33 resultados para Functional Capacity Classification
The clinical decision to control risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the elderly takes the followings into consideration: (1) the elderly life expectancy; (2) the elderly biological age and functional capacity; (3) the role of cardiovascular disease in the elderly group; (4) the prevalence of risk factors in the elderly; and (5) The effectiveness of treatment of risk factors in the elderly. A large number of studies showed the efficacy of secondary and primary prevention of dyslipidemia in the elderly. However, the only trial that included patients over 80 years was the Heart Protection Study (HPS). Statins are considered the first line therapy for lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Because lifestyle changes are very difficult to achieve, doctors in general tend to prescribe many drugs to control cardiovascular risk factors. However, healthy food consumption remains a cornerstone in primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention and should be implemented by everyone.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on cardiac autonomic modulation and on peripheral nerve sympathetic activity in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). METHODS: Functional capacity, low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components of heart rate variability, muscle sympathetic nerve activity inferred by microneurography, and quality of life were determined in 27 patients with CHF who had been sequentially allocated to 1 of 2 groups: (1) control group (with no intervention) and (2) IMT group. Inspiratory muscle training consisted of respiratory exercises, with inspiratory threshold loading of seven 30-minute sessions per week for a period of 12 weeks, with a monthly increase of 30% in maximal inspiratory pressure (PImax) at rest. Multivariate analysis was applied to detect differences between baseline and followup period. RESULTS: Inspiratory muscle training significantly increased PImax (59.2 +/- 4.9 vs 87.5 +/- 6.5 cmH(2)O, P = .001) and peak oxygen uptake (14.4 +/- 0.7 vs 18.9 +/- 0.8 mL.kg(-1).min(-1), P = .002); decreased the peak ventilation (V. E) +/- carbon dioxide production (V-CO2) ratio (35.8 +/- 0.8 vs 32.5 +/- 0.4, P = .001) and the (V) over dotE +/-(V) over dotCO(2) slope (37.3 +/- 1.1 vs 31.3 +/- 1.1, P = .004); increased the HF component (49.3 +/- 4.1 vs 58.4 +/- 4.2 normalized units, P = .004) and decreased the LF component (50.7 +/- 4.1 vs 41.6 +/- 4.2 normalized units, P = .001) of heart rate variability; decreased muscle sympathetic nerve activity (37.1 +/- 3 vs 29.5 +/- 2.3 bursts per minute, P = .001); and improved quality of life. No significant changes were observed in the control group. CONCLUSION: Home-based IMT represents an important strategy to improve cardiac and peripheral autonomic controls, functional capacity, and quality of life in patients with CHF.
Yamaguti WP, Claudino RC, Neto AP, Chammas MC, Gomes AC, Salge TM, Moriya HT, Cukier A, Carvalho CR. Diaphragmatic breathing training program improves abdominal motion during natural breathing in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2012;93:571-7. Objective: To investigate the effects of a diaphragmatic breathing training program (DBTP) on thoracoabdominal motion and functional capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Design: A prospective, randomized controlled trial. Setting: Academic medical center. Participants: Subjects (N=30; forced expiratory volume in Is, 4270 +/- 13% predicted) were randomly allocated to either a training group (TG) or a control group (CG). Interventions: Subjects in the TG completed a 4-week supervised DBTP (3 individualized weekly sessions), while those in the CG received their usual care. Main Outcome Measures: Effectiveness was assessed by amplitude of the rib cage to abdominal motion ratio (RC/ABD ratio) (primary outcome) and diaphragmatic mobility (secondary outcome). The RC/ABD ratio was measured using respiratory inductive plethysmography during voluntary diaphragmatic breathing and natural breathing. Diaphragmatic mobility was measured by ultrasonography. A 6-minute walk test and health-related quality of life were also evaluated. Results: Immediately after the 4-week DBTP, the TG showed a greater abdominal motion during natural breathing quantified by a reduction in the RC/ABD ratio when compared with the CG (F=8.66; P<.001). Abdominal motion during voluntary diaphragmatic breathing after the intervention was also greater in the TG than in the CG (F=4.11; P<.05). The TG showed greater diaphragmatic mobility after the 4-week DBTP than did the CG (F=15.08; P<.001). An improvement in the 6-minute walk test and in health-related quality of life was also observed in the TG. Conclusions: DBTP for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease induced increased diaphragm participation during natural breathing, resulting in an improvement in functional capacity.
