8 resultados para Pombal, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, Marqués de, 1699-1782

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The objective of this work is to present elements of the project Student engagement in Schools (SES). The team consists of 10 researchers from six Universities. Student engagement in schools is a multidimensional construct that unites affective, behavioural, and cognitive dimensions of student adaptation in the school and has influence on studentsoutcomes. The team of researchers conceptualized two major studies, a differential study to analyze the relations between SES and contextual factors, personal factors, students outcomes, and a quasi-experimental study to analyze the effects on SES of a specific intervention programmes. In study 1, the sample size is around 600 students (150 6th graders, 150 7th graders, 150 9th graders, and 150 10th graders). We shall focus on years of school transition, with rural and urban populations, on different regions of the country, and on students with different family background. We shall conduct questionnaires with national and international scales. The study 2 will involve students in 7th and 9th grade, from four classes, two of the experimental group and two of the control group. Patterns of verbal communications between a teacher and students can influence the classroom environment and SES. This model of communication would result in more effective student management and more time on-task for learning.


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O Movimento Associativo teve o seu inicio em Portugal no final do sculo XIX inicio do sculo XX, mas com um desenvolvimento mais acentuado aps o 25 de Abril de 1974, onde o pas saiu do regime do Estado Novo, dando ao povo portugus liberdade de livremente se expressar. Isto, levou ao aparecimento de novas associaes desportivas de forma a fomentar o desporto nacional, dando a hiptese de milhares de portugueses ter uma pratica desportiva de forma gratuita e regular, que at ento era quase um beneficio da classe social alta. Ao longo do desenvolvimento do associativismo, varias mudanas se sentiram, no final da dcada de 90 e principio do novo milnio comeou a enaltecer a "crise do associativismo, que segundo vrios autores e aqui referimos Melo de Carvalho, A. o associativismo desportivo comeou a sofrer da mercantilizao desenfreada que vem a caracterizar a sociedade, e a perder as suas origens, o seu propsito inicial, e apresentar dificuldades e procurar o apoio do estado, do poder local, para resolver os seus problemas. Neste mbito que desenvolvemos este trabalho, procurando no interior das associaes do concelho de Portalegre as principais causas da crise. Na metodologia utilizamos uma entrevista semiestruturada a 25 associaes, na pessoa do presidente ou responsvel, que esto includas no Programa de Apoio ao Associativismo Desportivo (PAAD) da Cmara Municipal de Portalegre. Como principais concluses, encontrmos: Falta de empreendedorismo apesar de uma grande parte das associaes serem jovens. Os dirigentes no so pessoas idosas ou com dfices de formao acadmica. Mas notasse falta de formao especifica do que a gesto do desporto, de como se desenvolve o desporto. O trabalho efectuado nas associaes muito realizado pela "carolice" dos "carolas" (dirigentes, principalmente s pelo presidente ou um responsvel) No realizam na sua generalidade planificao com vista o futuro e desenvolvimento da associao e do desporto.


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O presente estudo, desenvolvido com 237 jovens de trs escolas do distrito de vora, teve como objetivos caracterizar e analisar os comportamentos relacionados com situaes de bullying (vitimao, do agresso e observao); e analisar a existncia de eventuais relaes entre padres de vinculao e comportamentos agressivos entre pares. Utilizaram-se dois questionrios de auto-relato, nomeadamente o QEVE Questionrio de Excluso Social e Violncia Escolar (Martins, 2003), que mede os comportamentos de agresso, vitimao e observao; e o IVIA Inventrio sobre Vinculao para a Infncia e a Adolescncia (Carvalho, Soares & Baptista, 2006), que analisa um conjunto de comportamentos e representaes da vinculao na infncia e na adolescncia. Ambos os instrumentos mostraram boas qualidades psicomtricas. Os resultados mostraram uma clara prevalncia de situaes de observao, relativamente s situaes de agresso e de vitimao. Em todas estas situaes, os comportamentos relacionados com a Excluso Social e Agresso Verbal so os mais frequentes, comparativamente aos comportamentos relacionados com a Agresso Fsica. Os rapazes apresentaram mdias mais elevadas em todas as escalas; os estudantes com menor percepo de suporte social na escola eram os que evidenciavam mais comportamentos de vitimao. No que se refere aos padres de vinculao, os resultados mostraram que a vinculao segura parece funcionar como um fator protetor para a vitimao e para a agressividade. A partir dos resultados obtidos, sero analisadas pistas para uma interveno psicoeducativa.


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The importance of students engagement has been recently pointed out in research. However, there has been a lack of engagement assessment instrument, pertaining psychometric qualities. Objective: This paper presents the Portuguese adaptation of the Students Engagement in School International Scale (SESIS), drawn up from a12 countries international study (Lam et al., 2012; Lam et al., in press). Method: Psychometric properties of this scale were examined with data from 685 students from different grades (6th, 7th, 9th and 10th), from both sexes, and different regions of the country. Results: Factorial analysis of the results, with varimax rotation, lead to three different factors which explain 50.88% of the variance. The scale integrates the original 33 items, and cognitive, affective and behavioural dimensions. For the external validity study, the relationship between students engagement in school results and other school variables academic performance, self-concept was considered, and significant relations were observed, as expected. Conclusion: The data presented highlights the qualities of SESIS, as well as its usefulness for research purposes. Suggestion: It is suggested the investigation of the extension of SESISs three-dimensionality, in future studiesKeywords: Innovation, technology, research projects, etc. [Arial 10-point, justified alignment].


