25 resultados para Digestive enzyme


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Background/Aims: Oxidative stress plays a central role in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Pro198Leu cytosolic glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) polymorphism seems to be associated with a lower activity of this enzyme, but there are no studies with AD patients. Thus, the aim was to determine the frequency of the GPx1 Pro198Leu polymorphism in AD patients and to verify its relation to glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and selenium (Se) status. Methods:The study was carried out in a group of AD elderly (n = 28) compared to a control group (n = 29). Blood Se concentrations were measured through hydride generation atomic absorption spectroscopy. GPx activity was determined using a commercial kit, and the polymorphism using amplified DNA sequencing. Results:The distribution of genotypes was not different between groups. The variant allele frequency was 0.179 (AD group) and 0.207 (control group). Although no differences regarding GPx activity were found between individuals with different genotypes, lower blood Se levels were found in Pro/Pro AD patients compared to Pro/Pro control subjects, which was not found in the Pro/Leu groups. Moreover, the association between the erythrocyte Se concentration and GPx activity was affected by the Pro198Leu genotype. Conclusions: Results indicate that this polymorphism had apparently affected Se status in AD patients and that more studies in this field are necessary. Copyright (c) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Supercritical carbon dioxide is a promising green-chemistry solvent for many enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions, yet the striking stability of some enzymes in such unconventional environments is not well understood. Here, we investigate the stabilization of the Candida antarctica Lipase B (CALB) in supercritical carbon dioxide-water biphasic systems using molecular dynamics simulations. The preservation of the enzyme structure and optimal activity depend on the presence of small amounts of water in the supercritical dispersing medium. When the protein is at least partially hydrated, water molecules bind to specific sites on the enzyme surface and prevent carbon dioxide from penetrating its catalytic core. Strikingly, water and supercritical carbon dioxide cover the protein surface quite heterogeneously. In the first solvation layer, the hydrophilic residues at the surface of the protein are able to pin down patches of water, whereas carbon dioxide solvates preferentially hydrophobic surface residues. In the outer solvation shells, water molecules tend to cluster predominantly on top of the larger water patches of the first solvation layer instead of spreading evenly around the remainder of the protein surface. For CALB, this exposes the substrate-binding region of the enzyme to carbon dioxide, possibly facilitating diffusion of nonpolar substrates into the catalytic funnel. Therefore, by means of microheterogeneous solvation, enhanced accessibility of hydrophobic substrates to the active site can be achieved, while preserving the functional structure of the enzyme. Our results provide a molecular picture on the nature of the stability of proteins in nonaqueous media.


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Rodrigues M.N., Oliveira G.B., Silva R.S.S, Tivane C.T., Albuquerque J.F.G., Miglino M.A. & Oliveira M.F. 2012. [Gross morphology and topography of the digestive apparatus in rheas (Rhea americana americana).] Macroscopia e topografia do aparelho digestorio de emas (Rhea americana americana). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(7):681-686. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Cidade Universitaria, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508270, Brazil. E-mail: marcio_medvet@hotmail.com Rheas are birds belonging to the ratites group and, among ostriches and emus, are the largest birds currently alive. In this work we studied the macroscopic aspects of rheas' digestive tract in order to provide important information to a better understanding of these birds' eating habits as well their anatomy. Twenty young animals aging between two and six months from the Centre for Wild Animals Multiplication (Cemas, scientific breeding license form Ibama no.1478912) were used. After dissection it was observed that their tongue was small and presented a rhomboid form, being disposed on the oral cavity floor, and inserted in its base by a frenulum. The esophagus was a rectilinear tube with elastic aspect and longitudinal elastic fibers, without dilation, which gives it an absence of crop. The proventriculus presented a fusiform form and the gastric ventricle showed and slightly oval form when filled, and was internally coated with a thick gastric cuticle. The small intestine was composed of three distinct regions: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The duodenum had a light gray color and showed a "U" curved shaped. The jejunum was dark green, long and composed of several short loops arranged above each other. The ileum had a gray color and was connected with the jejunum. In ventral line to the rectum and cloaca, the ileum extended cranially, dorsally to the ascending duodenum. The large intestine was composed of two caeca, one right and one left, and colon-rectum and ileum were continuous with the cloaca. The structures of the rhea digestive tract resemble those described in the literature regarding to its shape and topography, even though rhea's caeca are well developed and relatively long.


