7 resultados para the Mediterranean

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Site-specific management (SSM) is a form of precision agriculture whereby decisions on resource application and agronomic practices are improved to better match soil and crop requirements as they vary in the field. SSM enables the identification of regions (homogeneous management zones) within the area delimited by field boundaries. These subfield regions constitute areas that have similar permanent characteristics. Traditional soil and pasture sampling and the necessary laboratory analysis are time-consuming, labour-intensive and cost prohibitive, not viable from a SSM perspective because it needs a large number of soil and pasture samples in order to achieve a good representation of soil properties, nutrient levels and pasture quality and productivity. The main objective of this work was to evaluate technologies which have potential for monitoring aspects related to spatial and temporal variability of soil nutrients and pasture green and dry matter yield (respectively, GM and DM, in kg/ha) and support to decision making for the farmer. Three types of sensors were evaluated in a 7ha pasture experimental field: an electromagnetic induction sensor (“DUALEM 1S”, which measures the soil apparent electrical conductivity, ECa), an active optical sensor ("OptRx®", which measures the NDVI, “Normalized Difference Vegetation Index”) and a capacitance probe ("GrassMaster II" which estimates plant mass). The results indicate the possibility of using a soil electrical conductivity probe as, probably, the best tool for monitoring not only some of the characteristics of the soil, but also those of the pasture, which could represent an important help in simplifying the process of sampling and support SSM decision making, in precision agriculture projects. On the other hand, the significant and very strong correlations obtained between capacitance and NDVI and between any of these parameters and the pasture productivity shows the potential of these tools for monitoring the evolution of spatial and temporal patterns of the vegetative growth of biodiverse pasture, for identifying different plant species and variability in pasture yield in Alentejo dry-land farming systems. These results are relevant for the selection of an adequate sensing system for a particular application and open new perspectives for other works that would allow the testing, calibration and validation of the sensors in a wider range of pasture production conditions, namely the extraordinary diversity of botanical species that are characteristic of the Mediterranean region at the different periods of the year.


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Olive (Olea europaea L.), one of the main crops in the Mediterranean basin, is mainly propagated by cuttings, a classical propagation method that relies on the ability of the cuttings to form adventitious roots. While some cultivars are easily propagated by this technique, some of the most interesting olive cultivars are considered difficult-to-root which poses a challenge for their preservation and commercialization. Therefore, increasing the current knowledge on adventitious root formation is extremely important for species like olive. This research focuses on evaluating the role of free auxins and oxidative enzymes on adventitious root formation of two olive cultivars with different rooting ability - ‘Galega vulgar’ (difficult-to-root) and ‘Cobrançosa’ (easy-to-root). In this context, free auxin levels and enzyme activities were determined in in vitro-cultured ‘Galega vulgar’ microshoots and in semi-hardwood cuttings of cvs. ‘Galega vulgar’ and ‘Cobrançosa’. To attain this goal, an analytical method for the quantification of free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was developed, which is based on dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by microwave derivatization (DLLME-MAD) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. The developed method was validated in terms of linearity, recovery, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) and proved to be useful in the analysis of two very different types of plant tissues. The results from auxin quantification in olive samples point at a relationship between free auxin levels and rooting ability of both microshoots and semihardwood cuttings. A defective IBA-IAA conversion, resulting in a peak of free IAA during initiation phase, seems to be associated with low rooting ability. Likewise, differences in the activity of oxidative enzymes also appear to be related with rooting ability. Higher polyphenol oxidases (PPO) activity is likely related with an easyto- root behavior, while the opposite is true for peroxidases (POX) (including IAA oxidase (IAAox)) activity. A possible hypothesis for adventitious root formation in olive microcuttings is presented herein for the first time. Free auxins, oxidative enzymes, alternative oxidase (AOX) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are some of the factors that may be involved in this highly complex physiological process. Interestingly, while temporal changes in auxin levels were similar between microshoots and semihardwood cuttings, the conclusions obtained from enzyme activity results in microshoots didn’t translate to semi-hardwood tissues, showing the emerging need for adaptation of classical agronomical research studies to modern techniques; Resumo: Procurando compreender o papel das auxinas e enzimas oxidativas na formação de raízes adventícias em cultivares de oliveira (Olea europaea L.) A oliveira (Olea europaea L.) é uma das principais culturas da bacia Mediterrânica e é propagada maioritariamente por estacaria, um processo altamente dependente da capacidade das estacas para formar raízes adventícias. Enquanto algumas cultivares são fáceis de propagar desta forma, algumas das cultivares de oliveira mais interessantes são consideradas difíceis de enraizar, o que dificulta a sua preservação e comercialização e torna extremamente importante aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o enraizamento adventício desta espécie. Este trabalho foca-se na avaliação do papel das auxinas livres e das enzimas oxidativas na formação de raízes adventícias em duas cultivares de oliveira com diferente capacidade de enraizamento - ‘Galega vulgar’ (difícil de enraizar) e ‘Cobrançosa’ (fácil de enraizar). Neste contexto, determinaram-se os níveis de auxinas livres e as actividades de enzimas oxidativas em microestacas de ‘Galega vulgar’ cultivadas in vitro bem como em estacas semi-lenhosas das cvs. ‘Galega vulgar’ e ‘Cobrançosa’. Para tal foi necessário desenvolver uma metodologia analítica para a quantificação de ácido indol-3-acético (IAA) e ácido indol-3-butírico (IBA), baseada em microextracção dispersiva líquido-líquido (DLLME) seguida de derivatização em microondas (MAD) e análise por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa (GC/MS). O método desenvolvido foi validado em termos de linearidade, recuperação, limite de detecção (LOD) e limite de quantificação (LOQ), e mostrou-se eficaz na análise de dois tipos de tecidos vegetais bastante diferentes. Os resultados da análise de auxinas em amostras de oliveira apontam para uma possível relação entre os níveis de auxinas livres e a capacidade de enraizamento, tanto em microestacas como em estacas semi-lenhosas. Uma conversão IBA-IAA deficiente, que resulta num pico de IAA durante a fase de iniciação, parece estar associada à baixa capacidade de enraizamento. Por outro lado, a capacidade de enraizamento também parece estar relacionada com diferenças na actividade de enzimas oxidativas. Comportamentos fáceis de enraizar estão associados a actividade mais elevada das polifenoloxidases (PPO), enquanto o oposto é verdade para a actividade das peroxidases (POX) (incluindo a IAA oxidase (IAAox)). Neste trabalho propõe-se pela primeira vez uma possível explicação para o enraizamento adventício em microestacas de oliveira. Auxinas livres, enzimas oxidativas, oxidase alternativa (AOX) e espécies reactivas de oxigénio (ROS) são alguns dos factores envolvidos neste processo fisiológico altamente complexo. Curiosamente, enquanto as alterações temporais nos níveis de auxinas foram semelhantes entre microestacas e estacas semi-lenhosas, o mesmo não se observou relativamente à actividade enzimática, o que mostra a necessidade de adaptação dos estudos agronómicos tradicionais às técnicas correntes.


