35 resultados para PRIMARY-CELL WALLS


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The effects of a moderate electrical stimulation on superoxide and nitric oxide production by primary cultured skeletal muscle cells were evaluated. The involvement of the main sites of these reactive species production and the relationship between superoxide and nitric oxide production were also examined. Production of superoxide was evaluated by cytochrome c reduction and dihydroethidium oxidation assays. Electrical stimulation increased superoxide production after 1?h incubation. A xanthine oxidase inhibitor caused a partial decrease of superoxide generation and a significant amount of mitochondria-derived superoxide was also observed. Nitric oxide production was assessed by nitrite measurement and by using 4,5-diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF-2-DA) assay. Using both methods an increased production of nitric oxide was obtained after electrical stimulation, which was also able to induce an increase of iNOS content and NF-?B activation. The participation of superoxide in nitric oxide production was investigated by incubating cells with DAF-2-DA in the presence or absence of electrical stimulation, a superoxide generator system (xanthinexanthine oxidase), a mixture of NOS inhibitors and SOD-PEG. Our data show that the induction of muscle contraction by a moderate electrical stimulation protocol led to an increased nitric oxide production that can be controlled by superoxide generation. The cross talk between these reactive species likely plays a role in exercise-induced maintenance and adaptation by regulating muscular glucose metabolism, force of contraction, fatigue, and antioxidant systems activities. J. Cell. Physiol. 227: 25112518, 2012. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) apoptosis is central to the successful resolution of inflammation. Since Somatic Cell Count (SCC) is an indicator of the mammary gland's immune status, this study sought to clarify the influence that these factors have on each other and on the evolution of the inflammatory process. Milk samples were stained with annexin-V, propidium iodide (PI), primary antibody anti-CH138A. Negative correlation between SCC and PMNL apoptosis was found, and a statistical difference between high SCC group and low SCC group was observed concerning the rate of viable PMNL, apoptotic PMNL, necrotic PMNL and necrotic and/or apoptotic PMNL. Overall, the high cellularity group presented lower proportions of CH138+ cells undergoing apoptosis and higher proportions of viable and necrotic CH138+ cells. Thus, it can be concluded that PMNL apoptosis and SCC are related factors, and that in high SCC, milk apoptosis is delayed. Although there is a greater amount of active phagocytes in this situation, apoptosis' anti-inflammatory effects are decreased, while necrosis' pro-inflammatory effects are increased, which can contribute to chronic inflammation.


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BACKGROUND: The relationship between predictive proteins and tumors presenting cancer stem cells (CSCs) profiles in oral tumors is still poorly understood. This study aims to identify the relationship between topoisomerases I, II alpha, and III alpha and putative CSCs immunophenotype in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and determine its influence on prognosis. METHODS: The following data were retrieved from 127 patients: age, gender, primary anatomic site, smoking and alcohol intake, recurrence, metastases, histologic classification, treatment, and survival. An immunohistochemical study for topoisomerases I, II alpha, and III alpha was performed in a tissue microarray containing 127 paraffin blocks of OSCCs. RESULTS: In univariate analysis, topoisomerases expression showed significant differences according to CSCs profiles and p53 immunoexpression, but not with survival. Topoisomerases II alpha and III alpha also showed significant relationship with lymph node metastasis. The multivariate test confirmed these associations. CONCLUSIONS: The results that all topoisomerases correlates with OSCC CSCs may indicate a role for topoisomerases in head and neck carcinogenesis. Notwithstanding, it is plausible that other members of topoisomerases family could represent novel therapeutical targets in oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 762-768


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Background. Previous knowledge of cervical lymph node compromise may be crucial to choose the best treatment strategy in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Here we propose a set four genes, whose mRNA expression in the primary tumor predicts nodal status in OSCC, excluding tongue. Material and methods. We identified differentially expressed genes in OSCC with and without compromised lymph nodes using Differential Display RT-PCR. Known genes were chosen to be validated by means of Northern blotting or real time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). Thereafter we constructed a Nodal Index (NI) using discriminant analysis in a learning set of 35 patients, which was further validated in a second independent group of 20 patients. Results. Of the 63 differentially expressed known genes identified comparing three lymph node positive (pN+) and three negative (pN0) primary tumors, 23 were analyzed by Northern analysis or RT-PCR in 49 primary tumors. Six genes confirmed as differentially expressed were used to construct a NI, as the best set predictive of lymph nodal status, with the final result including four genes. The NI was able to correctly classify 32 of 35 patients comprising the learning group (88.6%; p = 0.009). Casein kinase 1alpha1 and scavenger receptor class B, member 2 were found to be up regulated in pN + group in contrast to small proline-rich protein 2B and Ras-GTPase activating protein SH3 domain-binding protein 2 which were upregulated in the pN0 group. We validated further our NI in an independent set of 20 primary tumors, 11 of them pN0 and nine pN+ with an accuracy of 80.0% (p = 0.012). Conclusions. The NI was an independent predictor of compromised lymph nodes, taking into the consideration tumor size and histological grade. The genes identified here that integrate our "Nodal Index" model are predictive of lymph node metastasis in OSCC.


