78 resultados para renal cell carcinoma


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The progression of carcinogenesis entails the detachment of cells, invasion and migration of neoplastic cells. Alterations in epithelial adhesion and basement membrane proteins might mediate the early stages of carcinogenesis. This study investigated the expression of adhesion molecules and the basement membrane protein laminin-5 in actinic cheilitis (AC) and incipient squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip to understand early photocarcinogenesis. Ln-5 gamma 2 chain as well as alpha 3, beta 1 subunits of alpha 3 beta 1 heterodimer and beta 4 subunit of integrin alpha 6 beta 4 were evaluated by immunohistochemistry in 16 cases of AC and 16 cases of superficially invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SISCC). Most AC cases showed reduced expression of beta 1, beta 4 and alpha 3 integrins, and SISCCs lacked beta 1, beta 4 and alpha 3 integrins in the invasive front. AC cases were negative for the Ln-5 gamma 2 chain. Five cases of SISCC (31%) showed heterogeneous Ln-5 gamma 2 chain expression in the invasive front of the tumor. Integrin beta 1, beta 4 and alpha 3 expression is lost during the early stages of lip carcinogenesis. Expression of Ln-5 gamma 2 in the invasive front in cases and its correlation with tumor progression suggest that it mediates the acquisition of the migrating and invading epithelial cell phenotype. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Alcohol and tobacco consumption are risk factors for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) and glutathione Stransferase pi 1 (GSTP1) are important enzymes for cellular detoxification and low efficiencies are implicated in cancer. We assessed the potential role of SET protein overexpression, a histone acetylation modulator accumulated in HNSCC, in gene regulation and protein activity of ALDH2 and GSTP1. SET was knocked down in HN13, HN12 and Cal27, and overexpressed in HEK293 cells; ethanol and cisplatin were the chemical agents. Cells with SET overexpression (HEK293/SET, HN13 and HN12) showed lower ALDH2 and GSTP1 mRNA levels and trichostatin A increased them (real-time PCR). Ethanol upregulated GSTP1 and ALDH2 mRNAs, whereas cisplatin upregulated GSTP1 in HEK293 cells. SET-chromatin binding revealed SET interaction with ALDH2 and GSTP1 promoters, specifically via SET NAP domain; ethanol and cisplatin abolished SET binding. ALDH2 and GSTP1 efficiency was assessed by enzymatic and comet assay. A lower ALDH2 activity was associated with greater DNA damage (tail intensity) in HEK293/SET compared with HEK293 cells, whereas HN13/siSET showed ALDH2 activity higher than HN13 cells. HN13/siSET cells showed increased tail intensity. Cisplatin-induced DNA damage response showed negative relationship between SET overexpression and BRCA2 recruitment. SET downregulated repair genes ATM, BRCA1 and CHEK2 and upregulated TP53. Cisplatin-induced cell-cycle arrest occurred in G0/G1 and S in HEK293 cells, whereas HEK293/SET showed G2/M stalling. Overall, cisplatin was more cytotoxic for HN13 than HN13/siSET cells. Our data suggest a role for SET in cellular detoxification, DNA damage response and genome integrity.


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Os autores descrevem a aplicação de terapia fotodinâmica com cloridrato de aminolevulinato de metila (Metivix®) em uma paciente com carcinoma basocelular padrão misto (nodular e infiltrativo) em pálpebra inferior de olho direito. Os efeitos colaterais sobre o olho foram avaliados semanalmente. Foi submetida à biòpsia incisional com punch de 2 mm para controle de cura após 12 semanas de tratamento. O anátomopatológico revelou ausência de neoplasia. O tratamento padrão ouro reconhecido mundialmente é a exérese da lesão, porém a terapia fotodinâmica com cloridrato de aminolevulinato de metila (MAL) surge como uma opção terapêutica à cirurgia.


