17 resultados para Raphe Nuclei


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Aim: It has been suggested that the medullary raphe (MR) plays a key role in the physiological responses to hypoxia. As opioid mu-receptors have been found in the MR, we studied the putative role of opioid mu-receptors in the rostral MR (rMR) region on ventilation in normal and 7% hypoxic conditions. Methods: We measured pulmonary ventilation ((V) over dotE) and the body temperatures (Tb) of male Wistar rats before and after the selective opioid l-receptor antagonist CTAP ( d-Phe-Cys-Tyr-d-Trp-Arg-Thr-Pen-Thr-NH2, cyclic, 0.1 mu g per 0.1 mu L) was microinjected into the rMR during normoxia or after 60 min of hypoxia. Results: The animals treated with intra-rMR CTAP exhibited an attenuation of the ventilatory response to hypoxia ( 430 +/- 86 mL kg) 1 min) 1) compared with the control group ( 790 +/- 82 mL kg) 1 min) 1) ( P < 0.05). No differences in the Tb were observed between groups during hypoxia. Conclusion: These data suggest that opioids acting on l-receptors in the rMR exert an excitatory modulation of hyperventilation induced by hypoxia.


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The mesopontine rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg) is a mostly ?-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic structure believed to be a node for signaling aversive events to dopamine (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The RMTg receives glutamatergic inputs from the lateral habenula (LHb) and sends substantial GABAergic projections to the VTA, which also receives direct projections from the LHb. To further specify the topography of LHb projections to the RMTg and VTA, small focal injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin were aimed at different subdivisions of the LHb. The subnuclear origin of LHb inputs to the VTA and RMTg was then confirmed by injections of the retrograde tracer cholera toxin subunit b into the VTA or RMTg. Furthermore, we compared the topographic position of retrogradely labeled neurons in the RMTg resulting from VTA injections with that of anterogradely labeled axons emerging from the LHb. As revealed by anterograde and retrograde tracing, LHb projections were organized in a strikingly topographic manner, with inputs to the RMTg mostly arising from the lateral division of the LHb (LHbL), whereas inputs to the VTA mainly emerged from the medial division of the LHb (LHbM). In the RMTg, profusely branched LHb axons were found in close register with VTA projecting neurons and were frequently apposed to the latter. Overall, our findings demonstrate that LHb inputs to the RMTg and VTA arise from different divisions of the LHb and provide direct evidence for a disynaptic pathway that links the LHbL to the VTA via the RMTg. J. Comp. Neurol. 520:12781300, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Recent evidence indicates that the administration of inhibitors of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) induces antidepressant-like effects in animal models such as the forced swimming test (FST). However, the neural circuits involved in these effects are not yet known. Therefore, this study investigated the expression of Fos protein, a marker of neuronal activity, in the brain of rats submitted to FST and treated with the preferential nNOS inhibitor, 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), or with classical antidepressant drugs (Venlafaxine and Fluoxetine). Male Wistar rats were submitted to a forced swimming pretest (PT) and, immediately after, started receiving a sequence of three ip injections (0, 5, and 23 h after PT) of Fluoxetine (10 mg/kg), Venlafaxine (10 mg/kg), 7-NI (30 mg/kg) or respective vehicles. One hour after the last drug injection the animals were submitted to the test session, when immobility time was recorded. After the FST they were sacrificed and had their brains removed and processed for Fos immunohistochemistry. Independent group of non-stressed animals received the same drug treatments, or no treatment (naive). 7-NI, Venlafaxine or Fluoxetine reduced immobility time in the FST, an antidepressant-like effect. None of the treatments induce significant changes in Fos expression per se. However, swimming stress induced significant increases in Fos expression in the following brain regions: medial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, locus coeruleus, raphe nuclei, striatum, hypothalamic nucleus, periaqueductal grey, amygdala, habenula, paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, and bed nucleus of stria terminalis. This effect was attenuated by 7-NI, Venlafaxine or Fluoxetine. These results show that 7-NI produces similar behavioral and neuronal activation effects to those of typical antidepressants, suggesting that these drugs share common neurobiological substrates.