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We investigated the influence of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) treatment and physical exercise on arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate variability (HRV) in volunteer patients with hypertension. A total of 54 sedentary volunteers were divided into three groups: normotensive (NT Group), hypertensive (HT Group) and HT volunteers treated with ACEi (ACEi Group). All volunteers underwent an aerobic physical-training protocol for 15 weeks. HRV was investigated using a spectral analysis of a time series of R-R interval (RRi) that was obtained in a supine position and during a tilt test. Physical training promoted a significant reduction in the mean arterial pressure of the HT group (113 +/- 3 vs. 106 +/- 1 mm Hg) and the ACEi group (104 +/- 2 vs. 98 +/- 2 mm Hg). Spectral analysis of RRi in the supine position before physical training demonstrated that the NT and ACEi groups had similar values at low frequency (LF; 0.04-0.15 Hz) and high frequency (HF; 0.15-0.5 Hz) oscillations. The HT group had an increase in LF oscillations in absolute and normalized units and a decrease in HF oscillations in normalized units compared with the other groups. The HT group had the lowest responses to the tilt test during LF oscillations in normalized units. Physical training improved the autonomic modulation of the heart rate in the supine position only in the HT group. Physical training promoted a similar increase in autonomic modulation responses in the tilt test in all groups. Our findings show that aerobic physical training improves cardiac autonomic modulation in HT volunteers independently of ACEi treatment. Hypertension Research (2012) 35, 82-87; doi:10.1038/hr.2011.162; published online 29 September 2011


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Abstract Background Identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) based on phenotypic tests is time-consuming, labor-intensive, expensive and often provides erroneous or inconclusive results. In the molecular method referred to as PRA-hsp65, a fragment of the hsp65 gene is amplified by PCR and then analyzed by restriction digest; this rapid approach offers the promise of accurate, cost-effective species identification. The aim of this study was to determine whether species identification of NTM using PRA-hsp65 is sufficiently reliable to serve as the routine methodology in a reference laboratory. Results A total of 434 NTM isolates were obtained from 5019 cultures submitted to the Institute Adolpho Lutz, Sao Paulo Brazil, between January 2000 and January 2001. Species identification was performed for all isolates using conventional phenotypic methods and PRA-hsp65. For isolates for which these methods gave discordant results, definitive species identification was obtained by sequencing a 441 bp fragment of hsp65. Phenotypic evaluation and PRA-hsp65 were concordant for 321 (74%) isolates. These assignments were presumed to be correct. For the remaining 113 discordant isolates, definitive identification was based on sequencing a 441 bp fragment of hsp65. PRA-hsp65 identified 30 isolates with hsp65 alleles representing 13 previously unreported PRA-hsp65 patterns. Overall, species identification by PRA-hsp65 was significantly more accurate than by phenotype methods (392 (90.3%) vs. 338 (77.9%), respectively; p < .0001, Fisher's test). Among the 333 isolates representing the most common pathogenic species, PRA-hsp65 provided an incorrect result for only 1.2%. Conclusion PRA-hsp65 is a rapid and highly reliable method and deserves consideration by any clinical microbiology laboratory charged with performing species identification of NTM.


