521 resultados para Arabic language--Figures of speech--Early works to 1800


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Iran Jewett manuscript no. 7.


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Two-page handwritten Greek translations created by Harvard sophomore Benjamin Wadsworth on folio-sized paper. The document contains Greek translations of two letters from J. Garretson's "English exercises for school-boys to translate into Latin," copied by Wadsworth in 1766. The first page contains two sections: "As it is in English. A Letter from one friend to another," containing a copy of Garretson's Epistle IV from "E.C.," and a Greek translation of the letter beginning "Kypie..." The second page contains a Greek translation of Garretson's Epistle III from "B.J," and a note by Wadsworth: "A Letter from one Brother to another. Taken out of Garetson's English Exercise. The 3rd Exercise. or 135st page. There is not room or I would write down the English out of which I translated it. September the 2d A.D. 1766. When I was a sophomore." The document is bordered with hand-drawn double lines.


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Handwritten essay about procrastination and a poem celebrating spring composed by Washington Allston while he was an undergraduate at Harvard. The essay uses a story about a young Italian named Bernardo to discuss the consequences of procrastination. The essay is labeled “Allston Novem. ’99" and is titled with a quote from Edward Young's poem "The Complaint," “Procrastination is Theif [sic] of time.” Allston’s poem celebrates spring and incorporates Phillida and Corydon, two characters from Nicholas Breton’s poem “Phillida and Cordion.” The poem is titled with the verses, “Chief, lovely spring, in thee, and thy soft scenes, / The smiling God is seen” from James Thompson's poem “Spring.” The poem is labeled "Allston July 10, 1799."


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Bound volume containing a handwritten Greek grammar compiled by Joseph Drury beginning in 1763. The last sixteen pages contain a historical poem beginning, “Mason might once assert a Poets Claim. / But he must needs write.” The poem contains references to the “Great Patriot P—,“ the Roman conquest of Gall, Caeser, Versailles, and includes the verses, “How the King doth all his Cooks excel / Besides he longs to kiss his P / Saving your presence Louis keeps a whore.”


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A work on subtleties of Persian vocabulary. Discusses nuances of and differences in meaning between homographs or near-homographs and words derived from similar stems. Pronunciations, etymologies, differences in usage discussed. Poems used as examples.


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Concise encyclopedia on twelve sciences: 1. history; 2. philosophy; 3. astronomy; 4. theology; 5. principles of law; 6. controverted points; 7. exegesis; 8. mysticism; 9. interpretation of dreams; 10. magic, charm, and medecine; 11. agriculture; 12. astrology and divination.


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Volume 1 of a two-volume set.


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Two-page handwritten essay written in English by Curtis Guild when he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The essay is titled with a quote in Latin from Virgil, "Omnis in Ascanio cari stat cura parentis," that translates as, “All the fond Parent’s Care centers in Ascanio.” The essay begins, “The machinery of man is wonderful…” and discusses parental affection. The essay is signed “C Guild” and dated May 7, 1795.


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Four-page handwritten student essay composed in English by Edmund Toppan as a Harvard undergraduate. The verso of the last page is inscribed "Toppan June 22'd 1795." The essay is titled with a quote from Horace: "Qui non moderabitur irae, Infectum volet esse, dolor quod suaserit et mens." The essay discusses the destructive force of uncontrolled passion and begins, "Last evening, having a very disagreeable head-ache, I early retired to bed."


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Handwritten poem composed by Jacob Abbot Cummings when he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The rhyming poem celebrates morning (as a metaphor for life) and describes the farmer, industrious milk maid, and market man. It begins, “Loud speaks the clarion of approaching day..." The poem is labeled "16 September 1799 Cummings" and is headed with a quote from John Milton's Paradise Lost: "Sweet in the breath of morn, her rising sweet, with song of earliest bird."


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cum interpretatione Latina & scholiis Iosephi Scaligeri et Thomæ Erpenii.


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A work on morals, completed on 25 Safer 973 AH [21 Sept. 1565 AD], while the author was serving as judge in Damascus. First section is on personnal morals, second on family morals and third on political morals and art of governance.