauma are generally susceptible to renal failure due to the severity of the underlying disease. The-aim of this study is to quantify and delineate the epidemiological profile of confirmed adverse reactions caused by vancomycin. Material and Methods: We conducted a retrospective observational quantitative study of medical records of patients who had confirmed.adverse reactions occurred with vancomycin in the period from January 2007 to May 2012, at the HU/USP - Brazil. All notifications related to vancomycin were evaluated in the following items: age and sex of patients, type and ward where the adverse event occurred involving this drug. Results and Conclusions: During the analysed period, were confinued 37 adverse events with vancomycn. The adults represented 75,7% of the cases, and the children 24,3%. The present study shows that adult patients admitted to the medical clinic had greater susceptibility to adverse reactions to vancomycin and for pediatric patients its higher frequency was at ICU. Despite the adverse skin reactions performed with greater frequency, it is known that the most severe reactions were related to the kidney resulting in more complex clinical interventions.
The soft tick Ornithodoros guaporensis n. sp. (Acari: Ixodida: Argasidae) is described from larvae and adults. Morphological analysis and 16S rDNA sequences are provided. Adults were collected from a rocky fissure inhabited by bats located in the Amazonian forest in north-eastern Bolivia (Beni Department) close to the Guaporé River. Larvae were obtained from eggs laid by females collected in the field, and which were fed on rabbits in the laboratory. Larvae of O. guaporensis are morphologically closely related to Ornithodoros rioplatensis, Ornithodoros puertoricensis and Orni-thodoros talaje. Larvae of O. guaporensis and O. rioplatensis can be separated from O. puertoricensis and O. talaje by the number of pairs of dorsal setae (20 in O. guaporensis and O. rioplatensis, 18 in O. puertoricensis and 17 in O. talaje). Larvae of O. guaporensis and O. rioplatensis can be differentiated by the medial dental formula (2/2 in O. guaporensis and 3/3 in O. rioplatensis) and the apex of the hypostome, which is more pointed in O. rioplatensis than in O. guaporensis. The Principal Component Analysis performed with morphometric characters of larvae showed a clear separation among O. guaporensis, O. rioplatensis, O. puertoricensis and O. talaje. Significant morphological differences among adults of these four species were not found. The analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences allowed for the differentiation between O. guaporensis and the remaining Neotropical species of the family Argasidae.