43 resultados para Körtvély, Erika: Verb conjugation in Tundra Nenets
Nutritionists are important professionals for ensuring the implementation of health promotion, treatment and rehabilitation. However, their participation in primary healthcare from a quantitative standpoint is limited. The city of Sao Paulo has experienced an uneven urbanization process triggering new problems of insecurity in terms of food and nutrition. This article analyzes the performance of the primary healthcare nutritionist in a large urban center. It is a quantitative study that used data from the Municipal Health Department, population data of Sao Paulo and a semi-structured questionnaire applied in individual interviews. All regions of the city are found to have fewer nutritionists than the recommendation of the Federal Council of Nutritionists. There are 123 nutritionists in the basic healthcare network and 51 in the Family Health Support Nuclei (FHSN) (57.3%). Each nutritionist from the FHSN accompanies 7.1 family health strategy teams on average. The age groups corresponding to children are less frequently seen by nutritionists. Comparing the activities, the transition from a model of primary health care focused on individual care to a model that prioritizes group care was observed.
Background: Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) is highly expressed in muscle and fat tissue, where triiodothyronine (T-3) induces solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 4 (SLC2A4) gene transcription. T-3 was also shown to rapidly increase glucose uptake in myocytes exposed to cycloheximide, indicating that it might act nongenomically to regulate GLUT4 availability. We tested this hypothesis by evaluating, in thyroidectomized rats (Tx rats), the acute and/or chronic T-3 effects on GLUT4 mRNA expression and polyadenylation, protein content, and trafficking to the plasma membrane (PM) in skeletal muscle, as well as on blood glucose disappearance rate (kITT) after insulin administration. Methods: Rats were surgically thyroidectomized and treated with T-3 (0.3 to 100 mu g/100 g body weight) from 10 minutes to 5 days, and killed thereafter. Sham-operated (SO) rats were used as controls. Total RNA was extracted from the skeletal muscles (soleus [SOL] and extensorum digitalis longus [EDL]) and subjected to Northern blotting analysis using rat GLUT4 cDNA probe. Total protein was extracted and subjected to specific centrifugations for subcellular fractionation, and PM as well as microsomal (M) fractions were subjected to Western blotting analysis, using anti-GLUT4 antiserum as a probe. GLUT4 mRNA polyadenylation was examined by a rapid amplification of cDNA ends-poly(A) test (RACE-PAT). Results: Thyroidectomy reduced skeletal muscle GLUT4 mRNA, mRNA poly(A) tail length, protein content, and trafficking to the PM, as well as the kITT. The acute T-3 treatment rapidly (30 minutes) increased all these parameters compared with Tx rats. The 5-day T-3 treatment increased GLUT4 mRNA and protein expression, and restored GLUT4 trafficking to the PM and kITT to SO values. Conclusions: The results presented here show for the first time that, in parallel to its transcriptional action on the SLC2A4 gene, T-3 exerts a rapid post-transcriptional effect on GLUT4 mRNA polyadenylation, which might increase transcript stability and translation efficiency, leading to the increased GLUT4 content and availability to skeletal muscle, as well as on GLUT4 translocation to the PM, improving the insulin sensitivity, as shown by the kITT.
Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is a rare benign vascular tumor of the nasopharynx. Although the treatment of choice is surgery, there is no consensus on what is the best approach. Aim: To compare surgical time and intraoperative transfusion requirements in patients undergoing endoscopic surgery versus open / combined and relate the need for transfusion during surgery with the time between embolization and surgery. Material and Methods: Study descriptive, analytical, retrospective study with a quantitative approach developed in the Otorhinolaryngology department of a teaching hospital. Analyzed 37 patients with angiofibroma undergoing surgical treatment. Data obtained from medical records. Analyzed with tests of the Fisher-Freeman-Halton and Games-Howell. Was considered significant if p <0.05. Study design: Historical cohort study with cross-sectional. Results: The endoscopic approach had a shorter operative time (p <0.0001). There is less need for transfusion during surgery when the embolization was performed on the fourth day. Conclusion: This suggests that the period ahead would be ideal to perform the process of embolization and endoscopic surgery by demanding less time would be associated with a lower morbidity. This study, however, failed to show which group of patients according to tumor stage would benefit from specific technical.
The objective of the present study is to investigate the use of religious/spiritual coping mechanisms in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis, by means of interviews using a sociodemographic questionnaire and the religious/spiritual coping scale. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. A total of 123 individuals were interviewed, 79.6% of whom presented a high score for religious/spiritual coping and none of whom presented low or irrelevant scores. The variables that affected the religious/spiritual coping behavior were: gender, age group, treatment time, family income, and religious practice. In conclusion, the participants used religious/spiritual coping mechanisms as a strategy to cope with the disease, particularly women with a higher family income who attend church every week.
