46 resultados para Glycerol Triritrate
In this work, it was investigated the effect of different moisture contents on PVA-gelatin films by means of dielectric properties, infrared spectroscopy, microwave response and gravimetric method. The films were elaborated from a blend of gelatin and PVA, with 0 and 25 % glycerol. The sorption isotherms were determined by gravimetric methods, at 25 A degrees C. A capacimeter was used for dielectric measurements, and a device called SOLFAN setup was used for microwave measurements. The sorption isotherms were markedly affected by the glycerol content and relative humidity, due to the hygroscopic nature of the films. The dielectric constant and the microwave response signal were also strongly affected by the moisture and glycerol content in the films. Finally, Infrared spectra showed some changes in the amide peak positions, attributed to the modifications in the interactions between the macromolecules. The behaviors obtained in this work were explained on the basis the way the water enters in the film matrix.
This study evaluates the potential for using different effluents for simultaneous H-2 and CH4 production in a two-stage batch fermentation process with mixed microflora. An appreciable amount of H-2 was produced from parboiled rice wastewater (23.9 mL g(-1) chemical oxygen demand [COD]) and vinasse (20.8 mL g(-1) COD), while other effluents supported CH4 generation. The amount of CH4 produced was minimum for sewage (46.3 mL g(-1) COD), followed by parboiled rice wastewater (115.5 mL g(-1) COD) and glycerol (180.1 mL g(-1) COD). The maximum amount of CH4 was observed for vinasse (255.4 mL g(-1) COD). The total energy recovery from vinasse (10.4 kJ g(-1) COD) corresponded to the maximum COD reduction (74.7 %), followed by glycerol (70.38 %, 7.20 kJ g(-1) COD), parboiled rice wastewater (63.91 %, 4.92 kJ g(-1) COD), and sewage (51.11 %, 1.85 kJ g(-1) COD). The relatively high performance of vinasse in such comparisons could be attributed to the elevated concentrations of macronutrients contained in raw vinasse. The observations are based on kinetic parameters of H-2 and CH4 production and global energy recovery of the process. These observations collectively suggest that organic-rich effluents can be deployed for energy recovery with sequential generation of H-2 and CH4.
The success of semen cryopreservation is influenced by several factors, such as freezing curves and cryoprotectants. These two factors are of special interest once they may lead to many important physical-chemical changes resulting in different degrees of damage in spermatozoa structure. This experiment was designed to compare the effect of bull semen cryopreservation using two freezing techniques: conventional (CT cooling rate of -0.55 degrees C min-1 and freezing rate of -19.1 degrees C min-1) and automated (AT cooling rate of -0.23 degrees C min-1 and freezing rate of -15 degrees C min-1), performed with different curves, and with three cryoprotectants (glycerol, ethylene glycol and dimethyl formamide) on bovine sperm motility and integrity of plasma, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes. These variables were simultaneously evaluated using the fluorescence probes propidium iodide, fluorescein-conjugated Pisum sativum agglutinin and MitoTracker Green FM. The effects of freezing techniques, as well as of different cryoprotectants were analysed by the analysis of variance. The means were compared by Fishers test. There were no significant differences between freezing techniques (P > 0.05). Glycerol showed higher percentages of motility, vigour and integrity of plasma, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes than other two cryoprotectants (P < 0.05). Ethylene glycol preserved higher motility and integrity of plasma and mitochondrial membranes than dimethyl formamide (P < 0.05). Sperm motility with glycerol was 30.67 +/- 1.41% and 30.50 +/- 1.06%, with ethylene glycol was 21.17 +/- 1.66% and 21.67 +/- 1.13% and with dimethyl formamide was 8.33 +/- 0.65% and 9.17 +/- 0.72% to CT and AT curves, respectively. The percentage of spermatozoa with simultaneously intact plasma membrane, intact acrosome and mitochondrial function (IPIAH) was 14.82 +/- 1.49% (CT) and 15.83 +/- 1.26% (AT) to glycerol, 9.20 +/- 1.31% (CT) and 9.92 +/- 1.29% (AT) to ethylene glycol 4.65 +/- 0.93% (CT) and 5.17 +/- 0.87% (AT) to dimethyl formamide. Glycerol provided the best results, although nearly 85% of spermatozoa showed some degree of injury in their membranes, suggesting that further studies are required to improve the results of cryopreservation of bovine semen.
