49 resultados para Hematopoietic Stem-cells
BACKGROUND: The relationship between predictive proteins and tumors presenting cancer stem cells (CSCs) profiles in oral tumors is still poorly understood. This study aims to identify the relationship between topoisomerases I, II alpha, and III alpha and putative CSCs immunophenotype in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and determine its influence on prognosis. METHODS: The following data were retrieved from 127 patients: age, gender, primary anatomic site, smoking and alcohol intake, recurrence, metastases, histologic classification, treatment, and survival. An immunohistochemical study for topoisomerases I, II alpha, and III alpha was performed in a tissue microarray containing 127 paraffin blocks of OSCCs. RESULTS: In univariate analysis, topoisomerases expression showed significant differences according to CSCs profiles and p53 immunoexpression, but not with survival. Topoisomerases II alpha and III alpha also showed significant relationship with lymph node metastasis. The multivariate test confirmed these associations. CONCLUSIONS: The results that all topoisomerases correlates with OSCC CSCs may indicate a role for topoisomerases in head and neck carcinogenesis. Notwithstanding, it is plausible that other members of topoisomerases family could represent novel therapeutical targets in oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 762-768
Lima S.A.F., Wodewotzky T.I., Lima-Neto J.F., Beltrao-Braga P.C.B. & Alvarenga F.C.L. 2012. [In vitro differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells of dogs into osteogenic precursors.] Diferenciacao in vitro de celulas-tronco mesenquimais da medula ossea de caes em precursores osteogenicos. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(5):463-469. Departamento de Reproducao Animal e Radiologia Veterinaria, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubiao Junior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brazil. E-mail: silviavet@usp.br The aim of our research was to evaluate the potential for osteogenic differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells (MSC) obtained from dog bone marrow. The MSC were separated using the Ficoll method and cultured under two different conditions: DMEM low glucose or DMEM/F12, both containing L-glutamine, 20% of FBS and antibiotics. MSC markers were tested, confirming CD44+ and CD34- cells with flow cytometry. For osteogenic differentiation, cells were submitted to four different conditions: Group 1, same conditions used for primary cell culture with DMEM supplemented media; Group 2, same conditions of Group 1 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. Group 3, Cells cultured with supplemented DMEM/F12 media, and Group 4, same conditions as in Group 3 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. The cellular differentiation was confirmed using alizarin red and imunostaining with SP7/Osterix antibody. We observed by alizarin staining that calcium deposit was more evident in cells cultivated in DMEM/F12. Furthermore, by SP/7Osterix antibody immunostaining we obtained 1:6 positive cells when using DMEM/F12 compared with 1:12 for low-glucose DMEM. Based on our results, we conclude that the medium DMEM/F12 is more efficient for induction of differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in canine osteogenic progenitors. This effect is probably due to the greater amount of glucose in the medium and the presence of various amino acids.
Production of human factor VIII-FL in 293T cells using the bicistronic MGMT(P140K)-retroviral vector
Hemophilia A is the most common X-linked bleeding disorder; it is caused by deficiency of coagulation factor VIII (FVIII). Replacement therapy with rFVIII produced from human cell line is a major goal for treating hemophilia patients. We prepared a full-length recombinant FVIII (FVIII-FL), using the pMFG-P140K retroviral vector. The IRES DNA fragment was cloned upstream to the P140K gene, providing a 9.34-kb bicistronic vector. FVIII-FL cDNA was then cloned upstream to IRES, resulting in a 16.6-kb construct. In parallel, an eGFP control vector was generated, resulting in a 10.1-kb construct. The 293T cells were transfected with these constructs, generating the 293T-FVIII-FL/P140K and 293T-eGFP/P140K cell lines. In 293T-FVIII-FL/P140K cells, FVIII and P140K mRNAs levels were 4,410 (+/- 931.7)- and 295,400 (+/- 75,769)-fold higher than in virgin cells. In 293T-eGFP/P140K cells, the eGFP and P140K mRNAs levels were 1,501,000 (+/- 493,700)- and 308,000 (+/- 139,300)-fold higher than in virgin cells. The amount of FVIII-FL was 0.2 IU/mL and 45 ng/mL FVIII cells or 4.4 IU/mu g protein. These data demonstrate the efficacy of the bicistronic retroviral vector expressing FVIII-FL and MGMT(P140K), showing that it could be used for producing the FVIII-FL protein in a human cell line.