NAKAGAWA, T. H., E. T. U. MORIYA, C. D. MACIEL, and F. V. SERRAO. Frontal Plane Biomechanics in Males and Females with and without Patellofemoral Pain. Med. Sci. Sports &ere., Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1747-1755, 2012. Purpose: The study's purpose was to compare trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane biomechanics in males and females with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during stepping. Methods: Eighty recreational athletes were equally divided into four groups: female PFPS, female controls, male PFPS, and male controls. Trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane kinematics and activation of the gluteus medius were evaluated at 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees of knee flexion during the downward and upward phases of the stepping task. Isometric hip abductor torque was also evaluated. Results: Females showed increased hip adduction and knee abduction at all knee flexion angles, greater ipsilateral trunk lean and contralateral pelvic drop from 60 degrees of knee flexion till the end of the stepping task (P = 0.027-0.001), diminished hip abductor torque (P < 0.001), and increased gluteus medius activation than males (P = 0.008-0.001). PFPS subjects presented increased knee abduction at all the angles evaluated; greater trunk, pelvis, and hip motion from 45 of knee flexion of the downward phase till the end of the maneuver; and diminished gluteus medius activation at 60 degrees of knee flexion, compared with controls (P = 0.034-0.001). Females with PFPS showed lower hip abductor torque compared with the other groups. Conclusions: Females presented with altered frontal plane biomechanics that may predispose them to knee injury. PFPS subjects showed frontal plane biomechanics that could increase the lateral patellofemoral joint stress at all the angles evaluated and could increase even more from 45 degrees of knee flexion in the downward phase untill the end of the maneuver. Hip abductor strengthening and motor control training should be considered when treating females with PFPS.
We report on a boy presenting submucous cleft palate, hydronephrosis, ventriculoseptal defect, aniridia, and developmental delay. Additional material on 11p13 was cytogenetically visible and array analyses identified a duplicated segment on 15q25-26 chromosome region; further, array analyses revealed a small deletion (49?kb) at 11p13 region involving the ELP4 gene and a duplication at 8p23.1. Results were confirmed with both molecular and molecular cytogenetics techniques. Possibilities for etiological basis of clinical phenotype are discussed. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Essential oils of ripe fruits from Schinus terebinthifolius (Anacardiaceae), obtained using a pilot extractor and a Clevenger apparatus were chemically characterized. Due the high amount of (-)-alpha-pinene in both oils, this monoterpene was tested against the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, showing a moderate potential (IC50 63.56 mu g/mL) when compared to benznidazole (IC50 43.14 mu g/mL). Otherwise, (-)-alpha-pinene oxide did not showed anti-trypanosomal activity (IC50 > 400 mu g/mL) while (-)-pinane showed an IC50 of 56.50 mu g/mL. The obtained results indicated that the epoxydation of a-pinene results to the loss of the anti-parasitic activity while its hydrogenation product, contributed slightly to the increased activity.
This paper reports on results obtained from experiments carried out in an acidogenic anaerobic reactor aiming at the optimization of hydrogen production by altering the degree of back-mixing. It was hypothesized that there is an optimum operating point that maximizes the hydrogen yield. Experiments were performed in a packed-bed bioreactor by covering a broad range of recycle ratios (R) and the optimum point was obtained for an R value of 0.6. In this operating condition the reactor behaved as 8 continuous stirred-tank reactors in series and the maximum yield was 4.22 mol H-2 mol sucrose(-1). Such optimum point was estimated by deriving a polynomial function fitted to experimental data and it was obtained as the conjugation of three factors related to the various degrees of back-mixing applied to the reactor: mass transfer from the bulk liquid to the biocatalyst, liquid-to-gas mass transfer and the kinetic behavior of irreversible reactions in series. Copyright (C) 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study using a cross-sectional design. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether there are any differences between the sexes in trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee kinematics, hip strength, and gluteal muscle activation during the performance of a single-leg squat in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) and control participants. BACKGROUND: Though there is a greater incidence of PFPS in females, PFPS is also quite common in males. Trunk kinematics may affect hip and knee function; however, there is a lack of studies of the influence of the trunk in individuals with PFPS. METHODS: Eighty subjects were distributed into 4 groups: females with PFPS, female controls, males with PFPS, and male controls. Trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee kinematics and gluteal muscle activation were evaluated during a single-leg squat. Hip abduction and external rotation eccentric strength was measured on an isokinetic dynamometer. Group differences were assessed using a 2-way multivariate analysis of variance (sex by PFPS status). RESULTS: Compared to controls, subjects