Plasticized natural macromolecules-based polymer electrolyte samples were prepared and characterized. The plasticization of chitosonium acetate with glycerol increased the ionic conductivity value from 3.0 x 10(-7) S/cm to 1.1 x 10(-5) S/cm. The conductivity temperature relationship of the samples exhibits either VTF or Arrhenius type depending on the glycerol concentration in the sample. The dielectric studies evidencing the relaxation process in the plasticized sample at low frequency region are due to the electric polarization effect. Moreover, the samples were transparent in the Vis region, showed thermal stability up to 160 degrees C and good surface uniformity.
The present study investigates gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) based on sodium alginate plasticized with glycerol containing either CH3COOH or LiClO4. The membranes showed ionic conductivity results of 3.1 x 10(-4) S/cm for the samples with LiClO4 and 8.7x10(-5) S/cm for the samples with CH3COOH at room temperature. The samples also showed thermal stability up to 160 degrees C, transparency of up to 90%, surface uniformity and adhesion to glass and steel. Moreover, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis revealed two relaxations for both samples and the Ea values were between 18 and 36 kJ/mol. All the results obtained indicate that alginate-based GPEs can be used as electrolytes in electrochemical devices.
Gellan-based polymer electrolytes (PEs), doped with lithium iodide (LiI), were prepared and their electrical properties were characterized. The samples are thermally stable up to 234 degrees C and exhibit ionic conductivity of 3.8 x 10(-4) S/cm at room temperature for the sample doped with 40 wt% of LiI. Addition of 10 wt% of glycerol promotes an increase of the ionic conductivity to 1.5 x 10(-3) S/cm, which remains stable up to 100 degrees C. The activation energies of 2.4 to 12.4 kJ/mol were derived from the Arrhenius model. The repeated ionic conductivity measurements as a function of temperature show that these membranes can be reversibly used between the room temperature and 100 degrees C.
Ionic conducting membranes of gelatin plasticized with glycerol and containing LiI/I-2 have been obtained and characterized by X-ray diffraction measurements, UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy, thermal analysis and impedance spectroscopy. The transparent (80-90% in the visible range) membranes showed ionic conductivity value of 5 x 10(-5) S/cm at room temperature, which increased to 3 x 10(-3) S/cm at 80 degrees C. All the ionic conductivity measurements as a function of temperature showed VTF dependence and activation energy of 8 kJ/mol. These samples also showed low glass transition temperature of -76 degrees C. Moreover the samples were predominantly amorphous. The membranes applied to small electrochromic devices showed 20% of color change from colored to bleached states during more than 70 cronoamperometric cycles.
Pulchellin is a Ribosome Inactivating Protein containing an A-chain (PAC), whose toxic activity requires crossing the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. In this paper, we investigate the interaction between recombinant PAC (rPAC) and Langmuir monolayers of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG), which served as membrane model. Three catalytically active, truncated PACs with increasing deletion of the C-terminal region, possessing 244,239 and 236 residues (rPAC(244), rPAC(239) and rPAC(236)), were studied. rPAC had the strongest interaction with the DPPG monolayer, inducing a large expansion in its surface pressure-area isotherm. The affinity to DPPG decreased with increased deletion of the C-terminal region. When the C-terminal region was deleted completely (rPAC(236)), the interaction was recovered, probably because other hydrophobic regions were exposed to the membrane. Using Polarization Modulated-Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) we observed that at a bare air/water interface rPAC comprised mainly alpha-helix structures, the C-terminal region had unordered structures when interacting with DPPG. For rPAC(236) the alpha-helices were preserved even in the presence of DPPG. These results confirm the importance of the C-terminal region for PAC-ER membrane interaction. The partial unfolding only with preserved C-terminal appears a key step for the protein to reach the cytosol and develop its toxic activity. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study compares two xylanases produced by filamentous fungi such as A. niger and A. flavus using agroindustrial residues as substract and evaluated the effect of these enzymes on cellulose pulp biobleaching process. Wheat bran was the best carbon source for xylanase production by A. niger and A. flavus. The production of xylanase was 18 and 21% higher on wheat bran when we compare the xylanase production with xylan. At 50°C, the xylanase of A. niger retained over 85% activity with 2 h of incubation, and A. flavus had a half-life of more than 75 minutes. At 55°C, the xylanase produced by A. niger showed more stable than from A. flavus showing a half-life of more than 45 minutes. The xylanase activity of A. niger and A. flavus were somehow protected in the presence of glycerol 5% when compared to the control (without additives). On the biobleaching assay it was observed that the xylanase from A. flavus was more effective in comparison to A. niger. The kappa efficiency corresponded to 36.32 and 25.93, respectively. That is important to emphasize that the cellulase activity was either analyzed and significant levels were not detected, which explain why the viscosity was not significantly modified.
