5 resultados para Mixed methods research, nephrology, renal.

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Neste estudo apresenta-se uma avaliação do impacto da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP), na perspetiva dos estudantes e observando alguns dados relativos ao uso da Biblioteca FCUP. A investigação recorre a uma análise de métodos mistos, isto é, avalia dados qualitativos, que descrevem mas não mensuram as características, em especial as ações humanas, e dados quantitativos que apresentam forma numérica e revelam uma quantidade certa podendo ser sujeitos a manipulação estatística. A «Notícias da Biblioteca», uma newsletter publicada bimestralmente pela Biblioteca FCUP, inclui uma seção denominada “Voz do Utilizador”, onde são incluídos pequenos textos de opinião da autoria dos utilizadores, escolhidos aleatoriamente e, que frequentam as instalações destes serviços da FCUP. Aplicando a Norma Internacional ISO16439:2014 (E) – Information and documentation – Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries, examinaram-se vinte textos de opinião, sobre a biblioteca, redigidos por estudantes de várias nacionalidades, publicados de janeiro de 2013 a dezembro de 2014, na «Notícias da Biblioteca». Investigaram-se ainda 7 entrevistas. Apelando à Estatística Descritiva efetuaram-se tabelas de contingência que são úteis para conhecer a relação entre os dados em função de determinados grupos, isto é, observar a frequência de uma variável em função das categorias de outra variável. Com as tabelas de contingência obtém-se percentagens em função dos efeitos do impacto da biblioteca e dos grupos de estudantes e analisa-se a relação entre eles. O estudo utilizou ainda alguns dados estatísticos indicadores que mostram o impacto, a saber, indicadores de desempenho relativos ao uso da biblioteca – número de visitas per capita e número de empréstimos per capita. Estas avaliações em bibliotecas fornecem informações úteis para as chefias de topo, para o desenvolvimento de novos projetos e a otimização do impacto e desempenho destes serviços das instituições de Ensino Superior./ This study presents an impact assessment of the Library of the Faculty of Science, University of Porto (FCUP), from the students’ point of view and some statistical data collected from the FCUP Library use. We used a mixed methods research, i.e., qualitative data, that describes but does not measure characteristics, in particular human actions, and quantitative data represented by numbers that indicate exact amounts which can be statistically manipulated. The newsletter «Notícias da Biblioteca» published, bimonthly, by the FCUP Library includes a section called “User Voice” where we can find opinion texts expressed by library users, randomly chosen, and who usually go to the library. Applying International Standard ISO16439: 2014 (E) - Information and documentation - Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries, we examined 20 opinion texts written by students of various nationalities, published from January 2013 to December 2014, in «Notícias da Biblioteca» During this period of time, we have taken seven interviews. Using the principles of Descriptive Statistics, we produced Contingency Tables to determine how the data relates in terms of certain groups, i.e., to observe the frequency of the dependent variable on another categorical variable. Working with the Contingency Tables allowed us to obtain percentages according to the effects of the impact of the library in various groups of students and study the relationship between them. This study also used some statistical data that show the impact of the library within the institution, such as: performance indicators relating to the use of the library - number of visits per capita and number of loans per capita. These assessment impact studies in libraries provide useful data for the top management, to develop new projects, thus maximizing the impact and performance of these services of higher education institutions.


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This study presents a review of new instruments for the impact assessment of libraries and a case study of the evaluation impact of the Library of the Faculty of Science, University of Porto (FCUP), from the students’ point of view. We con ducted a mixed methods research, i.e., which includes both qualitative data, to describe characteristics, in particular human actions, and quantitative data, represented by numbers that indicate exact amounts which can be statistically manipulated. Applying International Standard ISO16439:2014 (E) - Information and documentation - Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries, we collected, 20 opinion texts from students of different nationalities, published in «Notícias da Biblioteca», from January 2013 to December 2014 and have conducted seven interviews.


