20 resultados para Axixá do Tocantins


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar ambientes homogêneos com base na ocorrência de eventos de seca/umidade na Região Centro-Norte do Brasil, compreendendo os Estados de Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Goiás e Tocantins. Para esse fim, utilizou-se o índice quantitativo de seca denominado Anomalia de Umidade de Palmer (Z-index). Os dados climáticos de entrada utilizados por esse índice para quantificar os eventos de seca/umidade foram simulados pelo modelo regional climático RegCM3 ("Regional ClimateModel - version3"), para o período de 1975 a 1989. Por meio de análise de agrupamento foram identificados 13 ambientes homogêneos. Esses ambientes homogêneos foram caracterizados por meio da probabilidade de ocorrência de eventos de seca/umidade, densidade relativa destes eventos, variabilidade da precipitação pluvial anual e a probabilidade de ocorrência de seca na época das águas (outubro a maio). No Estado do Mato Grosso observou-se o maior número de ambientes homogêneos e na Região Sudoeste desse Estado, o ambiente 11, obteve a maior probabilidade de ocorrência de eventos extremamente seco, 9%. O ambiente 10, localizado no extremo leste de Goiás, teve a menor mediana para a precipitação pluvial anual. O evento climático com maior probabilidade de ocorrência na região de estudo é o próximo ao normal ou normalidade de umidade.


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Anchoviella juruasanga is described from the drainages of rios Negro, Madeira, Tapajós, Trombetas, Tocantins, and Jari, in the Amazon basin, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by having a short upper jaw, with its posterior tip extending between the verticals through anterior and posterior margins of the pupil (vs. posterior tip of upper jaw extending beyond the vertical through posterior margin of the pupil). Anchoviella juruasanga is also distinct from other strictly freshwater Amazonian species of the genus by the distance from tip of snout to posterior end of upper jaw between 8 and 11% in standard length (vs. 14% or more in A. alleni, A. carrikeri, A. guianensis, and A. jamesi). The anal-fin origin slightly posterior to or at the vertical through the base of the last dorsal-fin ray further distinguishes the new species from A. alleni (anal-fin origin posterior to the vertical through the last anal-fin ray by at least 14% of head length) and A. jamesi (anal-fin origin anterior to the vertical through the last anal-fin ray). An identification key for the Amazonian species of Anchoviella, including marine and estuarine species known to occur in the lower portion of the basin, is presented.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil clínico e epidemiológico e a prevalência da coinfecção tuberculose/HIV na Unidade Regional de Saúde do Tocantins, que envolve 14 municípios no estado do Maranhão. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo baseado em dados secundários das fichas individuais de tuberculose do Sistema Nacional de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Foram incluídos todos os casos notificados de coinfecção tuberculose/HIV, por município de residência, no período entre janeiro de 2001 e dezembro de 2010. RESULTADOS: Foram notificados 1.746 casos de tuberculose no distrito. Dos pacientes testados para HIV, 100 eram coinfectados. equivalendo a uma prevalência de 39%. Dos coinfectados, 79% eram do sexo masculino, 42% eram de cor parda, 64% tinham idade entre 20 e 40 anos, 31% tinham até quatro anos de estudo, e 88% residiam em Imperatriz. A forma clínica predominante foi a pulmonar (87%), e 73% eram casos novos. Dos coinfectados, 27% apresentaram resultados positivos na baciloscopia de escarro e 89% tinham imagem sugestiva de tuberculose na radiografia do tórax. A cultura de escarro foi realizada em apenas 7% dos casos. CONCLUSÕES: Evidenciou-se que a situação clínica e epidemiológica da coinfecção tuberculose/HIV ainda é um grande problema de saúde pública no sudoeste do Maranhão e impõe uma maior articulação entre os programas de controle de tuberculose e de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis/AIDS. Além disso, são necessários o compromisso e o envolvimento político dos gestores e profissionais de saúde no planejamento de ações e serviços de saúde.


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Neoproterozoic geologic and geotectonic processes were of utmost importance in forming and structuring the basement framework of the South-American platform. Two large domains with distinct evolutionary histories are identified with respect to the Neoproterozoic era: the northwest-west (Amazonian craton and surroundings) and the central-southeast (the extra-Amazonian domain). In the first domain, Neoproterozoic events occurred only locally and were of secondary significance, and the geologic events, processes, and structures of the pre-Neoproterozoic (and syn-Brasiliano) cratonic block were much more influential. In the second, the extra-Amazonian domain, the final evolution, structures and forms are assigned to events related to the development of a complex net of Neoproterozoic mobile belts. These in turn resulted in strong reworking of the older pre-Neoproterozoic basement. In this domain, four distinct structural provinces circumscribe or are separated by relatively small pre- Neoproterozoic cratonic nuclei, namely the Pampean, Tocantins, Borborema and Mantiqueira provinces. These extra-Amazonian provinces were formed by a complex framework of orogenic branching systems following a diversified post-Mesoproterozoic paleogeographic scenario. This scenario included many types of basement inliers as well as a diversified organization of accretionary and collisional orogens. The basement inliers date from the Archean toMesoproterozoic periods and are different in nature. The escape tectonics that operated during the final consolidation stages of the provinces were important to and responsible for the final forms currently observed. These latest events, which occurred from the Late Ediacaran to the Early Ordovician, present serious obstacles to paleogeographic reconstructions. Two groups of orogenic collage systems are identified. The older system from the Tonian (>850 Ma) period is of restricted occurrence and is not fully understood due to strong reworking subsequent to Tonian times. The second group of orogenies is more extensive and more important. Its development began with diachronic taphrogenic processes in the Early Cryogenian period (ca. 850e750 Ma) and preceded a complex scenario of continental, transitional and oceanic basins. Subsequent orogenies (post 800 Ma) were also created by diachronic processes that ended in the Early Ordovician. More than one orogeny (plate interaction) can be identified either in space or in time in every province. The orogenic processes were not necessarily synchronous in different parts of the orogenic system, even within the same province. This particular group of orogenic collage events is known as the “Brasiliano”. All of the structural provinces of the extra-Amazonian domain exhibit final events that are marked by extrusion processes, are represented by long lineaments, and are fundamental to unraveling the structural history of the Phanerozoic sedimentary basins.


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Purpose To describe an extremely uncommon outbreak of eye lesions in a specific area of the Brazilian Amazonia. Methods Prospective noncomparative case series. Fifty-nine patients who developed eye lesions after swimming in the Araguaia river of Tocantins state in Brazil were examined. A team of ophthalmologists equipped with a slit-lamp, gonioscopic lenses, and indirect ophthalmoscopy performed full eye examination. Analysis of the flora and fauna of the river water was undertaken by a group of experts. Results and Conclusions Eighty-three eyes were affected. The most common lesions were corneal opacities seen in 34 eyes and conjunctival nodules diagnosed in 12 eyes. Severe visual acuity loss was detected in seven children with unilateral anterior chamber lesions. Spicules of the sponge species Drulia uruguayensis and Drulia ctenosclera were found inside three blind eyes that have been enucleated for diagnostic purposes. All eye lesions could be attributed to an outbreak of foreign bodies from fresh water sponges. Organic enrichment of the water resulting from the absence of sanitation probably was the key factor, which initiated a cycle of ecological imbalance that provoked human disease.