Abstract Background The Stroke remains one of the major chronic diseases worldwide, and is considered a major cause of disability, which results not only in persistent neurological deficits, but also in the high physical deconditioning, nevertheless there are not many forms of assessing functional capacity in this population. We aimed to investigate the feasibility of the Six Minute Walk Teste and the Six-Minute Step Test (6MST) in post-stroke patients and compare the behavior of physiological variables during the 6MST and the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), by correlating the functional performance obtained in both tests. Method The 6MWT was carried out according to the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the 6MST was performed in six minutes in order to compare it to the 6MWT in a 20 cm step. Was included post-stroke individuals able to walk without aid. All of them did the 6MWT and the 6MST. Results 12 patients participated in the study. There was no statistical difference in the parameters analyzed when tests were compared. There was poor correlation between the functional performance in both tests. Conclusion The 6MWT and the 6MST is feasible for post-stroke patients and physiological responses are equal during the performance of both tests. However, there was no correlation with respect to functional performance, which was assessed by the distance walked in the 6MWT and by the number of steps climbed in the 6MST.
OBJETIVO: Estudar a relação entre inclusão digital, na forma de troca de mensagens pela Internet, e capacidade funcional de idosos residentes em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se dados do EpiFloripa Idoso, um estudo transversal de base populacional com idosos (60+ anos) realizado entre 2009 e 2010. A capacidade funcional foi representada pela dificuldade ou incapacidade na realização de atividades básicas ou instrumentais da vida diária, e constituiu a variável dependente denominada dependência funcional. A variável independente principal foi a capacidade autorreferida de enviar e receber mensagens pela Internet usando um computador. Razões de prevalência (PR) e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) foram estimados em modelo multivariável por regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A amostra compreendeu 1.656 idosos entre 60 e 102 anos com idade média de 70,39 anos (DP = 7,79). Os idosos que conseguiam enviar e receber mensagens pela Internet sem dificuldade apresentaram prevalência significativamente menor de dependência funcional moderada/grave (RP = 0,61; IC95%: 0,40 - 0,94) após ajuste para fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos, de saúde e comportamentais. CONCLUSÕES: A troca de mensagens pela Internet possui forte associação com independência funcional. Não é possível inferir a relação de causalidade dessa associação. Estudos alicerçam a hipótese de que a troca de mensagens pela Internet e a independência funcional tenham uma associação bidirecional, aditiva e sinérgica. Estudos longitudinais poderiam investigar os mecanismos envolvidos nessa associação, para fundamentar políticas de inclusão digital de idosos e para identificar qual o perfil de idosos que mais se beneficiaria com essa inclusão.
Este estudo aleatorizado não controlado teve como objetivo determinar o efeito de um protocolo de exercício com pesos ou aeróbico no desempenho das atividades da vida diária em mulheres idosas. Para tanto, a amostra foi constituída por 41 mulheres idosas aparentemente saudáveis na faixa etária de 60 a 85 anos de idade (x: 65,1 ± 7,9 anos) divididas aleatoriamente em grupo exercício com pesos (n: 22) ou aeróbico (n: 19). O grupo exercício com pesos consistiu na execução de três séries de oito a 12 repetições a 60% de uma repetição máxima no exercício leg press 45º. O grupo exercício aeróbico consistiu em pedalar em cicloergômetro durante 40 minutos a 60% da frequência cardíaca de reserva. Os dois protocolos foram realizados três vezes por semana durante cinco semanas. As atividades da vida diária selecionadas foram velocidade para se levantar de uma posição sentada (VLPS), velocidade para se levantar de uma posição deitada (VLPD), velocidade para subir escada (VSE) e velocidade para calçar e amarrar o tênis (VCAT). O grupo exercício aeróbico melhorou significativamente o desempenho em VCAT (19,1%), enquanto o exercício com pesos incrementou significativamente o desempenho em VSE (4,3%) e VLPS (8,9%). Os resultados deste estudo permitem concluir que tanto o exercício com pesos como o aeróbico induziram efeito positivo nas atividades da vida diária, sugerindo que ambas as modalidades de exercício devem ser associadas a um programa adequado de exercícios para a melhora da capacidade funcional de pessoas idosas.
OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the effects of aerobic exercise training without dietary changes on cardiovascular and metabolic variables and on the expression of glucose transporter Type 4 in rats with metabolic syndrome. METHODS: Twenty male spontaneously hypertensive rats received monosodium glutamate during the neonatal period. The animals were allocated to the following groups: MS (sedentary metabolic syndrome), MS-T (trained on a treadmill for 1 hour/day, 5 days/week for 10 weeks), H (sedentary spontaneously hypertensive rats) and H-T (trained spontaneously hypertensive rats). The Lee index, blood pressure (tail-cuff system), insulin sensitivity (insulin tolerance test) and functional capacity were evaluated before and after 10 weeks of training. Glucose transporter Type 4 expression was analyzed using Western blotting. The data were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) (p<0.05). RESULTS: At baseline, the MS rats exhibited lower insulin sensitivity and increased Lee index compared with the H rats. Training decreased the body weight and Lee index of the MS rats (MS-T vs. MS), but not of the H rats (H-T vs. H). There were no differences in food intake between the groups. At the end of the experiments, the systolic blood pressure was lower in the two trained groups than in their sedentary controls. Whole-body insulin sensitivity increased in the trained groups. Glucose transporter Type 4 content increased in the heart, white adipose tissue and gastrocnemius muscle of the trained groups relative to their respective untrained groups. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the present study shows that an isolated aerobic exercise training intervention is an efficient means of improving several components of metabolic syndrome, that is, training reduces obesity and hypertension and increases insulin sensitivity
Skeletal muscles from old rats fail to completely regenerate following injury. This study investigated whether pharmacological stimulation of beta 2-adrenoceptors in aged muscles following injury could improve their regenerative capacity, focusing on myofiber size recovery. Young and aged rats were treated with a subcutaneous injection of beta 2-adrenergic agonist formoterol (2 mu g/kg/d) up to 10 and 21 days after soleus muscle injury. Formoterol-treated muscles from old rats evaluated at 10 and 21 days postinjury showed reduced inflammation and connective tissue but a similar number of regenerating myofibers of greater caliber when compared with their injured controls. Formoterol minimized the decrease in tetanic force and increased protein synthesis and mammalian target of rapamycin phosphorylation in old muscles at 10 days postinjury. Our results suggest that formoterol improves structural and functional regenerative capacity of regenerating skeletal muscles from aged rats by increasing protein synthesis via mammalian target of rapamycin activation. Furthermore, formoterol may have therapeutic benefits in recovery following muscle damage in senescent individuals.
