27 resultados para Gebara, Ivone


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Avaliaram-se, durante 60 minutos, 10 bovinos após administração intravenosa de 0,1mg.kg-1 de xilazina ou 10μg.kg-1 de detomidina, quanto às frequências cardíaca e respiratória, movimentos ruminais, pressão arterial média, temperatura retal e respostas comportamentais como ataxia ou decúbito, ptose palpebral, estado de alerta ou sedação e redução da altura da cabeça em relação ao solo, além da presença de salivação, micção e concentração sanguínea de glicose. Observou-se que a xilazina, via intravenosa, em bovinos, ao mesmo tempo que promove sedação mais intensa e prolongada que a detomidina, induz a uma maior quantidade de efeitos indesejáveis, como salivação e decúbito, e redução das frequências cardíaca e respiratória, da pressão arterial média, da motilidade ruminal e da temperatura, sendo estas alterações mais prolongadas. Conclui-se que a detomidina pode ser utilizada com segurança em bovinos na dose de 10μg.kg-1, promovendo sedação e permanência do animal em posição quadrupedal.


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Background. Cardiac remodeling in uremia is characterized by left ventricular hypertrophy, interstitial fibrosis and microvascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in uremic patients, but coronary events alone are not the prevalent cause, sudden death and heart failure are. We studied the cardiac remodeling in experimental uremia, evaluating the isolated effect of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and phosphorus. Methods. Wistar rats were submitted to parathyroidectomy (PTx) and 5/6 nephrectomy (Nx); they also received vehicle (V) and PTH at normal (nPTH) or high (hPTH) doses. They were fed with a poor-phosphorus (pP) or rich-phosphorus (rP) diet and were divided into the following groups: 'Sham': G1 (V + normal-phosphorus diet (np)) and 'Nx + PTx': G2 (nPTH + pP), G3 (nPTH + rP), G4 (hPTH + pP) and G5 (hPTH + rP). After 8 weeks, biochemical analysis, myocardium morphometry and arteriolar morphological analysis were performed. In addition, using immunohistochemical analysis, we evaluated angiotensin II, alpha-actin, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and nitrotyrosine, as well as fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23), fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR-1) and runt-related transcription factor-2 (Runx-2) expression. Results. Nx animals presented higher serum creatinine levels as well as arterial hypertension. Higher PTH levels were associated with myocardial hypertrophy and fibrosis as well as a higher coronary lesion score. High PTH animals also presented a higher myocardial expression of TGF-beta, angiotensin II, FGF-23 and nitrotyrosine and a lower expression of alpha-actin. Phosphorus overload was associated with higher serum FGF-23 levels and Runx-2, as well as myocardial hypertrophy. FGFR-1 was positive in the cardiomyocytes of all groups as well as in calcified coronaries of G4 and G5 whereas Runx-2 was positive in G3, G4 and G5. Conclusion. In uremia, PTH and phosphorus overload are both independently associated with major changes related to the cardiac remodeling process, emphasizing the need for a better control of these factors in chronic kidney disease.


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We report a measurement of the proton-air cross section for particle production at the center-of-mass energy per nucleon of 57 TeV. This is derived from the distribution of the depths of shower maxima observed with the Pierre Auger Observatory: systematic uncertainties are studied in detail. Analyzing the tail of the distribution of the shower maxima, a proton-air cross section of [505 +/- 22(stat)(-36)(+28)(syst)] mb is found.


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A 6mm segmental defect was performed on the metaphyseal region of the tibia of 12 rabbits and the autoclaved fragmented heterolog cortical bone conserved in glycerin (98%) and methylmethacrylate was used as a bone graft for the reconstruction. The graft was placed in the receptor bed and its integration was evaluated by computed tomography after 30, 60 and 90 days. There was gradual bone graft incorporation in the receptor bed during the time in 100% of the cases. Fragmented cortical bone heterograft and methylmethacrylate was biologically compatible and promotes bone defect reparation without signs of infection, migration and or rejection, featuring a new option of osseous substitute to fill in bone defects.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar o desempenho em processamento temporal de crianças com transtorno fonológico submetidos a treino auditivo formal e informal. MÉTODOS: Quinze indivíduos com transtorno fonológico (limiares tonais ≤20 dBNA de 0,50 a 4 kHz e idades entre 7 anos e 10 anos e 11 meses) foram avaliados e divididos em três grupos: Grupo Controle - composto por cinco indivíduos (média de idade de 9,1 anos) sem transtorno do processamento auditivo, que passaram por duas avaliações do processamento auditivo (central) com intervalo de seis a oito semanas, sem receber qualquer intervenção; Grupo Treino Formal - composto por cinco indivíduos (média de idade de 8,3 anos), com transtorno do processamento auditivo, submetidos a oito sessões de treino formal; e Grupo Treino Informal - composto por cinco indivíduos (média de idade de 8,1 anos) com transtorno do processamento auditivo, submetidos a oito sessões de treino informal. RESULTADOS: Após oito sessões, o grupo treino formal apresentou melhora de 8% e o grupo treino informal de 22,5% no que se refere ao teste padrão temporal de frequência. Para o teste padrão temporal de duração, o grupo treino formal melhorou 12,9% e o grupo treino informal 18,7%. No desempenho nos testes padrão de frequência e padrão de duração, não houve diferença estatística entre as médias obtidas pelos dois grupos após a intervenção. CONCLUSÃO: Embora os resultados não tenham apresentado significância estatística, o estudo piloto apresentado sugere que ambos os treinos, formal e informal, proporcionam melhora das habilidades de processamento temporal em crianças com transtorno fonológico e do processamento auditivo.