The umbilical cord blood (UCB) is an important source of hematopoietic stem cells with great deal of interest in regenerative medicine. The UCB cells have been extensively studied as an alternative to the bone marrow transplants. The challenge is to define specific methods to purify and characterize these cells in different animal species. This study is aimed at morphological characterization of progenitor cells derived from UCB highlighting relevant differences with peripheral blood of adult in dog and cats. Therefore, blood was collected from 18 dogs and 5 cats' umbilical cords from fetus in various developmental stages. The mononuclear cells were separated using the gradient of density Histopaque-1077. Characterization of CD34+ cells was performed by flow cytometric analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Granulocytes (ancestry of the basophiles, eosinophiles, and neutrophiles) and agranulocytes (represented by immature lymphocytes) were identified. We showed for the first time the ultrastructural features of cat UCB cells. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:766770, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Background: The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) belong to a unique group of proteins that includes the growth factor TGF-beta. BMPs play important roles in cell differentiation, cell proliferation, and inhibition of cell growth. They also participate in the maturation of several cell types, depending on the microenvironment and interactions with other regulatory factors. Depending on their concentration gradient, the BMPs can attract various types of cells and act as chemotactic, mitogenic, or differentiation agents. BMPs can interfere with cell proliferation and the formation of cartilage and bone. In addition, BMPs can induce the differentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells into various cell types, including chondroblasts and osteoblasts. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of treatment with rhBMP-2 on the proliferation of canine mesenchymal stem cells (cMSCs) and the tumor suppression properties of rhBMP-2 in canine osteocarcoma (OST) cells. Osteosarcoma cell lines were isolated from biopsies and excisions of animals with osteosarcoma and were characterized by the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Butantan Institute. The mesenchymal stem cells were derived from the bone marrow of canine fetuses (cMSCs) and belong to the University of Sao Paulo, College of Veterinary Medicine (FMVZ-USP) stem cell bank. After expansion, the cells were cultured in a 12-well Transwell system; cells were treated with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells associated with rhBMP2. Expression of the intracytoplasmic and nuclear markers such as Caspase-3, Bax, Bad, Bcl-2, Ki-67, p53, Oct3/4, Nanog, Stro-1 were performed by flow citometry. Results: We evaluated the regenerative potential of in vitro treatment with rhBMP-2 and found that both osteogenic induction and tumor regression occur in stem cells from canine bone marrow. rhBMP-2 inhibits the proliferation capacity of OST cells by mechanisms of apoptosis and tumor suppression mediated by p53. Conclusion: We propose that rhBMP-2 has great therapeutic potential in bone marrow cells by serving as a tumor suppressor to increase p53 and the pro-apoptotic proteins Bad and Bax, as well as by increasing the activity of phosphorylated caspase 3. Study design: Canine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells associated with rhBMP2 in canine osteosarcoma treatment: "in vitro" study
Bradykinin is not only important for inflammation and blood pressure regulation, but also involved in neuromodulation and neuroprotection. Here we describe novel functions for bradykinin and the kinin-B2 receptor (B2BkR) in differentiation of neural stem cells. In the presence of the B2BkR antagonist HOE-140 during rat neurosphere differentiation, neuron-specific beta 3-tubulin and enolase expression was reduced together with an increase in glial protein expression, indicating that bradykinin- induced receptor activity contributes to neurogenesis. In agreement, HOE-140 affected in the same way expression levels of neural markers during neural differentiation of murine P19 and human iPS cells. Kinin-B1 receptor agonists and antagonists did not affect expression levels of neural markers, suggesting that bradykinin-mediated effects are exclusively mediated via B2BkR. Neurogenesis was augmented by bradykinin in the middle and late stages of the differentiation process. Chronic treatment with HOE-140 diminished eNOS and nNOS as well as M1-M4 muscarinic receptor expression and also affected purinergic receptor expression and activity. Neurogenesis, gliogenesis, and neural migration were altered during differentiation of neurospheres isolated from B2BkR knock-out mice. Whole mount in situ hybridization revealed the presence of B2BkR mRNA throughout the nervous system in mouse embryos, and less beta 3-tubulin and more glial proteins were expressed in developing and adult B2BkR knock-out mice brains. As a underlying transcriptional mechanism for neural fate determination, HOE-140 induced up-regulation of Notch1 and Stat3 gene expression. Because pharmacological treatments did not affect cell viability and proliferation, we conclude that bradykinin-induced signaling provides a switch for neural fate determination and specification of neurotransmitter receptor expression.