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A former cross between Alentejano (AL) and Bísaro (BI) breeds, called Ribatejano pig (RI), was quite spread in Ribatejo region until half of the last century and was raised in both borders of Tagus River. Besides the renewed interest of this cross nowadays, no performance data is available regarding the RI (ALxBI and BIxAL) animals or their products, which were studied in the frame of project TREASURE1. In order to assess the productive performance of the RI pig, castrated AL, BI, ALxBI and BIxAL pigs (10 from each genotype) raised in traditional free-range system and fed commercial diets ad libitum, were slaughtered at ~65kg LW.


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The Alentejano pig is an autochthonous breed scarcely selected, that due to its high trend for fat deposition present poorer meat yields than modern commercial breeds. However, its higher contents of intramuscular fat (IMF) increase pork sensory attributes and consumers’ acceptability. Animal cells can obtain fatty acids (FA) from three distinct pathways: diet ingested fats, lipolysis of stored lipids in cells and through de novo synthesis. Betaine has been used as a dietary supplement in pig nutrition to reduce fat deposition and increase lean muscle mass with inconsistent results so far. This study compares the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism from pigs consuming a control diet, and the control diet supplemented with betaine (WB). The expression of two genes involved in lipogenesis and lipolysis were evaluated in L. lumborum and B. femoris: ACC, which mediates the carboxylation of acetyl CoA into malonyl CoA concluding the first step of de novo synthesis, and MCPT1 which is responsible for the transport of acyl groups into the mitochondria for the start of β-oxidation.


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Olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a major olive pest in the Mediterranean basin where increasing insecticide resistance has enhanced damage and necessitates more reliance on other control strategies, such as biological control. Provision of floral resources has been reported to improve the effectiveness of natural enemies. Here, we tested the effect of six plant nectars and two honeydew sources on the survival of Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid wasp used in the biological control of olive fruit fly. Our results showed a positive effect on survival associated with nectars of Anchusa azurea Mill., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lavatera cretica L. and Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi, while honeydew proved to be a valuable alternative food source. When offering flowers directly to insects, Anchusa azurea, Lavatera cretica, and Foeniculum vulgare L. were found to be the most beneficial species, indicating also that P. concolor feeds predominantly on shallow corollas.


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The AgroMed International Conference 2016 aims to discuss the current land use changes, with a particular interest on farm and land system dynamics, also considering the possible competition with other uses (urban and/or natural land uses). It is focused on “Farm and land system dynamics in the Mediterranean basin: integrating spatial scales, from the local to the global one”. Teresa Pinto Correia presented H2020 project SALSA “Small farms, small food businesses and sustainable food security”


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The effects of climate change can result in dramatic consequences in specific ecosystems such as montados that are seriously threatened by the absence of cork and holm oak (Quercus suber and Q. rotundifolia) natural regeneration. Shrubs of the genus Cistus, which are among the most important elements of encroached montados, seem to promote soil rehabilitation and enhance oak regeneration (Simões et al. 2009). In this context, we compared the life strategies and evaluated the potential ability of Cistus species to adapt to the increasing drought expected for the Mediterranean region, and thus their role on the sustainability of cork oak montados.