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Abstract Background The implication of post-transcriptional regulation by microRNAs in molecular mechanisms underlying cancer disease is well documented. However, their interference at the cellular level is not fully explored. Functional in vitro studies are fundamental for the comprehension of their role; nevertheless results are highly dependable on the adopted cellular model. Next generation small RNA transcriptomic sequencing data of a tumor cell line and keratinocytes derived from primary culture was generated in order to characterize the microRNA content of these systems, thus helping in their understanding. Both constitute cell models for functional studies of microRNAs in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), a smoking-related cancer. Known microRNAs were quantified and analyzed in the context of gene regulation. New microRNAs were investigated using similarity and structural search, ab initio classification, and prediction of the location of mature microRNAs within would-be precursor sequences. Results were compared with small RNA transcriptomic sequences from HNSCC samples in order to access the applicability of these cell models for cancer phenotype comprehension and for novel molecule discovery. Results Ten miRNAs represented over 70% of the mature molecules present in each of the cell types. The most expressed molecules were miR-21, miR-24 and miR-205, Accordingly; miR-21 and miR-205 have been previously shown to play a role in epithelial cell biology. Although miR-21 has been implicated in cancer development, and evaluated as a biomarker in HNSCC progression, no significant expression differences were seen between cell types. We demonstrate that differentially expressed mature miRNAs target cell differentiation and apoptosis related biological processes, indicating that they might represent, with acceptable accuracy, the genetic context from which they derive. Most miRNAs identified in the cancer cell line and in keratinocytes were present in tumor samples and cancer-free samples, respectively, with miR-21, miR-24 and miR-205 still among the most prevalent molecules at all instances. Thirteen miRNA-like structures, containing reads identified by the deep sequencing, were predicted from putative miRNA precursor sequences. Strong evidences suggest that one of them could be a new miRNA. This molecule was mostly expressed in the tumor cell line and HNSCC samples indicating a possible biological function in cancer. Conclusions Critical biological features of cells must be fully understood before they can be chosen as models for functional studies. Expression levels of miRNAs relate to cell type and tissue context. This study provides insights on miRNA content of two cell models used for cancer research. Pathways commonly deregulated in HNSCC might be targeted by most expressed and also by differentially expressed miRNAs. Results indicate that the use of cell models for cancer research demands careful assessment of underlying molecular characteristics for proper data interpretation. Additionally, one new miRNA-like molecule with a potential role in cancer was identified in the cell lines and clinical samples.


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Abstract Background Current evidence implicates aberrant microRNA expression patterns in human malignancies; measurement of microRNA expression may have diagnostic and prognostic applications. Roles for microRNAs in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) are largely unknown. HNSCC, a smoking-related cancer, is one of the most common malignancies worldwide but reliable diagnostic and prognostic markers have not been discovered so far. Some studies have evaluated the potential use of microRNA as biomarkers with clinical application in HNSCC. Methods MicroRNA expression profile of oral squamous cell carcinoma samples was determined by means of DNA microarrays. We also performed gain-of-function assays for two differentially expressed microRNA using two squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and normal oral keratinocytes. The effect of the over-expression of these molecules was evaluated by means of global gene expression profiling and cell proliferation assessment. Results Altered microRNA expression was detected for a total of 72 microRNAs. Among these we found well studied molecules, such as the miR-17-92 cluster, comprising potent oncogenic microRNA, and miR-34, recently found to interact with p53. HOX-cluster embedded miR-196a/b and miR-10b were up- and down-regulated, respectively, in tumor samples. Since validated HOX gene targets for these microRNAs are not consistently deregulated in HNSCC, we performed gain-of-function experiments, in an attempt to outline their possible role. Our results suggest that both molecules interfere in cell proliferation through distinct processes, possibly targeting a small set of genes involved in cell cycle progression. Conclusions Functional data on miRNAs in HNSCC is still scarce. Our data corroborate current literature and brings new insights into the role of microRNAs in HNSCC. We also show that miR-196a and miR-10b, not previously associated with HNSCC, may play an oncogenic role in this disease through the deregulation of cell proliferation. The study of microRNA alterations in HNSCC is an essential step to the mechanistic understanding of tumor formation and could lead to the discovery of clinically relevant biomarkers.