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This study compares two xylanases produced by filamentous fungi such as A. niger and A. flavus using agroindustrial residues as substract and evaluated the effect of these enzymes on cellulose pulp biobleaching process. Wheat bran was the best carbon source for xylanase production by A. niger and A. flavus. The production of xylanase was 18 and 21% higher on wheat bran when we compare the xylanase production with xylan. At 50°C, the xylanase of A. niger retained over 85% activity with 2 h of incubation, and A. flavus had a half-life of more than 75 minutes. At 55°C, the xylanase produced by A. niger showed more stable than from A. flavus showing a half-life of more than 45 minutes. The xylanase activity of A. niger and A. flavus were somehow protected in the presence of glycerol 5% when compared to the control (without additives). On the biobleaching assay it was observed that the xylanase from A. flavus was more effective in comparison to A. niger. The kappa efficiency corresponded to 36.32 and 25.93, respectively. That is important to emphasize that the cellulase activity was either analyzed and significant levels were not detected, which explain why the viscosity was not significantly modified.


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Abstract Background Isoprenoids are the most diverse and abundant group of natural products. In Plasmodium falciparum, isoprenoid synthesis proceeds through the methyl erythritol diphosphate pathway and the products are further metabolized by farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPPS), turning this enzyme into a key branch point of the isoprenoid synthesis. Changes in FPPS activity could alter the flux of isoprenoid compounds downstream of FPPS and, hence, play a central role in the regulation of a number of essential functions in Plasmodium parasites. Methods The isolation and cloning of gene PF3D7_18400 was done by amplification from cDNA from mixed stage parasites of P. falciparum. After sequencing, the fragment was subcloned in pGEX2T for recombinant protein expression. To verify if the PF3D7_1128400 gene encodes a functional rPfFPPS protein, its catalytic activity was assessed using the substrate [4-14C] isopentenyl diphosphate and three different allylic substrates: dimethylallyl diphosphate, geranyl diphosphate or farnesyl diphosphate. The reaction products were identified by thin layer chromatography and reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography. To confirm the product spectrum formed of rPfFPPS, isoprenic compounds were also identified by mass spectrometry. Apparent kinetic constants KM and Vmax for each substrate were determined by Michaelis–Menten; also, inhibition assays were performed using risedronate. Results The expressed protein of P. falciparum FPPS (rPfFPPS) catalyzes the synthesis of farnesyl diphosphate, as well as geranylgeranyl diphosphate, being therefore a bifunctional FPPS/geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase (GGPPS) enzyme. The apparent KM values for the substrates dimethylallyl diphosphate, geranyl diphosphate and farnesyl diphosphate were, respectively, 68 ± 5 μM, 7.8 ± 1.3 μM and 2.06 ± 0.4 μM. The protein is expressed constitutively in all intra-erythrocytic stages of P. falciparum, demonstrated by using transgenic parasites with a haemagglutinin-tagged version of FPPS. Also, the present data demonstrate that the recombinant protein is inhibited by risedronate. Conclusions The rPfFPPS is a bifunctional FPPS/GGPPS enzyme and the structure of products FOH and GGOH were confirmed mass spectrometry. Plasmodial FPPS represents a potential target for the rational design of chemotherapeutic agents to treat malaria.


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Abstract Background Despite recent advances in the understanding of lignocellulolytic enzyme regulation, less is known about how different carbon sources are sensed and the signaling cascades that result in the adaptation of cellular metabolism and hydrolase secretion. Therefore, the role played by non-essential protein kinases (NPK) and phosphatases (NPP) in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status was investigated in the model filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Results Eleven NPKs and seven NPPs were identified as being involved in cellulase, and in some cases also hemicellulase, production in A. nidulans. The regulation of CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression (CCR) in the parental strain was determined by fluorescence microscopy, utilising a CreA: GFP fusion protein. The sensing of phosphorylated glucose, via the RAS signalling pathway induced CreA repression, while carbon starvation resulted in derepression. Growth on cellulose represented carbon starvation and derepressing conditions. The involvement of the identified NPKs in the regulation of cellulose-induced responses and CreA derepression was assessed by genome-wide transcriptomics (GEO accession 47810). CreA:GFP localisation and the restoration of endocellulase activity via the introduction of the ∆creA mutation, was assessed in the NPK-deficient backgrounds. The absence of either the schA or snfA kinase dramatically reduced cellulose-induced transcriptional responses, including the expression of hydrolytic enzymes and transporters. The mechanism by which these two NPKs controlled gene transcription was identified, as the NPK-deficient mutants were not able to unlock CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression under derepressing conditions, such as carbon starvation or growth on cellulose. Conclusions Collectively, this study identified multiple kinases and phosphatases involved in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status, while demonstrating the overlapping, synergistic roles of schA and snfA in the regulation of CreA derepression and hydrolytic enzyme production in A. nidulans. The importance of a carbon starvation-induced signal for CreA derepression, permitting transcriptional activator binding, appeared paramount for hydrolase secretion.