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The observation of ultrahigh energy neutrinos (UHE vs) has become a priority in experimental astroparticle physics. UHE vs can be detected with a variety of techniques. In particular, neutrinos can interact in the atmosphere (downward-going v) or in the Earth crust (Earth-skimming v), producing air showers that can be observed with arrays of detectors at the ground. With the surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory we can detect these types of cascades. The distinguishing signature for neutrino events is the presence of very inclined showers produced close to the ground (i.e., after having traversed a large amount of atmosphere). In this work we review the procedure and criteria established to search for UHEs in the data collected with the ground array of the Pierre Auger Observatory.This includes Earth-skimming as well as downward-going neutrinos. No neutrino candidates have been found, which allows us to place competitive limits to the diffuse flux of UHE vs in the EeV range and above.


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The Pierre Auger Observatory in Malargüe, Argentina, is designed to study the properties of ultra-high energy cosmic rays with energies above 1018 eV. It is a hybrid facility that employs a Fluorescence Detector to perform nearly calorimetric measurements of Extensive Air Shower energies. To obtain reliable calorimetric information from the FD, the atmospheric conditions at the observatory need to be continuously monitored during data acquisition. In particular, light attenuation due to aerosols is an important atmospheric correction. The aerosol concentration is highly variable, so that the aerosol attenuation needs to be evaluated hourly. We use light from the Central Laser Facility, located near the center of the observatory site, having an optical signature comparable to that of the highest energy showers detected by the FD. This paper presents two procedures developed to retrieve the aerosol attenuation of fluorescence light from CLF laser shots. Cross checks between the two methods demonstrate that results from both analyses are compatible, and that the uncertainties are well understood. The measurements of the aerosol attenuation provided by the two procedures are currently used at the Pierre Auger Observatory to reconstruct air shower data.


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A thorough search for large-scale anisotropies in the distribution of arrival directions of cosmic rays detected above '10 POT. 18' eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory is reported. For the first time, these large-scale anisotropy searches are performed as a function of both the right ascension and the declination and expressed in terms of dipole and quadrupole moments.Within the systematic uncertainties, no significant deviation from isotropy is revealed. Upper limits on dipole and quadrupole amplitudes are derived under the hypothesis that any cosmic ray anisotropy is dominated by such moments in this energy range. These upper limits provide constraints on the production of cosmic rays above '10 POT. 18' eV, since they allow us to challenge an origin from stationary galactic sources densely distributed in the galactic disk and emitting predominantly light particles in all directions.


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To interpret the mean depth of cosmic ray air shower maximum and its dispersion, we parametrize those two observables as functions of the rst two moments of the lnA distribution. We examine the goodness of this simple method through simulations of test mass distributions. The application of the parameterization to Pierre Auger Observatory data allows one to study the energy dependence of the mean lnA and of its variance under the assumption of selected hadronic interaction models. We discuss possible implications of these dependences in term of interaction models and astrophysical cosmic ray sources.


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We describe a new method of identifying night-time clouds over the Pierre Auger Observatory using infrared data from the Imager instruments on the GOES-12 and GOES-13 satellites. We compare cloud identifications resulting from our method to those obtained by the Central Laser Facility of the Auger Observatory. Using our new method we can now develop cloud probability maps for the 3000 km2 of the Pierre Auger Observatory twice per hour with a spatial resolution of ∼2.4 km by ∼5.5 km. Our method could also be applied to monitor cloud cover for other ground-based observatories and for space-based observatories.


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We derive lower bounds on the density of sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays from the lack of significant clustering in the arrival directions of the highest energy events detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory. The density of uniformly distributed sources of equal intrinsic intensity was found to be larger than ~(0.06 - 5) × '10 POT. -4' 'Mpc POT. -3' at 95% CL, depending on the magnitude of the magnetic deflections. Similar bounds, in the range (0.2 - 7) × '10 POT. -4' 'Mpc POT. -3', were obtained for sources following the local matter distribution.


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The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a new observatory for very high-energy (VHE) gamma rays. CTA has ambitions science goals, for which it is necessary to achieve full-sky coverage, to improve the sensitivity by about an order of magnitude, to span about four decades of energy, from a few tens of GeV to above 100 TeV with enhanced angular and energy resolutions over existing VHE gamma-ray observatories. An international collaboration has formed with more than 1000 members from 27 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America. In 2010 the CTA Consortium completed a Design Study and started a three-year Preparatory Phase which leads to production readiness of CTA in 2014. In this paper we introduce the science goals and the concept of CTA, and provide an overview of the project.