Several experimental studies of pulmonary emphysema using animal models have been described in the literature. However, only a few of these studies have focused on the assessment of ergometric function as a non-invasive technique to validate the methodology used for induction of experimental emphysema. Additionally, functional assessments of emphysema are rarely correlated with morphological pulmonary abnormalities caused by induced emphysema. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of elastase administered by tracheal puncture on pulmonary parenchyma and their corresponding functional impairment. This was evaluated by measuring exercise capacity in C57Bl/6 mice in order to establish a reproducible and safe methodology of inducing experimental emphysema. Thirty six mice underwent ergometric tests before and 28 days after elastase administration. Pancreatic porcine elastase solution was administered by tracheal puncture, which resulted in a significantly decreased exercise capacity, shown by a shorter distance run (-30.5%) and a lower mean velocity (-15%), as well as in failure to increase the elimination of carbon dioxide. The mean linear intercept increased significantly by 50% in tracheal elastase administration. In conclusion, application of elastase by tracheal function in C57Bl/6 induces emphysema, as validated by morphometric analyses, and resulted in a significantly lower exercise capacity, while resulting in a low mortality rate. (C) 2011 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
A taxonomic and annotated functional description of microbial life was deduced from 53 Mb of metagenomic sequence retrieved from a planktonic fraction of the Neotropical high Andean (3,973 meters above sea level) acidic hot spring El Coquito (EC). A classification of unassembled metagenomic reads using different databases showed a high proportion of Gammaproteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria (in total read affiliation), and through taxonomic affiliation of 16S rRNA gene fragments we observed the presence of Proteobacteria, micro-algae chloroplast and Firmicutes. Reads mapped against the genomes Acidiphilium cryptum JF-5, Legionella pneumophila str. Corby and Acidithiobacillus caldus revealed the presence of transposase-like sequences, potentially involved in horizontal gene transfer. Functional annotation and hierarchical comparison with different datasets obtained by pyrosequencing in different ecosystems showed that the microbial community also contained extensive DNA repair systems, possibly to cope with ultraviolet radiation at such high altitudes. Analysis of genes involved in the nitrogen cycle indicated the presence of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to N2 (narGHI, nirS, norBCDQ and nosZ), associated with Proteobacteria-like sequences. Genes involved in the sulfur cycle (cysDN, cysNC and aprA) indicated adenylsulfate and sulfite production that were affiliated to several bacterial species. In summary, metagenomic sequence data provided insight regarding the structure and possible functions of this hot spring microbial community, describing some groups potentially involved in the nitrogen and sulfur cycling in this environment. Citation: Jimenez DJ, Andreote FD, Chaves D, Montana JS, Osorio-Forero C, et al. (2012) Structural and Functional Insights from the Metagenome of an Acidic Hot Spring Microbial Planktonic Community in the Colombian Andes. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52069. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052069
Intervention strategies regarding the biofortification of orange-fleshed sweet potato, which is a rich source of carotenoids for combating vitamin A deficiency, are being developed in Brazil. This study was conducted to evaluate the concentrations of individual carotenoids, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in the roots of four biofortified sweet potato cultivars that were raw or processed by four common heat treatments. HPLC, Folin-Ciocalteu, DPPH and ABTS assays were used. All cultivars showed high levels of carotenoids in raw roots, predominantly all-trans-beta-carotene (79.1-128.5 mg.100 g(-1) DW), suggesting a high estimated vitamin A activity. The CNPH 1194 cultivar reported carotenoids values highest than those of other cultivars (p < 0.05). The total phenolic compounds varied among cultivars and heat treatments (0.96-2.05 mg.g(-1) DW). In most cases, the heat treatments resulted in a significant decrease in the carotenoids and phenolic compounds contents as well as antioxidant capacity. Processing of flour presented the greatest losses of major carotenoids and phenolics. The phenolic compounds showed more stability than carotenoids after processing. There were significant correlations between the carotenoids and phenolic compounds and the antioxidant capacity.