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B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (Bmi-1) is a Polycomb group protein that is able to induce telomerase activity, enabling the immortalization of epithelial cells. Immortalized cells are more susceptible to double-strand breaks (DSB), which are subsequently repaired by homologous recombination (HR). BRCA1 is among the HR regulatory genes involved in the response to DNA damage associated with the RAD51 protein, which accumulates in DNA damage foci after signaling H2AX, another important marker of DNA damage. Topoisomerase III beta (topoIII beta) removes HR intermediates before chromosomal segregation, preventing damage to cellular DNA structure. In breast carcinomas positive for BMI-1 the role of proteins involved in HR remains to be investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between BMI-1 and homologous recombination proteins. Using tissue microarrays containing 239 cases of primary breast tumors, the expression of Bmi-1, BRCA-1, H2AX, Rad51, p53, Ki-67, topoIII beta, estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR), and HER-2 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. We observed high Bmi-1 expression in 66 cases (27.6%). Immunohistochemical overexpression of BMI-1 was related to ER (p=0.004), PR (p<0.001), Ki-67 (p<0.001), p53 (p=0.003), BRCA1 (p=0.003), H2AX (p=0.024) and topoIII beta (p<0,001). Our results show a relationship between the expression of BMI-1 and HR regulatory genes, suggesting that Bmi-1 overexpression might be an important event in HR regulation. However, further studies are necessary to understand the mechanisms in which Bmi-1 could regulate HR pathways in invasive ductal breast carcinomas.


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BACKGROUND: Oral cancer overexpressed 1 (ORAOV1) was found as a candidate oncogene in the 11q13 chromosomal region, based on its amplification and overexpression in oral cancer cell lines. Because gene amplification often leads to increased levels of gene expression, we aimed to verify the relationship between ORAOV1 gene status and mRNA expression primarily in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) by quantitative assay, correlating with clinical and pathological characteristics in patients. METHODS: Levels of ORAOV1 amplification and expression were evaluated by qPCR and RT-qPCR in OSCC cell lines and in tumor and non-tumoral surgical margins from 33 patients with OSCC. All subjects were smokers and habitual alcohol drinkers, mostly men above 40 years of age and with a single primary tumor. RESULTS: ORAOV1 exhibited increased gene expression levels as well as higher copy number in three OSCC cell lines with 11q13 amplified chromosomal region when compared with the OSCC cell line without the amplification (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.05). Weak correlation between ORAOV1 mRNA levels and DNA copy number was seen in tumor samples (Spearman, P = 0.07). Although ORAOV1 was amplified in tumor (Wilcoxon, P < 0.01), high levels of transcripts in margin did not reveal differences in comparison with tumor (Wilcoxon, P = 0.85). Aggressiveness and survival rate did not demonstrate statistical difference for both events in OSCC. CONCLUSION: The overexpression of ORAOV1 in non-tumoral margin samples can occur in the absence of amplification. The weak correlation between ORAOV1 amplification and expression in OSSC suggests that ORAOV1 expression can be regulated by mechanisms other than gene amplification. J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 5460