Abstract Background Microbiological studies frequently involve exchanges of strains between laboratories and/or stock centers. The integrity of exchanged strains is vital for archival reasons and to ensure reproducible experimental results. For at least 50 years, one of the most common means of shipping bacteria was by inoculating bacterial samples in agar stabs. Long-term cultures in stabs exhibit genetic instabilities and one common instability is in rpoS. The sigma factor RpoS accumulates in response to several stresses and in the stationary phase. One consequence of RpoS accumulation is the competition with the vegetative sigma factor σ70. Under nutrient limiting conditions mutations in rpoS or in genes that regulate its expression tend to accumulate. Here, we investigate whether short-term storage and mailing of cultures in stabs results in genetic heterogeneity. Results We found that samples of the E. coli K-12 strain MC4100TF exchanged on three separate occasions by mail between our laboratories became heterogeneous. Reconstruction studies indicated that LB-stabs exhibited mutations previously found in GASP studies in stationary phase LB broth. At least 40% of reconstructed stocks and an equivalent proportion of actually mailed stock contained these mutations. Mutants with low RpoS levels emerged within 7 days of incubation in the stabs. Sequence analysis of ten of these segregants revealed that they harboured each of three different rpoS mutations. These mutants displayed the classical phenotypes of bacteria lacking rpoS. The genetic stability of MC4100TF was also tested in filter disks embedded in glycerol. Under these conditions, GASP mutants emerge only after a 3-week period. We also confirm that the intrinsic high RpoS level in MC4100TF is mainly due to the presence of an IS1 insertion in rssB. Conclusions Given that many E. coli strains contain high RpoS levels similar to MC4100TF, the integrity of such strains during transfers and storage is questionable. Variations in important collections may be due to storage-transfer related issues. These results raise important questions on the integrity of bacterial archives and transferred strains, explain variation like in the ECOR collection between laboratories and indicate a need for the development of better methods of strain transfer.
The performance, carcass traits, and litter humidity of broilers fed increasing levels of glycerine derived from biodiesel production were evaluated. In this experiment, 1,575 broilers were distributed according to a completely randomized experimental design into five treatments with seven replicates of 45 birds each. Treatments consisted of a control diet and four diets containing 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, or 10% glycerine. The experimental diets contained equal nutritional levels and were based on corn, soybean meal and soybean oil. The glycerine included in the diets contained 83.4% glycerol, 1.18% sodium, and 208 ppm methanol, and a calculated energy value of 3,422 kcal AMEn/kg. Performance parameters (weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, live weight, and livability) were monitored when broilers were 7, 21, and 42 days of age. On day 43, litter humidity was determined in each pen, and 14 birds/treatment were sacrificed for the evaluation of carcass traits. During the period of 1 to 7 days, there was a positive linear effect of the treatments on weight gain, feed intake, and live weight gain. Livability linearly decreased during the period of 1 to 21 days. During the entire experimental period, no significant effects were observed on performance parameters or carcass traits, but there was a linear increase in litter humidity. Therefore, the inclusion of up to 5% glycerine in the diet did not affect broiler performance during the total rearing period.
Oat hull hemicellulosic hydrolysate obtained by diluted acid hydrolysis was employed as fermentation medium for Pichia stipitis cultivation. A comparison between the use of treated hydrolysate with 1% activated charcoal to reduce the toxic compounds generated during the hydrolysis process and untreated hydrolysate as a control was conducted. In the cultures using treated hydrolysate the total consumption of glucose, low xylose consumption and ethanol and glycerol formation were observed. The medium formulated with untreated hydrolysate showed morphological cell modifications with consequently cell death, no ethanol formation and formation of glycerol as byproduct of fermentative process, probably as a response to stressful conditions to yeast due to presence of high concentration of toxic compounds. Thus, further studies are suggested in order to determine the best conditions for hydrolysis and detoxification of the hydrolysate to improve the fermentative performance of P. stipitis.
