52 resultados para Allogeneic stem cell transplantation
The effects of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSC) transplantation on degeneration, regeneration and skeletal muscle function were investigated in dystrophin-deficient mice (24-week-old). ADMSC transplantation improved muscle strength and, resistance to fatigue. An increase in fiber cross-sectional area and in the number of fibers with centralized nuclei and augment of myogenin content were observed. In ADMSC-treated muscles a decrease in muscle content of TNF-alpha, IL-6 and oxidative stress measured by Amplex(A (R)) reagent were observed. The level of TGF-beta 1 was lowered whereas that of VEGF, IL-10 and IL-4 were increased by ADMSC treatment. An increase in markers of macrophage M1 (CD11 and F4-80) and a decrease in T lymphocyte marker (CD3) and arginase-1 were also observed in ADMSCs-treated dystrophic muscle. No change was observed in iNOS expression. Increased phosphorylation of Akt, p70S6k and 4E-BP1 was found in dystrophic muscles treated with ADMSC. These results suggest that ADMSC transplantation modulates inflammation and improves muscle tissue regeneration, ameliorating the dystrophic phenotype in dystrophin-deficient mice.
Aberrant expression of stem cell-related genes in tumors may confer more primitive and aggressive traits affecting clinical outcome. Here, we investigated expression and prognostic value of the neural stem cell marker CD133, as well as of the pluripotency genes LIN28 and OCT4 in 37 samples of pediatric medulloblastoma, the most common and challenging type of embryonal tumor. While most medulloblastoma samples expressed CD133 and LIN28, OCT4 expression was found to be more sporadic, with detectable levels occurring in 48% of tumors. Expression levels of OCT4, but not CD133 or LIN28, were significantly correlated with shorter survival (P <= 0.0001). Median survival time of patients with tumors hyperexpressing OCT4 and tumors displaying low/undetectable OCT4 expression were 6 and 153 months, respectively. More importantly, when patients were clinically stratified according to their risk of tumor recurrence, positive OCT4 expression in primary tumor specimens could discriminate patients classified as average risk but which further deceased within 5 years of diagnosis (median survival time of 28 months), a poor clinical outcome typical of high risk patients. Our findings reveal a previously unknown prognostic value for OCT4 expression status in medulloblastoma, which might be used as a further indicator of poor survival and aid postoperative treatment selection, with a particular potential benefit for clinically average risk patients.
To address the prognostic value of minimal residual disease (MRD) before unrelated cord blood transplantation (UCBT) in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), we analyzed 170 ALL children transplanted in complete remission (CR) after myeloablative conditioning regimen. In all, 72 (43%) were in first CR (CR1), 77 (45%) in second CR (CR2) and 21 (12%) in third CR (CR3). The median interval from MRD quantification to UCBT was 18 days. All patients received single-unit UCBT. Median follow-up was 4 years. Cumulative incidence (CI) of day-60 neutrophil engraftment was 85%. CI of 4 years relapse was 30%, incidence being lower in patients with negative MRD before UCBT (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.4, P = 0.01) and for those transplanted in CR1 and CR2 (HR = 0.3, P = 0.002). Probability of 4 years leukemia-free survival (LFS) was 44%, (56, 44 and 14% for patients transplanted in CR1, CR2 and CR3, respectively (P = 0.0001)). Patients with negative MRD before UCBT had better LFS after UCBT compared with those with positive MRD (54% vs 29%; HR = 2, P = 0.003). MRD assessment before UCBT for children with ALL in remission allows identifying patients at higher risk of relapse after transplantation. Approaches that may decrease relapse incidence in children given UCBT with positive MRD should be investigated to improve final outcomes. Leukemia (2012) 26, 2455-2461; doi:10.1038/leu.2012.123
Stem cell therapy is one of the most promising treatments for the near future. It is expected that this kind of therapy can ameliorate or even reverse some diseases. With regard to type 1 diabetes, studies analyzing the therapeutic effects of stem cells in humans began in 2003 in the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - SP USP, Brazil, and since then other centers in different countries started to randomize patients in their clinical trials. Herein we summarize recent data about beta cell regeneration, different ways of immune intervention and what is being employed in type 1 diabetic patients with regard to stem cell repertoire to promote regeneration and/or preservation of beta cell mass.
