5 resultados para dynamic performance appraisal
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
A avaliação de desempenho docente tem sido considerada o alfa e o ômega dos sistemas educativos, nas últimas décadas. Em Portugal, desde 2007, esta questão tornou-se mais acutilante devido às alterações introduzidas no Estatuto da Carreira Docente que originaram uma alteração profunda nas práticas de avaliação do desempenho docente. A implementação do novo modelo despoletou forte resistência por parte destes profissionais, alimentada por uma base concetual distante da realidade das escolas portuguesas e por tibiezas na execução do processo de avaliação. O principal objetivo deste estudo consistiu em apresentar os contributos de professores para um modelo de avaliação do desempenho docente, assumindo as expetativas e as perceções destes profissionais como referente imprescindível para a sustentabilidade avaliativa do modelo. Para além disso, procedeu-se a uma breve descrição e avaliação do modelo de avaliação docente, implementado entre 2007 e 2011, recuperando perceções depuradas pelo tempo. O estudo, descritivo e inferencial, conciliou abordagens de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, tendo recorrido a um questionário, aplicado a 585 docentes em funções no Algarve, e à entrevista, realizada a quatro informadores privilegiados do processo avaliativo. Os resultados alcançados apontaram para i) de um conjunto de pareceres favoráveis face a alguns aspetos do modelo de avaliação vigente entre 2007 e 2011; ii) uma avaliação globalmente negativa do mesmo modelo, iii) a definição de componentes das diferentes dimensões de modelo avaliativo, onde se identificou a preponderância da vertente formativa; a articulação da avaliação dos docentes com a avaliação de escola e com outros documentos de gestão escolar; a coincidência dos ciclos avaliativos com a progressão na carreira; a autoavaliação como principal instrumento de recolha de dados; a observação facultativa de aulas; a existência de avaliadores com formação em supervisão ou avaliação e capacitados com um perfil adequado; e o uso dos resultados da avaliação para a melhoria das práticas letivas e para a progressão na carreira, sendo ainda de considerar a possibilidade de acionar mecanismos de recuperação, caso existissem indicadores de insucesso na prática profissional do docente. O estudo termina com o enunciado de recomendações para a reconceptualização do modelo de avaliação dos docentes, permitindo reconhecer e eliminar os fatores conflituantes, tendo em vista a concretização da avaliação docente como estratégia impulsionadora da melhoria do desempenho dos professores, da escola e do sistema educativo. Palavras-chave: avaliação educacional; avaliação de desempenho docente; modelos de avaliação de desempenho docente; desenvolvimento profissional do professor, educadores e professores dos ensinos básico e secundário; ABSTRACT:Teacher performance appraisal has been considered the alpha and omega of educational systems in recent decades. In Portugal, since 2007, this issue has become more incisive due to amendments to the Teaching Career Statute that brought deep changes in assessment practices of teacher performance. The application of the new system has triggered strong resistance by these professionals, powered by a distant conceptual basis of the reality of Portuguese schools and weaknesses in the implementation of the appraisal process. The aim of this study is to present the teachers contributions to this teacher performance appraisal model, taking the expectations and perceptions of these professionals as an essential reference for the sustainability of the appraisal process. In addition, a brief description and evaluation of the teacher performance appraisal model, implemented between 2007 and 2011, was given, recovering perceptions filtered by time. The study, descriptive and inferential, reconciled quantitative and qualitative approaches, has used a questionnaire applied to 585 teachers serving on the Algarve, and an interview to four held key informants of the teacher appraisal process. The achieved results showed i) a set of favorable opinions about some aspects of the current evaluation model between 2007 and 2011; ii) a generally negative evaluation of the same model, iii) the definition of components of different dimensions of the appraisal system, which showed preponderance of formative purposes; the joint assessment of teachers with school evaluation and other school management documents; the coincidence of the evaluation cycles with career advancement; self-evaluation as the main data collection instrument; the optional classroom observation; the existence of evaluators under supervision in training or evaluation and empowered with the right profile; and the use of evaluation results to improve teaching practices and to career advancement, still considering the possibility of using recovery mechanisms if there were failure indicators in professional teaching practice. The study ends with the statement of recommendations for the reconceptualization of teacher performance appraisal, which allowed to recognize and eliminate conflicting factors, with a view to implementing the teaching appraisal as a compelling strategy for improving teacher performance, school and educational system. Keywords: educational evaluation; teacher performance appraisal; teacher performance appraisal systems; teacher professional development; early years teachers, primary and secondary school teachers.
A Gestão de Recursos Humanos é uma área que nos últimos anos se tem vindo a destacar, possibilitando uma empresa a prosperar ou não. Assim, desde que as estratégias organizacionais sofreram uma redefinição, os recursos humanos das empresas são vistos como uma fonte de vantagem competitiva. Este Trabalho Final de Mestrado faz uma descrição das atividades desenvolvidas, segundo o plano elaborado, no estágio académico durante 6 meses, com vista ao desenvolvimento pessoal, mas acima de tudo profissional e de experiência na área dos Recursos Humanos, através do qual se visa a aquisição e o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos e aptidões de prática organizacional numa organização de saúde. A metodologia utilizada foi do tipo observação participante e a análise da teoria para melhor entender e agir diligentemente nas tarefas em que se participa. O trabalho final seguirá a forma de um Relatório de Estágio e consequentes críticas que possam ter surgido durante o mesmo; Abstract: The Human Resources Management in a Health Organization The Human Resource Management is an area that in recent years has emphasized, enabling a company to prosper or not. So, since the organizational strategies suffered a redefinition, human resources companies are seen as a source of competitive advantage. This Master Final Work is a description of activities, according to the plan drawn up in the academic internship for 6 months with a view to personal development, but above all professional and experience in the field of Human Resources, through which it aims the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills of organizational practice in a healthcare organization. The methodology used was the type participant observation and analysis of the theory to better understand and act diligently on the tasks in which they participate. The final work will follow the form of an internship report and subsequent criticism that may have arisen in the meantime.
The strategic orientations of a firm are considered crucial for enhancing firm performance and their impact can be even greater when associated with dynamic capabilities, particularly in complex and dynamic environments. This study empirically analyzes the relationship between market, entrepreneurial and learning orientations, dynamic capabilities, and performance using an integrative approach hitherto little explored. Using a sample of 209 knowledge intensive business service firms, this paper applies structural equation modeling to explore both direct effects of strategic orientations and the mediating role of dynamic capabilities on performance. The study demonstrates that learning orientation and one of the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation have a direct positive effect on performance. On the other hand, dynamic capabilities mediate the relationships between some of the strategic orientations and firm performance. Overall, when dynamic capabilities are combined with the appropriate strategic orientations, they enhance firm performance. This paper contributes to a better understanding of the knowledge economy, given the important role knowledge intensive business services play in such a dynamic and pivotal sector.
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Training, Development, and Performance Improvement
This handbook is a unique contribution to the field, as it joins together training and appraisal as tools for promoting individual development within organizations. The handbook is divided into four sections: training, e-learning, personal and professional development in organizations, and performance management.
Recent technological development has enabled research- ers to gather data from different performance scenarios while considering players positioning and action events within a specific time frame. This technology varies from global positioning systems to radio frequency devices and computer vision tracking, to name the most common, and aims to collect players’ time motion data and enable the dynamical analysis of performance. Team sports—and in particular, invasion games—present a complex dynamic by nature based on the interaction between 2 opposing sides trying to outperform 1 another. During match and training situations, players’ actions are coupled to their performance context at different interaction levels. As expected, ball, teammates’, and opponents’ positioning play an important role in this interaction process. But other factors, such as final score, teams’ development level, and players’ expertise, seem to affect the match dynamics. In this symposium, we will focus on how different constraints affect invasion games dynamics during both match and training situations. This relation will be established while underpinning the importance of these effects to game teaching and performance optimization. Regarding the match, different performance indicators based on spatial-temporal relations between players and teams will be presented to reveal the interaction processes that form the crucial component of game analysis. Considering the training, this symposium will address the relationship of small-sided games with full- sized matches and will present how players’ dynamical interaction affects different performance indicators.