The aim of this study was to compare the disinfection of dentine using photodynamic therapy with methylene blue in different formulations. Thirty bovine teeth roots were autoclaved and incubated with a suspension of Enterococcus faecalis. The specimen were randomly divided into three groups: G1, the roots were filled with 10 mM methylene blue dissolved in water; G2, the roots were filled with 10 mM methylene blue dissolved in a mixture of glycerol: ethanol: water; G3, roots filled with 100 mM methylene blue dissolved in water. The groups were irradiated with a 660 nm diode laser with an output power of 100 mW for 4 min, energy density of 850 J/cm2 and after this procedure, the sensitizer was removed and microbial samples were collected from within the root canals. The samples were plated on mEnterococcus to count the colony-forming units (CFU/mL). The means were: Group 1=513×103, Group 2=1431×103 and Group 3=2.96×103. The statistical analysis detected higher disinfection achieved by G3 when compared with groups G1 and G2, and no significant difference between the groups G1 and G2 (P>0.05). The increase of the concentration of methylene blue dye achieved higher disinfection in photodynamic therapy.
We investigated whether palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid that enhances whole body glucose disposal and suppresses hepatic steatosis, modulates triacylglycerol (TAG) metabolism in adipocytes. For this, both differentiated 3T3-L1 cells treated with either palmitoleic acid (16:1n7, 200 μM) or palmitic acid (16:0, 200 μM) for 24 h and primary adipocytes from wild-type or PPARα-deficient mice treated with 16:1n7 (300 mg•kg(-1)•day(-1)) or oleic acid (18:1n9, 300 mg•kg(-1)•day(-1)) by gavage for 10 days were evaluated for lipolysis, TAG, and glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis and gene and protein expression profile. Treatment of differentiated 3T3-L1 cells with 16:1n7, but not 16:0, increased basal and isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis, mRNA levels of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and protein content of ATGL and pSer(660)-HSL. Such increase in lipolysis induced by 16:1n7, which can be prevented by pharmacological inhibition of PPARα, was associated with higher rates of PPARα binding to DNA. In contrast to lipolysis, both 16:1n7 and 16:0 increased fatty acid incorporation into TAG and glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis from glucose without affecting glyceroneogenesis and glycerokinase expression. Corroborating in vitro findings, treatment of wild-type but not PPARα-deficient mice with 16:1n7 increased primary adipocyte basal and stimulated lipolysis and ATGL and HSL mRNA levels. In contrast to lipolysis, however, 16:1n7 treatment increased fatty acid incorporation into TAG and glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis from glucose in both wild-type and PPARα-deficient mice. In conclusion, palmitoleic acid increases adipocyte lipolysis and lipases by a mechanism that requires a functional PPARα
Oligonucleotides have been extensively used in basic research of gene expression and function, vaccine design, and allergy and cancer therapy. Several oligonucleotide-based formulations have reached the clinical trial phase and one is already on the market. All these applications, however, are dependent on suitable carriers that protect oligonucleotides against degradation and improve their capture by target cells. The cationic lipid diC14-amidine efficiently delivers nucleic acids to mammalian cells. It was recently shown that diC14-amidine bilayers present an interdigitated phase which strongly correlates with a potent fusogenic activity at low temperatures. Interdigitated phases correspond to very ordered gel phases where the two bilayer leaflets are merged; they usually result from perturbations at the interfacial region such as modifications of the polar headgroup area or dehydration of the bilayer. Interdigitation has been described for asymmetric lipids or mixed-chain lipids of different chain lengths and for lipids with large effective headgroup sizes. It has also been described for symmetric lipids under pressure modifications or in the presence of alcohol, glycerol, acetonitrile, polymyxin B, or ions like thiocyanate. Surprisingly, the role of polyelectrolytes on membrane interdigitation has been only poorly investigated. In the present work, we use dynamic light scattering (DLS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and electron spin resonance (ESR) to explore the effect of a small single-stranded oligonucleotide (ODN) polyelectrolyte on the structure and colloid stability of interdigitated diC14-amidine membranes.