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Students Engagement in School has been the focus of debate concerning academic success and school dropout, and pointed out as a mean to address the problems affecting our schools and their students, not only for having value in itself, but also for being an important mediator between several academic variables. This paper reviews the research and literature on this concept and its relations with personal and contextual variables, as well as with academic performance, with the aim of summarizing the main relationships found. Literature presents a significant number of studies which sustain that personal variables, such as self-efficacy and self-concept, as well as contextual - peers, school, family- are related with school engagement. The adoption of mastery goals, for instance, has a positive impact on school, as they are related with the use of cognitive and self-regulatory strategies by students. Positive relationships with peers, teachers support and the quality of family relations are associated with higher levels of engagement and academic performance, while negative experiences, such as bullying, are related with educational difficulties. Following this, we reflect about the relevance of studying engagement in school, in the context of widespread financial crisis, and emphasize the need to rethink educational institutions considering the paradigmatic changes that currently occur.


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The importance of students engagement has been recently pointed out in research. However, there has been a lack of engagement assessment instruments, showing psychometric qualities, such as reliability and validity. Objective: This paper presents the Portuguese adaptation of the Students Engagement in Schools International Scale (SESIS), drawn up from 12 countries international study (Lam et al., 2012; Lam et al., in press). Method: Psychometric properties of this scale were examined using data from 685 students, of both sexes, and from different grades (6th, 7th, 9th and 10th), and regions of the country. Results: Factorial analysis of the results, with varimax rotation, conducted to three different factors which explain 62,19% of the variance. The scale integrates the original 33 items, and cognitive, affective and behavioural dimensions. For the external validity study, the relationship between students engagement in school results and other school variables academic performance, school conduct was considered, and significant relations were observed, as expected. Conclusion: The data presented highlights the qualities of SESIS, as well as its usefulness for research purpose. Suggestion: It is suggested the investigation of the extension of SESISs three-dimensionality, in future studies


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O conceito de envolvimento dos alunos na escola tem vindo a ser colocado no cerne das discusses relacionadas com o sucesso acadmico e com o abandono escolar. Este estudo faz uma reviso de literatura acerca deste conceito e das suas relaes com o desempenho acadmico, destacando a sua importncia no mbito da formao de professores. Vrios estudos sustentam que a falta de envolvimento dos alunos aparece associada ao baixo desempenho acadmico, a problemas de comportamento e ao abandono escolar. O envolvimento dos alunos na escola apresenta-se, na literatura revista, como uma resposta eficaz para os problemas que afetam as escolas e os seus alunos, como um aspeto a ter em conta na preveno de padres de comportamento problemtico em contexto escolar e, portanto, como um conceito transdisciplinar de elevada importncia na formao de professores.


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Com a elaborao da cartografia educacional do territrio da localidade de So José da Lamarosa, concelho de Coruche, pretendia-se identificar e caraterizar, com algum pormenor, as aprendizagens institucionais que estiveram disponveis nesse territrio, no perodo 2005-2010. Aspirava-se identificar o potencial formador das vrias instituies da sociedade civil, nos contextos formais e no formais de educao, assim como o seu contributo para a qualificao da populao. Realizou-se uma primeira abordagem terica, fundamentada nos contributos de diversos autores no campo de estudo em anlise, tomando por base as palavras-chave estabelecidas e registadas nesta pgina. A fim de realizar o estudo emprico optou-se por uma metodologia de complementaridade entre o cariz qualitativo e o cariz quantitativo, com aproximao ao estudo de caso, optando-se por uma anlise de dados efetuada de forma descritiva e interpretativa. A recolha de dados realizou-se atravs da aplicao de inqurito por questionrio aplicado. Depois da recolha, anlise e interpretao dos dados recolhidos estabeleceram-se algumas consideraes, realando-se o importante potencial formador das instituies inquiridas, que organizaram e disponibilizaram atividades propensas a situaes de aprendizagem, e que constituram uma maior valia para o territrio. Salientou-se ainda a necessidade de uma reestruturao organizacional a nvel das instituies mais ativas do territrio, no sentido de se estabelecerem parcerias mais consistentes, contribuindo para a real qualificao do territrio. No final da dissertao expressaram-se recomendaes e sugestes que podero potenciar futuras investigaes; ### Abstract: The cartography educational territory of the village of So José da Lamarosa aims to identify and characterize, in some detail, learned that were available at that territory in the period of 2005-2010. The aim of this study is to identify the potential forming for the various civil society institutions in formal and non-formal education, as well as its contribute to the population quality. Held to the first theoretical approach, based on the contributions from various authors on the field study analysis, established and make registered based to the keywords on this page. In the order to perform the empirical study chosen complementary methodology between the qualitative and quantitative methods, with the case study approach, opting for a data analysis performed in descriptive and interpretative. Collection data was realized through by the applicable questionnaires. After the collection, analysis and interpretation data had to settle down some considerations, underlying the important potential trainers from some institutions that organized and provided prone learning activities, which constitute the greater value to the territory. Also mention for the needs of some restructuring organizational within the more active institutions in that territory, in order to establish more consistent partnerships, to contribute for the real territory qualification. At the end of this thesis will express some recommendations and suggestions that may useful for the future research.