15 resultados para donation
em Harvard University
Two-leaf printed circular regarding the distribution of religious books according to the bequest of the estate of Samuel Phillips. The circular lists Eliphalet Pearson as a member of the Committee for distributing books. There is a struck-through handwritten note about the distribution of Dr. Watt's Divine Songs. The circular has the inscription: "Papers of 1794. College Papers."
This catalog contains suggested purchases to be made with book purchasing funds provided by the Province of New Hampshire. Verso reads: "At a meeting of the President & Fellows of Harvard College – Voted that the above catalogue prepared by the Committee be accepted [signed] Edward Holyoke Presdt."
This catalog contains suggested purchases to be made with book purchasing funds provided by John Hancock. Verso reads: "At a meeting of the President & Fellows of Harvard College – Voted that the above catalogue prepared by the Committee be accepted [signed] Edward Holyoke Presdt."
This one-page letter from Harvard alumnus Francis Dana (1743-1811; Harvard AB 1762), in Bilbao, Spain, to Harvard President Samuel Langdon concerns the donation of a Spanish book by Dana to the College Library.
This brief letter from Robert Bell in Boston, Massachusetts, to Professor Edward Wigglesworth concerns the donation of books to the College Library.
This volume was begun by Thomas Danforth, most likely around 1687, and contains transcriptions of donation records, property inventories, College laws, Overseers and Corporation minutes, and other official documents dating from 1636 onwards. By copying these documents into one volume, Danforth brought together a chronicle of Harvard's early history. Some of its content duplicates that of College Book 1, and other entries were copied from sources which no longer exist, including College Book 2, which was destroyed by fire in 1764. Danforth, who served as College Treasurer from 1650 to 1668, as Steward from 1668 to 1682, and again as Treasurer from 1682 to 1683, is believed to have created this volume as a precautionary measure during the great upheaval surrounding the 1684 annulment of the Royal Charter of the Massachusetts Colony and consequent dissolution of the Harvard Corporation. Some scholars believe he created College Book 3 in fear that the College's original records, from which it was largely derived and copied, might be destroyed.
The diary and commonplace book of Perez Fobes is written on unlined pages in a notebook with a sewn binding at the top of the pages; only the edge of the original leather softcover remain. The volume holds handwritten entries added irregularly from August 23, 1759 until December 1760 while Fobes was a student at Harvard College. The topics range from the irreverent, to the mundane, to the theological and scientific. The notebook serves to chronicle both his daily activities, such as books he read, lectures he attended, and travel, as well as a place to note humorous sayings, transcribe book passages, or ponder religious ideas such as original sin. In the volume, Fobes devotes considerable space to the subject of astronomy, and drew a picture of the "The Solar System Serundum Coper[nici] with the Or[bit] of 5 Remarkable Comets." At the back of the book, on unattached pages is a short personal dictionary for the letters A-K kept by Fobes.
The bound notebook contains academic texts copied by Harvard student Jonathan Trumbull in 1724 and 1725. The volume includes transcriptions of Harvard Instructor Judah Monis' Hebrew Grammar, Tutor William Brattle's Compendium of Logic, and Fellow Charles Morton's Natural Logic.
One letter offering Harvard President Kirkland a donation of 100 dollars to acquire a "handsome Christening Cup or Baptismal Basin" for the new College Church, which held services in University Hall.
One-page typed document reflecting the donation of the Holyoke Caudle Cup by Charlotte A. Hedge in 1903. Provenance information is also included. There is a handwritten note at the bottom of the page regarding the cup’s inclusion in an exhibition catalog published by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Black and white composition book sent to the Harvard College Library containing a typed "copy of notes made in the spring of 1886" by John H. Buck. Includes historical information, and physical descriptions and valuations of the Great Salt, the Stoughton Cup, the Browne Cup, and the christening basin acquired with the donation of Oliver Wendell, as well as notes on other gifts of silver.
One-page handwritten letter from William Ashurt to President Leverett discussing the annual payment on an unspecified donation, and the progress of the Hopkins' bequest recovery. The folder also contains a handwritten 19th century copy of the letter.
This collection contains various manifestations of a humorous poem, most often called "Lines upon the late proceedings of the College Government," written by classmates John Quincy Adams and John Murray Forbes in 1787. Both Adams and Forbes were members of the class of 1787, and the poem recounts events surrounding the pranks and ensuing punishment of two members of the class behind them, Robert Wier and James Prescott. Wier and Prescott had been caught drinking wine and making "riotous noise," and they were publicly reprimanded by Harvard President Joseph Willard and several professors and tutors, including Eliphalet Pearson, Eleazar James, Jonathan Burr, Nathan Read, and Timothy Lindall Jennison. The poem mocks these authority figures, but it spares Samuel Williams, whom it suggests was the only professor to find their antics humorous.
Contains instructions for preparing and administering medicine for adults and children, and generalized uses for certain ingredients, written by Dr. Francis Kittredge. Preparations include ointment for scurvy, bone ointment, nerve ointments, procedures to soothe a sore mouth and to stop excessive bleeding, and treatment to kill worms. The materials used to prepare bone ointment include fresh butter, hog fat, chamomile, garlic, and night shade, among other ingredients. The recipe for “simple nerve ointment” instructs the preparer to simmer half a pint of neet foot oil, a pint of rum, and one jell of oil of turpentine over a “gentle fire.” Kittredge writes that oil of St. John’s Wort is effective in treating swelling of the legs, for cold and aches, and for burning and scalds, while oil of Elderflower is indicated for belly aches. The manuscript is housed in a binding created by the Harvard Medical School library. Tipped into the binding is one letter from Frederick O. West, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, that accompanied his donation of the Kittredge receipt book to the library in 1919. There is also one letter of unknown provenance enclosed with the receipt book, which contains an inventory of the estate of Antipas Brigham, of Grafton, Massachusetts, signed by Worcester County Judge Joseph Wilder on 7 November 1749. It is unclear if this letter has any connection to Frederick O. West or Francis Kittredge.
Correspondence regarding the donation of several collections to the Boston Medical Library, including the John Winthrop papers