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A serological follow-up study was carried out on 27 children (1–12 years old) with visceral and/or ocular toxocariasis, after treatment with thiabendazole. A total of 159 serum samples were collected in a period ranging from 22–116 months. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (IgG, IgA, and IgE ELISA) were standardized, using excretory–secretory antigens obtained from the second-stage larvae of a Toxocara canis culture. The sensitivity found for the IgG, IgA, and IgE ELISA, as determined in visceral toxocariasis patients, was 100%, 47.8%, and 78.3%, respectively. Approximately 84% of the patients presented single or multiple parasitosis, as diagnosed by stool examination, yet such variables did not appear to affect the anti-Toxocara immune response. Titers of specific IgE antibody showed a significant decrease during the first year after treatment, followed by a decrease in the IgA titers in the second year, and in the IgG titers from the fourth year onwards. Sera from all patients presented high avidity IgG antibodies, indicating that they were in the chronic phase of the disease. Moreover, 1 year after treatment, the level of leukocytes, eosinophils, and anti-A isohemagglutinin in patients decreased significantly. The present data suggest that IgE antibodies plus eosinophil counts are helpful parameters for patient followup after chemotherapy.


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Aims: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are used in diabetic kidney disease to reduce systemic/intra-glomerular pressure. The objective of this study was to investigate whether reducing blood pressure (BP) could modulate renal glucose transporter expression, and urinary markers of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic hypertensive rats treated with ramipril or amlodipine. Main methods: Diabetes was induced in spontaneously-hypertensive rats (~210 g) by streptozotocin (50 mg/kg). Thirty days later, animals received ramipril 15 μg/kg/day (R, n =10), or amlodipine 10 mg/kg/day (A, n= 8,) or water (C, n = 10) by gavage. After 30-day treatment, body weight, glycaemia, urinary albumin and TGF-β1 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and BP (tail-cuff pressure method) were evaluated. Kidneys were removed for evaluation of renal cortex glucose transporters (Western blotting) and renal tissue ACE activity (fluorometric assay). Key findings: After treatments, body weight (p = 0.77) and glycaemia (p = 0.22) were similar among the groups. Systolic BP was similarly reduced (p < 0.001) in A and R vs. C (172.4 ± 3.2; 186.7 ± 3.7 and 202.2 ± 4.3 mm Hg; respectively). ACE activity (C: 0.903 ± 0.086; A: 0.654 ± 0.025, and R: 0.389 ± 0.057 mU/mg), albuminuria (C: 264.8 ± 15.4; A: 140.8 ± 13.5 and R: 102.8 ± 6.7 mg/24 h), and renal cortex GLUT1 content (C: 46.81 ± 4.54; A: 40.30 ± 5.39 and R: 26.89 ± 0.79 AU) decreased only in R (p < 0.001, p < 0.05 and p < 0.001; respectively). Significance:We concluded that the blockade of the renin–angiotensin systemwith ramipril reduced earlymarkers of diabetic nephropathy, a phenomenon that cannot be specifically related to decreased BP levels.