27 resultados para mammalian cell culture


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In the laboratory, Amblyomma cajennense (Acari: Ixodidae) (Fabricius) larvae, nymphs and adults were exposed to Rickettsia rickettsii by feeding on needle-inoculated animals, and thereafter reared on uninfected guinea pigs or rabbits. Regardless of the tick stage that acquired the infection, subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected (confirming transstadial and transovarial transmissions) and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected animals, as demonstrated by serological and molecular analyses. However, the larval, nymphal and adult stages of A. cajennense were shown to be partially refractory to R. rickettsii infection, as in all cases, only part of the ticks became infected by this agent, after being exposed to rickettsemic animals. In addition, less than 50% of the infected engorged females transmitted rickettsiae transovarially, and when they did so, only part of the offspring became infected, indicating that vertical transmission alone is not enough to maintain R. rickettsii in A. cajennense for multiple generations. Finally, the R. rickettsii-infected tick groups had lower reproductive performance than the uninfected control group. Our results indicate that A. cajennense have a low efficiency to maintain R. rickettsii for successive generations, as R. rickettsii-infection rates should decline drastically throughout the successive tick generations.


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Cytochemical localization of hydrogen peroxide-generating sites suggests NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 3-phosphate [ reduced form]) oxidase expression at the maternal-fetal interface. To explore this possibility, we have characterized the expression and activity of the NADPH oxidase complex in trophoblast cells during the postimplantation period. Implantation sites and ectoplacental cones (EPCs) from 7.5-gestational day embryos from CD1 mice were used as a source for expression analyses of NADPH oxidase catalytic and regulatory subunits. EPCs grown in primary culture were used to investigate the production of superoxide anion through dihydroxyethidium oxidation in confocal microscopy and immunohistochemical assays. NADPH subunits Cybb (gp91phox), Cyba (p22phox), Ncf4 (p40phox), Ncf1 (p47phox), Ncf2 (p67phox), and Rac1 were expressed by trophoblast cells. The fundamental subunits of membrane CYBB and cytosolic NCF2 were markedly upregulated after phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) treatment, as detected by quantitative real-time PCR, Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry. Fluorescence microscopy imaging showed colocalization of cytosolic and plasma membrane NADPH oxidase subunits mainly after PMA treatment, suggesting assembly of the complex after enzyme activation. Cultured EPCs produced superoxide in a NADPH-dependent manner, associating the NADPH oxidase-mediated superoxide production with postimplantation trophoblast physiology. NADPH-oxidase cDNA subunit sequencing showed a high degree of homology between the trophoblast and neutrophil isoforms of the oxidase, emphasizing a putative role for reactive oxygen species production in phagocytic activity and innate immune responses.


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During their evolution, animals have developed a set of cysteine-rich peptides capable of binding various extracellular sites of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC). Sea anemone toxins that target VGSCs delay their inactivation process, but little is known about their selectivities. Here we report the investigation of three native type 1 toxins (CGTX-II, delta-AITX-Bcg1a and delta-AITX-Bcg1b) purified from the venom of Bunodosoma cangicum. Both delta-AITX-Bcg1a and delta-AITX-Bcg1b toxins were fully sequenced. The three peptides were evaluated by patch-clamp technique among Nav1.1-1.7 isoforms expressed in mammalian cell lines, and their preferential targets are Na(v)1.5 > 1.6 > 1.1. We also evaluated the role of some supposedly critical residues in the toxins which would interact with the channels, and observed that some substitutions are not critical as expected. In addition, CGTX-II and delta-AITX-Bcg1a evoke different shifts in activation/inactivation Boltzmann curves in Nav1.1 and 1.6. Moreover, our results suggest that the interaction region between toxins and VGSCs is not restricted to the supposed site 3 (S3-54 linker of domain IV), and this may be a consequence of distinct surface of contact of each peptide vs. targeted channel. Our data suggest that the contact surfaces of each peptide may be related to their surface charges, as CGTX-II is more positive than delta-AITX-Bcg1a and delta-AITX-Bcg1b. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objective. This in vitro study evaluated the cytotoxic effects of the Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe (popular name: zedoary) fluid extract, as used in preparations for oral hygiene, mostly for anti-septic purposes. Materials and methods. The cell viability and cell growth were assessed by Trypan blue dye exclusion assay using the LMF cell line derived from oral mucosa. Cell viability (short-term assay) was measured 0, 6, 12 and 24 h after contact with the fluid extract. Cell growth (long-term assay) was analyzed in 1, 3, 5 and 7 days. The experimental groups were those testing the fluid extract obtained from the zedoary rhizome and the extractor liquid (ethanol 70 degrees GL) in the concentrations of 0.01-0.0001% v/v. Fresh DMEM were used in the control cultures. Results. Short-term assay-all studied cultures maintained stable cell viability; Long-term assay-there was progressive cell growth in all studied cultures. Conclusion. According to the results, the zedoary fluid extract presents low cytotoxicity and probably can be used in the oral hygiene products.