Fetal tissues are frequently discarded before (amniocentesis) or after birth, which both facilitates stem cell access and helps to overcome ethical concerns. In the present study, we aimed to isolate and characterize stem cells from the allantoic and amniotic fluids (ALF; AMF) of third trimester canine fetuses. This gestation age has not been previously explored for stem cells isolation. The gestational age, cell culture conditions and method of isolation used in this study allowed for the establishment and efficient expansion of ALF and AMF cells. We showed that the majority of ALF and ALF cells express the stem cell markers, such as vimentin, nestin and cytokeratin 18 (CK18). Under appropriate culture conditions AMF derived cells can undergo differentiation into osteogenic, adipogenic, chondrogenic and neuron-like lineages. ALF derived cells showed adipogenic, and chondrogenic potential. Therefore, ALF and AMF cells derived at the third gestation trimester can be qualified as progenitor stem cells, accordingly referred as (alantoic fluid progenitor/stem) ALF PS cells and (amniotic fluid progenitor/stem) AMF PS cells. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background. Chronic allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is an important cause of graft loss. Considering the immune inflammatory events involved in the development of CAV, therapeutic approaches to target this process are of relevance. Human amniotic fluid derived stem cells (hAFSCs), a class of fetal, pluripotent stem cells with intermediate characteristics between embryonic and adult stem cells, display immunomodulatory properties. hAFSCs express mesenchymal and embryonic markers, show high proliferation rates; however, they do not induce tumor formation, and their use does not raise ethical issues. Thus, we sought to investigate the effect of hAFSC on CAV in a model of aorta transplantation. Methods. Orthotopic aorta transplantation was performed using Fisher (F344) rats as donors and Lewis rats as recipients. Rats were divided into three groups: syngeneic (SYNG), untreated F344 receiving aorta from F344 (n = 8); allogeneic (ALLO), Lewis rats receiving allogeneic aorta from F344 (n = 8); and ALLO + hAFSC, ALLO rats treated with hAFSC (10(6) cells; n = 8). Histological analysis and immunohistochemistry were performed 30 days posttransplantation. Results. The ALLO group developed a robust aortic neointimal formation (208.7 +/- 25.4 gm) accompanied by a significant high number of ED1(+) (4845 +/- 841 cells/mm(2)) and CD43(+) cells (4064 +/- 563 cells/mm(2)), and enhanced expression of a-smooth muscle actin in the neointima (25 +/- 6%). Treatment with hAFSC diminished neointimal thickness (180.7 +/- 23.7 mu m) and induced a significant decrease of ED1(+) (1100 +/- 276 cells/mm(2)), CD43(+) cells (1080 +/- 309 cells/mu m(2)), and alpha-smooth muscle actin expression 8 +/- 3% in the neointima. Conclusions. These preliminary results showed that hAFSC suppressed inflammation and myofibroblast migration to the intima, which may contribute to ameliorate vascular changes in CAV.