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BACKGROUND: Actinic cheilitis, a common disease caused by chronic solar exposure and tobacco use, is considered a premalignant lesion with potential to develop into squamous cell carcinoma. Some of the available treatments are invasive, have unaesthetic results and require multiple sessions. OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of a therapy and its cosmetic results. METHODS: In this uncontrolled clinical trial a single photodynamic therapy (PDT) session using 16% methyl-aminolevulinate was performed on actinic cheilitis of the lower lip. A standardized questionnaire was applied in order to assess the clinical improvement from the patients' point of view and the satisfaction with the treatment. Anatomopathological evaluation was performed before the treatment and two months afterwards. RESULTS: The sample was composed of 19 patients (10 males and 9 females), phototypes I to III, with average age of 62 years. Main adverse effects were: sudden pain, scabs, herpes flare-up, and edema. The average score of pain during the procedure was 5,8+2,9. At the final assessment the patients reported improvement of 80% and satisfaction of 85% (p<0.01). Anatomopathological analysis showed a significant decrease of dysplasia (p=0.03) in spite of its presence in 84% of cases. There was no significant correlation between the level of dysplasia with either the subjective impression of clinical improvement (p=0.82) or with the patients' final satisfaction (p=0.96). CONCLUSION: PDT is effective in the treatment of actinic cheilitis, but it is associated with a significant level of pain. Due to the persistence of dysplasia, more research needs to be done in order to define the ideal number of sessions for the effective treatment of these lesions.


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Synthetic corticosteroids are used widely for the treatment of a variety of diseases of the mouth. However, little is known as to whether the oral mucosa is able to modulate the local concentration of active corticosteroids or to produce steroids de novo. This has important clinical implications, because tissue-specific regulation of glucocorticoids is a key determinant of the clinical efficacy of these drugs. In the present study, we show that oral fibroblasts and keratinocytes expressed ACTH receptor (MC2R), glucocorticoid receptor (GR), and 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11 beta-HSDs). Unlike keratinocytes, fibroblasts lacked 11 beta-HSD2 and could not effectively deactivate exogenously administered cortisol. However, both cell types were able not only to activate cortisone into the active form cortisol, but also to synthesize cortisol de novo following stimulation with ACTH. 11 beta-HSD2, the enzyme controlling cortisol deactivation, exhibited different patterns of expression in normal (squamous epithelium and salivary glands) and diseased oral mucosa (squamous cell carcinoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma). Blocking of endogenous cortisol catabolism in keratinocytes with the 11 beta-HSD2 inhibitor 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid mimicked the effect of exogenous administration of hydrocortisone and partially prevented the detrimental effects induced by pemphigus vulgaris sera. Analysis of the data demonstrates that a novel, non-adrenal glucocorticoid system is present in the oral mucosa that may play an important role in disease.


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Cell therapy is a therapeutic strategy used to replace or repair damaged tissue. The epithelium transplantation of cultivated keratinocytes has been applied to several modalities of reconstruction, like oral, urethra and ocular surface. Life and death signals work coordinately to ensure cellular quality control and the viability of an organism. The aim of this study is to verify that culture conditions did not induce genetic mutations through the analysis of the key genes: pAKT, Pten, p53 and MDM2 and investigate the presence of the related proteins in human oral keratinocytes obtained by primary culture and in vitro cultivated. Formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissues from the oral cavity were utilized as control for normal expression of the related markers and two oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines provided the expression pattern of the proposed markers in the event of cellular transformation. Akt, PTEN, p53 and MDM2 immunohistochemistry and Western-Blotting analyzes were performed. The results showed the expression levels and intracellular localizations of the four proteins evaluated. These analyzes confirmed that the produced in vitro epithelium is bio-compatible for its utilization as reconstruction and reparatory tissue, however further analyses and additional research on other biomarkers should be performed to analyse the long term engraftment of transplantable primary culture of oral keratinocytes and the long term resistance to cellular transformation.