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Lima S.A.F., Wodewotzky T.I., Lima-Neto J.F., Beltrao-Braga P.C.B. & Alvarenga F.C.L. 2012. [In vitro differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells of dogs into osteogenic precursors.] Diferenciacao in vitro de celulas-tronco mesenquimais da medula ossea de caes em precursores osteogenicos. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(5):463-469. Departamento de Reproducao Animal e Radiologia Veterinaria, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubiao Junior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brazil. E-mail: silviavet@usp.br The aim of our research was to evaluate the potential for osteogenic differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells (MSC) obtained from dog bone marrow. The MSC were separated using the Ficoll method and cultured under two different conditions: DMEM low glucose or DMEM/F12, both containing L-glutamine, 20% of FBS and antibiotics. MSC markers were tested, confirming CD44+ and CD34- cells with flow cytometry. For osteogenic differentiation, cells were submitted to four different conditions: Group 1, same conditions used for primary cell culture with DMEM supplemented media; Group 2, same conditions of Group 1 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. Group 3, Cells cultured with supplemented DMEM/F12 media, and Group 4, same conditions as in Group 3 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. The cellular differentiation was confirmed using alizarin red and imunostaining with SP7/Osterix antibody. We observed by alizarin staining that calcium deposit was more evident in cells cultivated in DMEM/F12. Furthermore, by SP/7Osterix antibody immunostaining we obtained 1:6 positive cells when using DMEM/F12 compared with 1:12 for low-glucose DMEM. Based on our results, we conclude that the medium DMEM/F12 is more efficient for induction of differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in canine osteogenic progenitors. This effect is probably due to the greater amount of glucose in the medium and the presence of various amino acids.


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Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is usually a benign infection, except in the event of ocular, central nervous system (CNS), or congenital disease and particularly when the patient is immunocompromised. Treatment consists of drugs that frequently cause adverse effects; thus, newer, more effective drugs are needed. In this study, the possible activity of artesunate, a drug successfully being used for the treatment of malaria, on Toxoplasma gondii growth in cell culture is evaluated and compared with the action of drugs that are already being used against this parasite. Methods: LLC-MK2 cells were cultivated in RPMI medium, kept in disposable plastic bottles, and incubated at 36 degrees C with 5% CO2. Tachyzoites of the RH strain were used. The following drugs were tested: artesunate, cotrimoxazole, pentamidine, pyrimethamine, quinine, and trimethoprim. The effects of these drugs on tachyzoites and LLC-MK2 cells were analyzed using nonlinear regression analysis with Prism 3.0 software. Results: Artesunate showed a mean tachyzoite inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.075 mu M and an LLC MK2 toxicity of 2.003 mu M. Pyrimethamine was effective at an IC50 of 0.482 mu M and a toxicity of 11.178 mu M. Trimethoprim alone was effective against the in vitro parasite. Cotrimoxazole also was effective against the parasite but at higher concentrations than those observed for artesunate and pyrimethamine. Pentamidine and quinine had no inhibitory effect over tachyzoites. Conclusions: Artesunate is proven in vitro to be a useful alternative for the treatment of toxoplasmosis, implying a subsequent in vivo effect and suggesting the mechanism of this drug against the parasite.


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Fetal tissues are frequently discarded before (amniocentesis) or after birth, which both facilitates stem cell access and helps to overcome ethical concerns. In the present study, we aimed to isolate and characterize stem cells from the allantoic and amniotic fluids (ALF; AMF) of third trimester canine fetuses. This gestation age has not been previously explored for stem cells isolation. The gestational age, cell culture conditions and method of isolation used in this study allowed for the establishment and efficient expansion of ALF and AMF cells. We showed that the majority of ALF and ALF cells express the stem cell markers, such as vimentin, nestin and cytokeratin 18 (CK18). Under appropriate culture conditions AMF derived cells can undergo differentiation into osteogenic, adipogenic, chondrogenic and neuron-like lineages. ALF derived cells showed adipogenic, and chondrogenic potential. Therefore, ALF and AMF cells derived at the third gestation trimester can be qualified as progenitor stem cells, accordingly referred as (alantoic fluid progenitor/stem) ALF PS cells and (amniotic fluid progenitor/stem) AMF PS cells. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rubella virus (RV) infection during the early stages of pregnancy can lead to serious birth defects, known as the congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). In 2003, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) adopted a resolution calling for the elimination of rubella and the congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in the Americas by the year 2010. Brazil will have implemented the recommended PAHO strategy for elimination and interruption of endemic rubella virus transmission. The characterization of genotypes during the final stages of rubella elimination is important for determining whether new rubella isolates represent endemic transmission or importations. Samples (blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and throat swabs) collected from patients with symptoms suggestive of rubella infection in 19972004 were isolated in cell culture and genotyped. Twenty-eight sequences were analyzed and two genotypes were identified: 1a and 1G. The information reported in this paper will contribute to understanding the molecular epidemiology of RV in Sao Paulo, Brazil. J. Med. Virol. 84:18311838, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This study investigated the effect of pore size on osteoblastic phenotype development in cultures grown on porous titanium (Ti). Porous Ti discs with three different pore sizes, 312 mu m (Ti 312), 130 mu m (Ti 130) and 62 mu m (Ti 62) were fabricated using a powder metallurgy process. Osteoblastic cells obtained from human alveolar bone were cultured on porous Ti samples for periods of up to 14 days. Cell proliferation was affected by pore size at day 3 (p = 0.0010), day 7 (p = 0.0005) and day 10 (p = 0.0090) in the following way: Ti 62 < Ti 130 < Ti 312. Gene expression of bone markers evaluated at 14 days was affected, RUNX2 (p = 0.0153), ALP (p = 0.0153), BSP (p = 0.0156), COL (p = 0.0156), and OPN (p = 0.0156) by pore size as follows: Ti 312 < Ti 130 < Ti 62. Based on these results, the authors suggest that porous Ti surfaces with pore sizes near 62 mu m, compared with those of 312 mu m and 130 mu m, yield the highest expression of osteoblast phenotype as indicated by the lower cell proliferation rate and higher gene expression of bone markers.


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(NO)-N-center dot is considered to be a key macrophage-derived cytotoxic effector during Trypanosoma cruzi infection. On the other hand, the microbicidal properties of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are well recognized, but little importance has been attributed to them during in vivo infection with T. cruzi. In order to investigate the role of ROS in T. cruzi infection, mice deficient in NADPH phagocyte oxidase (gp91(phox-/-) or phox KO) were infected with Y strain of T. cruzi and the course of infection was followed. phox KO mice had similar parasitemia, similar tissue parasitism and similar levels of IFN-gamma and TNF in serum and spleen cell culture supernatants, when compared to wild-type controls. However, all phox KO mice succumbed to infection between day 15 and 21 after inoculation with the parasite, while 60% of wild-type mice were alive 50 days after infection. Further investigation demonstrated increased serum levels of nitrite and nitrate (NOx) at day 15 of infection in phox KO animals, associated with a drop in blood pressure. Treatment with a NOS2 inhibitor corrected the blood pressure, implicating NOS2 in this phenomenon. We postulate that superoxide reacts with (NO)-N-center dot in vivo, preventing blood pressure drops in wild type mice. Hence, whilst superoxide from phagocytes did not play a critical role in parasite control in the phox KO animals, its production would have an important protective effect against blood pressure decline during infection with T. cruzi.


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Rubella virus (RV) is an important human pathogen that causes rubella, an acute contagious disease. It also causes severe birth defects collectively known as congenital rubella syndrome when infection occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy. Here, we present the phylogenetic analysis of RV that circulated in Sao Paulo during the 20072008 outbreak. Samples collected from patients diagnosed with rubella were isolated in cell culture and sequenced. RV RNA was obtained from samples or RV-infected cell cultures and amplified by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Sequences were assigned to genotypes by phylogenetic analysis using RV reference sequences. Seventeen sequences were analyzed, and three genotypes were identified: 1a, 1G, and 2B. Genotypes 1a and 1G, which were isolated in 2007, were responsible for sporadic rubella cases in Sao Paulo. Thereafter, in late 2007, the epidemiological conditions changed, resulting in a large RV outbreak with the clear dominance of genotype 2B. The results of this study provide new approaches for monitoring the progress of elimination of rubella from Sao Paulo, Brazil. J. Med. Virol. 84:16661671, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential application of biodegradable nanoparticles containing a photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy. The poly (D,L lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles were studied by steady-state techniques, time-resolved fluorescence, and laser flash photolysis. The external morphology of the nanoparticles was established by scanning electron microscopy, and the biological activity was evaluated by in vitro cell culture by 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2,5 biphenyl) tetrazolium bromide assay. The particles were spherical in shape exhibiting a 435 nm diameter with a low tendency to aggregate. The loading efficiency was 77%. The phthalocyanine-loaded-nanoparticles maintained their photophysical behavior after encapsulation. The cellular viability was determined, obtaining 70% of cellular death. All the performed physical-chemical, photophysical, and photobiological measurements indicated that the phthalocyanine-loaded-nanoparticles are a promising drug delivery system for photodynamic therapy and photoprocesses. (C) 2012 Laser Institute of America.