107 resultados para Otorhinolaryngology


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Synechia is the most frequent complication after sinus surgery and has been reported in up to 36% of cases. Several types of materials have been used to reduce the incidence of synechia, including Mitomycin C (MMC). Objective: This prospective study aimed to assess the effectiveness of topical MMC in the prevention of synechia after sinus surgery in humans. Methods: At the end of surgery, MMC solution (1.0 mg/ml) was topically applied randomly to one of the middle meatuses (MMC group) of 14 patients while saline solution was applied to the contralateral meatus (control group). The author remained blind to the medicated side. Synechiae were classified as partial or total. Results: Three patients had middle meatus synechia in the MMC group (21.43%) versus nine (64.29%) in the control group (p = 0.054). In the MMC group, all three middle meatus synechia were partial, while in the control group there were four partial (28.57%) and five total (35.71%) cases of synechia (p = 0.025). Conclusions: Mitomycin C was not effective in preventing middle meatus synechia, but reduced the probability of total synechia formation.


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Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is a rare benign vascular tumor of the nasopharynx. Although the treatment of choice is surgery, there is no consensus on what is the best approach. Aim: To compare surgical time and intraoperative transfusion requirements in patients undergoing endoscopic surgery versus open / combined and relate the need for transfusion during surgery with the time between embolization and surgery. Material and Methods: Study descriptive, analytical, retrospective study with a quantitative approach developed in the Otorhinolaryngology department of a teaching hospital. Analyzed 37 patients with angiofibroma undergoing surgical treatment. Data obtained from medical records. Analyzed with tests of the Fisher-Freeman-Halton and Games-Howell. Was considered significant if p <0.05. Study design: Historical cohort study with cross-sectional. Results: The endoscopic approach had a shorter operative time (p <0.0001). There is less need for transfusion during surgery when the embolization was performed on the fourth day. Conclusion: This suggests that the period ahead would be ideal to perform the process of embolization and endoscopic surgery by demanding less time would be associated with a lower morbidity. This study, however, failed to show which group of patients according to tumor stage would benefit from specific technical.


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Background Chyle fistulas may occur after left neck dissections that include level IV, due to injury of the thoracic duct or of 1 of its major branches. Despite being unusual, this complication carries substantial postoperative morbidity and even mortality. So far, no effective intraoperative maneuver has been reported to detect this fistula at the end of a neck dissection. In this cohort study, we sought to describe a simple new maneuver, intraoperative abdominal compression, which can effectively help to identify an open major lymphatic duct on level IV at the end of a neck dissection. Patients and Methods From March 1989 to September 2010, 206 patients underwent neck dissections involving left level IV, and underwent intraoperative abdominal compression. There were 119 men and 87 women, with ages ranging from 18 to 81 years (median, 52 years). One hundred forty-four patients had squamous cell carcinomas, 54 had thyroid carcinomas, 5 had malignant melanomas, and 3 had salivary cancers. Distribution by type of left neck dissection was: selective including levels II, III, and IV (73 cases; 35.4%), selective including levels II, III, IV, and V (55 cases; 26.6%), selective including levels I, II, III, and IV (12 cases; 5.8%), modified radical (47 cases; 22.8%), and radical (19 cases; 9.2%). In all cases, at the end of the procedure, the endotracheal tube was temporarily disconnected from the ventilator. Keeping the dissected level IV area under clear visualization, an abdominal compression was performed. At this moment, any detected lymphatic leak was carefully clamped and tied with nonabsorbable sutures. After ventilating the patient, the intraoperative abdominal compression was repeated to reassure complete occlusion of the lymphatic vessel. Results In 13 cases (6.3%), a chyle leak was detected after performing the intraoperative abdominal compression. All leaks except for 2 were successfully controlled after 1 attempt. In these 2 patients, a patch of muscle and fat tissue was applied with fibrin glue on the top. In 1 of these patients, another chyle leak in a different location was detected only at the second intraoperative abdominal compression, and was also effectively closed. Postoperatively, there were 2 (1%) chyle fistulas, both among these 13 cases, and all were successfully managed with clinical measures only. No fistulas occurred among the remaining 193 patients in whom intraoperative abdominal compression did not demonstrate lymphatic leak. Conclusion To our knowledge, this is the first description of a specific maneuver to actively detect a lymphatic fistula at the end of a left neck dissection involving level IV. In this study, intraoperative abdominal compression was able to detect an open lymphatic vessel in 6.3% of the cases, as well as to assure its effective sealing in the remaining 93.7% of the patients. Moreover, no life-threatening high-volume fistula was noted in this study. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2012