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Previous results show that elevated T-maze (ETM) avoidance responses are facilitated by acute restraint. Escape, on the other hand, was unaltered. To examine if the magnitude of the stressor is an important factor influencing these results, we investigated the effects of unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) on ETM avoidance and escape measurements. Analysis of Fos protein immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) was used to map areas activated by stress exposure in response to ETM avoidance and escape performance. Additionally, the effects of the UCMS protocol on the number of cells expressing the marker of migrating neuroblasts doublecortin (DCX) in the hippocampus were investigated. Corticosterone serum levels were also measured. Results showed that UCMS facilitates ETM avoidance, not altering escape. In unstressed animals, avoidance performance increases Fos-ir in the cingulate cortex, hippocampus (dentate gyrus) and basomedial amygdala, and escape increases Fos-ir in the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray and locus ceruleus. In stressed animals submitted to ETM avoidance, increases in Fos-ir were observed in the cingulate cortex, ventrolateral septum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala, dorsal and median raphe nuclei. In stressed animals submitted to ETM escape, increases in Fos-ir were observed in the cingulate cortex, periaqueductal gray and locus ceruleus. Also, UCMS exposure decreased the number of DCX-positive cells in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus and increased corticosterone serum levels. These data suggest that the anxiogenic effects of UCMS are related to the activation of specific neurobiological circuits that modulate anxiety and confirm that this stress protocol activates the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and decreases hippocampal adult neurogenesis.


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Background: The aim of the present work was to investigate the involvement of the mu(1)-endogenous opioid peptide receptor-mediated system in post-ictal antinociception. Methods: Antinociceptive responses were determined by the tail-flick test after pre-treatment with the selective mu(1)-opioid receptor antagonist naloxonazine, peripherally or centrally administered at different doses. Results: Peripheral subchronic (24 h) pre-treatment with naloxonazine antagonised the antinociception elicited by tonic-clonic seizures. Acute (10 min) pre-treatment, however, did not have the same effect. In addition, microinjections of naloxonazine into the central, dorsal cortical and external cortical nuclei of the inferior colliculus antagonised tonic-clonic seizure-induced antinociception. Neither acute (10-min) peripheral pre-treatment with naloxonazine nor subchronic intramesencephalic blockade of mu(1)-opioid receptors resulted in consistent statistically significant differences in the severity of tonic-clonic seizures shown by Racine's index (1972), although the intracollicular specific antagonism of mu(1)-opioid receptor decreased the duration of seizures. Conclusion: mu(1)-Opioid receptors and the inferior colliculus have been implicated in several endogenous opioid peptide-mediated responses such as antinociception and convulsion. The present findings suggest the involvement of mu(1)-opiate receptors of central and pericentral nuclei of the inferior colliculus in the modulation of tonic-clonic seizures and in the organisation of post-ictal antinociception. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Malpighian tubule cell nuclei of male Panstrongylus megistus, a vector of Chagas disease, contain one chromocenter, which is composed solely of the Y chromosome. Considering that different chromosomes contribute to the composition of chromocenters in different triatomini species, the aim of this study was to determine the contribution of AT-, GC-, and methylated cytidine-rich DNA in the chromocenter as well as in euchromatin of Malpighian tubule cell nuclei of P. megistus in comparison with published data for Triatoma infestans. Staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole/actinomycin D and chromomycin A(3)/distamycin, immunodetection of 5-methylcytidine and AgNOR test were used. The results revealed AT-rich/GC-poor DNA in the male chromocenter, but equally distributed AT and GC DNA sequences in male and female euchromatin, like in T. infestans. Accumulation of argyrophilic proteins encircling the chromocenter did not always correlate with that of GC-rich DNA. Methylated DNA identified by immunodetection was found sparsely distributed in the euchromatin of both sexes and at some points around the chromocenter edge, but it could not be considered responsible for chromatin condensation in the chromocenter, like in T. infestans. However, unlike in T. infestans, no correlation between the chromocenter AT-rich DNA and nucleolus organizing region (NOR) DNA was found in P. megistus. (c) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We report changes in plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) concentrations evoked by the microinjection of L-glutamate (L-glu) into the hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus(PVN) of unanesthetized rats, as well as which local mechanisms are involved in their mediation. L-Glu microinjection (10 nmol/100 nl) into the SON increased the circulating levels of both AVP and OT. The AVP increases were blocked by local pretreatment with the selective non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist 2,3-dioxo-6-nitro-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrobenzo[f]quinoxaline-7-sulfonamide (NBQX) (2 nmol/100 nl), but it was not affected by pretreatment with the NMDA-receptor antagonist LY235959 (2 nmol/100 nl). The OT response to L-glu microinjection into the SON was blocked by local pretreatment with either NBQX or LY235959. Furthermore, the administration of either the non-NMDA receptor agonist (+/-)-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid hydrobromide (AMPA) (5 nmol/100 nl) or NMDA receptor agonist NMDA (5 nmol/100 nl) into the SON had no effect on OT baseline plasma levels, but when both agonists were microinjected together these levels were increased. L-Glu microinjection into the PVN did not change circulating levels of either AVP or OT. However, after local pretreatment with LY235959, the L-glu microinjection increased plasma levels of the hormones. The L-glu microinjection into the PVN after the local treatment with NBQX did not affect the circulating AVP and OT levels. Therefore, results suggest the AVP release from the SON is mediated by activation of non-NMDA glutamate receptors, whereas the OT release from this nucleus is mediated by an interaction of NMDA and non-NMDA receptors. The present study also suggests an inhibitory role for NMDA receptors in the PVN on the release of AVP and OT. (Endocrinology 153: 2323-2331, 2012)


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A wealth of evidence indicates that the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) is not a homogenous structure, but an aggregate of distinctive populations of neurons that may differ anatomically, neurochemically and functionally. Other findings suggest that serotonergic neurons within the mid-caudal and caudal part of the DR are involved in anxiety processing while those within the lateral wings (IwDR) and ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vIPAG) are responsive to panic-evoking stimuli/situations. However, no study to date has directly compared the activity of 5-HT and non-5HT neurons within different subnuclei of the DR following the expression of anxiety- and panic-related defensive responses. In the present investigation, the number of doubly immunostained cells for Fos protein and tryptophan hydroxylase, a marker of serotonergic neurons, was assessed within the rat DR, median raphe nucleus (MRN) and PAG following inhibitory avoidance and escape performance in the elevated T-maze, behaviors associated with anxiety and panic, respectively. Inhibitory avoidance, but not escape, significantly increased the number of Fos-expressing serotonergic neurons within the mid-caudal part of the dorsal subnucleus, caudal and interfascicular subnuclei of the DR and in the MRN. Escape, on the other hand, caused a marked increase in the activity of non-5HT cells within the IwDR, vIPAG, dorsolateral and dorsomedial columns of the PAG. These results strongly corroborate the view that different subsets of neurons in the DR are activated by anxiety- and panic-relevant stimuli/situations, with important implications for the understanding of the pathophysiology of generalized anxiety and panic disorders. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA) is a part of the limbic system and is involved in cardiovascular modulation. We previously reported that microinjection of noradrenaline (NA) into the MeA of unanesthetized rats caused pressor and bradycardiac responses, which were mediated by acute vasopressin release into the systemic circulation. In the present study, we tested the possible involvement of magnocellular neurons of the paraventricular (PVN) and/or supraoptic (SON) of the hypothalamus that synthesize vasopressin in the cardiovascular pathway activated by the microinjection of NA into the MeA. Pressor and bradycardiac responses to the microinjection of NA (27 nmol/100 nL) into the MeA were blocked by pretreatment of either the PVN or the SON with cobalt chloride (CoCl2, 1 mM/100 nL), thus indicating that both hypothalamic nuclei mediate the cardiovascular responses evoked by microinjection of NA Into the MeA. Our results suggest that the pressor and bradycardiac response caused by the microinjection of NA into the MeA is mediated by magnocellular neurons in both the PVN and SON. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The level structures of the N = 50 As-83, Ge-82, and Ga-81 isotones have been investigated by means of multi-nucleon transfer reactions. A first experiment was performed with the CLARA PRISMA setup to identify these nuclei. A second experiment was carried out with the GASP array in order to deduce the gamma-ray coincidence information. The results obtained on the high-spin states of such nuclei are used to test the stability of the N = 50 shell closure in the region of Ni-78 (Z = 28). The comparison of the experimental level schemes with the shell-model calculations yields an N = 50 energy gap value of 4.7(3) MeV at Z = 28. This value, in a good agreement with the prediction of the finite-range liquid-drop model as well as with the recent large-scale shell model calculations, does not support a weakening of the N = 50 shell gap down to Z = 28. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The medullary raphe (MR) is a putative central chemoreceptor site, contributing to hypercapnic respiratory responses elicited by changes in brain PCO2/pH. Purinergic mechanisms in the central nervous system appear to contribute to central chemosensitivity. To further explore the role of P2 receptors within the rostral and caudal MR in relation to respiratory control in room air and hypercapnic conditions, we performed microinjections of PPADS, a non-selective P2X antagonist, in conscious rats. Microinjections of PPADS into the rostral or caudal MR produced no changes in the respiratory frequency, tidal volume and ventilation in room air condition. The ventilatory response to hypercapnia was attenuated after microinjection of PPADS into the rostral but not in the caudal MR when compared to the control group (vehicle microinjection). These data suggest that P2X receptors in the rostral MR contribute to the ventilatory response to CO2, but do not participate in the tonic maintenance of ventilation under room air condition in conscious rats. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider the influence of breakup channels on the complete fusion of weakly bound systems in terms of dynamic polarization potentials. It is argued that the enhancement of the cross section at sub-barrier energies may be consistent with recent experimental observations that nucleon transfer, often leading to breakup, is dominant compared to direct breakup. The main trends of the experimental complete fusion cross sections are analyzed in the framework of the DPP approach. The qualitative conclusions are supported by CDCC calculations including a sequential breakup channel, the one neutron stripping of Li-7 followed by the breakup of Li-6.