OBJECTIVES: Oral mucositis is a complication frequently associated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, decreasing a patient’s quality of life and increasing the occurrence of opportunistic infections. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and severity of oral mucositis and to assess the correlation of this disease with the oral health of an individual at the time of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. METHODS: Before transplantation, patients’ oral health and inflammatory conditions were determined using the gingival index and the plaque index, which are based on gingival bleeding and the presence of dental plaque, respectively. Additionally, the dental health status was determined using the decayed, missing, and filled teeth index. The monitoring of oral mucositis was based on the World Health Organization grading system and was performed for five periods: from Day 0 to D+5, from D+6 to D+10, from D+11 to D+15, from D+16 to D+20, and from D+21 to D+30. RESULTS: A total of 97 patients (56% male and 44% female) who underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo between January 2008 and July 2009 were prospectively examined. The incidence of ulcerative mucositis was highest from days +6 to +10 and from days +11 to +15 in the patients who underwent autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, respectively. CONCLUSION: The data, including the dental plaque and periodontal status data, showed that these oral health factors were predictive of the incidence and severity of oral mucositis in a cohort of patients with similar conditioning regimens before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is classically described as a rapid loss of kidney function. AKI affects more than 15% of all hospital admissions and is associated with elevated mortality rates. Although many advances have occurred, intermittent or continuous renal replacement therapies are still considered the best options for reversing mild and severe AKI syndrome. For this reason, it is essential that innovative and effective therapies, without side effects and complications, be developed to treat AKI and the end-stages of renal disease. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) based therapies have numerous advantages in helping to repair inflamed and damaged tissues and are being considered as a new alternative for treating kidney injuries. Numerous experimental models have shown that MSCs can act via differentiation-independent mechanisms to help renal recovery. Essentially, MSCs can secrete a pool of cytokines, growth factors and chemokines, express enzymes, interact via cell-to-cell contacts and release bioagents such as microvesicles to orchestrate renal protection. In this review, we propose seven distinct properties of MSCs which explain how renoprotection may be conferred: 1) anti-inflammatory; 2) pro-angiogenic; 3) stimulation of endogenous progenitor cells; 4) anti-apoptotic; 5) anti-fibrotic; 6) anti-oxidant; and 7) promotion of cellular reprogramming. In this context, these mechanisms, either individually or synergically, could induce renal protection and functional recovery. This review summarises the most important effects and benefits associated with MSC-based therapies in experimental renal disease models and attempts to clarify the mechanisms behind the MSC-related renoprotection. MSCs may prove to be an effective, innovative and affordable treatment for moderate and severe AKI. However, more studies need to be performed to provide a more comprehensive global understanding of MSC-related therapies and to ensure their safety for future clinical applications.
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a percepção de pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 acerca do transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH). Participaram do estudo 12 pacientes, com idades entre 16 e 24 anos. Foi aplicado um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada antes e um ano após o TCTH. Os relatos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo temática e agrupados em três categorias: impacto do adoecimento, vivência do TCTH e retomada do cotidiano. Os resultados evidenciaram que os participantes foram capazes de identificar ganhos e refletir sobre as perdas advindas dessa situação-limite. Puderam perceber possibilidades de se beneficiarem do TCTH e vislumbraram no transplante uma oportunidade para além das inevitáveis dificuldades e limitações impostas pela terapêutica.
INTRODUÇÃO: O enxerto de gordura nos últimos anos voltou a ter destaque como aliado dos cirurgiões plásticos no preenchimento de partes moles, no rejuvenescimento facial volumétrico, nos refinamentos de reconstruções mamárias e por ser rica fonte de células-tronco de comportamento mesenquimal (células-tronco adipoderivadas). Considerando que essas células têm importante papel na angiogênese e na diferenciação adipogênica, com impacto direto na sobrevivência dos enxertos de gordura, determinar parâmetros que otimizem a sua obtenção é imperativo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar dois métodos de obtenção do tecido adiposo da região abdominal quanto ao número de células viáveis presentes na fração vásculo-estromal e analisar a expressão de marcadores de superfície. MÉTODO: Foram selecionadas 9 pacientes do sexo feminino submetidas a lipoaspiração. O tecido adiposo foi obtido da região abdominal infraumbilical. Da metade direita foram coletados 20 ml de gordura, empregando-se cânula acoplada a uma seringa, cujo êmbolo foi tracionado de 2 cc em 2 cc, gerando baixas pressões de aspiração (grupo manual). O mesmo processo foi repetido na metade esquerda, entretanto a cânula estava acoplada a um coletor intermediário estéril e esse a uma máquina de vácuo sob pressão negativa constante de 350 mmHg (grupo a vácuo). As amostras foram centrifugadas e a gordura da camada intermediária dos dois grupos foi submetida a contagem celular, estabelecimento de culturas e posterior imunofenotipagem. RESULTADOS: Este estudo demonstrou que, apesar de não haver diferença estatisticamente significativa, a obtenção da gordura da região abdominal empregando-se lipoaspirador com pressão negativa de 350 mmHg proporcionou maior número de células presentes na fração vásculo-estromal quando comparado à obtenção por meio de seringas de 10 ml, com baixas pressões de aspiração. CONCLUSÕES: O emprego de pressão negativa de 350 mmHg é seguro para a obtenção das células-tronco adipoderivadas e o rendimento celular entre os dois grupos não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa.