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Sexuality is recognized as part of holistic nursing care, but its inclusion in clinical practice and nursing training is inconsistent. Based on the question "How students and teachers acknowledge sexuality in teaching and learning?", we developed a study in order to characterize the process of teaching and learning sexuality in a micro perspective of cur- riculum development. We used a mixed methods design with a sequential strategy: QUAN → qual of descriptive and explanatory type. 646 students and teachers participated. The quantitative component used ques- tionnaire surveys. Document analysis was used in the additional component. A curricular dimension of sexuality emerges guided by a behaviourist line and based on a biological vision. The issues considered safe are highlighted and framed in steps of adolescence and adulthood and more attached to female sexuality and the procreative aspect. There is in emergence a hidden curriculum by reference to content from other dimensions of sexuality but less often expressed. Theoretical learning follows a communicational model of reality through ab- straction strategies, which infers a deductive method of learning, with a behaviourist approach to assessment. Clinical teaching ad- dresses sexuality in combination with reproductive health nursing. The influencing factors of teaching and learning of sexuality were also explored. We conclude that the vision of female sexuality taught and learned in relation to women has a projection of care in clinical practice based on the same principles.


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Sexuality is recognized as part of holistic nursing care, but its inclusion in clinical practice and nursing training is inconsistent. Based on the question "How students and teachers acknowledge sexuality in teaching and learning?", we developed a study in order to characterize the process of teaching and learning sexuality in a micro perspective of curriculum development. We used a mixed methods design with a sequential strategy: QUAN-qual of descriptive and explanatory type. 646 students and teachers participated. The quantitative component used questionnaire surveys. Document analysis was used in the additional component. A curricular dimension of sexuality emerges guided by a behaviourist line and based on a biological vision. The issues considered sage are highlighted and framed in steps of adolescence and adulthood and more attacghed to female sexuality and procreative aspect. There is in emeergence a hidden curriculum by reference to content from other dimensions of sexuality but less often expressed. Theoretical learning follows a communicational model of reality through abstraction strategies, which infers a deductive method of learning, with a behaviourist approach to assessment. Clinical teaching adresses sexuality in combination with reproductive lealth nursing. The influencing factors of teaching and learning of sexuality were also explored. We conclude that the vision of female sexuality taught and learned in relation to women has a projection of care in clinical practice based on the same principles


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Este estudo, configurou uma investigação de perfil misto, procurando congregar contributos qualitativos e quantitativos, tem como principal objetivo à análise do Ensino Médio brasileiro tentando verificar se as metas que este nível de ensino preconiza estão atendendo às expectativas educacionais de um público diversificado de alunos numa escola pública de Fortaleza. Para tal, realizamos a análise de entrevistas semiestruturadas a doze professores, e aplicamos questionários a 60 professores. Procedemos, também, à análise documental do Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola, das Diretrizes Curriculares e Orientações Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio, do Mapa Curricular da escola, bem como, o Relatório de notas dos alunos e a classificação dos mesmos no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) referentes ao ano de 2012. O estudo evidencia a importância das estratégias de ensino, nomeadamente, a meritocracia no contexto escolar, a avaliação interna e externa nas dimensões: ensino aprendizagem e resultados do rendimento escolar, formação e prática docente, o trabalho da equipe escolar, a estrutura da escola, e ainda, a gestão e autonomia nas escolas, mas principalmente, as ideias dos participantes do estudo sobre a importância de trabalhar com uma estrutura de ensino vocacionado composto por áreas e disciplinas que atenda as intenções profissionais e acadêmicas do aluno; ABSTRACT: This study, set up a mixed profile research, looking gather qualitative and quantitative contributions, aims to analyze the Brazilian high school trying to understand if the goals that this level of education advocates are meeting the educational expectations of a diverse audience of students in public school in Fortaleza. To this end, we conducted semi-structured interviews to twelve teachers, e apply questionnaires to 60 teachers. Proceeded, too, the documentary analysis of the school Pedagogical Policy Project, the National Curriculum Guidelines and Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary Education, Curriculum Map of the school and the students' notes Report and the classification thereof in the Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) the brazilian national examination to High School graduates for the year 2012. The study highlights the importance of teaching strategies in particular meritocracy in the school context, internal and external evaluation dimensions: teaching and learning results in school performance, training and teaching practice, the work of the school team, the school structure, and also the management and autonomy in schools, but mainly the ideas of the study participants about on the importance of working with a vocationed teaching structure consists of areas and disciplines that will meet future professional and academic intentions of the student.