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Introduction: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G is a nonclassic class I molecule that acts as a modulator of immune responses, and the expression of these molecules in virus-infected cells has been associated with subversion of the immune response. Objective: In this study, we performed a cross-sectional study, systematically comparing the expression of the HLA-G in benign, premalignant, and malignant oral lesions and correlating it with the presence of high-risk and low-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types. Specimens and Methods: Oral biopsies were collected from 51 patients and analyzed by immunohistochemistry using anti HLA-G antibody. Human papillomavirus detection and typing from oral biopsies were obtained by polymerase chain reaction using GP5+/GP6+ and specific primers. Results: The 51 biopsies were stratified into 3 groups according to lesion grade: oral benign lesions (oral hyperplasia and papilloma, n = 16), oral premalignant lesions (oral leukoplakia with dysplasia and lichen planus, n = 17), and malignant lesions (oral squamous cell carcinoma, n = 18). Human leukocyte antigen G overexpression was mainly observed in benign and premalignant oral lesions but was not related to HPV infection (P>.05). On the other hand, HPV DNA was detected in 24 (47%) oral lesions, mainly in benign and premalignant lesions, with the most frequent type detected being high-risk HPV type. Conclusion: The HLA-G molecule was expressed in a significant number of benign oral lesions and was not correlated with HPV infection or oral cancer. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Denosumab, a fully human anti-RANKL monoclonal antibody, reduces the incidence of skeletal-related events in patients with bone metastases from solid tumors. We present survival data for the subset of patients with lung cancer, participating in the phase 3 trial of denosumab versus zoledronic acid (ZA) in the treatment of bone metastases from solid tumors (except breast or prostate) or multiple myeloma. Methods: Patients were randomized 1:1 to receive monthly subcutaneous denosumab 120 mg or intravenous ZA 4 mg. An exploratory analysis, using Kaplan-Meier estimates and proportional hazards models, was performed for overall survival among patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and SCLC. Results: Denosumab was associated with improved median overall survival versus ZA in 811 patients with any lung cancer (8.9 versus 7.7 months; hazard ratio [HR] 0.80) and in 702 patients with NSCLC (9.5 versus 8.0 months; HR 0.78) (p = 0.01, each comparison). Further analysis of NSCLC by histological type showed a median survival of 8.6 months for denosumab versus 6.4 months for ZA in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (HR 0.68; p = 0.035). Incidence of overall adverse events was balanced between treatment groups; serious adverse events occurred in 66.0% of denosumab-treated patients and 72.9% of ZA-treated patients. Cumulative incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw was similar between groups (0.7% denosumab versus 0.8% ZA). Hypocalcemia rates were 8.6% with denosumab and 3.8% with ZA. Conclusion: In this exploratory analysis, denosumab was associated with improved overall survival compared with ZA, in patients with metastatic lung cancer.


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To investigate the potential role of vitamin or mineral supplementation on the risk of head and neck cancer (HNC), we analyzed individual-level pooled data from 12 casecontrol studies (7,002 HNC cases and 8,383 controls) participating in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology consortium. There were a total of 2,028 oral cavity cancer, 2,465 pharyngeal cancer, 874 unspecified oral/pharynx cancer, 1,329 laryngeal cancer and 306 overlapping HNC cases. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for self reported ever use of any vitamins, multivitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and calcium, beta-carotene, iron, selenium and zinc supplements were assessed. We further examined frequency, duration and cumulative exposure of each vitamin or mineral when possible and stratified by smoking and drinking status. All ORs were adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, study center, education level, pack-years of smoking, frequency of alcohol drinking and fruit/vegetable intake. A decreased risk of HNC was observed with ever use of vitamin C (OR = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.590.96) and with ever use of calcium supplement (OR = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.420.97). The inverse association with HNC risk was also observed for 10 or more years of vitamin C use (OR = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.540.97) and more than 365 tablets of cumulative calcium intake (OR = 0.36, 95% CI = 0.160.83), but linear trends were not observed for the frequency or duration of any supplement intake. We did not observe any strong associations between vitamin or mineral supplement intake and the risk of HNC.


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of PhotogemA (R)-mediated photosensitization on rat palatal mucosa and the biodistribution of the photosensitizer in this tissue. A solution of PhotogemA (R) (500 or 1000 mg/l) was applied to the palatal mucosa for 30 min and the exposure time to blue LED (460 nm) was 20 min (144 J/cm(2)). At 0, 1, 3, and 7 days, palatal mucosa was photographed for macroscopic analysis. After killing, the palate was removed for microscopic analysis. Thermal mapping evaluated temperature change in the tissue during irradiation. All experimental groups revealed intact mucosa in the macroscopic analysis. Tissue alterations were observed microscopically for only four out of 80 animals subjected to PDT. Fluorescence emitted by PhotogemA (R) was identified and was limited to the epithelial layer. A temperature increase from 35 to 41A degrees C was recorded. PhotogemA (R)- mediated PDT was not toxic to the rat palatal mucosa.