with PFPS had greater ipsilateral trunk lean (mean +/- SD, 9.3 degrees +/- 5.30 degrees versus 6.7 degrees +/- 3.0 degrees; P = .012), contralateral pelvic drop (10.3 degrees +/- 4.7 degrees versus 7.4 degrees 3.8 degrees; P = .003), hip adduction (14.8 degrees +/- 7.8 degrees versus 10.8 degrees +/- 5.6 degrees; P<.0001), and knee abduction (9.2 degrees +/- 5.0 degrees versus 5.8 degrees +/- 3.4 degrees; P<.0001) when performing a single-leg squat. Subjects with PFPS also had 18% less hip abduction and 17% less hip external rotation strength. Compared to female controls, females with PFPS had more hip internal rotation (P<.05) and less muscle activation of the gluteus medius (P = .017) during the single-leg squat. CONCLUSION: Despite many similarities in findings for males and females with PFPS, there may be specific sex differences that warrant consideration in future studies and when clinically evaluating and treating females with PFPS. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2012;42(6):491-501, Epub 8 March 2012. doi:10.2519/jospt.2012.3987
Recent studies predict that several lineages of tropical animals are at particular risk given current estimates of global climate change. Yet, much uncertainty exists on the effects of climate shifts in ectothermic species from cool temperate regions such as Patagonia. In this study, we focus on the impact of environmental temperature on growth, age at sexual maturity, and life-span of the Patagonian gecko Homonota darwini. Skeletochronological methods were used to assess the bone growth rates Of individuals from three populations at different geographic and temporal scales: two populations from Chubut (warm site; 1941 and 2010) and one population from Rio Negro (cold site; 1997-1998). Populations displayed similar bone arrangement and the growth patterns fit a von Bertalanffy curve. Three populations attained reproductive size at a minimum age of 3 yr, but at the cold site two specimens were shown to mature in 4 yr. We found no differences in juvenile growth rates in body size or bone zone width between juveniles of 1 to 3 yr of age from the 1941 warm site and the 2010 warm site. However, these traits appeared to be higher at these two warm sites than at the cold site, which is consistent with the climatic differences among the three localities. Our results suggest that higher temperatures positively affect growth, denoting that global warming might benefit H. darwini, especially the southern populations.
We demonstrate that during inflammatory responses the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) induces the synthesis of melatonin by macrophages and that macrophage-synthesized melatonin modulates the function of these professional phagocytes in an autocrine manner. Expression of a DsRed2 fluorescent reporter driven by regions of the aa-nat promoter, that encodes the key enzyme involved in melatonin synthesis (arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase), containing one or two upstream kappa B binding sites in RAW 264.7 macrophage cell lines was repressed when NF-kappa B activity was inhibited by blocking its nuclear translocation or its DNA binding activity or by silencing the transcription of the RelA or c-Rel NF-kappa B subunits. Therefore, transcription of aa-nat driven by NF-kappa B dimers containing RelA or c-Rel subunits mediates pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or pro-inflammatory cytokine-induced melatonin synthesis in macrophages. Furthermore, melatonin acts in an autocrine manner to potentiate macrophage phagocytic activity, whereas luzindole, a competitive antagonist of melatonin receptors, decreases macrophage phagocytic activity. The opposing functions of NF-kappa B in the modulation of AA-NAT expression in pinealocytes and macrophages may represent the key mechanism for the switch in the source of melatonin from the pineal gland to immune-competent cells during the development of an inflammatory response.
Over the last decades, the presence of methylmercury (MeHg) in the Amazon region of Brazil and its adverse human health effects have given rise to much concern. The biotransformation of MeHg occurs mainly through glutathione (GSH) in the bile mediated by conjugation with glutathione S-transferases (GST). Epidemiological evidence has shown that genetic polymorphisms may affect the metabolism of MeHg. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between GST polymorphisms, GSH, and Hg levels in blood (B-Hg) and in hair (H-Hg) of an Amazon population chronically exposed to the metal through fish consumption. Blood and hair samples were collected from 144 volunteers (71 men, 73 women). B-Hg and H-Hg levels were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, and GSH levels were evaluated by a spectrophotometric method. GSTM1 and T1 genotyping evaluation were carried out by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Mean levels of B-Hg and H-Hg were 37.7 +/- 24.5 mu g/L and 10.4 +/- 7.4 mu g/g, respectively; GSH concentrations ranged from 0.52 to 2.89 mu M/ml of total blood. Distributions for GSTM1/T1, GSTM1/GSTT1*0, GSTM1*0/T1, and GSTM1*0/GSTT1*0 genotypes were 35.4, 22.2, 25.0, and 17.4%, respectively. GSTT1 genotype carriers presented lower levels of B-Hg and H-Hg when compared to other genotypes carriers. In addition, GSTM1*0/GSTT1*0 individuals presented higher Hg levels in blood and hair than subjects presenting any other genotypes. There appeared to be no evidence of an effect of polymorphisms on GSH levels. Therefore, our data suggest that GST polymorphisms may be associated with MeHg detoxification.