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Larval tissues undergo programmed cell death (PCD) during Drosophila metamorphosis. PCD is triggered in a stage and tissue-specific fashion in response to ecdysone pulses. The understanding of how ecdysone induces the stage and tissue-specificity of cell death remains obscure. Several steroid-regulated primary response genes have been shown to act as key regulators of cellular responses to ecdysone by inducing a cascade of transcriptional regulation of late responsive genes. In this article, the authors identify Fhos as a gene that is required for Drosophila larval salivary gland destruction. Animals with a P-element mutation in Fhos possess persistent larval salivary glands, and precise excisions of this P-element insertion resulted in reversion of this salivary gland mutant phenotype. Fhos encodes the Drosophila homolog of mammalian Formin Fhos. Fhos is differentially transcribed during development and responds to ecdysone in a method that is similar to other cell death genes. Similarly to what has been shown for its mammalian counterpart, FHOS protein is translocated to the nucleus at later stages of cell death. Fhos mutants posses disrupted actin cytoskeleton dynamics in persistent salivary glands. Together, our data indicate that Fhos is a new ecdysone-regulated gene that is crucial for changes in the actin cytoskeleton during salivary gland elimination in Drosophila. genesis 50:672684, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The DOK1 gene is a putative tumour suppressor gene located on the human chromosome 2p13 which is frequently rearranged in leukaemia and other human tumours. We previously reported that the DOK1 gene can be mutated and its expression down-regulated in human malignancies. However, the mechanism underlying DOK1 silencing remains largely unknown. We show here that unscheduled silencing of DOK1 expression through aberrant hypermethylation is a frequent event in a variety of human malignancies. DOK1 was found to be silenced in nine head and neck cancer (HNC) cell lines studied and DOK1 CpG hypermethylation correlated with loss of gene expression in these cells. DOK1 expression could be restored via demethylating treatment using 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine. In addition, transduction of cancer cell lines with DOK1 impaired their proliferation, consistent with the critical role of epigenetic silencing of DOK1 in the development and maintenance of malignant cells. We further observed that DOK1 hypermethylation occurs frequently in a variety of primary human neoplasm including solid tumours (93% in HNC, 81% in lung cancer) and haematopoietic malignancy (64% in Burkitt's lymphoma). Control blood samples and exfoliated mouth epithelial cells from healthy individuals showed a low level of DOK1 methylation, suggesting that DOK1 hypermethylation is a tumour specific event. Finally, an inverse correlation was observed between the level of DOK1 gene methylation and its expression in tumour and adjacent non tumour tissues. Thus, hypermethylation of DOK1 is a potentially critical event in human carcinogenesis, and may be a potential cancer biomarker and an attractive target for epigenetic-based therapy.


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Background: In the feline species, 80% to 93% of neoplasias in the mammary gland are malignant, being the majority carcinomas. Among them, there is the mammary squamous cell carcinoma, which amounts to a very rare neoplasm in the domestic cat, with considerable potential for malignancy. This study aimed to report a case of squamous cell mammary carcinoma in the feline species. Case: A female cat, mixed breed, ten years old, presented history of skin lesion. The cat had been spayed two years before, but with previous administration of contraceptives. At the physical examination, it was observed ulcer between the caudal abdominal mammary glands. The occurrence of skin or mammary neoplasia was conceived. The following complementary tests were requested: complete blood count, serum biochemical profile (renal and hepatic), chest radiographs, abdominal ultrasound, and incisional biopsy of the ulcerated region periphery, followed by classic histopathology. The lesion histopathology was compatible with squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland. Due to such a diagnosis, bilateral mastectomy was recommended. The material obtained during the surgical procedure was sent for anatomopathological analysis. Microscopically, surgical margins infiltration and a regional lymph node were verified. The owner was advised of the need for complementary therapies and medical monitoring of the cat. However, there was no return. It is noteworthy that the animal's physical and laboratory examinations showed no neoplasia in other regions, being the squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland considered primary. Discussion: The malignant mammary neoplasia genesis in feline species, in general, seems to be related to steroid hormones. The ovariectomized females are less likely to develop the disease when compared to intact cats, but there is no protective effect of surgery on those spayed after two years of age regarding the appearance of the neoplasia. Thus, at the time the reported patient was ovariectomized, this effect no longer occurred. The synthetic progestins regularly used to prevent estrus increase by three times the risk of breast carcinomas onset. In humans, there is no clear definition of the etiology and pathogenesis of mammary squamous cell carcinoma. However, it has been suggested its association with extreme forms of squamous metaplasia present in pre-existing mammary adenocarcinoma, besides cysts, chronic inflammations, abscesses and mammary gland adenofibromas. In a hypothetical way, this etiology could also be related to the feline mammary carcinoma, although, for the case at issue, the exogenous and endogenous hormonal influence should not be excluded. It has been reported that mammary squamous cell carcinomas in cats are classified in grades II and III (ie, moderately and poorly differentiated, respectively). Thus, they are considered tumors with more unfavorable prognosis. However, the monitoring of the clinical course, in order to evaluate possible recurrence of the neoplasia and metastases to distant sites, was not possible as the animal under discussion did not return. The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common skin tumor in feline species, despite the primary location in the mammary gland. It is, therefore, important to differentiate squamous cell carcinoma originated in the breast from histological types derived from skin. The description of this special and rare feline mammary carcinoma is important due to its particular characteristics and potential for malignancy.


