66 resultados para Palestra
Ambiente científico: Comunicação científica, OA - Open Archives Initiative, Livre Acesso à Produção Científica. Ambiente não científico: conteúdos colaborativos, processamento descentralizado
Motivação para a pesquisa: Contexto mundial, Contexto nacional, USP, Grupo de pesquisa, Metodologia, Dados demográficos, Resultados preliminares
Pulmonary surfactant is a very important product in the medical treatment of the syndrome of insufficiency respiratory in neonates. The synthesis of this surfactant in labs need to optimize the rate of spreading in the alveolar interstitial liquid obtaining a monolayer of the phospholipids membrane base capable to maintains several of the dynamical properties of the respiratory system during breathing. The recover of theses mechanical properties has to be archived using the minimal quantities of product and with the optimal proteins composition (SP-B in special). In this paper we show our results of obtaining and process speckle pattern images of the spreading of phospholipids membrane composed the matrix of this product (DPPC) when physiologic interstitial liquid are presented.
CONTEXTO: Mudanças conceituais e estruturais, Objetivos da Universidade, O SIBiUSP e sua missão. AÇÕES: Linhas de atuação - programas, Ações prioritárias, Avanços e resultados alcançados 2013. TEMAS EM FOCO: Decisões emergenciais, Novos espaços e responsabilidades, Equipes recém integradas SIBiUSP.
Sistemas de recuperação da informação. Comunicação científica. Digitalização e preservação digital. Curadoria digital. Competências informacionais
Visão geral e SIBiUSP 30 anos. Projetos e respectivas equipes: Portal de Busca, Integrada, Produção Intelectual da USP, Objetos Educacionais de Aprendizagem, Writing Center, Programa de Apoio às Revistas USP, Obras Raras e Laboratório de Digitalização, Centros de Acessibilidade, Infraestrutura tecnológica.
Visão geral e histórico: Plano de ação 2012/2013, Ofertas aos editores, Portal de Revistas, Apoio a formação de editores, Infraestrutura de equipe bibliotecárias, Serviços profissionalizantes. Considerações finais
Apresenta a implantação do empréstimo unificado nas Bibliotecas do Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo (SIBiUSP), coordenado pelo Grupo de Gestão do Empréstimo Unificado. Introduz o cenário inicial das bibliotecas da Universidade, destacando a autonomia para definir políticas locais. Descreve as iniciativas isoladas que culminaram com unificação da política do empréstimo utilizada por todas as bibliotecas. Estabelece comparação entre os procedimentos adotados antes e depois da implantação e conclui relatando os benefícios obtidos pelos 138 mil usuários das bibliotecas USP e na padronização de procedimentos e rotinas adotadas pelas bibliotecas em seus 1,7 milhões de empréstimos domiciliares.
Há algum tempo, o livro didático passou a ser objeto de estudo nas pesquisas em Ensino de ciências. O presente trabalho busca levantar e caracterizar as pesquisas científicas que tratam do Livro Didático, mais especificamente os trabalhos sobre o Livro Didático de Química, destinado ao Ensino Médio, no período de 1999 a 2010. Para tanto, empreendeu-se um estudo de caráter inventariante e descritivo sobre o que tem sido produzido e divulgado nos artigos publicados nas revistas de circulação nacional e nas Atas dos Encontros Nacionais de Ensino de Química e de Ciências. O levantamento bibliográfico realizado possibilitou destacar quando, onde e o quê tem sido produzido sobre essa temática.
Apresentação oral em palestra semiplenaria do trabalho "Experiencias virtuales, una herramienta para enseñar mecanica".
The modern GPUs are well suited for intensive computational tasks and massive parallel computation. Sparse matrix multiplication and linear triangular solver are the most important and heavily used kernels in scientific computation, and several challenges in developing a high performance kernel with the two modules is investigated. The main interest it to solve linear systems derived from the elliptic equations with triangular elements. The resulting linear system has a symmetric positive definite matrix. The sparse matrix is stored in the compressed sparse row (CSR) format. It is proposed a CUDA algorithm to execute the matrix vector multiplication using directly the CSR format. A dependence tree algorithm is used to determine which variables the linear triangular solver can determine in parallel. To increase the number of the parallel threads, a coloring graph algorithm is implemented to reorder the mesh numbering in a pre-processing phase. The proposed method is compared with parallel and serial available libraries. The results show that the proposed method improves the computation cost of the matrix vector multiplication. The pre-processing associated with the triangular solver needs to be executed just once in the proposed method. The conjugate gradient method was implemented and showed similar convergence rate for all the compared methods. The proposed method showed significant smaller execution time.
In this paper, nighttime light data are suggested as a proxy for spatial distribution of vehicles running in urban and nearby areas. Nighttime lights focus on human activities, in contrast to traditional Earth observing systems that focus on natural systems. It is the human activity being visible in the form of brightness of nocturnal lights. Two available nighttime lights dataset were used in this work. The first one was provided by the U.S. Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS), henceforth, DMSO-OLS. The second one is the NASA-NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite, henceforth, Suomi-NPP. To validate the new proposed methodology, hundreds of urban areas of South America were analyzed in a high degree of resolution. The results of this study showed that night-time lights are very well correlated with vehicle fleet, population, and impervious surfaces but with strong spatial variability. The results of this study suggest a better understanding of the human activities in the context of a vehicular-based city conception.
—This paper presents a textile patch antenna designed for WBAN applications at 2.45 GHz ISM band. The antenna uses denim as substrate and conductive fabric for the ground plane and radiator layers. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of typical deviation of denim properties and patch radiator dimensions on the performance of the antenna. The parameters considered in the analysis are the relative permittivity and thickness of denim and the width and length of the rectangular patch radiator. The dependence of the central operation frequency of the antenna on those parameters was studied using the antenna reflection coefficient obtained from EM simulations. Rules of thumb for one-shot design were derived and applied to design a rectangular patch antenna. An antenna prototype was fabricated and measured, demonstrating a 10 dB impedance band of 4.8 % centered at 2.45 GHz, in good agreement with simulated results
The technique of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is applied for qualifying ethanol adulterated with water and / or methanol. We used the commercial TDR model VG400, which was originally developed for determining soil moisture, making this study an original approach for qualifying fuels. Several samples of alcohol with the addition of its main contaminants (water and methanol) were prepared and measured with the TDR sensor. The results indicate good response linearity, showing the TDR technique is a promising technique for fuel qualification