Background:The golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) dogs represent the best available animal model for therapeutic trials aiming at the future treatment of human Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). We have obtained a rare litter of six GRMD dogs (3 males and 3 females) born from an affected male and a carrier female which were submitted to a therapeutic trial with adult human stem cells to investigate their capacity to engraft into dogs muscles by local as compared to systemic injection without any immunosuppression. Methods Human Immature Dental Pulp Stem Cells (hIDPSC) were transplanted into 4 littermate dogs aged 28 to 40 days by either arterial or muscular injections. Two non-injected dogs were kept as controls. Clinical translation effects were analyzed since immune reactions by blood exams and physical scores capacity of each dog. Samples from biopsies were checked by immunohistochemistry (dystrophin markers) and FISH for human probes. Results and Discussion We analyzed the cells' ability in respect to migrate, engraftment, and myogenic potential, and the expression of human dystrophin in affected muscles. Additionally, the efficiency of single and consecutive early transplantation was compared. Chimeric muscle fibers were detected by immunofluorescence and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) using human antibodies and X and Y DNA probes. No signs of immune rejection were observed and these results suggested that hIDPSC cell transplantation may be done without immunosuppression. We showed that hIDPSC presented significant engraftment in GRMD dog muscles, although human dystrophin expression was modest and limited to several muscle fibers. Better clinical condition was also observed in the dog, which received monthly arterial injections and is still clinically stable at 25 months of age. Conclusion Our data suggested that systemic multiple deliveries seemed more effective than local injections. These findings open important avenues for further researches.
Objectives: Limbal stem cells (LSC) are self-renewing, highly proliferative cells in vitro, which express a set of specific markers and in vivo have the capacity to reconstruct the entire corneal epithelium in cases of ocular surface injury. Currently, LSC transplantation is a commonly used procedure in patients with either uni- or bilateral total limbal stem cells deficiency (TLSCD). Although LSC transplantation holds great promise for patients, several problems need to be overcome. In order to find an alternative source of cells that can partially substitute LSC in cornea epithelium reconstruction, we aimed at investigating whether human immature dental pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) would present similar key characteristics as LSC and whether they could be used for corneal surface reconstruction in a rabbit TLSCD model. Materials: We used hIDPSC, which co-express mesenchymal and embryonic stem cell markers and present the capacity to differentiate into derivative cells of the three germinal layers. TLSCD was induced by chemical burn in one eye of rabbits. After 30 days, the opaque tissue formed was removed by superficial keratectomy. Experimental group received undifferentiated hIDPSC, while control group only received amniotic membrane (AM). Both groups were sacrificed after 3 months. Results and conclusions: We have demonstrated, using immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, that hIDPSCs express markers in common with LSC, such as ABCG2, integrin beta 1, vimentin, p63, connexin 43 and cytokeratins 3/12. They were also capable of reconstructing the eye surface after induction of unilateral TLSCD in rabbits, as shown by morphological and immunohistochemical analysis using human-specific antibodies against limbal and corneal epithelium. Our data suggest that hIDPSCs share similar characteristics with LSC and might be used as a potential alternative source of cells for corneal reconstruction.