BACKGROUND: Only about 15% of donor lungs are considered suitable for transplantation (LTx). Ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) has been developed as a method to reassess and repair damaged lungs. We report our experience with EVLP in non-acceptable donor lungs and evaluate its ability to recondition these lungs. METHODS: We studied lungs from 16 brain-dead donors rejected for LTx. After harvesting, the lungs were stored at 4 degrees C for 10 hours and subjected to normothermic EVLP with Steen Solution (Vitro life, Goteborg, Sweden) for 60 minutes. For functional evaluation, the following variables were assessed: partial pressure of arterial oxygen (Pao(2)), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and lung compliance (LC). For histologic assessment, lung biopsy was done before harvest and after EVLP. Tissue samples were examined under light microscopy. To detect and quantify apoptosis, terminal deoxynucleotide transferase-mediated deoxy uridine triphosphate nick-end labeling assay was used. RESULTS: Thirteen lima donors were refused for having impaired lung function. The mean Pao(2) obtained in the organ donor at the referring hospital was 193.7 mm Hg and rose to 489 mm Hg after EVLP. During EVLP, the mean PVR was 652.5 dynes/sec/cm(5) and the mean LC was 48 ml/cm H2O. There was no significant difference between the mean Lung Injury Score before harvest and after EVLP. There was a trend toward a reduction in the median number of apoptotic cells after EVLP. CONCLUSIONS: EVLP improved lung function (oxygenation capacity) of organs considered unsuitable for transplantation. Lung tissue structure did not deteriorate even after 1 hour of normothermic perfusion. J Heart Lung Transplant 2012;31:305-9 (C) 2012 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. All rights reserved.
Transposable elements (TEs) account for a large portion of plant genomes, particularly in grasses, in which they correspond to 50%-80% of the genomic content. TEs have recently been shown to be a source of new genes and new regulatory networks. The most striking contribution of TEs is referred as "molecular domestication", by which the element coding sequence loses its movement capacity and acquires cellular function. Recently, domesticated transposases known as mustang and derived from the Mutator element have been described in sugarcane. In order to improve our understanding of the function of these proteins, we identified mustang genes from Sorghum bicolor and Zea mays and performed a phenetic analysis to assess the diversity and evolutionary history of this gene family. This analysis identified orthologous groups and showed that mustang genes are highly conserved in grass genomes. We also explored the transcriptional activity of sugarcane mustang genes in heterologous and homologous systems. These genes were found to be ubiquitously transcribed, with shoot apical meristem having the highest expression levels, and were downregulated by phytohormones. Together, these findings suggest the possible involvement of mustang proteins in the maintenance of hormonal homeostasis.
The present investigation was undertaken to test whether exercise training (ET) associated with AMPK/PPAR agonists (EM) would improve skeletal muscle function in mdx mice. These drugs have the potential to improve oxidative metabolism. This is of particular interest because oxidative muscle fibers are less affected in the course of the disease than glycolitic counterparts. Therefore, a cohort of 34 male congenic C57Bl/10J mdx mice included in this study was randomly assigned into four groups: vehicle solution (V), EM [AICAR (AMPK agonist, 50 mg/Kg-1.day-1, ip) and GW 1516 (PPAR delta agonist, 2.5 mg/Kg-1.day-1, gavage)], ET (voluntary running on activity wheel) and EM+ET. Functional performance (grip meter and rotarod), aerobic capacity (running test), muscle histopathology, serum creatine kinase (CK), levels of ubiquitined proteins, oxidative metabolism protein expression (AMPK, PPAR, myoglobin and SCD) and intracellular calcium handling (DHPR, SERCA and NCX) protein expression were analyzed. Treatments started when the animals were two months old and were maintained for one month. A significant functional improvement (p<0.05) was observed in animals submitted to the combination of ET and EM. CK levels were decreased and the expression of proteins related to oxidative metabolism was increased in this group. There were no differences among the groups in the intracellular calcium handling protein expression. To our knowledge, this is the first study that tested the association of ET with EM in an experimental model of muscular dystrophy. Our results suggest that the association of ET and EM should be further tested as a potential therapeutic approach in muscular dystrophies.
The content of isoorientin in passion fruit rinds (Passiflora Mulls fo. flavicarpa O. Degener) was determined by HPTLC (high performance thin layer chromatography) with densitometric analysis. The results revealed a higher amount of isoorientin in healthy rinds of P edulis (92.275 +/- 0.610 mg L-1) than in rinds with typical symptoms of PWV (Passion fruit Woodiness Virus) infection (28.931 +/- 0.346 mg L-1). The HPTLC data, allied to assays of radical scavenging activity, suggest the potential of P Mulls rinds as a natural source of flavonoids or as a possible functional food.