22 resultados para presence of males
Abstract Background Assuming a higher risk of latent tuberculosis (TB) infection in the population of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in October of 1998 the TB Control Program of Clementino Fraga Filho Hospital (CFFH) routinely started to recommend a two-step tuberculin skin test (TST) in contacts of pulmonary TB cases in order to distinguish a boosting reaction due to a recall of delayed hypersensitivity previously established by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) or BCG vaccination from a tuberculin conversion. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of boosted tuberculin skin tests among contacts of individuals with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Methods Retrospective cohort of TB contacts ≥ 12 years old who were evaluated between October 1st, 1998 and October 31st 2001. Contacts with an initial TST ≤ 4 mm were considered negative and had a second TST applied after 7–14 days. Boosting reaction was defined as a second TST ≥ 10 mm with an increase in induration ≥ 6 mm related to the first TST. All contacts with either a positive initial or repeat TST had a chest x-ray to rule out active TB disease, and initially positive contacts were offered isoniazid preventive therapy. Contacts that boosted did not receive treatment for latent TB infection and were followed for 24 months to monitor the development of TB. Statistical analysis of dichotomous variables was performed using Chi-square test. Differences were considered significant at a p < 0.05. Results Fifty four percent (572/1060) of contacts had an initial negative TST and 79% of them (455/572) had a second TST. Boosting was identified in 6% (28/455). The mean age of contacts with a boosting reaction was 42.3 ± 21.1 and with no boosting was 28.7 ± 21.7 (p = 0.01). Fifty percent (14/28) of individuals whose test boosted met criteria for TST conversion on the second TST (increase in induration ≥ 10 mm). None of the 28 contacts whose reaction boosted developed TB disease within two years following the TST. Conclusion The low number of contacts with boosting and the difficulty in distinguishing boosting from TST conversion in the second TST suggests that the strategy of two-step TST testing among contacts of active TB cases may not be useful. However, this conclusion must be taken with caution because of the small number of subjects followed.
A dynamical characterization of the stability boundary for a fairly large class of nonlinear autonomous dynamical systems is developed in this paper. This characterization generalizes the existing results by allowing the existence of saddle-node equilibrium points on the stability boundary. The stability boundary of an asymptotically stable equilibrium point is shown to consist of the stable manifolds of the hyperbolic equilibrium points on the stability boundary and the stable, stable center and center manifolds of the saddle-node equilibrium points on the stability boundary.
CNPq, FAPESP (2009/54599-5 and 2012/10939-0).
Reproducing Fourier's law of heat conduction from a microscopic stochastic model is a long standing challenge in statistical physics. As was shown by Rieder, Lebowitz and Lieb many years ago, a chain of harmonically coupled oscillators connected to two heat baths at different temperatures does not reproduce the diffusive behaviour of Fourier's law, but instead a ballistic one with an infinite thermal conductivity. Since then, there has been a substantial effort from the scientific community in identifying the key mechanism necessary to reproduce such diffusivity, which usually revolved around anharmonicity and the effect of impurities. Recently, it was shown by Dhar, Venkateshan and Lebowitz that Fourier's law can be recovered by introducing an energy conserving noise, whose role is to simulate the elastic collisions between the atoms and other microscopic degrees of freedom, which one would expect to be present in a real solid. For a one-dimensional chain this is accomplished numerically by randomly flipping - under the framework of a Poisson process with a variable “rate of collisions" - the sign of the velocity of an oscillator. In this poster we present Langevin simulations of a one-dimensional chain of oscillators coupled to two heat baths at different temperatures. We consider both harmonic and anharmonic (quartic) interactions, which are studied with and without the energy conserving noise. With these results we are able to map in detail how the heat conductivity k is influenced by both anharmonicity and the energy conserving noise. We also present a detailed analysis of the behaviour of k as a function of the size of the system and the rate of collisions, which includes a finite-size scaling method that enables us to extract the relevant critical exponents. Finally, we show that for harmonic chains, k is independent of temperature, both with and without the noise. Conversely, for anharmonic chains we find that k increases roughly linearly with the temperature of a given reservoir, while keeping the temperature difference fixed.
The keeper-independent strategy, in which a football penalty kicker selects a target location in advance and ignores the goalkeeper's actions during the run-up, has been suggested to be the preferable strategy for taking a penalty kick. The current in-field experiment investigated the question of whether the goalkeeper can indeed be ignored. Ten intermediate-level football players were instructed to adopt a goalkeeper-independent strategy and to perform penalty kicks directed at one of two targets located in the upper corners of the goal under three conditions: without a goalkeeper, in the presence of a goalkeeper (who tried to save the ball), and in the presence of a goalkeeper who was informed by the penalty kickers where they intended to direct the ball. The mere presence of a goalkeeper impaired shot accuracy. The shots were more centralised, that is, biased toward the goalkeeper. The effects were enhanced for the condition in which the penalty kicker knew the goalkeeper was knowledgeable about ball direction. The findings were consistent with the response activation model that holds that aiming at a target can be biased toward salient visual non-targets. The implications for adopting and practising goalkeeper-independent strategies are discussed.
Time-resolved photoluminescence was employed to study electron-hole dynamics in radial heterostructured GaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs core/inner shell/outer shell nanowires. It was found that impurity random potential results in a red shift of the recombination time maximum with respect to the photoluminescence peak energy.
Spontaneous crossing over in males of Drosophila ananassae has been well demonstrated using F-1 individuals from crosses between marker stocks and wild type strains. However, the question of its occurrence in males from natural populations remained open. Here we present the cytological evidence that crossing over does occur in males of D. ananassae from two Brazilian populations, sampled nearly 21 years apart, and in two recently sampled populations, one from Indonesia and one from Okinawa, Japan. Cytological analysis of meiosis in males collected from nature and in sons of females from the same population inseminated in nature revealed the presence of chiasmata, inversion chiasmata, and isosite chromosome breakages in the diplotene cells in all sampled populations. These data demonstrate that reciprocal and nonreciprocal exchanges and chromosome breakages, previously reported as related events of male crossing over, do occur at variable frequencies among males from natural populations.