Background: The diaphragm is the major respiratory muscle affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and is responsible for causing 80% of deaths. The use of mechanical forces that act on the body or intermittent pressure on the airways improves the quality of life of patients but does not prevent the progression of respiratory failure. Thus, diseases that require tissue repair, such as DMD, represent a group of pathologies that have great potential for cell therapy. The application of stem cells directly into the diaphragm instead of systemic application can reduce cell migration to other affected areas and increase the chances of muscle reorganisation. The mdx mouse is a suitable animal model for this research because its diaphragmatic phenotype is similar to human DMD. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the potential cell implantation in the diaphragm muscle after the xenotransplantation of stem cells. Methods: A total of 9 mice, including 3 control BALB/Cmice, 3 5-month-old mdx mice without stem cell injections and 3 mdx mice injected with stem cells, were used. The animals injected with stem cells underwent laparoscopy so that stem cells from GFP-labelled rabbit olfactory epithelium could be locally injected into the diaphragm muscle. After 8 days, all animals were euthanised, and the diaphragm muscle was dissected and subjected to histological and immunohistochemical analyses. Results: Both the fresh diaphragm tissue and immunohistochemical analyses showed immunopositive GFP labelling of some of the cells and immunonegativity of myoblast bundles. In the histological analysis, we observed a reduction in the inflammatory infiltrate as well as the presence of a few peripheral nuclei and myoblast bundles. Conclusion: We were able to implant stem cells into the diaphragm via local injection, which promoted moderate muscle reorganisation. The presence of myoblast bundles cannot be attributed to stem cell incorporation because there was no immunopositive labelling in this structure. It is believed that the formation of the bundles may have been stimulated by cellular signalling mechanisms that have not yet been elucidated.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can be briefly described as air flow limitation and chronic dyspnea associated to an inflammatory response of the respiratory tract to noxious particles and gases. Its main feature is the obstruction of airflow and consequent chronic dyspnea. Despite recent advances, and the development of new therapeutic, medical and clinical approaches, a curative therapy is yet to be achieved. Therapies involving the use of tissue-specific or donor derived cells present a promising alternative in the treatment of degenerative diseases and injuries. Recent studies demonstrate that mesenchymal stem cells have the capacity to modulate immune responses in acute lung injury and pulmonary fibrosis in animal models, as well as in human patients. Due to these aspects, different groups raised the possibility that the stem cells from different sources, such as those found in bone marrow or adipose tissue, could act preventing the emphysematous lesion progression. In this paper, it is proposed a review of the current state of the art and future perspectives on the use of cell therapy in obstructive lung diseases.
Schizophrenia has been defined as a neurodevelopmental disease that causes changes in the process of thoughts, perceptions. and emotions, usually leading to a mental deterioration and affective blunting. Studies have shown altered cell respiration and oxidative stress response in schizophrenia; however, most of the knowledge has been acquired from postmortem brain analyses or from nonneural cells. Here we describe that neural cells, derived from induced pluripotent stem cells generated from skin fibroblasts of a schizophrenic patient, presented a twofold increase in extramitochondrial oxygen consumption as well as elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), when compared to controls. This difference in ROS levels was reverted by the mood stabilizer valproic acid. Our model shows evidence that metabolic changes occurring during neurogenesis are associated with schizophrenia, contributing to a better understanding of the development of the disease and highlighting potential targets for treatment and drug screening.
The dystrophin gene, located at Xp21, codifies dystrophin, which is part of a protein complex responsible for the membrane stability of muscle cells. Its absence on muscle causes Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), a severe disorder, while a defect of muscle dystrophin causes Becker Muscular Dystrophy (DMB), a milder disease. The replacement of the defective muscle through stem cells transplantation is a possible future treatment for these patients. Our objective was to analyze the potential of CD34+ stem cells from umbilical cord blood to differentiate in muscle cells and express dystrophin, in vitro. Protein expression was analyzed by Immunofluorescence, Western Blotting (WB) and Reverse Transcriptase – Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). CD34+ stem cells and myoblasts from a DMD affected patient started to fuse with muscle cells immediately after co-cultures establishment. Differentiation in mature myotubes was observed after 15 days and dystrophin-positive regions were detected through Immunofluorescence analysis. However, WB or RT-PCR analysis did not detect the presence of normal dystrophin in co-cultures of CD34+ and DMD or DMB affected patients' muscle cells. In contrast, some CD34+ stem cells differentiated in dystrophin producers' muscle cells, what was observed by WB, reinforcing that this progenitor cell has the potential to originate muscle dystrophin in vitro, and not just in vivo like reported before.