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Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and occurs mainly in the cerebellum. Important intracellular signaling molecules, such those present in the Sonic Hedgehog and Wnt pathways, are involved in its development and can also be employed to determine tumor grade and prognosis. Ectonucleotidases, particularly ecto-5'NT/CD73, are important enzymes in the malignant process of different tumor types regulating extracellular ATP and adenosine levels. Here, we investigated the activity of ectonucleotidases in three malignant human cell lines: Daoy and ONS76, being representative of primary MB, and the D283 cell line, derived from a metastatic MB. All cell lines secreted ATP into the extracellular medium while hydrolyze poorly this nucleotide, which is in agreement with the low expression and activity of pyrophosphate/phosphodiesterase, NTPDases and alkaline phosphatase. The analysis of AMP hydrolysis showed that Daoy and ONS76 completely hydrolyzed AMP, with parallel adenosine production (Daoy) and inosine accumulation (ONS76). On the other hand, D283 cell line did not hydrolyze AMP. Moreover, primary MB tumor cells, Daoy and ONS76 express the ecto-5'NT/CD73 while D283 representative of a metastatic tumor, revealed poor expression of this enzyme, while the ecto-adenosine deaminase showed higher expression in D283 compared to Daoy and ONS76 cells. Nuclear beta-catenin has been suggested as a marker for MB prognosis. Further it can promotes expression of ecto-5'NT/CD73 and suppression of adenosine deaminase. It was observed that Daoy and ONS76 showed greater nuclear beta-catenin immunoreactivity than D283, which presented mainly cytoplasmic immunoreactivity. In summary, the absence of ecto-5'NT/CD73 in the D283 cell line, a metastatic MB phenotype, suggests that high expression levels of this ectonucleotidase could be correlated with a poor prognosis in patients with MB.


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Aberrant expression of stem cell-related genes in tumors may confer more primitive and aggressive traits affecting clinical outcome. Here, we investigated expression and prognostic value of the neural stem cell marker CD133, as well as of the pluripotency genes LIN28 and OCT4 in 37 samples of pediatric medulloblastoma, the most common and challenging type of embryonal tumor. While most medulloblastoma samples expressed CD133 and LIN28, OCT4 expression was found to be more sporadic, with detectable levels occurring in 48% of tumors. Expression levels of OCT4, but not CD133 or LIN28, were significantly correlated with shorter survival (P <= 0.0001). Median survival time of patients with tumors hyperexpressing OCT4 and tumors displaying low/undetectable OCT4 expression were 6 and 153 months, respectively. More importantly, when patients were clinically stratified according to their risk of tumor recurrence, positive OCT4 expression in primary tumor specimens could discriminate patients classified as average risk but which further deceased within 5 years of diagnosis (median survival time of 28 months), a poor clinical outcome typical of high risk patients. Our findings reveal a previously unknown prognostic value for OCT4 expression status in medulloblastoma, which might be used as a further indicator of poor survival and aid postoperative treatment selection, with a particular potential benefit for clinically average risk patients.


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This study shows that MP-1, a peptide from the venom of the Polybia paulista wasp, is more toxic to human leukemic T-lymphocytes than to human primary lymphocytes. By using model membranes and electrophysiology measurements to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying this selective action, the porelike activity of MP-1 was identified with several bilayer compositions. The highest average conductance was found in bilayers formed by phosphatidylcholine or a mixture of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine (70:30). The presence of cholesterol or cardiolipin substantially decreases the MP-1 pore activity, suggesting that the membrane fluidity influences the mechanism of selective toxicity. The determination of partition coefficients from the anisotropy of Tip indicated higher coefficients for the anionic bilayers. The partition coefficients were found to be 1 order of magnitude smaller when the bilayers contain cholesterol or a mixture of cholesterol and sphingomyelin. The blue shift fluorescence, anisotropy values, and Stern-Volmer constants are indications of a deeper penetration of MP-1 into anionic bilayers than into zwitterionic bilayers. Our results indicate that MP-1 prefers to target leukemic cell membranes, and its toxicity is probably related to the induction of necrosis and not to DNA fragmentation. This mode of action can be interpreted considering a number of bilayer properties like fluidity, lipid charge, and domain formation. Cholesterol-containing bilayers are less fluid and less charged and have a tendency to form domains. In comparison to healthy cells, leukemic T-lymphocyte membranes are deprived of this lipid, resulting in decreased peptide binding and lower conductance. We showed that the higher content of anionic lipids increases the level of binding of the peptide to bilayers. Additionally, the absence of cholesterol resulted in enhanced pore activity. These findings may drive the selective toxicity of MP-1 to Jurkat cells.


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Abstract Background To test if the expression of Smad1-8 mRNAs were predictive of survival in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Patients and Methods We analyzed, prospectively, the expression of Smad1-8, by means of Ribonuclease Protection Assay in 48 primary, operable, oral SCC. In addition, 21 larynx, 10 oropharynx and 4 hypopharynx SCC and 65 matched adjacent mucosa, available for study, were also included. For survival analysis, patients were categorized as positive or negative for each Smad, according to median mRNA expression. We also performed real-time quantitative PCR (QRTPCR) to asses the pattern of TGFβ1, TGFβ2, TGFβ3 in oral SCC. Results Our results showed that Smad2 and Smad6 mRNA expression were both associated with survival in Oral SCC patients. Cox Multivariate analysis revealed that Smad6 positivity and Smad2 negativity were both predictive of good prognosis for oral SCC patients, independent of lymph nodal status (P = 0.003 and P = 0.029, respectively). In addition, simultaneously Smad2- and Smad6+ oral SCC group of patients did not reach median overall survival (mOS) whereas the mOS of Smad2+/Smad6- subgroup was 11.6 months (P = 0.004, univariate analysis). Regarding to TGFβ isoforms, we found that Smad2 mRNA and TGFβ1 mRNA were inversely correlated (p = 0.05, R = -0.33), and that seven of the eight TGFβ1+ patients were Smad2-. In larynx SCC, Smad7- patients did not reach mOS whereas mOS of Smad7+ patients were only 7.0 months (P = 0.04). No other correlations were found among Smad expression, clinico-pathological characteristics and survival in oral, larynx, hypopharynx, oropharynx or the entire head and neck SCC population. Conclusion Smad6 together with Smad2 may be prognostic factors, independent of nodal status in oral SCC after curative resection. The underlying mechanism which involves aberrant TGFβ signaling should be better clarified in the future.


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Abstract Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of death in the world. Current treatments have not been able to reverse this scenario, creating the need for the development of new therapies. Cell therapies have emerged as an alternative for cardiac diseases of distinct causes in experimental animal studies and more recently in clinical trials. Method/Design: We have designed clinical trials to test for the efficacy of autologous bone marrow derived mononuclear cell therapies in four different cardiopathies: acute and chronic ischemic heart disease, and Chagasic and dilated cardiomyopathy. All trials are multicenter, randomized, double-blind and placebo controlled. In each trial 300 patients will be enrolled and receive optimized therapy for their specific condition. Additionally, half of the patients will receive the autologous bone marrow cells while the other half will receive placebo (saline with 5% autologous serum). For each trial there are specific inclusion and exclusion criteria and the method for cell delivery is intramyocardial for the chronic ischemic heart disease and intracoronary for all others. Primary endpoint for all studies will be the difference in ejection fraction (determined by Simpson's rule) six and twelve months after intervention in relation to the basal ejection fraction. The main hypothesis of this study is that the patients who receive the autologous bone-marrow stem cell implant will have after a 6 month follow-up a mean increase of 5% in absolute left ventricular ejection fraction in comparison with the control group. Discussion: Many phase I clinical trials using cell therapy for cardiac diseases have already been performed. The few randomized studies have yielded conflicting results, rendering necessary larger well controlled trials to test for efficacy of cell therapies in cardiopathies. The trials registration numbers at the NIH registry are the following: Chagasic cardiomyopathy (NCT00349271), dilated cardiomyopathy (NCT00333827), acute myocardial infarction (NCT00350766) and Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease (NCT00362388).


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and CD31/microvascular density in squamous cell carcinomas of the floor of the mouth and to correlate the results with demographic, survival, clinical (TNM staging) and histopathological variables (tumor grade, perineural invasion, embolization and bone invasion). Data from medical records and diagnoses of 41 patients were reviewed. Histological sections were subjected to immunostaining using primary antibodies for human MMP-2, MMP-9 and CD31 and streptavidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase system. Histomorphometric analyses quantified positivity for MMPs (20 fields per slide, 100?points grade, ×200) and for CD31 (microvessels <50?µm in the area of the highest vascularization, 5 fields per slide, 100?points grade, ×400). Statistical design was composed by non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test (investigating the association between numerical variables and immunostainings), chi-square frequency test (in contingency tables), Fisher's exact test (when at least one expected frequency was less than 5 in 2×2 tables), Kaplan-Meier method (estimated probabilities of overall survival) and Iogrank test (comparison of survival curves), all with a significance level of 5%. There was a statistically significant correlation between immunostaining for MMP-2 and lymph node metastasis. Factors associated negatively with survival were N stage, histopathological grade, perineural invasion and immunostaining for MMP-9. There was no significant association between immunoexpression of CD31 and the other variables. The intensity of immunostaining for MMP-2 can be indicative of metastasis in lymph nodes and for MMP-9 of a lower probability of survival