This work reports a detailed spectroscopy study of a series of multiblock conjugated nonconjugated copolymers built by p-phenylene vinylene type units (PV) and octamethylene spacers, namely, poly(1,8-octanedioxy-2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-phenylene-1,2-ethenylene) (LaPPS18). The relative proportions of the PV and aliphatic segments were estimated on the basis of solid-state NMR and Raman spectroscopy. The overall structure was characterized by wide angle X-ray diffraction; H-1 wide-line dipolar chemical shift correlation (DIPSHIFT), and centerband-only detection of exchange (CODEX) NMR data, that together with glass transition temperatures allowed us to identify the groups involved in the molecular dynamics. These different structural properties were used to explain the photoluminescence properties in terms of peak position and spectral profile
This study compared in vitro dissolution characteristics and other quality measures of different amoxicillin, metronidazole, and zidovudine products purchased in the Americas to a comparator pharmaceutical product (CPP). These three drugs are classified as Biopharmaceutics Classification System Class I drugs with the possibility that dissolution findings might be used to document bioequivalence. All investigated zidovudine products were found to be in vitro equivalent to the CPP. Only 3 of 12 tested amoxicillin products were found to be in vitro equivalent to the CPP. None of the tested metronidazole products were in vitro equivalent to the CPP. These findings suggest but do not confirm bioinequivalence where in vitro comparisons failed, given that an in vivo blood level study might have confirmed bioequivalence. At times, identifying a CPP in one of the selected markets proved difficult. The study demonstrates that products sold across national markets may not be bioequivalent. When coupled with the challenge of identifying a CPP in different countries, the results of this study suggest the value of an international CPP as well as increased use of BCS approaches as means of either documenting bioequivalence or signaling the need for further in vivo studies. Because of increased movement of medicines across national borders, practitioners and patients would benefit from these approaches.
Mezzarane RA, Kohn AF, Couto-Roldan E, Martinez L, Flores A, Manjarrez E. Absence of effects of contralateral group I muscle afferents on presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals in humans and cats. J Neurophysiol 108: 1176-1185, 2012. First published June 6, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00831.2011.-Crossed effects from group I afferents on reflex excitability and their mechanisms of action are not yet well understood. The current view is that the influence is weak and takes place indirectly via oligosynaptic pathways. We examined possible contralateral effects from group I afferents on presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals in humans and cats. In resting and seated human subjects the soleus (SO) H-reflex was conditioned by an electrical stimulus to the ipsilateral common peroneal nerve (CPN) to assess the level of presynaptic inhibition (PSI_control). A brief conditioning vibratory stimulus was applied to the triceps surae tendon at the contralateral side (to activate preferentially Ia muscle afferents). The amplitude of the resulting H-reflex response (PSI_conditioned) was compared to the H-reflex under PSI_control, i.e., without the vibration. The interstimulus interval between the brief vibratory stimulus and the electrical shock to the CPN was -60 to 60 ms. The H-reflex conditioned by both stimuli did not differ from that conditioned exclusively by the ipsilateral CPN stimulation. In anesthetized cats, bilateral monosynaptic reflexes (MSRs) in the left and right L 7 ventral roots were recorded simultaneously. Conditioning stimulation applied to the contralateral group I posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) afferents at different time intervals (0-120 ms) did not have an effect on the ipsilateral gastrocnemius/soleus (GS) MSR. An additional experimental paradigm in the cat using contralateral tendon vibration, similar to that conducted in humans, was also performed. No significant differences between GS-MSRs conditioned by ipsilateral PBSt stimulus alone and those conditioned by both ipsilateral PBSt stimulus and contralateral tendon vibration were detected. The present results strongly suggest an absence of effects from contralateral group I fibers on the presynaptic mechanism of MSR modulation in relaxed humans and anesthetized cats.