54 resultados para Memorial address
Six-unlined pages containing a handwritten copy of the salutatory address composed by Abiel Abbot in Latin for the 1792 Harvard College Commencement. The text includes edits and struck-through words. The first page includes the title "Autore Abiele Abbot" and has a penciled note: "This must be gr. grandfather's Latin oration when he graduated from Harvard, with honors, in 1792."
Sixteen-page paper notebook containing a handwritten copy of an essay titled "An Oration upon Genius" composed by AM candidate Joseph Perkins for the 1797 Harvard Commencement. The verso of the last page contains the handwritten title: "Oration on Genius first Copy. July 17th Commencement 1797." The essay discusses themes of republicanism and education and begins, "To mark the peculiar operation of liberty on mental exertion and improvement..."
This folder contains three copies of the same handwritten document which presumably were circulated in order to collect signatures.
This folder contains an original handwritten document and a nineteenth-century copy.