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Introduction: Studies designed to investigate chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) epidemiology play an important role to assess population's distribution and risk factors to result in the development and promotion of public health policies. Method: This study design is a survey carried out with a complex two-stage cluster sampling plan. Personal interviews were carried out with 2,003 individuals. The questionnaire included the epidemiological criteria for CRS. Demographic data, history of physician-diagnosed respiratory diseases (asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis), smoking, family income, educational attainment, and household characteristics were also evaluated. Results: The overall response rate was 93.9% of the households. Mean age was 39.8 +/- 21 years; 45.33% were male. The overall prevalence of CRS in the city of Sao Paulo was 5.51%. We found a significant association between diagnosis of CRS and diagnosis of asthma and CRS and diagnosis of rhinitis and a significant association between presence of CRS and belonging to the low-income subgroup. Conclusion: The municipality of Sao Paulo has an urban population of 11 million. According to the present study, the prevalence of CRS is 5.51%, which represents more than 500,000 individuals affected by this condition in the city.


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Arthritis may affect the larynx and produce symptoms such as hoarseness and vocal fatigue. Objective: This paper aimed to evaluate the laryngeal manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: This is prospective study assessed 27 patients with rheumatoid arthritis with the aid of videolaryngostroboscopy, auditory-perceptual analysis of the speech using the GIRBAS scale, acoustic analysis and the Voice Handicap Index questionnaire. Results: Nineteen patients had laryngeal complaints, the main ones being intermittent dysphonia and sensation of a foreign body in the throat. The most frequent laryngoscopical finding was overlapping arytenoids. Three patients had low pitch, nine patients had mild dysphonia and roughness. Median acoustic measures were: F0, 198.39 Hz; Jitter, 0.815; Shimmer, 4.915; and NHR, 0.144. Regarding the Voice Handicap Index, the median score was zero in all domains. There was a statistically significant correlation between voice complaints and the domains of this index. Functional classes were significantly correlated to: overlapping arytenoids (p = 0.001), PPQ (p = 0.0257), Shimmer (p = 0.0295), APQ (p = 0.0195), and the VHI physical (p = 0.0227) and total domains (p = 0.0425). Conclusion: Laryngeal complaints were reported by 70.4% of the patients and laryngoscopical alterations were observed in 48% of the subjects. Voice acoustic evaluation and self-perception were altered.


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Background Tumor markers are genes or their products expressed exclusively or preferentially in tumor cells and cancer-testis antigens (CTAs) form a group of genes with a typical expression pattern expressed in a variety of malignant neoplasms. CTAs are considered potential targets for cancer vaccines. It is possible that the CTA MAGE-A4 (melanoma antigen) and MAGE-C1 are expressed in carcinoma of the oral cavity and are related with survival. Methods This study involved immunohistochemical analysis of 23 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and was carried out using antibodies for MAGE-A4 and MAGE-C1. Fisher's exact test and log-rank test were used to evaluate the results. Results The expression of the MAGE-A4 and MAGE-C1 were 56.5% and 47.8% without statistical difference in studied variables and survival. Conclusion The expression of at least 1 CTA was present in 78.3% of the patients, however, without correlation with clinicopathologic variables and survival. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2012


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The assessment of adenoids by x-ray imaging has been the topic of heated debate, but few studies have looked into the reliability of most existing radiographic parameters. Objective: This study aims to verify the intra-examiner and inter-examiner reproducibility of the adenoid radiographic assessment methods. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional case series study. Forty children of both genders aged between 4 and 14 were enrolled. They were selected based on complaints of nasal obstruction or mouth breathing and suspicion of pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy. Cavum x-rays and orthodontic teleradiographs were assessed by two examiners in quantitative and categorical terms. Results: All quantitative parameters in both x-ray modes showed excellent intra and inter-examiner reproducibility. Relatively better performance was observed in categorical parameters used in cavum x-ray assessment by C-Kurien, C-Wang, C-Fujioka, and C-Elwany over C-Cohen and C-Ysunza. As for orthodontic teleradiograph grading systems, C-McNamara has been proven to be more reliable than C-Holmberg. Conclusion: Most instruments showed adequate reproducibility levels. However, more research is needed to properly determine the accuracy and viability of each method.


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Conclusion: The extended retrolabyrinthine approach (RLA) is a safe and reliable approach for auditory brainstem placement in children. The surgical landmarks to reach cochlear nucleus are adequately exposed by this approach. Objective: To describe a new approach option for auditory brainstem implants (ABIs) in children, highlighting the anatomical landmarks to appropriately expose the foramen of Luschka. Methods: Three prelingually deafened children consecutively operated for ABIs via the RLA. Results: ABI placement via the RLA was successfully performed in all children without any further complications except multidirectional nystagmus in one child. The RLA we employed differed from that used for vestibular schwannoma only in the removal of the posterior semicircular canal. The lateral and superior semicircular canals and the vestibule remained intact, and there was no need to expose the dura of the internal auditory meatus. The jugular bulb was completely exposed to allow adequate visualization of the ninth cranial nerve and cerebellar flocculus.


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New technology in the Freedom (R) speech processor for cochlear implants was developed to improve how incoming acoustic sound is processed; this applies not only for new users, but also for previous generations of cochlear implants. Aim: To identify the contribution of this technology - the Nucleus 22 (R) - on speech perception tests in silence and in noise, and on audiometric thresholds. Methods: A cross-sectional cohort study was undertaken. Seventeen patients were selected. The last map based on the Spectra (R) was revised and optimized before starting the tests. Troubleshooting was used to identify malfunction. To identify the contribution of the Freedom (R) technology for the Nucleus22 (R), auditory thresholds and speech perception tests were performed in free field in soundproof booths. Recorded monosyllables and sentences in silence and in noise (SNR = 0dB) were presented at 60 dBSPL. The nonparametric Wilcoxon test for paired data was used to compare groups. Results: Freedom (R) applied for the Nucleus22 (R) showed a statistically significant difference in all speech perception tests and audiometric thresholds. Conclusion: The reedom (R) technology improved the performance of speech perception and audiometric thresholds of patients with Nucleus 22 (R).


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Objective. To compare the dynamic viscosity (DV) of superficial layer of temporalis fascia (SLTF) with that of other biological tissues traditionally used for vocal fold implants to treat vocal fold rigidity. Study Design. Experimental. Method. Measurement of DV of samples of SLTF, deep layer of temporalis fascia (DLTF), and abdominal fat of 12 cadavers. Results. DV values of the different samples were presented in the following increasing order: SLTF, DLTF, and abdominal fat. There was statistical difference between the samples. Conclusion. DV of SLTF is lower than of other tissues tested.


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Various types of trill exercises have been used for a long time as a tool in the treatment and preparation of the voice. Although they are reported to produce vocal benefits in most subjects, their physiology has not yet been studied in depth. The aim of this study was to compare the mean and standard deviation of the closed quotient in exercises of lip and tongue trills with the sustained vowel /epsilon/ in opera singers. Ten professional classical (operatic) singers, reportedly in perfect laryngeal health, served as subjects for this study and underwent electroglottography. During the examination, the subjects were instructed to deliver the sustained vowel /epsilon/ and lip and tongue trills in a same preestablished frequency and intensity. The mean values and standard deviation of the closed quotient were obtained using the software developed for this purpose. The comparison of the results was intrasubjects; maximum intensities were compared only among them and so were minimum intensities. The means of closed quotient were statistically significant only in the strong intensities, and the lip trill was different from the tongue trill and the sustained vowel /epsilon/. The standard deviation of the closed quotient distinguished the sustained vowel /epsilon/ from the lip and tongue trills in the two intensities. We concluded that there is oscillation of the closed quotient during the exercises of tongue and lip trills, and the closed quotient is higher during the performance of exercises of the lip trill, when compared with the two other utterances, only in the strong intensities.