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The mechanism of forward angle incoherent photoproduction of pseudoscalar mesons off nuclei is revisited via the time-dependent multicollisional Monte Carlo (MCMC) intranuclear cascade model. Our results-combined with recent developments to address coherent photoproduction-reproduce with good accuracy recent JLab data of pi(0) photoproduction from carbon and lead at an average photon energy k similar to 5.2 GeV. For the case of. photoproduction, our results for k = 9 GeV suggest that future measurements to extract the eta ->gamma gamma decay width via the Primakoff method should be focused on light nuclei, where the disentanglement between the Coulomb and strong amplitudes is more easily achieved. The prospects to use heavy nuclei data to access the unknown eta N cross section in cold nuclear matter are also presented.


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Germline and early embryo development constitute ideal model systems to study the establishment of polarity, cell identity, and asymmetric cell divisions (ACDs) in plants. We describe here the function of the MATH-BTB domain protein MAB1 that is exclusively expressed in the germ lineages and the zygote of maize (Zea mays). mab1 (RNA interference [RNAi]) mutant plants display chromosome segregation defects and short spindles during meiosis that cause insufficient separation and migration of nuclei. After the meiosis-to-mitosis transition, two attached nuclei of similar identity are formed in mab1 (RNAi) mutants leading to an arrest of further germline development. Transient expression studies of MAB1 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow-2 cells revealed a cell cycle-dependent nuclear localization pattern but no direct colocalization with the spindle apparatus. MAB1 is able to form homodimers and interacts with the E3 ubiquitin ligase component Cullin 3a (CUL3a) in the cytoplasm, likely as a substrate-specific adapter protein. The microtubule-severing subunit p60 of katanin was identified as a candidate substrate for MAB1, suggesting that MAB1 resembles the animal key ACD regulator Maternal Effect Lethal 26 (MEL-26). In summary, our findings provide further evidence for the importance of posttranslational regulation for asymmetric divisions and germline progression in plants and identified an unstable key protein that seems to be involved in regulating the stability of a spindle apparatus regulator(s).


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Motor cortex stimulation is generally suggested as a therapy for patients with chronic and refractory neuropathic pain. However, the mechanisms underlying its analgesic effects are still unknown. In a previous study, we demonstrated that cortical stimulation increases the nociceptive threshold of naive conscious rats with opioid participation. In the present study, we investigated the neurocircuitry involved during the antinociception induced by transdural stimulation of motor cortex in naive rats considering that little is known about the relation between motor cortex and analgesia. The neuronal activation patterns were evaluated in the thalamic nuclei and midbrain periaqueductal gray. Neuronal inactivation in response to motor cortex stimulation was detected in thalamic sites both in terms of immunolabeling (Zif268/Fos) and in the neuronal firing rates in ventral posterolateral nuclei and centromedian-parafascicular thalamic complex. This effect was particularly visible for neurons responsive to nociceptive peripheral stimulation. Furthermore, motor cortex stimulation enhanced neuronal firing rate and Fos immunoreactivity in the ipsilateral periaqueductal gray. We have also observed a decreased Zif268, delta-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamic acid decarboxylase expression within the same region, suggesting an inhibition of GABAergic interneurons of the midbrain periaqueductal gray, consequently activating neurons responsible for the descending pain inhibitory control system. Taken together, the present findings suggest that inhibition of thalamic sensory neurons and disinhibition of the neurons in periaqueductal gray are at least in part responsible for the motor cortex stimulation-induced antinociception. (C) 2012 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.