Schizophrenia has been defined as a neurodevelopmental disease that causes changes in the process of thoughts, perceptions. and emotions, usually leading to a mental deterioration and affective blunting. Studies have shown altered cell respiration and oxidative stress response in schizophrenia; however, most of the knowledge has been acquired from postmortem brain analyses or from nonneural cells. Here we describe that neural cells, derived from induced pluripotent stem cells generated from skin fibroblasts of a schizophrenic patient, presented a twofold increase in extramitochondrial oxygen consumption as well as elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), when compared to controls. This difference in ROS levels was reverted by the mood stabilizer valproic acid. Our model shows evidence that metabolic changes occurring during neurogenesis are associated with schizophrenia, contributing to a better understanding of the development of the disease and highlighting potential targets for treatment and drug screening.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from human adipose tissue have a great potential for use in cell therapy due to their ease of isolation, expansion, and differentiation, besides the relative acceptance from the ethical point of view. Our intention was to isolate and promote in vitro expansion and differentiation of MSCs from human adipose tissue into cells with a pancreatic endocrine phenotype. Human adipose tissue obtained from patients undergoing abdominal dermolipectomy was digested with type I collagenase. MSCs isolated by plastic adherence and characterized by cytochemistry and FACS were expanded in vitro. MSC differentiation into an endocrine phenotype was induced over 2 to 4 months with high glucose (25 mmol/L) media containing nicotinamide, exendin-4, and 2-mercaptoethanol. Insulin and glucagon expressions were analyzed by immunofluorescence. Cells isolated from human adipose tissue and expanded in vitro expressed MSC markers as confirmed by FACS and cytochemistry. Insulin but not glucagon production by differentiated cells was demonstrated by irnmunofluorescence. MSCs isolated from human adipose tissue were induced to differentiate in vitro into an endocrine phenotype that expressed insulin
The diffusible messenger NO plays multiple roles in neuroprotection, neurodegeneration, and brain plasticity. Argininosuccinate synthase (AS) is a ubiquitous enzyme in mammals and the key enzyme of the NO-citrulline cycle, because it provides the substrate L-arginine for subsequent NO synthesis by inducible, endothelial, and neuronal NO synthase (NOS). Here, we provide evidence for the participation of AS and of the NO-citrulline cycle in the progress of differentiation of neural stem cells (NSC) into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. AS expression and activity and neuronal NOS expression, as well as L-arginine and NOx production, increased along neural differentiation, whereas endothelial NOS expression was augmented in conditions of chronic NOS inhibition during differentiation, indicating that this NOS isoform is amenable to modulation by extracellular cues. AS and NOS inhibition caused a delay in the progress of neural differentiation, as suggested by the decreased percentage of terminally differentiated cells. On the other hand, BDNF reversed the delay of neural differentiation of NSC caused by inhibition of NOx production. Alikely cause is the lack of NO, which up-regulated p75 neurotrophin receptor expression, a receptor required for BDNF-induced differentiation of NSC. We conclude that the NO-citrulline cycle acts together with BDNF for maintaining the progress of neural differentiation.
The skin is a complex stratified organ which acts not only as a permeability barrier and defense against external agents, but also has essential thermoregulatory, sensory and metabolic functions. Due to its high versatility and activity, the skin undergoes continuous self-renewal to repair damaged tissue and replace old cells. Consequently, the skin is a reservoir for adult stem cells of different embryonic origins. Skin stem cell populations reside in the adult hair follicle, sebaceous gland, dermis and epidermis. However, the origin of most of the stem cell populations found in the adult epidermis is still unknown. Far more unknown is the embryonic origin of other stem cells that populate the other layers of this tissue. In this review we attempt to clarify the emergence, structure, markers and embryonic development of diverse populations of stem cells from the epidermis, dermis and related appendages such as the sebaceous gland and hair follicle.
Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from umbilical cord blood (UCB) from full-term deliveries is a laborious, time-consuming process that results in a low yield of cells. In this study we identified parameters that can be helpful for a successful isolation of UCB-MSCs. According to our findings, chances for a well succeeded isolation of these cells are higher when MSCs were isolated from UCB collected from normal full-term pregnancies that did not last over 37 weeks. Besides the duration of pregnancy, blood volume and storage period of the UCB should also be considered for a successful isolation of these cells. Here, we found that the ideal blood volume collected should be above 80 mL and the period of storage should not exceed 6 h. We characterized UCB-MSCs by morphologic, immunophenotypic, protein/gene expression and by adipogenic differentiation potential. Isolated UCB-MSCs showed fibroblast-like morphology and the capacity of differentiating into adipocyte-like cells. Looking for markers of the undifferentiated status of UCB-MSCs, we analyzed the UCB-MSCs' protein expression profile along different time periods of the differentiation process into adipocyte-like cells. Our results showed that there is a decrease in the expression of the markers CD73, CD90, and CD105 that correlates to the degree of differentiation of UCB-MSCs We suggest that CD90 can be used as a mark to follow the differentiation commitment degree of MSCs. Microarray results showed an up-regulation of genes related to the adipogenesis process and to redox metabolism in the adipocyte-like differentiated MSCs. Our study provides information on a group of parameters that may help with successful isolation and consequently with characterization of the differentiated/undifferentiated status of UCB-MSCs, which will be useful to monitor the differentiation commitment of UCB-MSC and further facilitate the application of those cells in stem-cell therapy.
Little is known about the histogenesis of the odontogenic myxoma (OM). Dental pulp stem cells could be candidate precursors of OM because both OM and the dental pulp share the same embryological origin: the dental papilla. For the purpose of comparing OM and stem cells, this study analyzed the expression of two proteins related to OM invasiveness (MMP-2 and hyaluronic acid) in human immature dental pulp stern cells (hIDPSCs). Three lineages of hIDPSCs from deciduous and permanent teeth were used in this study. Immunofluorescence revealed positive reactions for MMP-2 and hyaluronic acid (HA) in all hIDPSCs. MMP-2 appeared as dots throughout the cytoplasm, whereas HA appeared either as diffuse and irregular dots or as short fibrils throughout the cytoplasm and outside the cell bodies. The gene expression profile of each cell lineage was evaluated using RT-PCR analysis, and HA was expressed more intensively than MMP-2. HA expression was similar among the three hIDPSCs lineages, whereas MMP-2 expression was higher in DL-1 than in the other cell lines. The expression of proteins related to OM invasiveness in hIDPSCs could indicate that OM originates from dental pulp stem cells.
Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the incidence of and risk factors for healthcare-associated infections (HAI) among hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) patients, and the impact of such infections on mortality during hospitalization. Methods: We conducted a 9-year (2001-2009) retrospective cohort study including patients submitted to HSCT at a reference center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The incidence of HAI was calculated using days of neutropenia as the denominator. Data were analyzed using EpiInfo 3.5.1. Results: Over the 9-year period there were 429 neutropenic HSCT patients, with a total of 6816 days of neutropenia. Bloodstream infections (BSI) were the most frequent infection, presenting in 80 (18.6%) patients, with an incidence of 11.7 per 1000 days of neutropenia. Most bacteremia was due to Gram-negative bacteria: 43 (53.8%) cases were caused by Gram-negative species, while 33 (41.2%) were caused by Gram-positive species, and four (5%) by fungal species. Independent risk factors associated with HAI were prolonged neutropenia (odds ratio (OR) 1.07, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04-1.10) and duration of fever (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.12-1.30). Risk factors associated with death in multivariate analyses were age (OR 1.02, 95% CI 1.01-1.43), being submitted to an allogeneic transplant (OR 3.08, 95% CI 1.68-5.56), a microbiologically documented infection (OR 2.96, 95% CI 1.87-4.6), invasive aspergillosis disease (OR 2.21, 95% CI 1.1-4.3), and acute leukemias (OR 2.24, 95% CI 1.3-3.6). Conclusions: BSI was the most frequent HAI, and there was a predominance of Gram-negative microorganisms. Independent risk factors associated with HAI were duration of neutropenia and fever, and the risk factors for a poor outcome were older age, type of transplant (allogeneic), the presence of a microbiologically documented infection, invasive aspergillosis, and acute leukemia. Further prospective studies with larger numbers of patients may confirm the role of these risk factors for a poor clinical outcome and death in this transplant population. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases.