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This paper studies the relationship between permanent income and homicides, estimating an income-crime elasticity. We assume that this elasticity varies across geographical areas. We estimate different specifications of Spatial Panel Models using information of urban areas in Medellin (Colombia), areas known as communes. Spatial Models consider the importance of location and the type of neighbors of each commune. We simulate an intervention over permanent income in order to estimate the income elasticity for each commune and the average elasticity of income-crime on the city. We provide evidence about spatial dependence between the homicides per commune and their neighbors, and about a relationship between homicides and neighbor’s income. In our case of study, the average estimated impact of 1% increase in permanent income in a specific commune produces a decrease in the homicide rate on average in 0.39%. Finally, permanent income plays a crime deterrent role, but also this effect of income on crime varies across the city, showing that some areas are strategically located to this kind of intervention.
A raíz de la necesidad de conocer las diferentes variables que inciden en los servicios de transporte de datos, la escasez de artículos académicos que describan el comportamiento de la demanda en el sector mayorista y tomando como referencia los trabajos realizados, tanto por Madden & Coble-Neal (2004) como por Karacuka, Haucap & Heimeshoff (2011), se presenta, tanto un modelo de demanda, como un modelo de formación de precios, estimados a través de técnicas de panel de datos a nivel de firmas, con el objetivo de comprender el comportamiento de estas en el mercado Colombiano y cuyos resultados fundamentales son una elasticidad precio de la demanda de 1.1102, una elasticidad inversa de la demanda de 0.2215 y una elasticidad ingreso de 0.0569, para las firmas proveedoras del servicio de internet a usuarios finales.
Este artículo resalta la importancia de los determinantes en la existencia de contratos explícitos e implícitos en la contratación de gerentes, no considerados en el estudio previo de Gillan et. al. Se muestra como la asimetría de información, el contexto institucional y el poder con que la firma y el gerente enfrentan el acuerdo laboral influyen de manera directa el tipo de contrato. Se concluye planteando como argumento central que existen dos clases de determinantes: los de influencia y los de mediación. Los de mediación cobran sentido cuando están explícitamente relacionados con los de influencia. Los de influencia se combinan entre si en una situación dada y ejercen influencia sobre los de mediación. Estos últimos son los que determinan la propensión hacia el tipo de contrato, y son tres: El valor esperado de la pérdida ante la probabilidad de incumplimiento, el poder con que gerente y firma enfrentan el acuerdo y la posibilidad de comportamiento oportunista, los demás son clasificados como de influencia. Este argumento es contrastado mediante el uso de la técnica de análisis estructural.
In September 2010, Brazil’s Finance Minister, Guido Mantega, used the term “currency war” with reference to monetary policies implemented by different countries to generate an artificial devaluation of their currency and achieve a cheaper, more competitive domestic economy that may be attractive to foreign investors. Similar cases have been documented since the 1930s Great Depression, when several countries abandoned the gold standard as backing for their currencies. More recently, a large-scale asset purchase by Japan’s Central Bank in 2013 was singled out as a strategy aimed at generating devaluation of the yen. This research uses statistics of new business formation density reported by Doing Business for 30 emerging countries in the period 2004-2011 to evaluate the impact of devaluation measured by the behavior of the real effective exchange rate (REER) on the rate of new business formation (NBF). It is determined how variables associated with competitiveness affect the relationship between devaluation and business formation. Results show that devaluation has a positive effect on NBF in the short term, which gets diluted in the long term. Countries with greater competitiveness have less dependence on devaluation to increase the number of businesses.
Export Behavior and Board Independence in Colombian Family Firms: The Reverse Causality Relationship
In the context of greater market liberalization in Latin America, one issue that merits greater attention for empirical investigation is the international expansion of family-owned business. Specifically, the relationship between export behavior, family control and board composition in the Latin American context is absent in the literature. Using a large and unique database from Colombian firms (33,249 firms in the period of 2008 to 2013), we provide insightful information on the determinants of export behavior of family firms in emerging markets. Our empirical test confirms an endogenous relation between boards’ composition (specifically the presence of independent members) and export behavior in family firms. Firms with a higher participation of independent board members are more likely to exhibit higher levels of exports. A "virtuous cycle" was also detected whereby the introduction of independent members on the board can be expected to boost export behavior, which in turn will encourage the increase of independent members on the board of private firms.