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Introduction: Juvenile angiofibromas (JA) are highly vascular, benign tumours for which surgery is the treatment of choice. In most services, embolisation is performed prior to resection. Nevertheless, there are few data on the complications of preoperative embolisation for JA. Aim: To describe major and minor complications of preoperative embolisation in a 32-year experience of patients undergoing surgical resection of JA at a tertiary hospital. Methods: Retrospective chart review study of 170 patients who underwent surgical resection of JA at a tertiary hospital between September 1976 and July 2008. Results: All patients were male. Age ranged from 9 to 26 years. Ninety-one patients had no complications after embolisation. Overall, 105 complication events occurred of which four major and 101 minor. Conclusion: In our series, preoperative embolisation for JA produced no irreversible complications and no aesthetic or functional sequelae. The vast majority of complications were transient and amenable to clinical management.


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The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) belongs to the Papillomaviridae family and has a capsid and a single DNA strand. Its infection occurs mainly through sexual intercourse, having an important tropism for skin and mucosal cells. Aim: To evaluate the HPV presence in normal oral mucosa of asymptomatic subjects and; in parallel, to correlate social behavioral habits with the virus. Materials and Methods: Contemporary cohort cross-sectional study. The HPV was found by PCR, using general primers MY09/11 in 125 oral mucosa samples submitted to DNA extraction and PCR to search for the beta-globin gene in order to assess the quality of the extracted DNA. In parallel, we carried out a study of behavioral issues associated with the patients. Results: All the samples had a positive diagnosis of the beta-hemoglobin gene. HPV was diagnosed in 23.2% of the samples analyzed. Conclusion: The virus was present in 29 of the 125 patients, without them having any clinical-pathological manifestation associated with the HPV. As to the social behavior of the patients, we concluded that oral sex is statistically correlated to the virus, and besides the HPV has been statistically more present in female patients.


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To study mastication and swallowing disorders in patients with temporomanclibular disorders (TMD). Objective: To investigate mastication and swallowing disorders in patients with severe TMD referred to surgery. Materials and Methods: Clinical and experimental study involving ten individuals with TMD submitted to deglutition videofluoroscopy. These patients did not have posterior teeth, mastication pain and food replacement in favor of pasty consistence food. The assessment of the oral and pharyngeal phases approached the following aspects: side of onset and preferential side for chewing, premature escape, remains of food residues in the oral cavity or in the pharyngeal recesses, number of necessary swallowing efforts, laryngeal penetration and/or tracheal aspiration. Results: During mastication and the oral phase we observed tongue compensatory movements upon chewing (n = 7; 70%), premature escape (n = 4; 40%), food remains in the cavity after swallowing (n = 5; 50%) and an excessive number of deglutition efforts (n = 5; 50%). On the pharyngeal phase we observed food remains in the valleculae (n = 6; 60%), in the pyriform sinuses (n = 4; 40%); laryngeal penetration (n = 1; 10%) and tracheal aspiration (n = 4; 40%). Conclusion: TMD patients may have alterations in their chewing and swallowing patterns, with laryngeal penetration and/or tracheal aspiration. The study indicates the need for a multidisciplinary assessment because of dysphagia in TMD patients.


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The European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012 is the update of similar evidence based position papers published in 2005 and 2007. The document contains chapters on definitions and classification, we now also propose definitions for 'difficult to treat' rhinosinusitis, control of disease and better definitions for rhinosinusitis in children. More emphasis is placed on the diagnosis and treatment of acute rhinosinusitis. Throughout the document the terms chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps (CRSsNP) and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) are used to further point out differences in pathophysiology and treatment of these two entities. There are extensive chapters on epidemiology and predisposing factors, inflammatory mechanisms, (differential) diagnosis of facial pain, genetics, cystic fibrosis, aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease, immunodeficiencies, allergic fungal rhinosinusitis and the relationship between the upper and lower airways. The chapters on paediatric acute and chronic rhinosinusitis are totally rewritten. Last but not least all available evidence for management of acute rhinosinusitis and chronic rhinosinusitis with or without nasal polyps in adults and children is analyzed and presented and management schemes based on the evidence are proposed. This executive summary for otorhinolaryngologists focuses on the most important changes and issues for otorhinolaryngologists.