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Objective The aim of this study was to investigate whether tumor-associated tissue eosinophilia (TATE) in early oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) would aid in predicting occult lymph node metastasis. Patients and methods Seventy-one patients undergoing elective neck dissection for T1 and T2 OSCC were evaluated for clinical features, prognosis, and TATE. The degree of TATE in OSCC was statistically analyzed in relation to the clinicopathological features, tumor invasion, occult lymph node metastasis, and survival using chi (2) test and Kaplan-Meier method. Results Statistical analysis revealed that intense TATE was a significant feature (p = 0.004) to predict occult lymph node metastasis in patients with early OSCC. All regional recurrences of the OSCC occurred in patients showing intense TATE. Conclusions These results suggest that intense TATE can be clinically used as a predictive factor for occult lymph node metastasis. Clinical relevance The presence of intense TATE is an adjunctive histopathological marker to reinforce the indication of elective neck dissection of the patients with early OSCC.


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Background: Extracellular matrix homeostasis is strictly maintained by a coordinated balance between the expression of metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the expression of MMP-9, MMP-2 and its specific inhibitors, are expressed in a reproducible, specific pattern and if the profiles are related to prognosis in Bladder Cancer (BC). Methods: MMP-9, MMP-2 and its specific inhibitors expression levels were analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) in fresh-frozen malignant tissue collected from 40 patients with BC submitted to transurethral resection of bladder. The control group consisted of normal bladder tissue from five patients who had undergone retropubic prostatectomy to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. Results: MMP-9 was overexpressed in 59.0 % of patients, and MMP-2, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, MMP-14, RECK and IL-8 was underexpressed in most of the patients. Regarding prognostic parameters we observed that high-grade tumors exhibited significantly higher levels of MMP-9 and IL-8 (p = 0.012, p = 0.003). Invasive tumors (pT1-pT2) had higher expression levels of MMP-9 than superficial tumors (pTa) (p = 0.026). The same was noted for IL-8 that was more expressed by invasive tumors (p = 0.015, p = 0.048). Most importantly tumor recurrence was related with higher levels of both MMP-9 (p = 0.003) and IL-8 (p = 0.005). Conclusion: We have demonstrated that the overexpression of MMP-9 and higher expression of IL-8 are related to unfavorable prognostic factors of urothelial bladder cancer and tumor recurrence and may be useful in the follow up of the patients.


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Purpose: Oral mucositis is a major complication of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in head-and-neck cancer patients. Low-level laser (LLL) therapy is a promising preventive therapy. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of LLL therapy to decrease severe oral mucositis and its effect on RT interruptions. Methods and Materials: In the present randomized, double-blind, Phase III study, patients received either gallium-aluminum-arsenide LLL therapy 2.5 J/cm(2) or placebo laser, before each radiation fraction. Eligible patients had to have been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma or undifferentiated carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, or metastases to the neck with an unknown primary site. They were treated with adjuvant or definitive CRT, consisting of conventional RT 60-70 Gy (range, 1.8-2.0 Gy/d, 5 times/wk) and concurrent cisplatin. The primary endpoints were the oral mucositis severity in Weeks 2, 4, and 6 and the number of RT interruptions because of mucositis. The secondary endpoints included patient-reported pain scores. To detect a decrease in the incidence of Grade 3 or 4 oral mucositis from 80% to 50%, we planned to enroll 74 patients. Results: A total of 75 patients were included, and 37 patients received preventive LLL therapy. The mean delivered radiation dose was greater in the patients treated with LLL (69.4 vs. 67.9 Gy, p = .03). During CRT, the number of patients diagnosed with Grade 3 or 4 oral mucositis treated with LLL vs. placebo was 4 vs. 5 (Week 2, p = 1.0), 4 vs. 12 (Week 4, p = .08), and 8 vs. 9 (Week 6, p = 1.0), respectively. More of the patients treated with placebo had RT interruptions because of mucositis (6 vs. 0, p = .02). No difference was detected between the treatment arms in the incidence of severe pain. Conclusions: LLL therapy was not effective in reducing severe oral mucositis, although a marginal benefit could not be excluded. It reduced RT interruptions in these head-and-neck cancer patients, which might translate into improved CRT efficacy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc.