20 resultados para VHDL, FPGA, Ethernet, High Throughput Screening


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Schistosoma mansoni is one of the agents of schistosomiasis, a chronic and debilitating disease. Here we, present a transcriptome-wide characterization of adult S. mansoni males by high-throughput RNA-sequencing. We obtained 1,620,432 high-quality ESTs from a directional strand-specific cDNA library, resulting in a 26% higher coverage of genome bases than that of the public ESTs available at NCBI. With a 15 x-deep coverage of transcribed genomic regions, our data were able to (i) confirm for the first time 990 predictions without previous evidence of transcription; (ii) correct gene predictions; (iii) discover 989 and 1196 RNA-seq contigs that map to intergenic and intronic genomic regions, respectively, where no gene had been predicted before. These contigs could represent new protein-coding genes or non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). Interestingly, we identified 11 novel Micro-exon genes (MEGs). These data reveal new features of the S. mansoni transcriptional landscape and significantly advance our understanding of the parasite transcriptome. (c) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Carr-Purcell pulse sequence, with low refocusing flip angle, produces echoes midway between refocusing pulses that decay to a minimum value dependent on T*(2). When the refocusing flip angle was pi/2 (CP90) and tau > T*(2), the signal after the minimum value, increased to reach a steady-state free precession regime (SSFP), composed of a free induction decay signal after each pulse and an echo, before the next pulse. When tau < T*(2), the signal increased from the minimum value to the steady-state regime with a time constant (T*) = 2T(1)T(2)/(T-1 + T-2). identical to the time constant observed in the SSFP sequence, known as the continuous wave free precession (CWFP). The steady-state amplitude obtained with M-cp90 = M0T2/(T-1+T-2) was identical to CWFP. Therefore, this sequence was named CP-CWFP because it is a Carr-Purcell sequence that produces results similar to the CWFP. However, CP-CWFP is a better sequence for measuring the longitudinal and transverse relaxation times in single scan, when the sample exhibits T-1 similar to T-2. Therefore, this sequence can be a useful method in time domain NMR and can be widely used in the agriculture, food and petrochemical industries because those samples tend to have similar relaxation times in low magnetic fields. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Transcript enumeration methods such as SAGE, MPSS, and sequencing-by-synthesis EST "digital northern", are important high-throughput techniques for digital gene expression measurement. As other counting or voting processes, these measurements constitute compositional data exhibiting properties particular to the simplex space where the summation of the components is constrained. These properties are not present on regular Euclidean spaces, on which hybridization-based microarray data is often modeled. Therefore, pattern recognition methods commonly used for microarray data analysis may be non-informative for the data generated by transcript enumeration techniques since they ignore certain fundamental properties of this space. Results Here we present a software tool, Simcluster, designed to perform clustering analysis for data on the simplex space. We present Simcluster as a stand-alone command-line C package and as a user-friendly on-line tool. Both versions are available at: http://xerad.systemsbiology.net/simcluster. Conclusion Simcluster is designed in accordance with a well-established mathematical framework for compositional data analysis, which provides principled procedures for dealing with the simplex space, and is thus applicable in a number of contexts, including enumeration-based gene expression data.


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Abstract Background Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of clonal hematological disorders characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis with morphological evidence of marrow cell dysplasia resulting in peripheral blood cytopenia. Microarray technology has permitted a refined high-throughput mapping of the transcriptional activity in the human genome. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) transcribed from intronic regions of genes are involved in a number of processes related to post-transcriptional control of gene expression, and in the regulation of exon-skipping and intron retention. Characterization of ncRNAs in progenitor cells and stromal cells of MDS patients could be strategic for understanding gene expression regulation in this disease. Methods In this study, gene expression profiles of CD34+ cells of 4 patients with MDS of refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS) subgroup and stromal cells of 3 patients with MDS-RARS were compared with healthy individuals using 44 k combined intron-exon oligoarrays, which included probes for exons of protein-coding genes, and for non-coding RNAs transcribed from intronic regions in either the sense or antisense strands. Real-time RT-PCR was performed to confirm the expression levels of selected transcripts. Results In CD34+ cells of MDS-RARS patients, 216 genes were significantly differentially expressed (q-value ≤ 0.01) in comparison to healthy individuals, of which 65 (30%) were non-coding transcripts. In stromal cells of MDS-RARS, 12 genes were significantly differentially expressed (q-value ≤ 0.05) in comparison to healthy individuals, of which 3 (25%) were non-coding transcripts. Conclusions These results demonstrated, for the first time, the differential ncRNA expression profile between MDS-RARS and healthy individuals, in CD34+ cells and stromal cells, suggesting that ncRNAs may play an important role during the development of myelodysplastic syndromes.


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Rickettsia rickettsii is an obligate intracellular tick-borne bacterium that causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), the most lethal spotted fever rickettsiosis. When an infected starving tick begins blood feeding from a vertebrate host, R. rickettsii is exposed to a temperature elevation and to components in the blood meal. These two environmental stimuli have been previously associated with the reactivation of rickettsial virulence in ticks, but the factors responsible for this phenotype conversion have not been completely elucidated. Using customized oligonucleotide microarrays and high-throughput microfluidic qRT-PCR, we analyzed the effects of a 10 degrees C temperature elevation and of a blood meal on the transcriptional profile of R. rickettsii infecting the tick Amblyomma aureolatum. This is the first study of the transcriptome of a bacterium in the genus Rickettsia infecting a natural tick vector. Although both stimuli significantly increased bacterial load, blood feeding had a greater effect, modulating five-fold more genes than the temperature upshift. Certain components of the Type IV Secretion System (T4SS) were up-regulated by blood feeding. This suggests that this important bacterial transport system may be utilized to secrete effectors during the tick vector's blood meal. Blood feeding also up-regulated the expression of antioxidant enzymes, which might correspond to an attempt by R. rickettsii to protect itself against the deleterious effects of free radicals produced by fed ticks. The modulated genes identified in this study, including those encoding hypothetical proteins, require further functional analysis and may have potential as future targets for vaccine development.