521 resultados para Caucasus, South--Maps--Early works to 1800
Ioan. Sambucus Ortelio suo, S Mitto hanc quòque tabellam qua nesessaria confinia Pannoniæ declarantur, fluviorum et aliquot locorum situs Hirschvogelii recte mutaui, Angelini autem studio plurima adieci, et inualla correxi, vt parum quis si cum Hirschvogelig hæc conjugat desiderarit si qui errores sint, dies certiora docebit.
descritta con disegni fatti sul luogo da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola suddito e geografo del Sereniss. Sig. Duca di Modena.
[Gerardus Mercator].
describebat Abrah. Ortelius.
Auctore Guillelmo Delisle.
par le Sr. d'Anville ; Guill. De La Haye.
immenso labore et maximis sumptibus facta, atque ex autographo in lucem edita per Reinerum Ottens geographum Amstelaedam ; Iacob Keyser sculp.
traduit du Géorgien en François par le Secrétaire du Roy de Géorgie.
par le Sr. Sanson d'Abbeville.
Covers Syria, Lebanon and portions of Turkey and Iraq.
Covers Libya, Egypt, Sudan, the Arabian Peninsula, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Balkan Peninsula, Turkey, Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan and portions of Ethiopia and Russia.
nach den besten Originalzeichnungen Charten und Beschriebungen entworfen von Herrn Carl Schütz ; gestochen von C. Schütz und F. Müller.
le très humble et très obéissant serviteur Étienne Briffaut.
[ Portolan chart of eastern North and Central America and northern South America] : manuscript, 1659
Autograph (signed) map. Includes inscription: Made by Nicholas Comberford dwelling neare to the west end of the school house at the Sign of the Platt in Redcliffe. Anno 1659.
Map showing the whole of New Jersey and its borders with as well as part of Pennsylvania and New York. Map is drawn in black ink with green, pink, and yellow watercolors used to show features such as waterways, borders, and places of interest. Notes on map concern border disputes between New Jersey and New York.